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February 13, 1942 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-02-13

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mlPigan Batty

Edited and managed, by students of therUniversity of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exciusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42
Editorial Staff

Emile Gel .
Alvin Dan
David Lachenbruc]
Jay McCormiclc
Hal Wilson
Arthur Hill
Janet Hiatt
Grace Miller
Virginia Mitchell
Daniel H. Huyett
James B. Collins
Louise Carpenter
Evelyn Wright

. . . Managing Editor
* . . . .Editorial Director
h City Editor
. . . . . Associate Editor
. . . . . Sports Editor
. . . Assistant Sports Editor
. . . . Women's Editor
. . . Assistant Women's Editor
.Exchange Editor
Business Staff
. . . . Business Manager
. . Associate Business Manager
. . Women's Advertising Manager
. . Women's Business Manager

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Farm Bloc

Still Blocking .

. .

F you have any indignation left after
Pearl Harbor and the bungling
Normandie disaster, then you could use it on no
more fit group than the Congressional farm bloc.
]Mulishly linked to their constituencies, these
men have sabotaged every governmental effort
to avert the impending menace of inflation.
They have clung to an isolationist philosophy
which goes so far as to isolate agricultural re-
gions from the rest of the country.
The record of such senators as Nye, Gillette,
Aiken and Smith will appear twenty years from
now in the same pages devoted to America's
self-imposed pre-war blindness. They are busy
making it in the pages of today's newspapers.
Senator Smith, chairman of the Senate Agri-
cultural Committee, was quoted last week as
saying "Hell's bells! I'm just fightin' mad. That
law said farm prices could go to 110 percent of
parity. That's the law and we're going to do
our damndest to see that the law is enforced. I
think we'll win, but if we don't we might as well
quit and go home." This, we repeat, is a state-
ment from a United States Senator and not a
ringside quote from Tony Galento. Its rational
wording and willingness to sacrifice for the na-
tion's total good should make the distinction
completely obvious.
OTHER ACTION taken by Senators from
farming regions is equally consistent with
their policy of check-mating any effort to put
a damper on farm prices. Senator Gillette has
backed Senator Aiken in proposing legislature
to prevent the government from selling any crop
surpluses to depress farm prices. Additional
statements from this bloc show a desire to pre-
vent any government farm price control until
prices reach 110 percent of parity, the figure
agreed-on in a compromise price control law.
The motive of these men is essentially "pro-
tection" of the farmer. The farmer was pro-
tected by the same group in the last war and he
has not yet recovered from its clammy embrace.
With rationing of vital commodities an immi-
nent possibility, pegged farm prices become an
even greater necessity. But 110 percent of parity
is based on an agricultural American system and
the farm bloc refuses to allow any control before
prices have reached this figure.
THIS "protection" policy is, of course, based on
the sole qualification for office in the Ameri-
can government . . . enough votes to get into
office. If farm prices continue to skyrocket, even
while labor strikes and consumers tighten bud-
gets, then the farm bloc will perpetuate its seats
in Congress. The spectre of inflation will become
a very material affair with any number of agri-
cultural Congressmen clinging to its sheets.
Call it log-rolling; back-scratching, or bi-
partisan reciprocity, the farm bloc is writing its
own indictment and trying to shove it down the
nation's throat.
- Dan Behrman

" They're All Reds
But Willie
I'VE BEEN READING the Hearst papers and
I've learned several things. I heard a little
good news and a little bad news. In the first
place, Dorothy Thompson was bitten "by an un-
identified blonde woman."
And now the bad news: The United States
defense is overrun with Communists, intent upon
sabotaging our war effort. I believe this 100 per-
cent. In fact, I've done some personal research
about this. I have come to some conclusions:
(1) Joseph Stalin is a Communist.
(2) Mrs. Roosevelt is a Communist.
(3) Mayris Chaney is a Communist (may as
well bring her into this, too).
(4) President Roosevelt is a Communist.
(5) Melvyn Douglas is a Communist.
(6) Jimmy Durante is a Communist.
(7) General MacArthur is a Communist.
(8) Martin Dies is a Communist.
(9) The Congress of the United States has
Communistic tendencies.
(10) The United States Army is Communist-
(11) The First National Bank of New York is
run by Communists.
(12) Emile Gele is a Communist.
(13) Hal Wilson is a Communist.
(14) Kay Kyser is a Communist.
(15) Philip Murray is a Communist.
AND NOW-the proof (a la Hearst): (1) Jo-
seph Stalin admits he is A Communist; (2)
Mrs. Roosevelt has associated with people whom
the Dies Committee has called reds; (3) Mayris
Chaney has associated with Mrs. Roosevelt, they
tell us; (4) President Roosevelt told Congress to
declare war on Germany, and Germany is Rus-
sia's enemy; (5) Melvin Douglas ventured an
opinion in favor of the Loyalists during the
Spanish Revolution; (6) Jimmy Durante once
acted in a picture starring Melvyn Douglas.
(7) General MacArthur is fighting to defend
a country, and so are the Russians; (8) Martin
Dies once (it is rumored) investigated a Nazi,
thereby serving Russia; (9) the Congress of the
United States voted to war against Germany,
Russia's enemy; (10) the Army is practically
allied with Russia in its fight against totali-
tarianism; (11) The First National Bank of New
York sells Defense Stamps and Bonds which go
toward defeating the Axis and thereby helping
to assure victory to the Communist cause.
(12) Emile Ge6 said, in an editorial, that he
was on the side of the Allies-and that includes
Russia; (13) Hal Wilson believes in baseball
which is an American game which is not at all
like German games, and therefore he is playing
ball with the Reds (also, the Reds are a baseball
team, I understand); (14) Ky Kyser stated on
a recent broadcast that it would be a fine idea
to buy Defense Stamps and Bonds-therefore he
is aiding Russia: (15) Philip Murray is a Com-
munist because he is the head of the CIO, which
is a union, which is a form of Communism,
William Randolph Hearst is not a Communist.
For Corigressiiei .
The congressional pension repeal snowball is
rolling up larger and larger as Sally Rand, the
fan and bubble dancer from Cross Timbers, Mo.,
sends her "last stitch" to Congress, former Sen-
ator C. C. Dill of Washington, in mock-serious-
ness, asks that the pension be made retroactive
to include ex-members who retired too soon to
qualify and Spokane's truck of "bundles for
Congressmen" promises to become a convoy.
All these are stunts which .tend to bring the
congressional pension into ridicule, and ridicule
in this instance serves the good purpose of call-
ing that dark-lantern measure to public atten-
But the Mead-George rider to the new Civil
Service Retirement Act is not without its de

fender. The United States Civil Service Com-
mission has entered the controversy on the side
of the new pensioners.
Among the points which the commission
makes are these: that as "there are only 531
members of Congress, this number is but .0004 of
the 1,250,000 persons now subject to the retire-
ment law"; that the cost of the pension to the
Federal Government is greatly exaggerated and
that Federal Judges and retired Army officers
may retire on full pay and three-quarters pay,
respectively, without contributing to any retire-
ment fund.
The point about the percentage under retire-
ment benefit is an item in statistics and nothing
more. It has nothing to do with the principle
involved or the question of policy. Moreover, it
does not distinguish between the low-paid civil
service employe, who snakes a career of working
for the Government, and the elected representa-
tive, paid $10,000 a year,
Grant that the cost of the congressional pen-
sion has been exaggerated. Grant, if you will,
that a meritorious case could be made for the
congressional pension. It does not follow that
the gravest time in American history is the hour
at which to enact it.
If by its reference to Federal Judges and Army
officers, the Civil Service Commission means
that these employes of the Government should
contribute a fair share of their salaries to a re-
tirement fund, we agree heartily. Under the
present arrangement, they are unduly favored
over rank-and-file Government workers who are
on a much lower salary basis. We hope the com-
mission will remind Congress of this at an op-
portune time. - St. Louis Post-Dispatch
and technology for the m et in the seervice of our

WASHINGTON-Here is the inside informa-
tion regarding events which led to the present
showdown with Vichy.
For some weeks British Military Intelligence
has been warning the United States that Ad-
miral Darlan was permitting military supplies
to cross from French ports to French North
Africa and Tripoli. This, the British said, was
the reason for Gen. Rommel's successful counter-
attack in Libya.
However, Secretary Hull, who has been the
staunchest champion of the appeasement pol-
icy with Vichy, apparently remained uncon-
vinced, for simultaneously with these British
representations Mr. Hull permitted another
load of supplies to leave the United States for
North Africa and the Vichy Government. The
German Government even guaranteed safe pas-
sage for this vessel, and the Nazis knew all
about it even before the American public, from
whom the news was kept secret for three days.
On the return of Undersecretary of State
Welles from Brazil, however, there was a def-
inite tightening of policy against Vichy. (It
may or may not be significant, but Secretary
Hull has been confined to his apartment with.
a cold since Welles' return).
This week, Admiral Leahy, acting on instruc-
tion from Welles, delivered a blunt demand
that Marshal Petain explain the following:
1. The departure of an Italian vessel carrying
French grain from the French Naval Port of
Toulon to Tripoli.
2. Another Italian vessel carrying French oil
which left Toulon for Tripoli.
3. A French vessel, the Saint Etienne, carry-
ing German lorries especially equipped for desert
warfare, which departed from a French port
to the French African port of Tunis.
This note carried the substance of what Brit-
ish Military Intelligence has been informing
this government. ThenBritish have also told us
that Admiral Darlan, great proponent of Ger-
man collaboration, has agreed to send two ship-
loads of supplies weekly to the Germans in
It is especially significant that news of the
departure of the Saint Etienne, carrying German
motor trucks, was broadcast from the United
States February 4 by United States short wave
government broadcasts warning the French peo-
ple not to cooperate in North Africa. Mean-
while, the State Department, even up until the
time of this writing, maintained the strictest
secrecy regarding its policy with Vichy.
Thus the American publc has had to receive
vital news regarding relations with Vichy via
the short wave radio relayed back from Europe.
Hostility To Lewis.
WASHINGTON-One of the most significant
things occuring at the first meeting of the joint
AFL-CIO committee with the President was
the strong undercurrent of hostility evinced by
CIO leaders toward John L. Lewis.
They left no doubt of their resentment and
distrust of the iron-handed miner czar.
That CIO chiefs privately were anti-Lewis
long has been no secret in-labor circles. But only
recently have they been so outspoken.
Inside reason for this is that the big CIO
unions, once heavily in debt to Lewis, are now out
of hock.
For example: When R. J. Thomas became
president of the United Auto Workers several
years ago, the union owed Lewis' United Mine
Workers $165,000. Today, not only has Thomas
paid off this debt but the UAW has a surplus of
$750,000 in its treasury. J
In fact, the only CIO unions still in Lewis'
debt are some of the small leftwing-controlled
"nuisance" unions that Lewis set up when he
was CIO boss and was waging a bitter raiding
war against the AFL.
FROM the current independent attitude of the
CIO chiefs it is apparent that much of
Lewis' former strength in the organization was
based largely on their dependence on the purse-
strings which he controlled as ruler of the Uni-
ted Mine Workers. As long as the CIO leaders
had to borrow from John L., they had to go
along with him whether they liked his policies
or not. But now that they are financially free,
they are displaying their real feelings.
Labor insiders say that Lewis is aware of this
changed relationship and that this was one of
the chief reasons for his sudden passion for AFL-
CIO peace. 'Lewis, they say, realized he had lost

his hold on the CIO and figured he had a better
chance to resume the role of "king maker" in a
united AFL-CIO front.
Ptl o!-Pitk' ..
The press conference at which James M. Lan=
dis, executive director of the Office of Civilian
Defense, announced the appointment of Melvyn
Douglas as head of an OCD arts council', wth
informal to say the least.
When Landis made the announcement a re-
porter asked, "Who's Melvyn Douglas?" Col-
leagues informed him that Douglas was a pop-
ular movie actor.
"He's my favorite star," cooed a woman cor-
respondent. "He has played opposite Garbo three
times. I thought everybody had heard of him."
"I don't go to the movies," said the newsman,
adding, "Mr. Landis, why don't you bring Doug-
las in here so this young lady can get his auto-
Landis smiled, but when another reporter
asked if Douglas was "one of those parlor
pinks?" the OCD chief screwed ui his brow.
"You've got me." hereviied "I don't knon

Drew Pedim o
Rcbet tS.AIles

VOL. LII. No. 94
Publication in the Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University.
Home Loans: The University In-
vestment office, 100 South Wing, will
be glad to consult with anyone con-
sidering building or buying a home
or refinancing existing mortgages
and is eligible to make F.H.A. loans.
Alien (Enemy) Registration: The
Office of the Counselor to Foreign
Students has received the regulations
as to alien enemies pertaining to
registratioh as follows:
All German, Italian, and Japanese
nationals (persons born in these
countries or in Austria who have
not received FINAL papers of
citizenship and have not yet tak-
en the oath of allegiance to the Unit-
ed States before a Federal Judge) are
required to file application for a
Certificate of Identification at the
Ann Arbor General Postoffice up to
February 28. Failure to comply with
the new regulations may be punished
by severe punishments including
possible internment of the enemy
alien for the duration of the war.
The alien enemy must furnish the
following documents and information
at the time of the application: 1) the
alien enemy must present his Alien
Registration Card. All persons who
have not as yet received their cards
should report to the Counselor's Of-
fice at once for information con-
cerning obtaining his card; 2) the
alien enemy must present three
photographs which are 2x2 inches
in size and which have been taken
within 30 days of the date they are
submitted. They must be on thin
paper, unmounted, and unretouched,
and must have light background.
They must show the alien with-
out a hat and full front view.
Snapshots and group or full-length
photograph will not be accepted;,
3) the alien enemy must be prepared
to fill in a questionnaire concerning
The Counselor and the Assistant
Counselor will be glad to help the;
persons concerned in the above regu-
lations with regard to any questions
or problems arising out of the regis-
tration or application.
Dentistry and the Navy: According
to recent advices from the Surgeon
General of the United States Navy, '
students in arts colleges who have
been accepted for admission to the
study of dentistry and all students
in dental schools are eligible for ap-
pointment in the United States Naval
Reserve, Class H-V (P), provided
they meet the physical and other re-
quirements for such appointment. All
students who are accepted will be
given provisional commissions and
will not be taken for active duty un-
til after they have completed their
prescribed dental studies. These com-
missioned students are not subject to
call by their Selective Service Boards.
Lieutenant Commander Hague will
speak in the Auditorium of the Kel-
logg Foundation Institute in the ben-
tal Building today at 4:30 p.m. All
predental students and all dental stu-
dents and any others who are inter-
ested in the study of dentistry leading
to commissions in the Navy are re-
quested to be present. Lieutenant
Commander Hague will explain this
new ruling and will give detailed in-
formation at that time.
Mr. W. H. Price, Forester for the
Weyerhauser Timber Company at Ta-
coma, Washington, will present an il-

lustrated lecture on."Forestry and the
Lumber Industry" at an assembly of
the School of Forestry and Conser-
vation at 4:15 p.m. today in the Na-
tural Science Auidtorium. All stu-
dents in the School of Forestry and
Conservation are expected to attend,
and field a'nd laboratory sessions will
be concluded at 4:00 p.m. to enable
them to do so. Any others inter-
ested are cordially invited.
Male students in good physical
condition and free from hernia, heart
trouble, or other weakness which
would interfere with hard work, are
wanted for various patrol and labor
positions on western National Forests
from June 1 to October 1. While
Forestry and pre-forestry students
are desired, applications of others will
be considered. Information may be
obtained from Miss Train, Room
2048 Natural Science Building, until
February 25. Wages, including ex-
penses, after reaching the job, will
amount to $125 to $140 amonth.
S. T. Dana, Dean
Faculty, School of Education: The
February meeting of the faculty will
be held on Monday, February 16, in
the University Elementary School
Library. Tea will be served at 3:45
p.m. and the meeting will convene at
4:15 p.m.
Vict oly Book Campaign: Students
and members of the University fac-
ulties are invited to contribute books
for use in military camps, defense
areas, and on ships of the navy
acd the merchant marine on to-

well as fiction, will be useful. Con-
tributions for the purchase of books
may be sent to 210 Library.
Warner G. Ricen
Application Forms for Fellowshipsi
and Scholarships in the Graduate
School of the University for the yearr
1942-1943 may be obtained from then
Office of the Graduate School8
throughout this week. All applica-e
tions must be returned to that Office
by Saturday, February 14, and will
not be accepted after that date. C
C. S. Yoakum t
Mechanical, Flectrical and Indus-
trial Engineering Seniors: Repre-u
sentatives of Allis-Chalmers ManA-t
facturing Company, Milwaukee, Wis-f
consin, will interview Seniors in the
above groups on Tuesday, February
17, in Room 214 West EngineeringP
An illustrated talk will be given ton
students interested'on Monday, Feb-v
ruary 16, at 4:00 p.m. in Room 229
West Engineering Bldg.n
Literature and application formsf
are available in each Department
Interviews may be scheduled in the s
Electrical and Mechanical Engineer-
ing Departments.
All those registered with the Uni-
versity Bureau of Appointments fore
either a teaching or non-teachinge
position are requested to fill out as
schedule of their second semester&
courses. Blanks for this purpose may
be secured at the office of the Bur-v
eau. .
University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational In-
Academic Notices3
All students who are interested int
a special non-credit remedial read-
ing course are invited to attend a pre-
liminary meeting today at 5:00 p.m.
in Room 4009 University Hight
English 107, Sec. 1, will meet int
Room 2019 Angell Hall hereafter, in-
stead of 208 U. H.
Required Hygiene Lectures for Wo-
men-1942: All first and second sem-1
ester freshmen women are required
to take the hygiene lectures, which
are to be given the second semester.
Upperclass students who were in the
University as freshmen and who didj
not fulfill the requirement are re-
quired to take and satisfactorily com-
plete this course. Enroll for these
lectures at the time of regular classi-
fication at Waterman Gymnasium.i
These lectures are a graduation re-
Students should enroll for one of
the two following sections. Women in
Section I should note change of first
lecture from February 23 to 25
on account of the legal holiday.
Section No. I: First lecture, Wed-
nesday, Feb. 25, 4:15-5:15, Natural
Science Aud. Subsequent lectures,;
successive Mondays, 4:15-5:15, Na-
tural Science Aud. Examination (fin-
al), April 6, 4:15:15, Natural Sci-
ence Aud.
Section No. Ii: First lecture, Tues-
day, Feb. 24, 4:15-5:15, Natural Sci-
ence Aud. Subsequent lectures, suc-
cessive Tuesdays, 4:15-5:15, Natural
Science Aud. Examination (final)
Tuesday, April 7, 4:15-5:15, Natural
Science Aud.
Margaret Bell, M.D.
Medical Adviser to Women
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: Professional work in
industrial design of Mr. Richard Lip-
pold, Instructor in Design in the
College of Architecture and Design.
Ground floor corridor cases. Open
daily 9 to 5 through February 14.
The public is invited.
University Lecture Dr. Eduado

Events Today
French Roundtable: The first
meeting this semester of the French
Roundtable, for persons who wish to
improve their conversational facility
in French, and persons of French
background, will meet in the Inter-
national Center, Room 23, tonight at
8:00. Mr. Guy Metraux from Switz-
erland will lead the discussion.
Library Tea at the Unitarian
Church today for students and ficul-
ty, 4:00-6,:00 p.m.
Coffee Hour for faculty and grad-
uate students of Latin and Greek
today at 4:15 p.m. in the East Con-
ference Room of Rackham Building.
JGP Music Commitee: Meeting of
piano players, lyric and music writers
at 3:00 p.m. today in the League. All
members of the committee, except
vocalists, are expected to be present.
Anyone not a member of the com-
mittee interested in writing music for
the production may also attend.
Episcopal Students: Tea will b
served for Episcopal students and
their friends at Harris Hall this af-
ternoon, 4:00 to 5:30.
Westminster Student Guild: Val-
entine Party tonight for the new sem-
ester opening. All new Presbyterian
students are cordially urged to come
and get acquainted.
Religious Drama Group: Students
interested in creating a marionette
theatre will meet at Lane Hall to-
night at 7:30.
Hillel Foundation: Reverend H. P.
Marley, of the Unitarian Church, will
speak on "Arming for Peace" tonight
at 8:15 at the Hillel Foundation,
Oakland at East University. A fire-
side discussion will follow. The talk
will deal with post-war reconstruc-
tion, and everyone is invited.
Wesley Foundation: Square danc-
ing led by Ivor Corman and followed
by a Box Social tonight at 9:00.
Coming Events
University Oratorical Contest: The
University Oratorical contest will be
held on April 3. The preliminary
zontest will be held March 13. This
,ontest is open to all sophomores,
juniors, and seniors. Further in-
formation may be had at the Speech
Office, 3211 Angell Hall.
German Table for Faculty Mem-
'ers will meet Monday at 12:10 p.m.
in the Founders' Room Michigan Un-
ion. Members of all departments are
cordially invited. There will be a
brief report by Mr. H. W. Nordmeyer.
International Center Luncheon
Group No. 1: The luncheon group, for
foreign students and their friends,
will meet in the Russian Tea Room
of the Michigan League at 12:00
noon, Saturday, Feb. 14.
Linguistics Study Group: A group
for the purposes of studying general
linguistics will meet in the Interna-
tional Center on Saturday, Feb. 14,
at 4:15 p.m. Persons interested in
joining this group should read chap-
ters one, two, and three of Hayawaka
"Language in Action."
The Opera will be broadcast from
the Men's Lounge of the Rckham
Building on Saturday, February. 14,
at 2:00 p.m. All students are wel-
Hillel Players: Final tryouts for
this year's production "Awake and
Sing" will be held Sunday, Feb. 15,
at 2:30 p.m. and Monday, Feb. 16,
at 4:00 p.m. at the Hillel Foundation
for all amateur actors and actresses.
Anyone interested is invited to try

Club Basketball for women will
start Tuesday, February 17, at 4:30
n m All in~to tepci n Wea renort t


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By Lichty

Give Books
To The Soldwirs

. .

MILLIONS of young Americans are to-
day leaving their homes, families,
and positions to take their places among the de-
fenders of their country. One of the tastes that
they cannot leave behind is the love of good
reading. For the sake of mental alertness, benc-

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