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March 11, 1942 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-03-11

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ziAR U I_ i tl1y44

d adagascar---
(Continued from Page 1)
ported maneuvers aimed at the island
flanking the east coast of Africa, the
Tmkish radio said today that six
li t naval units of the Vichy French
fleet had been dispatched from Dakar
to Madagascar.
This reported Vichy -gesture came
in the midst of discussion in unoffi-
cial London quarters on the possibil-
ity that Allied troops might soon
move on Madagascar with the intent
of beating the Axis to the jump in
cider 'to hold the western Indian
Ocean from the enemy which ,has
sealed its eastern end with the con-
quest of Malaya and the Indies.
The presence of a Japanese mission
on the island--the world's fourth
largest-was considered particularly
significant in view of Vichy's yielding
attitude regarding French Indo-
China which set the springboard for
thae whole Pacific holocaust.
Nelson Sounds
Production Call
(Continued from Page 1)
capacity and the third shifts using
only 20 per -cent.
"This, as you can readily under-
stand, means that thousands of ma-
clhines needed for war production
now stand idle part or all of every
weekend and from eight to 16 hours
e eiy day. And, I might add, idle
tools work for -Hitler."
Nelson named as two industries
having considerable unused facilities
the 31 aircraft engine and propeller
plants and the 153 plants manufac-
t^ring machine tools.
'If all the facilities of the aircraft
engine and propeller plants were
utilized to the same extent as the
three with the best records, the total
output of the industry could be
boosted 25 per cent, Nelson esti-
mated. And if all 153 machine tool
plihts were operating at the same
itil42ation level as the best three,
fie could increase machine tool ot-
ptit 45 per cent immediately."
PUtE On DUse
WASHINGTON, March 30.-()-
The :government imposed a price cei-
ling today on used tires and tubes,
effective after March 16, -in answer
to wide spread complaints of 'price
The order uses prices existing be-
tween Oct. 1 and Oct. 15 as a guide
In establishing the ceilings. It also
sets up a complex schedule of prices
based on the size and condition of
the used tires. It affects tires for
both passenger cars and trucks.
Price Administrator Leon Hender-
Jon said the ceiling was intended to
maintain- reasonable prices in "the
only remaining market for tires and
tubes open to the ordinary citizen
who cannot satisfy rationing regula-
,ion requirements for purchase of
bew or retreaded tires."
Dealers in many instances, he as-
nerted, had seized upon the rubber
shortage to sell used tires at prices
considerably higher than the maxi-
mum prices allowed for new tires.
Passenger car tires are divided into
these four categories, based on the
amount of wear evident:
1. Tires which retain 7/32's of an
inch or more of tread design depth.
2. Tires retaining more than 3/32's
of an inch but less than 7/32's of an

inch of tread design depth.
3. Tires that have been regrooved
or which retain 3/32's of an inch or
less of tread design depth.
4. Tires worn smooth but usable as
carcasses for retreading or recapping.

Seven -
In News Bits
Rie gel Speaks Today
Manning of war industries and the
change in the cost of living will be
discussed by Prof. John W. Riegel of
the School of Business Administra-
tion in a lecture on "Labor and the
War," to be addressed to the Ameri-
can Association of University Wom-
en at 3:30 today in the Hussey Room
of the League.
The talk will follow the regular
meeting of the Ann Arbor branch of
the AAUW, which is scheduled for
3:00. An exhibit on consumers'
.Problems is being held in the con-
Greene House Week
Guests this week in the Union's
new Dormitory Cooperation project
are the freshmen of Greene House.
Special privileges in the use of the
Union's facilities will be extended to
these men. Today the billiard room
will be available at half price from
11 a.m. until 5-p.m.
Tomorrow and Friday the swim-
ming pool may be used from 11 a.m.t
to 7:30 p.m. for five cents. This
same offer is good any night after
10 p.m.
Faculty Men At Meeting
Eight members of the faculty of
the School of Dentistry will attend
two meetings from March 23 through
March 29 in New York City.
The American Association of Den-
tal Schools will hold a conference
beginning March 23 and running un-
til March 26. Following that meet-
ing, the sessions of the International
Association of Dental Research will
take place March 28 and 29.
Dean Russell W. Bunting, Dr. Paul
H. Jeserich, Dr. John W. Kemper,
Dr. Oliver C. Applegate, Dr. Ken-
neth A. Easlick, Dr. Floyd A. Peyton,
Dr. Philip Jay and Dr. Marcus L.
Ward, all of the dental school, are
planning to attend.
Alumni Pledge Loans
Last Monday night, at their Annu-
al Banquet, the University of Michi-
gan Alumni Club of Mt. Clemens
entered the Michigan Alumni Asso-
ciation's Ten-Year Scholarship Pro-
A Loan Fund was established for
the -benefit of Michigan students
from Macomb County. The funds
for the project, to be raised over a
period of years, will be the Club's
gift to the University.
* * *
At the Annual Meeting of Class
Officers of the Council of the Alum-
ni Association, held last Friday -at
the Horace H. Rackham Memorial
Building in Detroit, Charles Del-
bridge, '91, was elected to the Na-
tional Board of the Alumni Associa-
* * *
"Music Among the Greeks and
Romans," an illustrated lecture with
original arrangements on the violin
and piano, will be presented at 7:30
p.m. tomorrow by Prof. Bruno Mein-
ecke in the West Lecture room of the
Rackham Building.
Exhibit Of City Planning
On Display At Art School
An exhibit of city planning in and
about Detroit, consisting of plans,

perspectives and detailed models of
highway, street and housing projects,
has been prepared by the Detroit
City Planning Commission and is
now on display at the exhibition hall
of the College of Architecture and

'Ann Arbor Slelter' For'Blitz Babies

Language Play,
To Be [LV d1fled'
By Cosiiimiig
Spanish Club Names Four
Student 'Committees
For P roduetion

War Governs
C7 etTrend.

Sj an ish,
Fr c h

German Classes
Great Increase -
Courses Drop

Cornwall . 100-Year-Old Retreat

Prof. Nelson Provides Refuge
For Homeless British Children.

Thirty-three English boys and
girls, all "under fives," now live in
gabled, 16-room Trevince House,
Redruth, Cornwall, the ancestral
home of Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson, di-
rector of International Center.
These "blitz babies" are here be-
cause their homes have been targets
Defense Chain
Letters Draw
P ..Rejeetio.

for "direct hits" or because they
have temporarily been orphaned,
with fathers away in the service and
mothers employed all day long in
defense industries. And some, like
little Anthony Smith, aged two, were
"picked up in the street after a blitz
and no relatives have ever been
It was an odd coincidence when
this 100-year-old nursery retreat,
known as the "Ann Arbor Shelter,"
since local funds contributed through
the American Save the Children Fed-
eration are maintaining it, was re-
vealed as the family home of Profes-
sor Nelson.
A 'life-long dream was realized by
Professor Nelson shortly after the
last World War when he journeyed
to Cornwall with his wife and son
and saw for the first time the birth-
. nir f hic mth r-Trevine House.

Enrollment figures in the various
Vivid boleros and sashes will cre- modern European languages taught
ate a typical "Spanish air" in the in the University have undergone
costuming for "La Independencia," considerable fluctuation since the en-
try of the United States in the war,
La Sociedad Hispanica's annual all- with increases marked up for Span-
Spanish play to be presented at 8:15 ish and German and a noticeable
p.m., Tuesday in Lydia Mendelssohn decrease shown in French attend-
Theatre. ance.
The play will be costumed as of New interest in Spanish, parallel-
the early 19th century in Spain, an- ing hemispheric policies, has brought
the enrollment in Spanish classes up
nounced Dr. Charles Staubach of to 1.118, 'representing a gain of 264
the Spanish department. Much of or 31 percent over the second semes-
the exuberance of the comedy will ter of last year.
depend on the colorful garb of the French Registration Falls
peasants and soldiers who make up Along with this change has come
a corresponding fall in the French
the mob scenes. registration, which was decreased by
Helping La Sociedad Hispanica in 149 students since last year, 15 per-
collecting the many properties neces- cent of the previous enrollment, and
sary are students of Play Production now has a total of 830 students.
and The Children's Theatre. Student Although Portuguese is spoken ex-
committees taking care of the tech- tensively in Latin America, only a
nicalities of production have been small registration was recorded in
named as follows: properties, Donald this language. However, the courses
Mela, Jane Restin, '43; costumes, will continue to be offered. Italian,
Carmelita Rosasco, '42, Lila Sanchez, also, has only a small enrollment.
'43, Laura Wingo, Grad., Florence Accounting for a considerable part
Rowe, '43; stage and scenery, Law- of the gain noted in the romance
rence Aronsson, '43, Joseph Lefkof- languages, the so-called "war"
sky, '45, Eric Zalenski, '44; make-up, courses in French, Spanish and Ital-
Virginia Appleton, '42Ed. ian have all been well received by
Rehearsals are being held for sev- advanced students of languages.
eral hours every day, and La Socie- Increased Interest In German
dad promises that "La Independen- One of the most noteworthy
cia" will be "the biggest and best" changes, in relation to both the last
production in its history. Parts are year and the last war, has come
still open for the mob scenes and about in the Department of German,
for production workers; all those which now has the second largest
students interested in participating registration among modern European
should see Dr. Staubach very soon. languages, 909, representing an in-
crease of almost 14 percent over the
" second semester of last year.
Technic S mi f F o s S While elementary German courses
show only little gain, the more ad-
J. V JWith New vanced groups have a larger enroll-
d " w. ment, and about 50 percent more
~e t ek g German concentrates have registered
this semester.
Old man weather slipped in a The most conspicuous part of the
double-cross and as a result the increase, according to Prof. Henry
W. Nordmeyer, chairman of the De-
flashing electric sign over the Union partment of German, has come about
steps, advertising the annual Slide in courses in scientific German and
Rule Ball, to be held March 27 in in the "war" courses, two of which
the Union ballroom, is going to have ! have been newly introduced. But
its face lifted. l also the other junior and senior
courses, and notably the graduate
Originally made of cardboard-the sections, he stated, are full.
Technic staff designers were under
the impression that the only pre-
cipitation would be snow-the sign
was forced to retreat victoriously in Brigt Sud Rei-e
the recent rain, and is now but a a
sad-looking replica of its former
self. (By The Associated Press)


Say Offenders
To Prosecution,
Lottery Statutes


In response to numerous telephone

calls and inquiries as to the legaiy pae oii - o i e
of defense stamp chain letters eur- about which so many stories had
rently circulating through the mail, been told.
the answer, according to post office His Mother's Home
authorities, is a very definite no. There, his mother, then a small
Orders to clamp down on such let- girl, played, "probably swinging on
ters have been received by ,11 post the white gates or picking snails
offices, and offenders will be dealt from the garden walk." In the same
with by existing fraud and lottery spot, practically unaltered by time,
statutes. Not only will all such mail the 33 war babies stroll with their
be withheld from delivery, if dis- "nannies."
covered, but the senders are liable to "The house is fine for its present
a $1,000 fine, two years imprisonment use," Professor Nelson said, "for the
or both.a-ise in the fact tha extensive grounds, the conservatory
conscientious citizens with patriotic with fruit under glass and the house
motives are taken in by these letters set way back faygro d for young
thinking they are sponsored- by the i an e nt r
government. Some of the letters, children."
postal authorities say, have claimed And this is not the first time that
to be authorized by the Government. I a Nelson familv home has been
As with most chain letters,' the turned into a children's shelter, for
trouble arises, not so much from the in the last World War Belgian refu-
workings of the process, but from the gee children were housed in 125-
fact that certain persons have "in- year-old Gweallantop, built by Pro-
terrupted the chain," and very few , fessor Nelson's great-uncle Josepl
of the signers receive any benefits. I Jewell, in the same village.
In this case, the stamps are turned, - $120 For Each Child.
in by the first people who receive It costs $120, with the British gov-
them, thus' not only breaking the ernment making up the deficit, tc
chain but depriving the government support an "under five" at Trevince
of any of the results which the for one year. To date, $1,500 has
stamps, if saved, would bring, been contributed through the SCF to
- -___the Ann Arbor Shelter, collaborating
with a sister branch in England, and
M iehiganboth divisions of the International
Save the Children at Geneva, organ-
MILITARY MEN ized at the close of World War I.
The local SCF group, founded last
By The Gunner spring, under the co-chairmanshi:
of Mrs. Edward W. Blakeman and
Mrs. Preston W. Slosson, offers un-
Capt. Otto H. Donner, '34, is re- usual opportunities for service to the
ported among those fighting on Ba- cause. A sorority, church group, pub-
taan Peninsula. Stationed with an lic school-any local organization, 01
American-Filipino company, he was individual may "adopt" one of the
last reported on the island of Cebu, children of Trevince, by giving $120
south of Luzon. At the time of the to SCF.
Japanese attack he was on Mindinao "The "godparent" then receives a
Island, where he had been sent to en- description and picture of the child-
list and train Filipinos. plus the knowledge that the war-
:1. j: orphan will be safe and have ade-
Dr. Kyril B. Conger, '33, '36M, quate food, clothing and medical
of the University urological surg- care for the year.



Consequently, repairs are in order,
and Technic staff designers now pre-
dict confidently that the result will
be so substantial that it will be used
to advertise other Slide Rule Balls
for generations to come.
Probably unnoticed except by the
more Sherlock Holmes-like campus
goers and comers, the sign not only
barks for the Ball, but it also V's for
Victory, as. the lighting system has
been designed to flash three shorts
and a long.
Chief electrician for the impres-
sive structure was Kenneth Moehl,
'43E, assisted byaJacks-of-all-trades
George Snow, '44E, and Sid Shell,
'43E. Bill Koffel, '42E, turned in the
lettering work. Ball tickets will be
placed on sale to engineers at 1 p.m.
Thursday in the lobby of the East
Engineering Building. Engineering
identification cards must be present-
ed by prospective customers.
Daily 2-4-7-9 P.M.

Rising temperatures and a bright
sun brought surcease Tuesday from a 'ROYA L DE UT h
week-end cold wave, but a dozen PIPES
communities in Michigan remained
cut off from long distance telephone
service as a result of sleet and snow
squalls, drifted snow still blocked
many main highways.
The State Highway Department
characterized the 48-hour March
storm as the most demoralizing to $35
travel within the memory of present : .-
maintenance employes. Every high-
way traversing' the state from north i1 i
to south was blocked at some point
alongdits length, the department re- Write for chart picturing
ported. 18 beautiful styles.
Snow - fighting equipment was it describes advantageso
rushed from the southeastern coun- MAREOSPATENTED F
ties, which escaped the brunt of the MARVELOUS PATENTED FLTEK
storm, to southwestern Michigan. Win. Demuth & Co., Inc., N.Y.C.


University Musk House


I/ fC oi v

ery department, has been called to
active duty with the Army Medical
Corps. He is stationed at Ran-
dolph Field, Texas.
Together with the word that Lieut.
George A. Graves, '37E, a Marine
Corps' pilot, died in the Hawiian Is-
lands, comes word that his wife has
given birth to a son. Mrs. Graves
has only recently returned from
Hawaii, as she had accompanied him
when he was stationed there.
Miller To Address Club
Col. H. W. Miller, of the engineering
drawing department, will be guest
speaker before the ninth annual
meeting of the Propeller Club of the
Port of Detroit at 6:30 p.m. today.
He will speak on "Our Newest Tools
of War."

__ 1





Voices of Spring, (Waltz) J. Strauss.
Boston Sym. Orch.
Victor 6903 ................ $1.05
'osenkavalier Waltzes, R. Strauss
Ormandy=Phil. Orch.
Victor 18390................$1.05
Album of Strauss Waltzes
Boston "Pop" Orch.
Victor DM 445 ............ $5.54
Brahms Symphony No. 1, C minor
Toscanni's 75th Anniversary
Abum-Victor nD M875 $ 5:A0

Ode to Spring
I Went Out of My Way
Teddy Powell-BB11153

. 37C

The Story of a Starry Night
Glenn Miller-BB11462 .

Ido -

Somebody Nobody Loves
Let's Give Love a Chance
B. Goodman-Okeh 6562
Waltz Tixne In Vienna
Al Goodman's Orch.
Columbia Album C-17 .... .

97 .


--- 37c


Ia n



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