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March 17, 1942 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-03-17

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'Fleet's In' Is
Opening Film;
Dottie Lamour
Is Headliner
Jimmy Dorsey Orchestra
Will Play In Pictures
For First Time; Betty
Hutton Is Also Starred
Bracken, Holden
Are Male Leads
Jimmy Dorsey and his orchestra
will make their screen debt in the
rollicking springtime musical com-
edy "The Fleet's In" which will open
at the State Theatre tomorrow.
Headlining the queen of Califor-
nia's army camps, Dorothy Lamour
and two navy swains, William Holden
and Eddie Bracken, the Paramount
picture features that amazing-there
is no other word for her-jitterbug,
Betty Hutton.
'Filled To The Brim'
Filled to the brim with sparkling
new musical hits, overflowing with
laugh-giving novelty numbers, the
comedy revolves midst a maze of
comical gobs and high-kicking swing
gals. The battleship casanova, Will-
iam Holden, finds himself rluctantly
defending his title as the "Navy's
Champ Ladykiller" by breaking down
the anti-sailor policy of the Countess
of Swingland, alias Dorothy Lamour.
Hit of the show is amazing Miss
Hutton whose bodily gyrations and
man-killing tactics to the rhythms of
Jimmy Dorsey's orchestra almost
stop the picture. Aiding Miss Hutton
in her madcap surrealism are Gil
Lamb, Lorraine & Rognan, and Cass
'Torrent Of Laughs'
Director Shertzinger combines his
light weight nonsensical plot, brand
new songs and old jokes to -form a
torrent of laughs. The plot is a salt
tainted revision of "Sailor Beware,"
fast moving play of 1935 which ap-
peared as the Paramount film "Lady,
Be Careful." Dotty Lamour turns on
that seductive charm that has made
her known from coast to coast as the'
"Pin-Up Girl,". and really puts out
for the Navy. William Holden and
Eddie Bracken who wrung gales of
laughter from the sailor first night-
ers, should do the same for anyone
who sees this bit of vernal madness.
"Like the first robin, 'The Fleet's
In' is mainly a harbinger of Spring-
not, as you might expect in these,
times, a harbinger from a recruiting
station. Its sailors never heard of
the national emergency," says PM f
the Paramount comedy.
Picked to celebrate the grand op-
ening, "The Fleet's In" should chris-
ten the new theatre in waves of
'Hot Picture'
Burned .Downl
Arcade Show
The hottest show the Arcade had
in its entire history took place one
Sunday afternoon in December, 1928,
before a small audience which hads
come believing that they were going1
to witness only Charlie Chaplin's an-
tics in his famous "The Circus."
This show beginning in the up-

stairs offices behind the projection7
booth was already too far advanced
When discovered to be put out. As a
result, Ann Arbor's oldest and largest1
movie theatre was gutted and burned
almost completely.
Two months later, another fire,r
caused by an overheated furnace in a
neighboring store, finished the de-
struction of the theatre.
Built in 1914 by S. A. Moran, thet
theatre opened in September of that
year with an Alco Production. of;
Ethel Barrymore in "'The Nightin-
gale" a "five part" four reel produc-1
tion. During its early years it showed
motion pictures only irregularly, be-
cause there were not enough pro-
duced for continuous performances.,
Such famous stars of stage and

State Street Gets Another Face.Lifting

As Theatre Is Pre pared For

T omorrow's


Ideal Motion
Picture House
To Be Shown
Here At Noon
Community Gains Asset
As Butterfield Chain
Extends Ann Arbor's
Recreational Facilities
Manager Will Be
L. E. (Larry) Mull
Tomorrow's opening of the new
State Theatre won't be accompanied
by elaborate theatricals or big Holly-
wood stars, but the importance of the
occasion will in no way be dimmed
by their absence,
At noon the doors of Ann Arbor's
newest and finest theatre will swing
open for public inspection, and short-
ly after 1 p.m. Paramount's musical
comedy, "The Fleet's In," will flash
on the screen.
Thus without tumult or shouting
a new addition to Ann Arbor's com-
mercial and recreational life will
come into its own. A completely fire-
proof, modern theatre will have been
added to the assets of this commun-
Continuous Basis
The State Theatre will not only in-
troduce new ideas in construction
and equipment, but it will bring to
Ann Arbor for the first time a m-
tion picture house that operates on a
continuous basis.
From 1 p.m. until 11 p.m. the State
will hold performances, and contrary
to previous local practice there will
be no break at 5 p.m. Prices will re-
main the same as they were at the
old Majestic, 25c til 5 p.m. an 40c.
The modern construction princi-
ples of the new theatre are describe
in detail elsewhere in this supple-
ment, but without actual 'technical
knowledge one is amazed by the com-
fortable seats, the wood panelling
and trimming, the reinforced con-
crete structure, and the complicated,
delicate machinery which controls air
The Butterfield chain has done
everything in its power to give An
Arbor the best in entertainment fa-
cilities, and the tremendous sums
poured into the new building reveal
the real interest of the chain in the
Depends On Good-Will
Under the management of L. X.
(Larry) Mull, the State will undoubt-
edly continue its policy of giving the
public exactly what it asks for in the
way of motion picture entertainment.
The theatre business, as Mr. Mdi
has often emphasized, depends on
good will, and no business can pros-
per that does not act in the long run
according to public policy. It is a
matter of cooperation between thea-
tre management and the public, and
as long as such cooperation exists the
State will act in the public, interest.
The firm, W. S. Butterfield, Inc.,
has a long and successful record in
Ann Arbor. The Majestic, now being
closed because of city regulation, has
had a fine record dating back to the
days of vaudeville. The other thea-
tres, including the Michigan which
opened in 1927, have had an equally
impressive record of good entertainv


Majestic Ends
~'Advent urous'
34.Year Life
Theatre Opened In 1907;
Saw Many Outstanding
Stage, Screen Shows
At the conclusion of its 9 p.m,
show today the Majestic Theatre will
bring to an end a spectacular, 34-
year life characterized by some of the
greatest stage and screen attractions
of all time.
Announcement of the closing came
from E. C. Beatty, president of the
Butterfield circuit, which has opera-
ted the Majestic since 1908. Unable
for the present to come up to Ann
Arbor's building regulations, the the-
atre may reopen at some future date
if a way is found to meet the re-
Opened In 1907
For years after the "Maj" opened
on Dec. 19, 1907, it was known as
the finest theatre in the city. Its
stage has been the scene of perfor-
mers of every kind and description-
some of whom became and still are
famous on stage and screen. Prob-
ably the best known of these is Fred
Waring, whose Pennsylv'anians took
their first step toward national fame
in the Majestic.
After one performance of the fam-
ous "The Girl of the Golden West,"
regular daily vaudeville shows began.
For over five years moving pictures
received no more attention from the
management of the Majestic than an
occasional short reel. In the summer
of 1912, however, the theatre adopted
a policy of showing "photoplays de-
luxe," By 1917 movies were a regular
Screen Programs Povular
Screen programs became so popu-
lar that before long they overshadow-
ed vaudeville productions and by
1928 the year the Michigan opened.

State Theatre Is Constructed Solely
For Showing Of Motion _Pictures

From the point of construction, the
new State Theatre holds the distinc-
tion of not only being the most mod-
ern and luxurious theatre that Ann
Arbor has yet seen, but also the only
theatre actually designed for the sole
use of showing motion pictures.
Built at a cost of over 300 thous-
and dollars, the State boasts every
sort of device possible for making
motion pictures more enjoyable to
movie-going audiences. From the
foot-pedal water faucets in the
lounges to the comfortable rubber
foam seats in the theatre, everything
is designed and calculated to add to
the customer's relaxation.
Three Dimension Screen
One of the more interesting types
of improvements installed for exhib-
iting better pictures is a new kind
of third-dimensional screen which
gives more depth to the pictures and

makes for clearer visions This plus
the latest type projectors, and walls
of permeated blocks with chemical
pads for acoustics, make the State
exclusively a motion picture theatr e.
Construction of the State, for
which plans had long been in the
minds ' of the Butterfield manage-
ment, owners of the theatre, was
started a year ago. Originally the
idea was to build it on the site of the
old Arcade Theatre on North Uni-
versity, now the residence of Moe's
sporting goods store. Having a choice
of erecting the theatre there or on
State Street, the management de-
cided in favor of the State Street
site, thus making it more centrally
Last year when the Ann Arbor city
council passed a new building code,
calling for a more modern type of
structure to house motion picture
theatres, the Butterfield manage-
ment went into action immediately.
Since then, despite the delays caused

by priorities and inclement weather,
the owners have managed to get the
best of material and go about the
business of construction.
And the material has been of the
best. From the outermost front doors,
which are constructed of a new su-
per-durable plastic called Formica,
to the air-conditioning on the inside,
modernity is the key note. Mr.'L. E.
Mull, manager of the State, had even
intended to get fluorescent carpeting
for the theatre, but here, because of
the war situation, it was impossible.
Reinforced Concrete
The trouble has also been taken to
have the double-window ticket booth
so that it opens on the street, thereby
permitting the lobby to be kept
warm. In other theatres about town,
the ticket booths are inside the lobby,
near the door, so that any line at
the window keeps the door open all
the time, with a constant draft.
The building itself is built of re-
inforced concrete, faced on three
sides by brick. On the inside, walls
are tastefully paneled in walnut. The
doors between the lobby and the the-
atre are of a heavy brass-studded
green leather. The floor inside is en-
tirely covered with carpet; an excep-
tionally large balcony gives the total
seating capacity of the theatre ap-
proximately 1900.
The new State Theatre may not
be the Radio City Music Hall, but
then again the Radio City Music Hall
isn't the new State Theatre.
Unique Fire Escape
The State also contains a unique
fire escape system. Instead of the
traditional and often dangerous iron
drop-escapes, the designing archi-
tect chose to use the inclosed type
entirely separated from the rest of
the building by huge walls of rein-

New Theatre
Has Luxuriouls
Color Scheme
Dubonnet, Green Blend
As Predominant Shades
In Modernistic Interior
A blending of dubonnet and green,
darkened whirled woods striped by
cream panels, deep blues merging
into high yellows, ceilings of silver
and copper leaf, this is the picture
one receives upon strolling through
the State Theatre.
After passing through the shiny-
reddened doors, one enters a long,
softly-lighted lobby . One of the side
walls is wholly sheathed by a start-
ling clear mirror which reflects the
three large circles of indirect lights.
Each sphere is pointed in the center
by creamy-gold stars, a perfect con-
trast in color to the mauve, greened
The foyer features the same blend-
ing of the two predominant shades,
but they are based on the lower walls
by rich brown Brazilian mahogany.
At the head of these stairs is a
long alcoved hall, with walls blocked
by rectangles of. dubonnet and green.
Red and tanleather chairs fill the
alternating dubonnet and green al-
coves. The powder room on the left
of this mezzanine is colored in a light
rose tint with a rocco design curling
a border at top and bottom. Various
toned leather stools are placed before
the wide, high mirror. The smoking
room at the other side of the hall
is tiled in the same predominant
colors of the theatre.
Coming onto the balcony by the
deep-rose figured carpet, one re-
ceives at once the impression of in-
tense color, not brilliant, not clash-
ing, but deeply warm in the same
garb of dubonnet and green, The
.eiling is ninted in the latter shade

E. C. Beatty Sends. Greetings
The completion of this new theatre and its dedication to the
people of Ann Arbor welds another link in the chain of progress for
the Butterfield Theatres,
This new theatre is one one of the culmuinat-inga(1iicv infme 1
of the building plans of this organization and, as is befitting a city
of the importance of Ann Arbor, is as perfect an example of modern
metropolitan theatre building as will be found in the State,
The confidence and loyalty of such communities as this are
deserved and retained only to that degree in which we fulfill the
ideals which have been the basis and promptings of our years of
success in every important city in Michigan into this new theatre,
it is the desire of our organization and also the fulfillment of our
ambition to make it and maintamn it as something more than a.
mere playhouses Physically it is an obvious ornament .to the city,
The material appointments speak silently for themselves, but they

GoodI ' Days
Of Vaudeville
Gone Forever
it is too bad that actual people
have left the stage of local theatres.
One of the best attractions in the
old days was the Saturday and Sun-
day vaudevilles in the small townt
One of the weekly events for the
farmers of this nation was to attend
these variety shows-where anything
from a Chinese family tumbling act
to a rancid operatic soprano were
presented-afteredoing the weekly
shopping for the farm.
Gone are the days of the blacked-
nomnn,'rnca n, , t a a,., rnt.


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