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March 17, 1942 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-03-17

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S ormy.



And War Ideals,,



Campus Man
To Be Chosen
Local Groups To Sponsoi
Contest To Determin
Present 'Style Leader
Winer To Receive
Wardrobe, Watch
Awakening to the realization tha
Michigan men have the tastes an
aspirations of a Lucius Beebe, Th
Daily and the Union, in collaboratior
with Esquire magazine, are sponsor-
ing a red hot contest to determin
just who is the best dressed man or
campus (BDMOC to you).
Details of the contest will be an-
nounced in later issues of The Daily
But this much is known, the winner
Michigan's best dressed man, will be
announced at The Daily and Union
co-sponsored Zoot Suit Stuff style
show which will be held at the Union
Thursday, March 26.
Nor will selection as Michigan's
"style leader" be merely a empty
victory or title. The man chosen as
BDMOC will become an even better
dressed individual after receiving a
complete and ultra-stylish wardrobe,
donated by Ann Arbor merchants,
and a bright and shining Waltham
watch, suitably engraved and pre-
sented by Esquire.
In addition, the two students win-
ning second and third place will be
given subscriptions to the magazine.
BDMOC candidates will be chosen
Turn to Page 2, Col. 3
Draft Lottery
Will Be Held
In Washington
Prof. J. K. Pollock States
All Youthful Army Men
Should Be Given Vote
Sant Ptrik may ,have had no-
thing to do with the Itrish Sweep-
stakes, but today his anniversary is
to be observed by a lottery more im-
portant to about nine million Ameri-
cans than any involving- ponies.
With the matching of numbers
drawn from the nationally famous
fishbowl to serial numbers assigned
by local boards, registrants in the
first war-time draft will be a step
nearer their fate.
For the information of new-comers
to Selective Service the system of
matching the numbers is this: Local
boards shuffle the registration cards
and give each a serial number; num-
hers up to the largest reported by any
local board are drawn from the fish-
bowl and a master list of the order in
which they are drawn is sent to local
Meanwhile, yesterday Prof. James
K. Pollock, University political sci-
entist, thinks it is about time to ac-
cord voting privileges to the millions
of young American men who are be-
ing called today to defend their coun-
try with arms
"Now that we are asking young men
twenty, nineteen and eighteen to
serve their country in war, to fight
and even to die for their country, we
should consider them old enough to
vote," he asserted.
"I think it is time that we admitted
this virile, educated group of young

people to full participation in the
work of democratic government, and
not limit them merely to the com-
pulsion of service."
Pollock said that their addition to
the electorate would be fitting rec-
ognition of the invaluable services
which young people uiider age are
now giving to their country.
"At present," he asserted, "we train
these young Americans in our schools
to know their government and to
understand its politics, and yet we
make them wait until they have
reached their legal majority of twen-
ty-one before considering them good
enough to vote,"
Dr. Mead To Give
Marriage Lectures
Social Basis for Marriage" will
be the topic of the first of two
special marriage relations lectures
by Dr. Margaret Mead at 7:30 p.m.
+nrintin Hip n Orknbrmn T1 nnfrp

i ,rI -- - '

Russians Slap
Spring Bases;
Nazis Stopped

Allies Return Jap Bombs;
U.S. Flyers Help Aussies

. .. in desperate effort
* * *
(By The Associated Press)
LONDON, March 16.-In the heav-
iest fighting of the year on the Rus-
sian front, the Red Army was deliv-
ering mighty blows out of the swirl
of blizzards today against three of
Hitler's encircled "spring offensive"
bases and striving hard to draw the
strings on two others caught in deep
For the second day, the Soviet
command said only that "no substan-
tial changes" had taken place-a de-
parture from the communiques of
many weeks which have stressed of-
fensive operations.
Any deduction that the Russians
had been thrown upon the defensive
was belied, however, by the Germans
themselves who admitted a tempo-
rary breach in their lines somewhere
in the center and strong Red Army
attacks in the Crimea.
Mai shal Semeon Timoshenko was
said to be throwing in the largest
Forces so far in action on the south-
ern front in a desperate effort to
oust the invaders from the Donets
Basin before Hitler can spring his of-

MELBOURNE, Australia, March
16. The Japanese returned to-
day to heavy aerial assaults upon
Darwin, the northern mainland port
being developed as an Allied naval
base, and the Allied air arm struck
back at the enemy above this con-
tinent in the fateful struggle slowly
developing for the mastery of these
far southern skies.
Darwin, three times previously at-
tacked, this time was struck by 14
enemy bombers and, although the
details were not available, it was
made known that there were casual-
ties and damage,
Prime Minister John Curtin at'
Canberra said the raid was on a
smaller scale than previous Japanese
assaults on Darwin.
United States and Australian pilots
for their part were in almost con-
tinuous action over the periphery of
the enemy's island bases from Timor
on the west ot New Guinea and New
Britain on the east, but the day's
only official announcement dealing
with this running counter-offensive
was of a raid on the enemy-held air-
drome at Dili on Timor, a point about
450 miles northwest of Darwin, in
which it appeared that great dam-
age had been wrought.
"All bombs," said the communi-
que of the Royal Australian Air Force,
"fell in the target area."
Large Force Of Yanks
Bolster Australian Troops
WASHINGTON, March 16.-()-
The Army reported tonight that
United States troops and aviation are
in Australia "in considerable num-
bers"-an apparent answer to the
frantic calls of that country for aid
against an expected invasion attempt!
by the southward surging Japanese..
The terse announcement that
American men and planes had ar-
rived on the distant Pacific conti-
nent-a 7,500 mile journey across the
Pacific-came from Secretary Stim-I
son. Through a communique, he saidI
only that "units of the United States
Army, including both air and ground

troops in considerable numbers, are
now in Australia. No information as
to strength, designation of units, nor
location is at present available for
Tonight's announcement was the
first official word from here that
troops had arrived in Australia. Com-
muniques and reports from over-
seas, however, had mentioned the
presence of American planes.
United Nations and other reports
also had mentioned the presence of
Americans in earlier western Pacific
operations, including the battle of
Java. Subsequent dispatches, how-
ever, indicated that the American
personnel in Java was made up pri-
marily of air force men.
The announcement of the presence
of United States forces in Australia
came at the end of a day which
brought new evidence of the Japa-
nese push, a raid on Port Darwin.
While there was no indication
where on the continent the forces
might have landed after the long sail
across the enemy-menaced sea lanes
of the Pacific, it was assumed here
that Port Darwin was not the place.
The port, originally intended as a
base for Allied operations, has been
under several heavy aerial bombard-
ments, some of which have caused
substantial damage. Moreover, the
route to Port Darwin is across the
northern edge of Australia near the
island of New Guinea, on which the
Japanese have made landings.
Orientation Candidates
Will Be Interviewed
Interviewing of men candidates 1
for fall orientation posts will be corj'
ducted from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. in Room
305 of the Union all this Week.
Applicants, if selected, will be ask-
ed to serve during the Orientation
period to be held next fall during
the week of Sept. 27 to Oct. 3. The
positions are voluntary and there will
be no remuneration for the work.
At a later date advisers will be se-
lected for a special three day period
this June.

British Jocate The Gneisenau

The British report that this official RAF photograph shows the
26,000-ton German battleship, Gneisenau (in circle) in a floating dock
at Kiel after the big vessel and ether Nazi warships fled from Brest and
escaped up the English Channel.

Powerful ornado Winds
Tear Through Six States,
Klling 118, Injuring 700

Student Senate Faces Showdown

(Editor'sNote: This is the seventh
in a series of articles on University
student government.)
Long publicized as "Michigan's
only all-campus representative body,"
the ailing Student Senate has finally
come to the stage where some quar-
ters liken it to a surgeon's "cut or
kill" patiejot.
The Senate was originally formed
to perpetuate the Spring Parley but
subsequent history found it taking on
new duties with every semester of
its existence. At present the Senate
conducts the Spring Parley, the Win-
ter Parley, sundry investigations, and
proposes anything from "write-a-
soldier" campaigns to tag days.
Although the Senate has been sub-
ject to much lampoon and ridicule,
it still contains the basic democratic
machinery for a strong student gov-
ernment. Opinion both within and
without its membership however
agrees that the present Senate leg-
islative and administrative set-up is

characterized mainly by inefficiency
and cumbersome organization.
The record of this present senate,
while no worse than its predecessors,
is not pretty to look at. A list ofz
senate projects "killed in committee"
or just dead by attrition could in-
clude a Fort Custer draftee dance,
the bomber-scholarship plan, a Little
Red Bull trophy for the Ohio State
game, a scholarship tag day, the par-
ley with its ever-decreasing attend-
ance, and a proposal for housing
alumni servicemen in Ann Arbor.
Some of these proposals, such as
bomber-scholarships, were taken up
by other groups and carried on to a
successful conclusion The Senate has
not been faced with a dearth of
ideas-it just lacks authority and in-
itiative to carry them out,
One of the worst obstacles to an
active Senate policy is the present
size of its membership. Fifteen sen-
ators are elected every semester to
keep the Senate's roster at 30. But
attendance is poor, and on one occa-

. --- -- - i

sion this semester
Daily reporter were
a quorum.

visitors and the
counted to make

Colossal Show For The Alumni:

Detroit U. Of M. Night March 26
Will Star Concert Band, Psurfs

A plan for Senate reorganization,
to be presented at tonight's meeting
in the Union, proposes to cut Senate
membership to a policy making group
of nine. Administration and commit-
tee work would be handled by a sep-
arate staff set up on a freshman,
sophomore, junior and senior basis,
appointed by merit.
Only within the past month has
the Senate voted to put itself on a
weekly meeting basis. Before this
move, a proposal could be brought
up at one session, tabled to committee
for the next meeting, and finally re-
ceive .action after three weeks of
Parties have played a major part
in the present set-up, but their ideal
function of stimulating action has
been lost in a haze of obstructionism
and plain "we-can't-do-this-because-
we -might -offend -somebody" argu-
Last year the Senate received the
power to initiate legislation to cam-
pus boards (that is, it discovered 'hat
it had always possessed such power)
and then-president Bill Todd, '42,
called it "the best thing done for stu-
dent government since the estab-
*ishment of the Student Senrate,"
With the exception of a still-born
scholarship tag day, however, not one
Senate proposal of this year has even
gone far enough to be vetoed. Debate
and parliamentary procedure feature
most meetings along with committee
chairmen reporting "just couldn't
get together this week."
Frat To Frisk Folios
For Victory Campaign
Fraternity house libraries, contain-
ing reading matter from Rex Beach
to Psych 31 finals, will be able to aid
the all-service Victory Book Cam-
paign when an Alpha Phi Omega
pick-up truck calls on campus chap-
ter houses between 3 and 5 pm. to-
The plan emanated from the Phi
Gamma Delta house where the bro-
thers found none too great a demand

Russian Movie
To Be Shown
Cinema League Will Offer
'Girl FromLeitingrad'
"Girl From Leningrad"-the first
Soviet film of World War II, dedi-
cated "to those women everywhere
who fight with the weapons of cour-
age and tenderness at the side of
men defending their future"-will be
shown at 8:15 p.m. Thursday, Fri-
day and Saturday and at 3:15 p.m.
Saturday in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Sponsored by the Art Cinema
League, all funds will be turned over
to Allied War Relief. Tickets are on
sale at the League and Wahr's book-
store. Two short subjects-a car-
toon, "Harmless Hector," and a musi-
cal version of tiger hunting in Siberia
-will also be shown.
Termed the "best foreign film of
the year" by the New York World
Telegram, "Girl rFom Leningrad"
pays tribute to the vitality, efficien-
cy and dauntlessness of women, and
men, engaged in the fulfillment of a
great and dangerous mission.
The film was made along the
Mannerheim Line, on a location still
littered with debris of the war against
To Director Eisimont, war is not
compounded of strong men driven
insane in their dugouts by the en-
emy's barrage, or of a pretty nurse
in the throes of a lover's quarrel with
her soldier's suitor.

WSSF Drive
Begins Today
'Help A War Student Day'
Br-ingsBattle Home
The realities of the war will be
brought close to students on campus
today when the World Student Serv-
ice Fund initiates its drive to aid
Chinese students, European war pris-
oners and refugee students in Amer-
Today has been designated as
"Help a War Student Day." Book-
marks will be given to contributors as
symbols of the aid which they are
rendering to fellow students all-over
the world. Collection of funds will
continue throughout the week in
banks placed around the campus.
The desperate plight of Chinese
students, who have trekked as far as
2,000 miles over mountains and
across deserts to study in mud huts
or caves carved in the side of moun-
tains, was told last week by Paul
Lim-Yuen, '43, and Raymond Chen,
'44. Many of these students have died
because of lack of food and conse-
quent lack of resistance to disease.
Roland Elliott, international secre-
tary of the W.S.S.F., told in an SRA
speech Saturday that both the war
prisoners in European camps and the
relief workers in these camps are
suffering greatly from lack of food,
but that their determination to help
in building a better world is undi-

i yin u w

Red Cross And Other Aid
Called To Meet Needs
Of Devastating Storm
Southeastern Coast.
And Midwest Hit
(By The Associated Press)
A devastating series of tornadic
winds sweeping through six southern
and midwestern states yesterday
killed 118 persons, injured approxi-
mately 700 and destroyed thousands
of dollars in property.
Seventy persons died in Mississippi
and more than 500 were injured.
Illinois listed 19 dead and 170 hurt,
Tennessee counted 12 killed and 11
Illinois listed 20 dead and 170 hurt,
injured, Kentucky had 14 dead and
a similar number injured, two died
in Indiana and more than 30 suf-
fered injuries. Missouri reported no
Goshen Hit
In Goshen, Ind., at least two per-
sons were killed and more than 30
injured as a tornado struck the
southeastern section of Goshen at
about 10:15 o'clock last night.
At least 10 homes were flattened.
The Mississippi storms swept diag-
onally across the central to the north-
east parts of the state.
First reports, confirmed in some
cases, said the death list included 19
at Greenwood, 13 at Belden, 10 at
Grenada and vicinity, five at Oford
and Tula, six at Michigan City, sev-
en at Baldwin, five at Avalon and five
at Water Valley.
Buildings Crushed
These same reports said that 300
persons were injured in the Tula
neighborhood; about 200 persons,
"mostly-Negroes, in Lelore County,
near °Greenwood, at least 45 ner
Water Valley, about 75 at Baldwyn,
a smaller number near Booneville,
and a large number, possibly in the
hundreds, at Grenada, one of the
hardest hit communities where con-
ditions were reported "very bad."
The disaster zone in Mississippi,
first reports showed, was at least 150
miles wide and about 100 miles deep.
Calls went out for all available per-
sons with first aid training. .Most.&i
the area is rural.
Witnesses pictured hundreds of
buildings completely crushed, roofs
ripped off homes and make shift
hospitals crowded with the injured.
FCC Reviews
Radio Station
For Ann Arbor
The University came ohe step
closer to its long-awaited lccal broad-
casting station when faculty and
community representatives filed affi-
davits yesterday in favor of the proj-
The Federal Communications Com-
mission is now considering two appli-
cations for a license to operate a
commercial Ann Arbor station; one
submitted by Greene Brothers for a
1,000 watt transmitter, the other by
James Hopkins, for a 250 watt trans-
mitter. Matters of conveinence, local
necessity and war priorities may af-
fect the FCC decision.
"If the license is granted next
month, the station may be in opera-
tion by summer, barring priority dif-
ficulties," Prof. Waldo Abbot, director
of radio, asserted. "Amplitude Modu-
lation would be installed, with Fre-
quency Modulation postponed until
after the war, due to difficulties in
obtaining the equipment."
A local station, ProfessorAbbot
pointed out, would enable the Uni-
versity to broadcast from 15 to 20
hours weekly, rather than the two-
and-one-half hours allotted under the

present system of relaying programs
to Detroit stations. Added time for
educational broadcasts would mean
"more laboratory opportunities for
more students," Professor Abbot em-
phasized. Experiments in radio jour-
nalism, extension courses and rural
education programs would be under-
The proposed 1,000 watt transmit-
ter would operate on 1020 kilocycles

To Rush Or Not To Rush:,


IFC Announces Partial Returns
On Third Term Questionnaires


A galaxy of stars and a variety of
entertainment seldom equaled will be
the main drawing card when the
University Concert Band and the
University of Michigan Club of De-
troit get together on their annual
U of M Night Thursday, March 26,
in the Masonic Auditorium in De-
There'll be the Concert Band,
there'll be the outstanding hits from
this year's Union Opera, there'll be
novelty acts, there'll be the songs of
the Psurfs, and there'll be that "sen-
sational melerdrammer," "Bertha,
The Sewing Machine Girl,"all com-
bined into one show.
So diversified is the program, Pro-
fessor Revelli reports, that even the
Band, usually the mainstay of the
program, will be only a small part of
the total this year.
Opened by a series of serious num-
bers by the Band, the program will

program's trend will then bring a
"brilliant" new piano team of Milli-
ken and Johnson to the stage to pre-
sent several numbers.
But the highlight of the evening,
so -they say, will be the melerdram-
mer, starring "Mike" Ames, greatest
feminine impersonator ever to ap-
pear in the Union Operas, in the
title role,
True to the tradition established by
these presentations of the gay nine-
ties, "Bertha, The Sewing Machine
Girl" will bring forth such personali-
ties as Ted Trueblue, the hero, and
Harold Hotfoot, the villain.
Also scheduled for the evening's
program is a series of sketches from
the musical comedy "Pins and Need-
les," which will conclude that portion
of the presentation.

Partial results of tne questionnaire
distributed to all campus fraternities
relating to their expected status dur-
ing the summer semester have been
tabulated with few unexpected re-
sults, Don Stevenson, '42, president
of the Interfraternity Council, an-
nounced yesterday.
The main hindrance to a complete
report. Stevenson added, is that al-
though the questionnaires were sent
out to all fraternities more than a
week ago, not all of the houses have
yet returned them
However, using the information
provided by a majority of the fra-
ternities who did return the question-
naime, the following results were an-

small number of freshmen are ex-
pected to enroll for the summer term.
Most of the houses were undecided
about keeping their kitchen open dur-
ing the summer, though of those
who gave a definitehanswer, more
believed they would than not.
Corrolated with the previous ques-
tion was one inquiring if fraternities
would be willing to "double up" pro-
vided it were necessary, and no rush-
ing was carried on. Most of the
houses were agreeable to this plan,
stressing, however, that they would
do so only if it was necessary.
Stevenson pointed out that general
results indicate a majority of the
houses will remain open during the
summer semester as fraternity houses,
counting on the present freshman
class to move in and replace to some

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