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March 11, 1942 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-03-11

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4a i4



Vichy 'Trade' Climaxes
U.S. Appeasement..



Senate Scraps
Spring Parley
For Post-War
Council's Plan
Influential Organizations
Join New Movement;
Faculty Advisory Body
Is Headed By Ruthven
Huge April Meeting
To Begin Pro gram
The Spring Parley, a six-year old
tradition, went the way of silk stock-
ings and pleasure car tires last night
as the Student Senate voted 13-6 to
abandon Its own annual discussion
forum and back an all-campus pro-
gram proposed by the Michigan Post-
War Council.
In approving this plan for bringing
post-war questions to the forum of
student opinion, senators joined a
fast-growing list of major campus
organizations and University author-
ities who have already registered
their support.
Student Support
Student groups represented on the
council's executive committee now
include the Senate, Congress, Inter-
cooperative Council, The Daily, In-
terfraternity Council, Panhellenic
Council, and the Student League of
The Council's advisory committee
in its present form is composed of
President Alexander Ruthven, Prof.
Harlow J. Heneman of the War
Board, Prof. Arthur Smithies of the
economics department and Prof.
James J. Pollock of the Department1
of Political Science.
Proposed by Don O'Connor, '42, the3
parley-killing resolution met little

Figures In New Navy Streamlining

British Escape Jap Burma Trap
In Drive To Merge With hinese;


Primes For Spring Attacks



This picture was taken on the steps of the White House after a con-
ference at which Admiral Ernest J. King, Commander-in-Chief of the
United States Fleet (left), was named Chief of Naval Operations.
Admiral Harold R. Stark, (right) received a new post, that of Com-
mander of U.S. Naval forces operating in European waters. Between
them is Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox.
24-Hour Day, Seven-Day Week
ould Double Output -INelson

Declares Fullest Utilization
Of Productive Capacity
Is Needed For Victory
WASHINGTON, March 10.-RP)-
Donald M. Nelson declared tonight
that this country's output of military
supplies could be doubled if all exist-
ing war production machinery were
used 24 hours a day, seven days a
Unless production is brought to
victorious levels, the War Production
Board chairman warned in an ad-
dress to the nation, neither manage-
ment nor labor "could survive the
public wrath should that wrath be
turned against them; nor could we
here on the War Production Board."
Nelson said he had become con-

All members of the Student Sen-
ate planning to attend the Senate
luncheon at 12:30 p.m. Saturday
in the Union should inform Secre-
tary Martha Kinsey.
opposition on the Senate .floor.,
O'Connor stressed the need for stimu-
lating discussion on post war issues
because "there is little difficulty in
creating interest in more immediate
"This council is a permanent or-
ganization to give students a ineans
of complete expression on the most
important thing they'll ever face-
the problem of attaining a decent
post-war world order," O'Connor de-
- As~butlined at last night's session,
the Post War Council's plan calls for
a huge all-campus meeting during
the second or third week of next
month. Outstanding men in labor,
agriculture, business and govern-
ment will take part in this program.
Speakers Bureau Approved
The Student Senate also voted
unanimous support to the plan of
Senator Max Pearce, '43, initiator of
the proposed "speakers' bureau."
Yesterday's vote authorized represen-
tatives of speech classes to select
This move is aimed at fulfilling
the need of local civic groups for
lecturers, and would also make for
closer relations between the Univer-
sity and local communities, accord-
ing to Pearce.
Before adjourning its weekly ses-
sion, the Senate heard a proposal for
election procedure revision brought
up by Harold Klein, '42. Klein out-
lined a plan for adjusting the Sen-
ate to a three-semester basis and
also advocated changes in election
count methods.
Elliott Will Discuss
Students' Situation
In Areas Of War
"Students in War Areas" will be
discussed by Roland Elliott, executive
secretary of the National Council,
Student Christian Associations, at
7:30 p.m. Saturday in the Rackham
Building in the third Student Relig-
ious Association lecture.
Mr. Elliott recently returned 'from
a trip to Europe, undertaken in re-
sponse to a cabled invitation from
people wno are working against odds
for student relief in countries domi-
nated by Germany.
From his European study, he has
reported an increasing lack of confi-
dente in Hitler, "whose policy of re-
prisals have outraged the army."
Mr. Elliott discovered two points

Basis Avoids
Aptitude Test,
Countering a Chicago educator'sJ
recent prediction, University authori-
ties regstered their conviction yester-
day that "Michigan is not among
those colleges and universities ready
to change their entrance require-
ments so that aptitude, rather than
secondary school grades, may be con-
sidered 'the most important factor' hl
Dr. William E. Scott, assistant
Dean of Students at the University
of Chicago, asserted Sunday that
"most American colleges are ready
to make the change," in accord with
recommendations made after an
eight-year study by the Commission
on the Relation of School and Col-
Dean Erich A. Walter, acknowledg-
ing his hope that funds would per -
mit fuller investigation and use of
aptitude findings, nevertheless de-
"The high school, when it offers
the traditional curriculum and when
it is staffed with capable teachers,
remains a sound proving-ground for
entrance to the University.
"In preparing for such professions
as medicine it is absolutely essential
for the student to bring to the Uni-
versity a strong foundation in math-
ematics. To postpone such a prepar-
ation until he arrives in the Univer-
sity may well mean a loss of valuable
time, even when the student shows
a marked aptitude for the profes-
Dean Walter expressed his belief
that "the four-year preparatory cur-
riculum, as it is offered by stronger
high schools throughout the country,
gives the student a beneficial disci-
pline, easing his adjustment to the
work-load he must assume at col-
Craig Will Lecture
On Philipp i Film
Capt. John D. Craig's complete
documentary film of the Philippines
caused little fuss when it was pro-

vinced of the depth of the public de-
mand for all-out production from a
flood of telegrams and letters re-
ceived after his broadcast last week
demanding a 25 per cent production
upturn. Tonight's second address was
prepared for broadcast over the Mu-
tual Network.
The production chief mentioned
two ways of arriving at the necessary
production level "the American way"
and "the way of bondage, of force."
"If, therefore, we are to achieve
victory for the ideals we free men
have always loved," he continued,
"then we on the production lines
must abandon every other considera-
tion except increasing production and
increasing it every day. If we fail in
that, we -shall',burn in the flanes o
a public wrath so intense that in
its heat it might consume the very
standards we have set for free men to
live by."
"When I say we can increase pro-
duction substantially by greater use
of existing machinery," the WPB
chairman said, "I am thinking of the
20 per cent of war plants operating
only 5 or 51 days a week. I am
thinking of the many plants closed
Sundays. I have in mind the second
shifts using only 40 per cent of plant
Turn To Page 2, Col. 1
Old 'Majestic'
To Close Soon
The Majestic, at one time the fin-
est theatre in the city, will close its
doors for an indefinite length of time
following the 9 p.m. show Tuesday.
Giving way to the new, ultra-mod-
ern State Theatre which opens on
the following day, the Majestic brings
to an end a 34-year life characterized
by some of the greatest stage and
screen attractions of all time.
Just how long the theatre will re-
main closed has not been decided, ac-
cording to Larry Mull, manager of
both the Majestic and the State. If
some way of making it conform to
Ann Arbor building regulations can
be found it may be opened in the
near future.
The grand opening of the State
brings to a close the long fight
against priority and construction dif-
It is not yet known what will be
the first picture in the new theatre.

Hitler Changes Strategy
To Russian Offensive
As Reservists Get Call
Sub Sinks Tanker
Off New Jersey
LONDON, March 10.-(IP)-Haunt-
ed by the muddy spectre of spring
thaws and fearful that a Soviet push
from Leningrad might penetrate Ger-
man soil, Adolf Hitler was reported
today to be calling up his ultimate
reserves for an all-or-nothing offen-
sive in Russia as soon as possible.
(An Associated Press dispatch
from Bern, Switzerland, late last
night stated that a German mobili-
zation of the entire Axis manpower
for a gigantic spring offensive was
under way.
(In Germany itself, virtually all
men able to carry arms are already
in the army, but the recent visit of
Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel to
Hungary and Slovakia is beginning
to bear results in the form of ap-
proximately 1,500,000 troops.)
Reliable sources described as "al-
most certainly accurate" confidential
advices that the Nazi Fuehrer had
abandoned earlier plans for a de-
fensive campaign in the North while
concentrating on a big drive in the
Instead, they said, he evidently had
determined on attacking all along the
This was said to be due to his fear
that defeat of a defensive force on
the Leningrad front would let the
Red Army into the Baltic states, be-
hind the German Army and with a
clear path to invade Germany itself.
Red Army successes around Star-
aya Russa and a weakening of the
Finnish jforces were- said to have
raised this fear.
A dispatch from a Swedish corre-
spondent in Berlin said that early
thaws in the south already had bog-
ged down the fighting on the Kerch
Peninsula and in the Donets Basin.
Tanker Sunk
Off New Jersey
NEW YORK, March 10.-()-An
Axis submarine torpedoed the 6,766-
ton Gulf oil tanker Gulftrade at
12:40 a.m. today only a few miles off
Barnegat, N.. J., in the closest ap-
proach undersea raiders have yet
made to the eastern American coast.
Survivors were reported to have
landed at New York City.
Third Naval District Headquarters,
announcing the sinking, said 16 of
the 35-man crew were rescued by
coast guard boats and landed at
Tompkinsville, Staten Island.
The Navy said the torpedo split the
22-year-old tanker in two, 60 miles
from New York City. She was bound,
fully loaded, from a southern port
to New York.
Capt. Torger Olsen, 56, of Port Ar-
thur, Tex., a survivor, said all the
crew members left the ship safely
and that the missing men were in two
lifeboats which were carried away by
high waves.
''After we got as far as Barnegat
we thought we were safe," Olsen said.
"A few minutes before we were struck
we saw two ships ahead of us. In
order to avoid a collision I ordered
the running lights to be put on. We
were torpedoed while the lights were

Japan's Atrocities In Hongkong
Indicted By British Government
Helpless Civilians Brutally Attacked By Jap Invaders
In Outrages ComparableToNanking Infamies
By WILLIAM B. KING tants slain during the burning and
LONDON, March 10. -P) - The pillage of the Chinese city.)
British government indicted Japan All the garrison survivors (by Jap-
today for barbarities at Hongkong anese count 5,072 British; 1.689 Can-
paralleling those which shocked the adian; 3,829 Indian and 357 others)
world during the 1937 sack of Nan- were herded into a camp of wrecked
king, and accused the occupying huts without doors, windows, light or
forces of such outrages as the bayo- sanitation, and by the end of Janu-
neting of 50 helplessly bound officers ary there were 150 cases of dysentery,
and soldiers and the indiscriminate but no drugs or medical facilities, and
rape and murder of Asiatic and Eur- the dead had to be buried in a cor-
opean women. ner of the camp.
Anthony Eden, the foreign secre- Japs Are 'Callous'
tary, told the House of Commons the "The Japanese guards are utterly
charges were based on statements of callous and the repeated requests of
reliable eyewitnesses who escaped General Maltby, the general officer
from Hongkong after the island commanding, for an interview with
crown colony and its garrison of Brit- the ,Japanese commander have been
ish and Empire troops capitulated curtly refused. This presumably
last Christmas day. They were with- means that the Japanese high com-
held out of regard for the victims' mand have connived at the conduct
relatives until they were "confirmed of their forces.-
beyond any possibility of doubt," he Civilian European residents, some
said. of them seriously ill, have been in-
All Japs To Blame terned and fed on a little rice, water
Now, Eden assured the nation, the and food scraps.
"widest publicity in all languages will
be given to these atrocities." In reply Scenc -T'alk
to a question, he agreed emphatically *
that responsibility for the outrages
lies at the door of not only the troops W
themselves but also "the Emperor, W ill Be Given
the Government and the whole Japa- -g eg
nese people." o
"I am sorry," he said, "that I have
had to make such a statement
Two things will be clear from it, to Technical Developments
the House, to the country and to the
world. The Japanese claim that their willBe, a in Theme
forces are animated by a lofty code For Annual Conclave
of chivalry-'bushido'-is a nause-
ating hypocrisy. That is the first. More than 300 lectures on recent
The second is that the enemy must developments in nearly every field of
be defeated.... scientific and academic achievement
Fifty Bayoneted will be delivered here Friday and
In brief Eden's indictment includ- Saturday when several hundred edu-
ed these counts: cators gather at the 47th annual
Fifty British military prisoners, of- meeting of the Michigan Academy of
ficers and men, "were bound hand Science, Arts and Letters.
and foot and then bayoneted to The meeting is to be divided into
death." 17 sections, most of which will con-
"It is known that women, both Asi- vene at 9 a.m. Friday and continue
atic and European, were raped and throughout the day, reconvening ear-
murdered and that one entire Chi- ly Saturday morning.
nese district was declared a brothel Fields of academic endeavor which
regardless of the status of the in- will be represented by section meet-
habitants." (The same thing hap- ings include anthropology, botany,
pened at Nanking, where thousands economics, fine arts, folklore, fores-
of women were outraged and killed try, geography and geology and min-
and other thousands of the inhabi- erology.
The list continues with history and
political science, landscape architec,
Selectees To Face ture, language and literature, mathe-
matics, philosophy, sanitary and
SpeedyI nduct iomedical science, sociology and zool-
LANSING, March 10. - ( ) Two general addresses are also
Draftees called to induction cen- scheduled for the convention-the
ters on or after March 16 for physi- first to be given by Dr. A. F. Blakeslee
cal examination should "travel of the Carnegie Institution, the sec-
light" and leave their cars home ond by Dr. I. D. Scott of the geology
because they will be inducted im- department and president of the
mediately if passed by Army physi- Academy.
cians, Col. E. M. Rosecrans, state
selective service director, said today W 1 UUT .
in calling attention to a change in jew
draft policy.
The present 10-day period be- SovietCh rch
tween the examination and induc-
tion will be abandoned, Rosecrans
said, and draftees are advised to Protestant Says Religion
take not more than two days' sup-
ply of clothing to induction cen- Survives In Russia

Churchill To Reveal Plan
For Indian Settlement
As UprisingThreatens
Nip ponese, Allies
Eye Madagascar
NEW YORK, Wednesday, March
11.--(P)-The BBC said today in '
German language broadcast that
"several convoys with American re-
inforcements have arrived In Aus-
tralia," CBS reported.
LONDON, March 10.,- M)- The
British Imperial forces, abandoning
the southern tip of Burma, have
slashed through a Japanese trap and
were driving tonight into central
Burma toward their first mass ren-
dezvous with their Chinese allies 1i
the Shan states for the supreme de-
fense of India.
These maneuvers were announced
almost simultaneously with an offi-
cial disclosure that Prime Minister
Churchill would make a statement
at the next session of CommonsI,
probably on Wednesday, of the gv-
ernment's intentions toward India's
demand for concessions toward Jn-
dependence as the price for her all-
out cooperation in the war.
Unrest In India-
The construction of this policy was
complicated by the threat uttered by
Mohammed Ali Jinnah that the Mos-
lem minority of India would revolt
if the plan were opposed to its in-
terests, particularly if it denied Mos-
tem autonomy.
Operations on the Burm front in-
dicated meantime that Pritain was
staking everything on the belief that
the battered army of Burma could,
with Chinese aid, make a prolonged
A communique from New Delhi an-
nounced that the RAF, despite the
British retreat and readjustment to
new bases, had struck a heavy blow
at a Japanese airdrome at Moulmein,
dropping sticks of bombs among 14
scattered planes and setting two fires.
Fighting planes, too, lifted a shield
over the retreating troops. A Japa-
nese air raid upon Tharrawaddy was
admitted to have killed some Bur-
mese civilians.
Burma Total Loss
Signalling the total loss, for the
time being, of extreme southern Bur-
ma, American engineers and drillers
were carrying out great demolitions
at Bassein, the important port 90
miles west of Rangoon, which itself
already had been evacuated of -ill-
tary forces and stripped of-all ofr-
itary value.
Afield, Lieut.-Gen. Harold R. L. Vi.
Alexander's forces were declared offi-
cially to have made a successful with-
drawal northward toward centr1
Burma, thus extricating themselves
from what had been a most grave
This was made possible in heaVd
separate actions, a subsidiary Britieh
force previously isolated around Pegu,
40 miles north of Rangoon, smashi
its way through the Japanese towa
a junction with the main British
bodies, which in turn broke through
the Japanese astride the Rangoon-
Prome road in two violent and bloody
tank and infantry assaults.
Rangoon Left In Shambles
Rangoon, according to delayed ad-
vices, was left a spectacular area of
waste by the British scorched earth
policy. The great Syriam oil refin-
eries 20 miles down-river were
smashed and the pipeline 300 miles
northward was cut, these dispatches
"Great warehouses, docks, qua,
jetties-everything of any possible
value to the Japanese-were ruth-
lessly blown up or set on fire," it was

Japs, Allies Eye
LONDON, March 10.-(JP)-A quiet,
strategic race was reported to be ei-
ther underway or imminent between
the Axis powers and the United Na-

Apathy Pre ents ProgressiverAction
In Gampus Fraternity Government

(This is the second in a series of
articles on student government as now
constituted at the University.)
When war issues came to the Uni-
versity of Michigan, fraternities were
in much the same position as the rest
of a "business-as-usual" campus.
Whatever progress they have since
made towards a recognition of the
crisis they face-both as Greek let-
ter fraternities and as organized stu-

tive moves stem from a council made
up of all fraternity house presidents.
Legislation resulting from this set-
up has not been of momentous im-
port, nor has the war speeded any
consideration of how a fraternity can
exist in the face of the draft and
high living costs.
Stevenson was outspoken in his
criticism of the fraternities for their
'don't-give-a -damn" attitude on their
Avpln r acnt~ a hn lp T. ET.cni ...n .ait ..-c.

its control over campus fraternities
with the Committee on Student Af-
fairs. The IFC can rule on such
questions as fines, and house social
probation, but the student affairs
committee has the final word in
rushing regulations. Housing prob-
lems are also beyond the IFC's scope
of control.
Stevenson was also critical of the
present IFC staff organization, which
is based on a tryout staff made up

Christianity as an institutioh in1
Russia has completely broken down,
but it is continuing as a movement
with more than one-third of the Rus-
sian people still retaining their re-
ligious connections, Dr. Adolph Kel-
ler, European Protestant leader, de-
clared in an interview here yesterday.
"There is no longer any church
organization in the Soviet Union,"
Dr. Keller said. The congregations
of those churches where services are
still allowed offer the'only resem-
blance to any form of unifying relig-
ious organization.
Importation of the Bible into
Russia is prohibited by government
order while religious education is per-
mitted to no one under the age of 18.
Dr. Keller predicted that with
President Roosevelt exerting his in-

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