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March 27, 1942 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-03-27

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it 4



Another Standard 011
Scandal Is Disclosed..



Yale Favored
To Gain Tank
Crown Today
At Cambridge
'U' Natators Will Defend
National Collegiate Title
In Two-Day Struggle;
Elis Are Wide Choice
Wrestlers To Enter
Mat Meet At State
(Spedial to The Daily)
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., March 27.-
This historic New England town be-
came the swimming capital of Amer-
ica today as the nation's foremost
natators stormed into it for their
final workout prior to the week-end's
National Collegiate Meet.
Representing 30 universities and
colleges in the country and ranging
from tiny Bowdoin in Maine to
Southern California, the 150 mermen
alternated practice sessions in Har-
vard's glistening pool, site of the
aquatic classic today and tomorrow.
The titanic tanksters of Yale were
the first to arrive, plunging in for a
short dip last night. Michigan, the
defending champion, was next to
test the Crimson natatorium's wa-
ter, going through a lengthy drill
this morning. And close upon their
heels the others came-Penn, Prince-
ton, Ohio State and all the rest.
Coaches, newspapermen and just
plain hangers-on rimmed the edge
of the pool as both the great and
near-great limbered up muscles stiff
from long Lain rides. And these
spectators grouped in conversant
huddles around one mentor or an-
other, talked of only one thing-the
mighty Yale machine that was
geared for victory.
Undefeated, untied and unap-
proached Coach Bob Kiphuth's Elis
are the unanimous choice to capture
their first National Collegiate title
in history. To do it, the Bulldogs must
wrest the crown from the mermen of
Michigan, who have now held it for
eight years. According to the experts,
the Eli supremacy was indisputably
proved in the dual meet clash be-
Turft to Page 3, Col. 2
Wrestlers To Enter
Mat Meet At State
(Special to The Daily)
EAST LANSING, March 26.--(---
Any mat fan having the carfare or
an effective hitch-hiking thumb who]
doesn't trot up here to East Lansing
to see the National Collegiates is de-
liberately cheating himself out of a
great show. Because at 2 p.m. tomor-
row in the Jenison Field House opens
two days worth of the finest wrest-
ling which will be seen in the entire
united States this year.
A six man Michigan squad is en-
tered in this mammoth tournament
of a cool 85 contestants which include
sectional champions from every part
of the nation. And if it would be a
flight of fancy to tout the Wolver-
ines as an even up shot to take the
team title, it nevertheless is reason-
able to assume that they stand every
chance of placing high in the final
ratings by virtue of their well-bal-
anced team strength. Not, of course,
that this will be an easy task, since
man for man here's what the Michi-
gan entries are going to run up
Dick Kopel at 121 pounds is in for
distinct trouble but he's feeling just
nasty enough these days to welcome

it. First of all, if Spartan Bo Jen-
nings comes down to 121 to defend
his national crown Dick will have a
gay time right there. And if Bo stays
up at 128 Kopel still has to play with,
Big Ten titlist Malcolm MacDonald
of Purdue and several other boys who
looked better than he in the recent
Conference meet. But as we say Dick
is feeling ugly now and his best per-
formances are turned in when he
feels the ugliest.
Ray Deane has his eye set on one
particular gent in hjs 136 pound
Turn to Page 3, Col. 5
Open Round-Table
Foru Sponsored
By Student Senate
Methods used in nominating the
new student war board will be the
main topic of discussion at a Stu-#
dent Senate "round table" tomorrow;
at 4 p.m. in the Union, Room 304.
Renresentatives of variousc amnus


Campus War
Council Goes
Committee Of '42 Yields
To New Student Board;
Turns Over Records
Going the way of the NADC and
OPM, the Committee of 1942 dis-
solved itself yesterday in favor of a
new and more vibrant Student War
Board which is now in the process
of formation and is designed to act
as the coordinating body in all mat-
ters of campus wartime administra-
rThe Committee-formed shortly
after the outbreak of hostilities on
Dec. 7-was composed of representa-
tives of all major campus organiza-
Although it was organized with
high expectations, criticism soon be-
gan to roll in from all parts of the
campus. Students and faculty alike'
came to feel that the Committee was
too large and unwieldy to accomplish
the tremendous job it had outlined
for itself.
In view of the growing criticisms
a group of 50 students met Monday
with University autohrities to set up
the new Student War Board which
will be a smaller-only nine members
-and, it is hoped, a more efficient
The Committee of 1942 felt, how-
ever, that at various times the new
Board would want to consult the lead-
ers of all campus groups. It voted,
therefore, to turn over its records
and physical organization to the
31 Are Killed
In Limestone
Quarry Blast
Explosion In Pennsylvania
Hits Plant Near Easton.;'
EASTON, Pa., March 26. -OP)-
Thirty-one men were literally blownt
to bits, today by an earth-shaking, t
premature explosion of 20 tons of
dynamite in a limestone quarry of the
Lehigh Portland Cement Companyt
on the banks of the Delaware River <
five miles north of Eastoh. 1
So terrific was the concussion thatl
it was felt 50 miles away. Hardly a1
house or building for miles aroundt
escaped damage. Many persons were
injured, including a dozen childrenF
cut by broken glass in a grade school 1
half a mile from the scene.
"The whole world just seemed tot
shake," one worker said.
Tonight investigators continued tot
search the area, fearful the death
toll would rise still higher.
The explosive had been assembledY
on the rim of the pit in preparations
for blasting away an entire side. Dur-
ing a lull in operations some of the
workers opened their lunch boxes for
a mid-morning snack in' the spring-
sunshine. Then suddenly the blast
let go.
Parts of some bodies were hurled
300 yards. Windows were shattered
in homes in Bethlehem and Allen-
town, 18 and 16 miles away respec-
tively. Doors in Allentown homes
were jarred open and windows twist-
ed askew. A barn collapsed on a
farm a half mile from the quarry.
Sleepers were tossed from beds in
nearby homes.

ChineseContinue To Hold Central Burma

Sector Against Heavy

Japanese Pressure;

AFL, CIO Leaders Denounce Slow-Downs

War Labor Board Swings
Into Action To Remove
Production Hindrance
Senate COmmittee
Hears Accusation
WASHINGTON, March 26.-(/')-
Slow-downs were denounced by the
leadership of both the CIO and AFL
today and the machinery of the War
Labor Board swung into action to
eliminate that form of obstacle to
With the approval of a CIO union,
William E. Baldwin, a special investi-
gator for the Labor Board, recom-
mended that four CI0 stewards em-
ployed by the Cleveland plant of the
Aluminum Company of America be
discharged for instigating a slow-
down in the plant.
Meanwhile, on Capitol Hill, de-
mands continued to be heard for new
labor legislation. Senator Pepper
(Dem.-Fla.) urged the abolition, for
the duration of the war, of all legal
restrictions on the hours of labor.
In a Senate speech he urged the es-
tablishment of a tribunal empowered
to fix working hours, wages, salaries,
profits, prices and bonuses.
Senate Committee
Hears Accusation
WASHINGTON, March 26.-(/P)-
Thurman Arnold declared today that
the Standard Oil Company of New
Jersey had "frustrated the creation'
of an American synthetic rubber in-
dustry" by turning improved manu-
facturing processes over to German
interests, prior to United States en-
try into the war, while at the same
time withholding them from Ameri-
can firms.
Arnold, assistant attorney general
in charge of the anti-trust division,
told the Senate defense investigating
committee that cartel arrangements
between Standard Oil and the I. G.
Farben Trust of Germany were "the
principal cause of our present short-
age of synthetic rubber."
Furthermore, he asserted, Stand-
ard had estimated that synthetic rub-
ber could be produced by its processes
at a cost below the price of natural
Ony Department of Justice action
which resulted yesterday in a con-
sent decree and payment of fines,
Arnold said, succeeded in making
available to the American Govern-
ment and industries patents for the
synthetic rubber, synthetic gasoline
and various other chemicals as well
as the "know-how" of their applica-

U. S. Cruiser Opens Fire On Japs At Wake Island

The main battery of a U. S. cruiser lets go at Japanese occupied Wake Island in a recent attack which
was announced by the Navy. The attack by a Navy task force, the Navy said, destroyed enemy small boats,
seaplanes and numerous shore installations on Wake and Marcus Islands.
Kehoe Wins 'Best-D'ressed' A ward
In Campus Fashion Show A t Union

A green spiral notebook filled
with information on South Ameri-
ca has been lost by Herman Hud-
son, '45, Michigan's representa-
tive in the national speech contest
on Pan-American policies.
It is of the greatest importance
that Hudson recover the book at
the earliest possible moment. He
may be reached at 2-1433.

24-hour Watchfulness-:
University Hospital Proposes
rentative A r Raid Safety Plan


Climaxing Zoot Suit Stuff, an eve-
ning of really suave clothes display,
Jim Kehoe, '42E, was summoned to
the platform to receive the award as
Michigan's BDMOC.
Left properly breathless by a
swank Waltham watch, suitably en-
graved and presented by O. E. Schoef-
fler, fashion editor of Esquire, Kehoe
sank into a coma as clothes horses,
and apparel, just carried over the
arm of many assistants, reached the
Rawdon Second
Second to Kehoe was Richie Raw-
don, '44, who received 354 votes to
the BDMOC's 375. Brother Rawdon
made off with a seersucker suit as a
starter, and picked up several other
items before leaving the spotlight.
Third and fourth places went to
Cary Landes, '42, and Ralph Mitchell,
'42, who also are not poorer men be-
cause they entered the competition.
Landes gathered a smooth cashmere
sweater to his manly bosom, plus
shirts and stuff, while Mitchell trot-
ted down taking with him a few
shirts and a pair of bright new shoes.
Schlieffler Speaks
Speaking for Esquire, O. E. Schoef-
fler briefly described how the fashion
pages in the magazine come into be-
ing. He admited that keeping up
with the latest in clothes really calls
for hustling, and from other reliable
sources it has been ascertained that
Schoeffler is seen in Florida one week,
California the next, with appear-
ances in the Carolinas or Idaho in
The actual makeup of the pages,
Schoeffler explained, is done through

the use of photographs and liberal
notes. The combination adds up to
make Esquire the national fashion
As for the show itself, a group of
slightly red faced male models par-
aded through the ballroom wearing
the best of Van Boven, Wild, Wagner
and Saffel and Bush clothes. The
fact that some poor soul couldn't
zip his raincoat zipper, or that several
shy men escaped before the commen-
Churchill Asks
Allied Unity
Prime Minister Predicts
Future Turn Of Tide
(By The Associated Press)
LONDON, March 26. -Winston
Churchill foresaw with measured
caution today a turn for the better
in the course of the war and called
earnestly upon Britons for a rigid
stock-taking to "make sure that our
fellow countrymen and our allies
have the best service from us that we
can give . .."
The Prime Minister was addressing
the annual meeting of the Central
Council of Conservative and Unionist
Associations-in other words, the in-
ner circle of the nation's upper-class
leadership. It was an earnest plea for
unity of both Britons and United Na-
tions and it included the unequivo-
cal statement that Churchill would
stamp out what he called propa-
ganda calculated "to disturb the
Army or weaken the confidence of
the country and the armed forces in
the qualities and character of our
devoted corps of officers."
Churchill's prediction of. a turn in
the tide of misfortune was qualified
with acknowledgement that the bat-
tle of the Atlantic for the time being

tary was through in no way detract-
ed from the clothes themselves.
Styles ranged from midnight blue
formal wear to the latest in Army
uniforms, with sport coats, shetlands,
topcoats, gaberdines, plaids, hats,
herringbones, and worsteds in the in-
Gould Gives Lie
Zoot Suit Stuff was sponsored by
The Daily, the Union, and Esquire,
but to hear Doug Gould, the emcee,
one would think that only the Union
and Esquire were involved.
Amid an atmosphere of racy jokes,'
feeble attempts to pan The Daily,
and gruesome ad libbing, Gould man-
aged to identify the models as they
approached the platform, although
several moved too fast for the chub-
by fellow.
However, in the spirit of fairness,
it must be admitted that Doug did
get across one really good crack, but
Turn to Page 6, Col. 3
Admiral King
Takes Office
As Navy Chief
WASHINGTON, March 26.-(')-
Admiral Ernest J. King, formally
taking office as Chief of Naval Op-
erations, asserted today that it was
time to stop talking and thinking in
terms of defense and sounded this
confident battle cry:
"Our days of victory are in the
making-we will win this war."
The supreme naval commander,
first officer to serve simultaneously
as both C.N.O. and Commander in
Chief of the Fleet, cautioned, how-
ever, that "no miracles are to be
contemplated, or expected" and that
"we must expect to take some hard
blows to give harder blows."
Two "hard blows" had been an-
nounced by the Navy earlier in the
day. They were that another United
States merchant vesselhad been tor-
pedoed off the Atlantic Coast-rais-
ing the announced total for the war
to 48 sunk and 5 damaged along
United States shores alone-and that
the unarmed Coast Guard Cutter
Acacia had been shelled and sunk in
Caribbean waters, presumably by an

Allied Forces At Toungoo
Keep Defenses Intact;
Isolated By Attackers-
MacArthur Pledges
American Power
(M)-The Melbourne Radio was
heard by the Columbia Broadcast-
ing System short wave listening
station here tonight announcing
that Manuel Quezon, President of
the Philippine commonwealth, his
war staff and family, were safe in
Australia with General Douglas
(By The Associated Press)
NEW DELHI, India, March 26.-
Ringed completely and attacked time
after time for 36 hours, the Chinese
forces at Toungoo, isolated left an-
chor of the Allied Central Burma
line, held even their outer-most de-
fenses intact tonight against Japa-
nese pressing from all sides.
The invaders had by-passed Toun-
goo on the eastern Rangoon-Manda-
lay road, taken Kyungon, 12 miles to
the north and still held the Toungoo
airdrome, 8 miles above the city, but
still they could not budge the en-
trenched Chinese about Toungoo it-
On the other main road to Central
Burma, the Irrawaddy Valley route
to Prome and the oil fields 140 miles
farther north, the Japanese were
moving in force, peppering the coun-
try ahead of them with parachute
troops dropped from the skies to or-
ganize Burmese fifth columnists.
One large mixed enemy force was
40 miles south of Prome, another
some 25 miles behind it.
Gen. H. R. L. G. Alexander issued
this late communique:
"Strong Japanese forces were at-
tacking Toungoo from all sidestoday,
with the Chinese defenders throwing
them back time after time.
"The Chinese General command-
ing there states that 'the situation is
well in hand' despite the fact that
Toungoo is now surrounded.
"The Chinese had set up a defense
in depth at Toungoo and despite re-
peated attacks, which had gone on
for about 36 hours, the Japanese have
failed to penetrate the Chinese outer
line of defense.
"To reduce it to bowling alley lan-
guage, the Chinese attitude at Toun-
goo appears to be: 'You set them up
and we will knock them down'."
MacArthur Pledges
American Power
CANBERRA, Australia, March 26.
--/)-In a khaki blouse devoid, of
medals or even the insignia of rank,
General Douglas MacArthur stood
before the leaders of Australia to-
night and pledged the blood and
power of the United States to an un-
remitting crusade for freedom.
Speaking at a dinner in his honor
at Parliament House, the supreme
commander of the American and
Australian forces made his vow and
bound up the destinies of the two
nations in these crisp, fervid sen-
"There is a link that binds our
countries together which does not de-
pend upon a written protocol, upon
treaties of alliance or upon diplo-
matic doctrine. It goes deeper than
that. It is that indescribably con-
sanguinity of race which causes us
to have the same aspirations, the
same hopes and desires, the same
ideals and the same dreams of future
"My presence here is tangible evi-
dence of our unity. I have come as a
soldier in a great crusade of personal
liberty as against perpetual slavery.
"My faith in our ultimate victory
s invincible, and I bring you tonignt
the unbreakable spirit of the free
man's military code in support of our
just cause."

Red Army Threatens
Nazi-Held Smolensk
MOSCOW, Friday, March 27.-(P)
-The Red Army, in a race against
spring thaws and aided by night-
striking Russian guerrillas, were re-
ported early today to be newly
threatening the approaches to Smo-
lensk. 23 miles southwest on Meo..

Air raid precautions on the part of
all the large University units are
gradually assuming concrete propor-
The University Hospital has sub-
mitted a tentative organization plan
to the Plant and Personnel Protection
Committee that is supervising all air
raid preparations. Under the pro-
posed arrangement for the hospital,
the hospital director will be the chief
executive of all air raid precautions.
He will appoint a director of emer-
gency, who will be in charge of all
hospital activities during a raid.aThis
appointee will plan air raid instruc-
tion and drills and select all assis-
tants. Coordination of all facilities
during an attack will be his respon-
Constant daily supervision will be
haindI PH b iy hnff (-Pr r th ray

sabotage on University Hospital
buildings and properties.
Subordinate to the hospital police
chief will be a senior air raid war-
den for hospital property, who will
superintend other wardens desig-
nated to handle specific areas in the
hospital group. Their main duties
will be warning of approaching dan-
ger and evacuating patients and em-
ployes from unsafe areas.
Detailed suggestions for the best
use of the medical personnel are also
provided by the hospital's tentative
air raid plan. Each doctor will re-
port to an assigned clinic. Existing
procedure for the caring of emer-
gency cases will be followed and any
over-burdened unit will be aug-
mented by the addition of men who
ordinarily are working on special as-
sianmens or doing researc h work

Second largest Bomber-Scholar-
ship Contribution yet received by the
Dean of Students Office, $1,000 has
been lonated by the Union to this
fund for a $100.000 bomber now and

"has worsened again"
assurance that there
more trouble.

and a somber
will be much

,OVOPtRtent Plans
IlgIO i-r 'WPB's,

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