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March 10, 1942 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-03-10

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1' HE MAl1($'11 G AN D.A I LY


Colonel Miller
Predicts Allied
VictoryIn '43
Attack On Eastern Siberia
Foreseen As Next Step
of JapaneseMilitarists
Strategy Employs
FourPoint Offense
(Continued from Page"
terials and equipment are now being
burned up, the war could not last
longer if fought with such savagery."
To substantiate his prediction that
the Japanese will direct their main
force to Eastern Siberia, Colonel Mil-
ler said the enemy's supply lines
would be too long and vulnerable if
he attacked Australia or India. "The
Japanese would never be safe with
the powerful Russians at their back,"
he contended. The Siberian move
will be timed to coincide with a Ger-
man offensive in the opigion of Col-
onel Miller.
Army Of 500,000
He pointed to a recent statement
made by Free French leader, Charles
DeGaulle, as "basic" in his assump-
tion that the United States needs an
expeditionary army of only 500,000
men, supplemented by a force of
200,000-300,000 for supply and main-
General DeGaulle expressed his
hope that "the United States would
not make the mistake of thinking a
few million men in uniform make
an army."
Colonel Miller believes a constant
flood of expenditure of excellent im-
plements of war, not a large army,
is the key to the situation. "Our
working rule must demand that a
useful man will not be taken out of
industry until he has been replaced,"
Colonel Miller emphasized. "To call
a worker-and possible soldier-a
slacker because he doesn't wear a uni-
form is worse than folly, after we
have seen the plight of our men in
the Philippines, Singapore and the
Dutch East Indies, men who died be-
cause they did not have guns and
planes and tanks," he declared.
Equipment Is Vital
Citing the overwhelming successes
of the Germans in Holland and the
Japanese-whom he claims have used
a total of less than 500,000 men in all
their recent Pacific operations-Col-
onel Miller said that if the United
States fills its quota of 500,000 men,
stocked at every moment with enough
equipment "to keep them going furi-
ously," the Allies will triumph.
"The Nazi spring offensive will," in
his opinion, "be an act of desperation
which will fail because of constantly
growing Russian strength and elim-
ination of Hitler's crack fighters and
materiel." He urged that the United
States send Russia every possible
piece of equipment.
Advising postponement of any con-
templated invasion of France "for a
long, time," Colonel Miller voiced his
conviction that basing of an Allied
force in Greenland, sufficient to hold
her as a relay-point in delivering
fighting planes to Britain, coupled
with invasion of Norway are the first
steps toward final destruction of Ger-
many's stranglehold on the contin-
ent. Norwegian points would be used
for intensive bombig of central Ger-
Bomb Japan
A North Pacific strategy founded
on terrific, unrelenting bombing
raids of Japan was advocated by the
military authority as a means of not

only paralyzing Japanese strength at
its source, but as one which would
bring enemy forces home from vital
areas. He said that Allied navies
could thus attack Japanese outposts
and communications "with far great-
er effectiveness."
These attacks; springing front
American, Alaskan and Russian
points, would make recapture of the
Dutch East Indies, the Philippines
and Singapore-the South Pacific
strategy--a simpler task.
Wreck Jap Islands
Colonel Miller is assured that "the
Japanese have both inferior planes
and inferior pilots." His answer to
the oft-asked question as to the
where-abouts of our Navy in, the
Pacific is that it is "seeing to it that
the Japanese mandated islands,
which have undoubtedly been forti-
fied, are wrecked, permitting the
shipping lanes of the South Pacific
to remain open.."
He favors the same policy toward
Dakar which he believes may well be
a base for Axis submarines which
prey on United Nations' shipping.
Mau ton Will Read
For Cercie Francais
Prof. Rene Talanon of the romance
languages department will read a few
selections from French literature at
a meeting of the Cercle Francais at
8 p.m. today at the League.
Com'pleting the formal program,
Mildred Stern, '43SM, will render

Japanese Extend Philippines Occupation


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8 E T T E R S A F E T H A N S 0 R R Y-Masks and respirators developed by industry to protect eyes, nose and throat of workers
who must handle dust, metals, (,ids, paints, are worn with eerie effect by these five women at the Greater New York Safety Council's
15th annual safety convention in New York City. All wearing industrial type masks, are left to right: Rita Steffens, Virginia Healey,
Ruth Brown, Mrs. Myra Wesch and Ella Crandall. Miss Healey wears the uniform of the American Women Volunteer Service.,

Developments in the Philippines three months after the outbreak
of hostilities included an extension of occupation of the islands in the
landing of a small force of invaders at Calapan (1) on the island of Min-
doro. On the Bataan fighting front (Z) the War Department reported
light artillery fire and an ineffective air raid. General Douglas Mac-
Arthur gave official status to rumors that the Japanese commander,
Lieut.-Gen. Masaharu Homma, had fatally plunged the ceremonial dag-
ger into his vitals in Hari-Kari because of his failure to conquer Bataan.
Desultory fighting between patrols on the outskirts of Zamboanga (3)
on the island of Mindanao, was reported.

(Continued from Page 4)
season with his recital in Hill Audi-
torium at 4:15 p.m. on Wednesday,
March 11. He plans to give his usual
program on Good Friday, April 3,
and another on Easter Sunday. These
will be followed by a series of Sunday
afternoon recitals by other members
of the faculty of the School of Music
and Claire Coci, guest organist. who
will appear on April 29.
Exhibit of Illustrations, University
Elementary School: The drawings
made by Elinor Blaisdell to illustrate
the book "The Emperor's Nephew,"
by Marian Magoon of the English
Department of Michigan State Nor-
mal College, Ypsilanti, are on display
in the first and second floor corridor
cases. Open Monday-Friday 8 to 5,
Saturday, 8-3 through March 14.
The public is invited.
Events Today
The Mathematics Club will meet
this evening at 8 o'clock in the
West Conference Room, Rackham
Building. Professor Zygmund will
speak "On the Existence of Bound-
ary Values for Power Series of Sev-
eral Variables.
R.O.T.C. band will hold tryouts
from 4:00 to 5:10 pjn. today at Mor-
ris Hall. All cadets who have turned
in their names must report to band
room Morris Hall at 4:00 p.m. If
other classes conflict, report at 5:00
Tan Beta P: There will be an ui-
portant meeting at the Union at
6:15 p.m. today. Bring your lists
with as much information on the
men as possible.
'lhe StUdent Senate will meet to-
night at 7:30 in the Michigan Union.
The room will be posted on the bul-
letin board. All senators must be
there if it is at all possible. Please
bring your eligibility cards with you.
Agenda: Roll Call; President's Re-
port; Committee Reports; Old Busi-
ness; New Business.
A Spanish Language Tea will be
given today in the Kalamazoo Room
of the Michigan League between 4
and 6. Both students and faculty
members are invited.
Sigma Rho Tai will meet at 7:30
tonight in the Union. Prof. William
S. Housel of the Civil Engineering
Dept. will be the guest speaker for
the evening, his subject being "Soil
Mechanics in Airport Construction."
Speech practice will be continued,
featuring, this week, impromptu
talks. The meeting is open to all en-
gineers and architects who are cordi-
ally invited.

Dr. Adolph Keller, of Geneva,
Switzerland, will speak on "The Pres-
ent Religious Crisis in Europe" in the
Rackham Lecture Hall tonight at
8:15 under the auspices of the Stu-
dent Religious Association.
Meeting of the Merit System Com-
mittee in the League at 3:00 p.m. to-
day. Room number will be posted.
J.G.P. Dance Committee will meet
tonight at 7:00 in the League.
J.G.P. Music Committee: Vocalists
and chorus will meet tonight at 8:00
in the League.
Christian Science Organization will
meet tonight at 8:15 in the chapel
of the Michigan League.
Episcopal Students: Tea will be
served for Episcopal students and
their friends at Harris Hall today,
4:00-5:30 p.m.
Faculty Women's Club: The Music
Section will meet tonight at 8:00 at
the home of Mrs. Charles Spooner,
Oakdale Drive, Barton Hills. Dr.
Joseph Maddy will talk on "The
Music of Youth" with sound pictures
of Interlochen.
Michigan Dames General Meeting
tonight at 8:00 in the Rackham Bldg.
Professor del Toro will speak on
"Contemporary Literature of South
C~ontit Events
The Anatomy Research Club will
meet Wednesday, March 11, at 4:30
p.m. in Room 2501 East Medical
Bldg. Dr. Lois A. Gillilan will pre-
sent a paper entitled, "Some Applica-
tions of Neuroanatomy."
Tea will be served from 4:00 to
4:30. All interested are cordially in-
The Junior Mathematical Society
will meet on Wednesday evening at
8 o'clock in 3201 A.H. Discussion of
probability and games of chiance,
with demonstrations.
Psychological Journal Club: The
visual perception of space under nor-
mal and abnormal conditions will be
discussed by Dr. Heinz Werner on
Thursday, March 12, at 7:30 p.m. in
the East Conference Room of the
Rackham Building. Refreshments.
All who are interested are cordially
Program of Recorded Music, In-
ternational Center: The program for
Wednesday, March 11, at 7:30 p.m.
in the International Center is:
Brahms: Variations on a Theme
by Haydn; Toscanini and the NBC
Beethoven: Symphony No. 9. Wein-
gartner and the Vienna Philharmon-
ic with Chorus of the Vienna State

S T 0 R Y U N T O L D-Mute evidence of the loss of the Amer-
ican tanker E. H. Blum which was either torpedoed or hit a mine
in the Atlantic about Feb. 15 is this box, lately washed up near
Virginia Reach. The sizable tanker was of 1,+615 gross tons.

S P R I N G T R A i N I N G-Soldier Mickey Harris (right),
Boston Red Sox hurler who's in the army's special brand of spring
camp, studies a rifle along with Austin Hawxhurst of New York
City. They're at a Jungle - outpost guarding the Panama Canal.

F 0 R S E E I N G-Three hurlers who wear "spe es" for pitching get together at Phils' camp in
Miamu. Left to right: Sam Nahem, Brooklyn; Wa-_t Beck, Iiecatur. ill,; John Podgainy, Chester, Pa.

M E D I E VAL Clocks
haven't been turned back to
middle centuries, no matter what
you think. This is a marine at
Quantico, Va., well padded and
masked for training in bayonet

The Cercle Francais will meet to- ---
niali at 8,()0 at the Michigan League German Roundtabie,. internatlin

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