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March 22, 1942 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-03-22

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Aqueous Air Raids




John L. Lewis
Must Be Stopped . "

H r


Bomber Destroys
Axis Submarine;
Three Ships Sunk

Atlantic Coast Undergoes
'Dim-Out' To Protect
Vessels From U-Boats
Survivors Of Liner
Arrive In New York
(By The Associated Press)
Shortly after the Navy announced
last night that three more merchant
ships had been sunk the Army came
through with good news that a bomb-
ing plane had destroyed an Axis sub-
marine off the eastern coast. The
date was not disclosed.
Six battered survivors of a Hon-
duran passenger liner arrived at New
York with a story of the torpedo
sinking of their ship March 16 off
the New Jersey coast with a prob-
able loss of 44 lives. Among the miss-
ing were three women, two girls and
a 7-year-old boy.
Four Lives Lost
Four lives were lost in the sinking
by a submarine of a large merchant
ship off the southeastern coast
March 16, the Sixth Naval District at
Charleston, S. C., said. Thirty-seven
crewmen were rescued.
Another American merchant ship
went down off the Atlantic coast ear-
ly Wednesday. Two men were listed
as missing. Survivors reaching Nor-
folk, Va., told how lightning flashes
illuminated the sea anti helped the
submarine's torpedo aim.
The German high command, in a
special announcement, claimed two
U. S. coastal patrol ships and 11
freighters had been sent to the bot-
tom in the last week.
'Dim.Out' Enforced
Along Atlantic Coast
(By The Associated Press)
Automobile headlights went dim,
big theatre signs and little shop win-
dows faded into the darkness and
shades were drawn in thousands of
sitting rooms tonight along 1,200
miles of Atlantic coastline because
somewhere off shore enemy submar-
ines were on the prowl.
Ships had been running blacked
out to escape the marauders, but sea-
men reported the glow in the skies
above beachfront resorts, and in
cases even the actual twinkle of
boardwalk lights, made their craft
silhouette targets for undersea skip-
The result was a "dim-out" order
from the government. Last night in
most areas from New York to Florida
a crescent moon enhanced a spring-
like mood along promenades where
it would have been lost in the blaze
of a few weeks back.
Atlantic City Hit
Probably the most brilliantly lit
ocean fropt resort, New Jersey's At-
lantic City was one of the last to pull
the switches. But the turn-out-the-
light order hit there with a ven-
geance yesterday.
Spurred by the state defense di-
riector's threat of summary action
by state and military, the local de-
fense council ordered that all neon
signs within store windows be "put
out immediately and kept out." Out-
door signs had been extinguished Fri-
The many shops along the board-
walk, already under orders to keep
window lighting down 50 per cent,
were instructed to cut it farther, Fri-
day night's dim-out having proved
Promotion-conscious city fathers
hastened to announce that, far from
spoiling the resort's attractiveness,
the dim-out had, in the words of no
less an authority than Associate Jus-
Turn to Page 6, Co. 7

Invaders Meet
Ignoble Defeat
In Arboretum
The Arboretum was invaded yes-
terday afternoon but after two and a
half hours of bitter fighting the en-
emy were thrown back by the stub-
born resistance of local troops.
Establishing positions over the rail-i
road tracks, the defending troops
twice repulsed the enemy with ter-
rific losses before they retired, ig-
nominiously defeated.
Close observers of the situation at-
tested to the great part played by
the Ann Arbor grade-schoolers who
were pop-eyed by the whole thing;
apparently pacifists these latter suc-
ceeded in impeding the progress of
both sides in this epochal combat.
At times the adult bystanders were
hardly less careless in their mean-
derings, many suffering greivous
wounds for their foolhardiness.
After the battle both sides good-
naturedly assembled where the de-
tails of the battle were discussed at
length. Unofficial reports, based on
the convincing statements of the par-
ticipants, revealed that out of 100
men who took part there were 500
casualties. The semi-automatic fire
of Tom Kuzma and his partner Bill
Lyman was given credit in saving
Ann Arbor from a horrible fate.
When questioned the enemy freely
admitted that one of the main causes
fo their defeat was the inability to
maintain adequate control and cgor-
dination of their troops, This plus
the Horatian spirit of the defenders
spelled doom for the invaders.
With the day saved for Ann Arbor
the locals then retired to a local tav-
ern where they speedily recuperated
from their great effort.
In answer to numerous demands
the military censorship has finally
Turn to Page 6, Col. 1I
Roosevelt Orders
Railroad Sei'zure.
(By The Associated Press)
WASHING'TON, March 21.-J. W.
Barriger, associate director of the
Office of Defense Transportation,
was appointed today as Federal man-
ager of the Toledo, Peoria and West-
ern Railroad, which was ordered by
President Roosevelt to be seized and
operated as a war measure.

Arnold Deals
Labor Unions
Assistant Attorney General
Lists Six Accusations
In Committee Hearing
Industry Harmed,
WASHINGTON, March 21. -(P)-
Attacking "organized labor in terms
seldom, if ever, used by a New Deal
official, Thurman Arnold, Assistant
Attorney General, accused the unions
today of a long list of mis-deeds
which, he asserted were preventing
the efficient use of men and ma-
chines and hampering the distribu-
tion of civilian neccessities.
He charged organized labor with
injuring or destroying independent
business men, and holding farmers
and consumers "at its mercy," of im-
peding the distribution of housing
and food, and of "undemocratic pro-
cedures" within itself.
Bill Held 'Insufficient'
On the witness stand of the House
Judiciary Committee, he said a pend-
ing bill to require the registration of
labor unions was insufficient to pro-
tect the public from the practices
which he alleged. "No other group
in our society" could do anything like
the things of which he complained
and escape punishment, he said.
Arnold's indictment of the unions
contained six counts:
1. Exploitation of farmers.
2. Undemocratic procedure, includ-
ing packing its membership to insure
the outcome of elections.
3. Impeding transportation.
4. Making it "impossible" to get
cheap, mass production of housing.
5. Forcing businessmen to employ
useless labor.
6. Restricting "efficient use of men
and machines."
Control Independent Business
"Independent businessmen all over
the country are completely at the
mercy of any organized labor group,"
he said, adding that the unions "can
tell any independent businessman
to stop business, either by refusning
to deal with him, or by putting too
great a burden on him in the form
of useless and unnecessary employes."
Large unions, particularly, he said,'
want to deal with large organizations
and "small organizations get in the
way, so they simply eliminate them."
The jurisdictional strike was the
method generally used, he said, and
in Chicago such a strike, accompanied
by a labor boycott had "forced on
consumers a luxury system of milk
Examples Cited
Turning to his allegation that labor
was restricting the efficient use of
men and machines, he cited union
barriers against the use of (paint)
spray guns in Southern California,
and union efforts to prevent the use
of pre-fabricated housing material.
Labor itself was exploited in some
instances, he said, asserting that
welders working on ships were re-
quired to take out five to eighteen
cards in unions other than their own.
Another bar to the "efficient use of
labor" lay, he said, in the union prac-
tice of "arbitrary classification" of
types of work and refusal to permit
members to engage in any activity
outside the union's own classifica-

MacArthur Readies Allied Forces
For Impending Australian Battle;
Russians Smashing At Orel Lines

Heavy Fighting Continues
Along All Main Fronts;
Kharkov Sector Active
Factional Conflict
Increases In India
MOSCOW, March 21.-(P)-"Tens
of well-trained divisions," drilled and
equipped on the vast plains of Siberia,
awaited the command tonight that
would send them into the front lines
to lend added power to the Russian
offensive driving forward relentless-
ly in the north, the center and the
A dispatch from Siberia indicated
these were several hundred thous-
and troops drawn from the Soviet's
still untapped reserves of manpower.
The sharpest spearhead of the Red
Army drive, according to latest re-
ports to the army newspaper Red
Star, now is aimed at Orel, one of the
principal German strong points 200
miles south and slightly west of Mos-
cow which fell before the Nazi invad-
ers last Oct. 8.
Thrust Near Orel
Red Star located this thrust within
35 miles of Orel from the north and
east, for it declared the advancing
Russians had captured a German-
designated mayor of Krenin County
in the Mtsensk district. Mtsensk it-
self is 33 miles from Orel.
(The BBC, as heard in New York
by CBS, quoted Moscow radio reports'
that the Red Armies were attacking
six German divisions holding forti-
fied villages around Kharkov, the
great steel center, and that 85 miles
beyond Kharkov to the west a fierce
battle was raging for possession of
a Nazi-built supply base at Poltava.
This railway junction lies 60 miles
ybove Jhe Dnieper River.)
At the same time Soviet guerrillas
were said to be striking in force at
Nazi troops withdrawing in the sec-
tor around Bryansk, another an-
chor of the German winter line 80
miles almost due west of Orel.
Indian Political Factionis
Await Cripps' Arrival
BOMBAY, March 21. --(IP)- Four
main political factions of controversy-
ridden India sharpened their differ-
ences today in tensetexpectation of
the arrival of Sir Stafford Cripps,
Britain's special envoy, and his plan
for the country's future.
For the last 10 days, Cripps' mis.
sion, at the special request of Prime
Minister Churchill has been the prin-
cipal subject of discussion in political
circles. This has now finally emerged
into a clear sharpening of differences
between four main groups with which
Cripps will have to negotiate. They
1. The Indian National Congress
Party under the presidency of Maul-
ana Abdul Kalan Azad which claims
to be India's only truly national poli-
tical organization free from religious
Moslem League
2. The All-India Moslem League
under Mohammed Ali Jinnah. This
party pours scorn on the claim of the
Congress to be non-sectarian.
3. The Hindu "Mahasabha," pre-
sided over by Vinayak Damodar Sa-
varkar, comprising the militant Hin-
du extremists at variance with the
Congress and Moslem League alike.
It accuses the Congress of being too
lenient toward the Moslems who, Sa-
varkar says, are only one-fourth of
the total population and must not be
allowed to have an influence dispro-
portionate with their numbers.
4. The last group is the 600 Indian
princes, ranging from all-powerful
Nizam of Hydarabad with immense
wealth and territory as large as Italy
to small land owners with only a few
thousand subjects. The princes fear
that if the British Indian connection
is broken they will ultimately be

swept away.
Senior Class Fees
Are Due Tomorrow
Senior dues are payable tomorrow
and Tuesday in the lobby of Angell
Hall, from 1 to 4 p.m. and on the
A int.nn I frnm 0 51A 1n , r4 ,..,- n,, .- .

Brett Takes Pacific Air Command

Lieut. Gen. George Brett (right), who rates as a combat pilot in
the United States Army, laughs over a story with Lieut. Gen. Henry H.
Arnold, now chief of all U. S. Army Air Forces. Brett has been an-
nounced as commander of all air forces of the United Nations in the
Australia-New Zealand area.
Senior Committees Announce
Ordering Of Booklets, Folders

Campus Views, Schedule
Of Graduation Events
To Feature Publications
Seniors of each of the 12 schools
and colleges of the University will
have the opportunity beginning to-
morrow and ending Friday to order
their 1942 commencement announce-
ment booklets and folders, the class
committees in charge of the sale an-
nounced yesterday.
Early Orders Urged
Because these booklets take nearly
a month to be made up, the commit-
tee emphasized that it is important
for interested seniors to place their
orders early.
The booklets, complete with fine
leather or cardboard covers, will con-
tain five views of campus buildings
besides a schedule of the Commence-
ment events, a list of the administra-
tive officers of each college, a list
of the various class officers and com-
mittees, and the names of all the
candidates for degrees in each of the
colleges. One type of booklet will be
for the Law School, Medical School,
and the School of Dentistry, while
the second type will be for all the
other colleges.
Graduates Listed
The folders, which have an excel-
lent etching of the Carillon Tower on
the front page, are not an invitation
to the exercises but an announcement
of them, the committee heads said.
These booklets and folders will in-3

clude the names of all the persons
who have graduated in February and
of those who will graduate May 30
and at the conclusion of the summer
The committees in charge of the
sale will post the times and places
of the sale in prominent places in
their respective schools and colleges.
German Bombers
Downed In Malta
VALLETTA, Malta, March 21.--(W)
--Five enemy bombers and two fight-
ers were shot down and four bombers
damaged by Malta's anti-airctaft de-
fenses and the RAF during several
raids yesterday, it was announced to-
Four of the attacking bombers
were shot down as German pilots
came in through a murderous screen
of anti-aircraft shells during a sus-
tained half-hour attack on one of
the island's airdromes.
British anti-aircraft gunners were
credited with bringing down eight
of the bombers and two Messer-
schmitt 109 fighters,
The fighters went north of the
island to meet the incoming flights
of Germans and picked off four of
the new German type fighter-bomb-
er, Messerschmitt 110. The Messer-
schmitt 110's, slowed by their bomb
loads, were easy prey for the British.

Wainwright Reports Japs
Are Regrouping Armies
For New Bataan Attack
Gunboat Asheville
Latest Navy Loss
MELBOURNE, March 21.--)-
Gen. Douglas MacArthur swiftly to-
day marshaled Allied forces for his
rendezvous with destiny on this em-
battled continent while planes of his
command sank a heavy Japanese
cruiser and damaged another in Ra-
baul Harbor and the enemy struck
back at northwest Australian ports.
The heavy Japanese cruiser was
sent flaming to the bottom of the
New Britain harbor. The damaged
cruiser was in addition to one heav-
ily battered late Wednesday. The
score of Japanese warship and mer-
chant vessels sunk or damaged at
the approaches to Australia thus was
raised to 28.
Port Attacked
Enemy bombers struck again at the
pearl-fishing port of Broome, 600
miles southwest of Darwin, centering
their attack on the airport. Some
commercial planes were damaged by
the 50 bombs dropped and a civilian
was killed.
Derby, 75 miles southwest of
Broome, was attacked for the first
time by two bullet spitting Japanese
fighters which did no damage. A
lone merchant ship survived undam-
aged an attack off Darwin by an en-
emy plane.
The enemy maintained ceaseless
reconnaissance. over the vast island
of New Guinea, just to the northeast
of the mainland, and a heavy Japa-
nese bomber Q oP~Port
Moresby was dr ven away by anti-
aircraft fire.
Two Morning Raids
Port Moresby, however, had two
raids during the morning. Single
planes reconnoitered the area per-
sistently during the afternoon.
(Signs that MacArthur's second
steel test was near came fromAxis-
inspired sources. The Vichy radio
reported "A Japanese squadron is
approaching Cape Leewin, the south-
west corner of the Australian conti-
nent. The fleet is said to be approach-
ing the important harbor of Perth.")
Renewed Jap Offensive
Expected In Philippines
WASHINGTON, March 21. -(AP)-
Sharp skirmishes took place all along
the Bataan front in the Philippine
today, and the War Department re-
ported signs were that the Japanese
were regrouping their forces for re-
sumption of the offensive in the"6-11!
A communique said Lieut.-Gen.
Jonathan M. Wainwright reported
that the renewed assault appeared
Enemy batteries meanwhile con-
tinued hammering at the Manila Bay
All around the islands, the War
Department said, Japanese cruisers
and destroyers were active, seeking
to blockade the unoccupied portions
of the Archipelago.
Earlier, the War Department re-
ported Japanese siege guns were
hammering with increased intensity
at Manila Bay fortifications.
Described by the War Department
as "etremely heavy shelling," the
fire came from the largest enemy
guns yet reported in action, 240 milli-
meter, about eight inch, weapons
which hurl high explosive missiles of
350 pounds or more.
U.S. Gunboat Sunk
In Action Off Java
WASHINGTON, March 21. -()-
The Navy Department announced to-
night that the 1,270-ton gunboat

Asheville is presumed lost in enemy
action south of Java.
Her commander was Capt. Ken-
neth Mortimer Hoeffel, 48, of Ocon-
to, Wis.
No word has been received of the
personnel on the ship, and all must be
presumed lost.
The Navy did not announce the
number of her personnel, but the

Barriger's appointment came from
Joseph B. Eastman, director of De-
fense Transportation, who received
the order from the President. Bar-
riger will leave immediately for Peoria
with instructions to reinstate, "with
certain exceptions," all strikers, East-
man said.
Wages and working conditions
which the government will put into
effect on the T.P. and W. will be
those existing prior to Dec. 29, when
the dispute between the railroad
management and rail unions began.


Good Neighbors To Be Discussed:
Prof. W. H. Hobbs To Lecture
On 'South America And War'

24 Shoot For Zoot Suits:
Student Body Will Go To Polls
To Choose 'Best Dressed Man'

Four more offers of support, an-
nounced yesterday by the Dean of
Students Office, raised to 16 the num-
ber of organizations who have reg-
istered promises of cooperation or
promises of funds with the Student
Bomber-Scholarship Fund.
Groups whose support was received

Long known as an authority on
glacial anticyclone zones, Prof.-
Emeritus William H. Hobbs, of the
geology department, will speak on a
warm-clime topic-"South America
and the War"-at 4 p.m. today in the
Rackham Lecture Hall, under the
auspices of the Committee to Defend
Representing the Carnegie Endow-
ment for International Peace and the
University's College of Engineering
at the First Pan-American Congres,,r
for Mining Engineering and Geology
in Santiago, Chile, Professor Hobbs
was in a position to observe much
of the political transformation in
South America in relation to the
United States and the Axis powers.
Professor Hobbs arrived at Rio at
the close of the conference called by
the United States to discuss the
breaking of relations with Germany
and Italy, and traveled by plane
th-bnr'hxt Smit h Amerni,,n. iitinor

Twenty-four 'men will be on the
ballot as the student body goes to
the polls tomorrow to vote for Michi-
gan's BDMOC.
Alphabetically speaking, here are
the candidates:
Fred Bryan, Walter Bury, Alex
Canja, Tom Coffield, Lindly Dean
Dick Denyes, Chuck Dillman, Irv-
ing Griffel, Claude Hulet, Richard.
Jchnston, James Kehoe, Roger
Norman Kohlenberg, Cary Lan-
dis, Art Marin, George McDer-
mott, Ralph Mitchell, Richie Raw-
don, John Rookus, Don Scott, Bob
Shedd, Robert Titus, Keith Wat-
son, and Ira Wilson.
Voting places for BDMOC will be
at University Hall, the first floor of
the West Engineering Building, and

present a complete line of spring
clothes by Ann Arbor merchants. In
addition to the regular styles, there
will be a very special showing of a
few outfits representing only the
views of the wearers themselves, and
completely disowned by any and all
O. E. Schoeffler, fashion editor of
Esquire, will be on hand to supervise
the style show and award the prizes
to the winner of the contest. Prizes
will consisty ofa complete wardrobe
donated by the Van Boven, Wild,
Wagner, and Saffel and $ush stores
and a gold watch, suitably engraved,
presented by Esquire.
Coeds Invited
Although Zoot Suit Stuff is a dis-
play of men's clothes, coeds are spe-


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