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February 12, 1942 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-02-12

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Deans Assert-
Plant Crowded
(Continued from Page 1)
most effective work. This problem is
annually becoming more acute."
Sehool of Forestry and Conserva-
tion-"Active replacement of the old
$uildings at Camp Filibert Roth must
be undertaken at once. The forestry
library continues to be badly over-
crowded, and laboratories and offices
only somewhat less so. A new, build-
ing is urgently needed to meet this
"Support of research on a scale
commensurate with its importance
continues to be one of the pressing
needs of the School. Other major
needs include the establishment of
fellowships and scholarships for out-
standing students and increased fa-
cilities for field work in the vicinity
of Ann Arbor."
Lack of a suitable armory, accord-
ing to the Department of Military
Science and Tactics, render the pres-
ent facilities "quite inadequate for
the most efficient conduct of ROTC
The University lecture by Dr.
William H. Weston, Jr., will be
presented at 4:15 p.m. Wednesday,
and not today as was erroneously
stated in yesterday's paper.
MISS ALLEN-Experienced typist.
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935.
VIOLA STEIN-Experienced legal
typist, also mimeographing. Notary
public. Phone 6327. 706 Oakland.
suits, overcoats, typewriters, musi-
cal instruments, ladies' furs, Per-
sian lamb, mink, watches, dia-
monds. Pay from $5 to $500.
Phone Sam, 3627. 229
MIMEOGRAPHING - Thesis bind-
ing. Brumfield and Brumfield, 308
S. State. 6C
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Company, phone
7112. 7c
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 2c
PERMANENTS, $3.00-$7.00. Sham-
poo and set, 65c all week Gingham
Girl Beauty Shop, 302 S. State.
Phone 2-4000.
LOST--A multicolored Waterman
eversharp with name Alvira Sata.
If found call 2-3225. Reward.
LOST-Man's wristwatch, red face;
Wednesday between downtown,
East Quad. Reward. Call 2-4591,
211 Prescott.
LOST-English, Bulldog; vicinity of
campus. Fawn brendel with white.
Blind in one eye. Call 8900, 903
Mary St. Reward. 240c
ONE VACANCY at 917 E. Huron,
across from the Rackham Build-

ing. Approved League House for
girls. 8671. 241c

Local Groups Issue Urgent Call
For More Student Blood Donors



* * *

* * *


* * *
Desperately in need of blood for the
wounded soldiers of our armed forces,
the Red Cross and the Student De-
fense Committee yesterday issued a
new and more urgent call fon student
Over one-half of the male students
recently indicated in the defense sur-
vey their willingness to donate blood
-yet only 40 of them showed up at
the Union yesterday to actually put
their name on the dotted line.
Appointments for donations may
be made any day from 1 to 5 p.m. in
the Union or the League, while the
blood will actually be given Feb. 17
and 18 under the direction of trained
physicians in the Women's Athletic
According to Alan Brandt, '44, in
charge of the drive, "The importance
of the drive has increased because al-
most all the available blood plasms
have been shipped by the Red Cross
for immediate use. It is, therefore,
up to us to replenish the dwindling
As persons under 21 must have
written permission from their par-
ents before they may make any do-
nations, they are urged to write for
such permission immediately.
Assurance has been given by Dr.
Warren E. Forsythe, director of the
Health Service, that the blood is ex-

v i


Panel Will Discuss
Conversion Of Auto
Industry To War
Conversion of the automobile in-
dustry to war production will be dis-
cussed at an AAUW sponsored panel
on "The Contribution of Manage-
ment and Labor to the Defense Ef-
fort" at 11:00 a.m. Saturday in the
Rackham Amphitheatre.
Members of the panel will be Prof.
Margaret Elliot of the economics de-
partment, Prof. John W. Riegel of
the School of Business Administra-
tion, Mr. Frank Rising, general man-
ager of the Automotive Parts Associa-
tion of Detroit, and Mr. Victor G.
Reuther, assistant coordinator of the
Defense Appointments Division of the
UAW and the CIO.
Because of the large number of
delegates from other cities who will
attend the State Workshop Meeting
to be held at 9:30 a.m. Saturday, at-
tendance at the panel will be limited
to AAUW members and invited
Measles Gives Ground -
Health Service Quieter

tracted painlessly and that only a few
minutes are required to complete the
entire operation.
Fielding H. Yost and Benny Oos-
terbaan were among the first to ap-
pear yesterday in response to the
plea for donors. They were followed
by five members of Michiguama, se-
nior honorary society. The number
of faculty members was proportion-
ately high, but it was hoped that
students would turn out in greater
force today and tomorrow.
Men's Houses'
Rating Rises
Fall Noted In Unapproved
Campus Residences
Disclosure that the number of
men's rooming houses unapproved
because of "poor living conditions"
fell from 64 to 4 during the 1940-41
school year was made recently in the
President's report to the Board of
Mrs. Esther C. Griffin, Inspector
of Men's Rooming Houses, reported
a decrease over the preceding year
of 120 in the number of houses in-
spected, and over 60 in the number
"Undoubtedly the erection of the
men's residence halls has been the
principal cause for these changes,"
she wrote, because, 1) many private
homes formerly used for housing
men students were demolished to
make room for the residence halls;
2) the need for private rooming
houses was less, and 3) the standard
set by the residence halls made nec-
essary an improvement in the living
conditions in many houses if they
were to meet the competition for
Pastor To Discuss
Post-War Peace
Proposing possible courses of action
in period following the war, Rev.
Harold P. Marley, pastor of the Uni-
tarian Church will speak on "Arm-
ing for Peace" before Hillel Founda-
tion's Fireside Discussion Group at
8:15 p.m. Friday.
The sociological and economic
impacts of the conflict will be
stressed and the possible remedies
for effects will be analyzed in the
discussion. Following Reverend Mar-
ley's talk a forum discussion will be
Regular conservative religious serv-
ices will precede the discussion at
7:45 p.m.
Foreign Analyst To Speak
Vera Micheles Dean, Research Di-
rector of the Foreign Policy Associa-
tion ,will lecture at 4:15 p.m. today
in the 'Rackham Auditorium. Mrs.
Dean, a noted writer and lecturer,
will speak on "Democracy's New Hor-
izon" under the auspices of the Mich-
igan Alumnae Club.
,e N

1' s

VOL. L1I. No. 93
Publication in the Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to ali
members of the University.
Registration for Selective Service:
1. Date of Registration, February
16. One day only.
2. Who Shall Register. All male stu-
dents born between the dates of Feb-
ruary 17, 1897 and December 31, 1921
inclusive. Anyone who fails to regis-.
ter must individually bear full re-
sponsibility for this failure.,
Individuals who have previously
registered for the Selective Service
Act do not reregister at this time. .-I
Foreign students must register and
give country of citizenship. Those
who have alien registration cards I
must give the number. Those who
have taken out first citizenship pa-
pers only are not citizens of the Unit-
ed States.
Students whose permanent home
addresses are in Ann Arbor, members
of the faculty, administrative staff,
or other university employees within
the age limits should register in the
city at their regular polling places.
They should not register in the Uni-
versity as our machinery is authorized
to handle only students from outside
Ann Arbor who cannot get home for
registration. I
Members of the federally recognized
active national guard; officers reserve
corps; regular army reserve; enlisted
reserve corps; and members of the
advanced corps, seior *division,
ROTC, are exempt from registration.
3. Place of Registration. Please
register according to the school in
which you are enrolled, as follows:
L.S.A.: Alumni Memorial Hall.
Engineering School: 348 West En-
gineering Building.
Medical School: Recorder's Office.
College of Pharmacy: 250 Chemis-
try Building.
School of Dentistry: Exhibit Room,
Kellogg Institute.
School of Education: 1431 Univer-
sity Elementary School.
College of Architecture: Library,
Architecture Building.
Law School, School of Business Ad-
ministration, School of Forestry and
Conservation, School of Music, Grad-
uate School, School of Public Health:
Students in these six Units will reg-
ister in 116 Hutchins Hall.
4. Time of Registration: Registra-
tion offices will be open at 7 a.m. and
will not close until 9 p.m. Since reg-
istration is being handled by volun-
tary workers who receive no pay, stu-
dents are requested whenever pos-
sible to register between the hours of
eight and five in order that a mini-
mum staff may take care of other

hours. Please register at the earliest
possible moment.1
5. Registration Certificate: Each,
registrant will be given a registra-
tion certificate which he should carry
at all times, "as he may be required
to show it from time to time."
Change of Address After Registra-
tion: Each student who changes his
address at any time after registration
should address a communication to'
the Selective Service Board in his
home city indicating his new address.
This is the individual student's re-
sponsibility and cannot be borne or1
shared by anyone.
Robt. L. Williams
Change in Telephone Numbers: As
a result of the formation of the War
Board, the telephone number of Miss
Edith Smith, Budget Assistant, has
been changed to 2197. The War
Board telephone numbers are 2143
(Professor Heneman. Executive Direc-
tor) and 2196 (Mr. Tibbitts, Secre-
tary). Please save delays by observ-
ing the above changes.
Campus Mail: The campus mes-
senger service is receiving from cam-
pus offices a large quantity of mail
with insufficient, and in some cases
illegible, addresses. Obviously, this
not only delays delivery of the poor-
ly addressed mail but also all other
mail, as directories must be consult-
ed by the messengers. With frequent
changes in personnel the problem has
become increasingly difficult. The
cooperation of everyone toward the
elimination of this problem is solicit-
To the Members of the University
Senate: At the meeting of. the Uni-
versity Council on Feb. 9 it was an-
nounced that the following commit-
tee had beenappointed by the Presi-
dent to supervise all relations of the
University with Latin America:
J. R. Nelson, Chairman
L. T. Coggeshall
R. B. Hall
L. A. Hopkins
D. M. Phelps
R. Schorling
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary
University Council
Mr. W. H. Price, Forester for the
Weyerhauser Timber Company at Ta-
coma, Washington, will present an il-
lustrated lecture on "Forestry and the
Lumber Industry" at an assembly of
the School of Forestry and Conser-
vation at 4:15 p.m. on Friday, Feb-
ruary 13, in the Natural Science Aud-
itorium. All students in the School
of Forestry and Conservation are ex-
pected to attend, and field and lab-
oratory sessions will be concluded at
4:00 p.m. to enable them to do so.


Any others interested are cordailly
J-Hop: Those who failed to secure
their J-Hop programs may do so by
bringing their .Hop tickets to Room
2, University Hall during the current
A number of articles were found in
the Intramural Building, and may be
redeemed by the owners at Room 2,
University Hall.
W. B. Rea,
Auditor of Student Organizations.
Application Forms for Fellowships'
and Scholarships in the Graduate
School of the University for the year
1942-1943 may be obtained from the
Office of the Graduate School
throughout this week. All applica-
tions mustbe returned to that Office
by Saturday, February 14, and will
not be accepted after that date.
C. S. Yoakum
Dentistry and the Navy: According
to recent advices from the Surgeon
General of the United States Navy,
students in arts colleges who have
been accepted for admission to the
study of dentistry and all students
in dental schools are eligible for ap-
pointment in the United States Naval
Reserve, Class H-V (P), provided
they meet the physical and other re-
quirements for such appointment. All
students who are accepted will be
given provisional commissions and
will not be taken for active duty un-
til after they have completed their
prescribed dental studies. These com-
missioned students are not subject to
call by their Selective Service Boards.
Lieutenant Commander Hague will
speak in the Auditorium of the Kel-
logg Foundation Institute in the Den-
tal Building on Friday, Feb. 13, at
4:30 p.m. All predental students and
all dental students and any others
who are interested in the study of
dentistry leading to commissions in
the Navy are requested to be present.
Lieutenant Commander Hague will

explain this new ruling and will give
detailed information at that time.
Victory Book Campaign: Students
and members of the University fac-
ulties are invited to contribute books
for use in military camps, defense
areas, and on ships of the navy and
the merchant marine on Thursday,
Friday, and Saturday, February 1.2,
13, 14. Books wil be received at col-
legiate and departmental libraries on
the campus, and may also be de-
posited in boxes provided at the
Michigan League, the Michigan Un-
ion, the Engineering Arch, etc. Up-
to-date technical books, history, bio-
graphy, economics, and the like, as
well as fiction, will be useful. Con-
tributions for the purchase of books
may be sent to 210 Library.
Warner G. Rice
Seniors, Juniors, Sophomores, Ap-
plicants for Commissions in United
States Marine Corps. Second Lieu-
tenant W. L. Batchelor, United States
Marine Corps, will be at the Naval
R.O.T.C. office (North Hall) at 9:00
this morning for the purpose of in-
terviewing applicants from the Uni-
versity of Michigan for entrance to
the United States Marine Corps Can-
didates School for Commission and
will be available for such interviews
through today.
Seniors, Juniors, and Sophomores
are eligible for such commissions.
Applicants must pass required physi-
cal examination and meet certain
other qualifications.
All those interested should per-
sonally visit the Naval R.O.T.C. office
today between hours 9:00-12:00 a.m.
and 1:30-4:30 p.m. for further infor-
mation and interview.
Male students in good physical
condition and free from hernia, heart
trouble, or other weakness which
would interfere with hard work, are
wanted for various patrol and labor
positions on western National Forests
from June 1 to October 1. While
Forestry and pre-forestry students
(Continued on Page 4)

WEEK DAY SHOWS at 2-4-7-9 P.M.

NOW! Stortina Today -

The epidemic of German measles
which has been roaming the cam-
pus almost steadily since Christ-
mas vacation shows some slight
signs of decreasing.
Ten students were admitted to-
day as compared with the larger
number Sunday and Monday. All
available space in the Health Serv-
ice is being utilized with forty pa-
tients hospitalized. Numerous
others have been confined to their
rooms and those living within close
distance have been sent home.
The Health Service has reported
a total of over 150 patients suffer-
ing from the highly contagious dis-
ease which lasts only three days
but takes from two to three weeks
to develop. The symptoms are
much like those of an ordinary cold
accompanied by fever and frequent
bumps on the back of the head.

now brings you a dozen
Back in 1921, one could call an electric bill a
"light bill" with some degree of accuracy. Most
homes in those days used electricity chiefly for
lighting. But today a "light bill" covers a mul-
titude of home appliances!
Today your "light bill" might represent the
services of dozens of electrical household aids:
electric refrigeration, washing, ironing, vacuum
cleaning, radio, toaster, percolator, food mixer,
clocks, electric shaver. In many homes it also
includes electric cooking, dishwashing, furnace
fan or oil burner, attic fan, kitchen fan, heating
pad, sewing machine, teakettle, waffle iron,
sunlamp, bathroom heater, etc. - as many as
fifty electrical servants.
Tomorrow's uses of electricity are bounded
only by the limits of man's ingenuity. Mean-
while we are devoting all our efforts to furnish-
ing better electric service at lower cost. The
average price per kilowatthour paid by our
average residence customer today is 46 per cent
less than in 1921.


Grinnell Bros.
323 South Main Street
Phone 7312 Open Evenings

Now Showing

Thousands of improvements, big and little, developed
over a period of years, have made it possible to
reduce our residence rate voluntarily five times in
the last 20 .years. By thinking up new and better
ways of doing things at lower cost, and passing these
savings on to the customer, we have benefited both
the customer and ourselves. This is the way of prog-
ress. The Detroit Edison Company.

InskM f I

Extra Added


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