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March 10, 1942 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-03-10

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'Deep South'
To Be Frosh
Frolic Theme
Decoration Chairmen Disclose
Plans For Southern Plantation
Air; To Feature Colonial Home
Going back to the deep south for
a theme, co-chairmen of decorations
Mary Ann Jones and Irwin Kasle,
have decided on a southern colonial
mansion as the setting for Class of
'45's coming out party at Frosh Frolic
to be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Fri-
Frosh Frolickers will find them-
selves transported for the night into
what the committee calls a "Mint
Julep" atmosphere, which will be
created by decorations and by the
use of novel lighting effects to give
the illusion of a "balmy, starry
Southern night."
Red Norvo To Play
A trellis will arch the entrance to
the ball room, while the bandstand
where Red Norvo and his orchestra
will give forth will be transformed
into the pillared portico of a colonial
mansion. Flowers and ivy will be in
traditional profusion for the official
debut of the freshman class. The
rooms adjacent to the main ballroom'
will also be open for the evening.
Ticket chairman Hank Cohen has
announced that tickets for the dance
will continue to be on general sale
this week at the main desk of the
Union-as long as they last. Over
300 tickets have already been sold
and no more will be printed.
Corsages Taboo
As is customary at class dances, the
committee in charge of Frosh Frolic
requests that no corsages be worn.
In addition to his featured vocal-
ists,' Kay Allen and Fran Snyder
Norvo will present other soloists in
his outfit. As "Billboard" says, "Ev-
ery man can stand alone and stop
the onlookers with musical tricks," so
in addition to Norvo and his xylo-
phone, Bill Kavanaugh will be fea-
tured on "the skins.""
Priority Struck
Union Coke Bar
Will Be Today
"Fifty beautiful girls-fifty" will
hostess the Union Coke Bar to be
held from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. today
in the main ballroom, according to
Bob Templin, '43, of the Union Exec-
utive Council, sponsors.
The groups which have received
special invitations are Beta Theta Pi,
Gamma Phi Beta, Kappa Alpha The-
ta, Michigan House, Sigma Phi Epsi-
lon, and Stockwell Hall.
Heading the list of "beautiful host-
esses" will be Ruth Gram, '43. In-
luded in the duties ofrthe hostesses
will "be to serve ginger ale, cookies
and coffee to the guests.
NROTC men will be present as{
dancing partners, as has been the
previous rule. "Since the plan of im-1
porting women from Ypsilanti proved
successful at the last coke bar, it will
be repeated today,". said Templin.
"The expectations f theUnion Ex-
ecutive Council were not disappoint-
ed for over 300 people crowded the
ballroom last week. This was the
biggest response in the history of the
coke bar, regardless of the fact that
ginger ale is now being substituted
for priority-listed coke."


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Pe~tesPon~e ]e Firivc

C. Freeman Alexander, during his brief period as publicity chairman for
the Slide Rule Ball, has definitely been in what Mr. Jordan. a character in
a recent film, would have called the pink. Always a dashing and vigorous
idea man with an impressive record of laid eggs behind him, he has handled
this particular publicity campaign with a joie de vivre which would make
Billina, herself-the Disney chicken-sit back and admit with a despairing
gesture that here at last was her peer.
C. F. last week thought he had done his best. Certainly he had accom-
plished everything that Slide Rule publicity men before him had. He had
implored The Daily until his eyes bubbled and his knees were calloused for
more inches of publicity. He had tied signs on cars-a little trick, inci-
dentally, which every publicity campaign in history has used with increas-
9 *T - ing originality-in the proper traditional manner.
He had even thought up the very tricky idea of hav-
jing a fictitious ton or so of slide rules found in the
Michigan Technic office. This last stunt, he told
everyone, was extremely funny. But this was not
all. Not for nothing has C. F. eaten fish all his life.
His powerful brain worked madly. The result is a
local store window.
___. _There are three dresses in the window, and be-
neath each is a card with the caption, written in a lively literary style, "This
dress was selected by ........ as ideal to wear to the Slide Rule Ball."
The Three Ixquisiies
The names are deeply significant and should convince the most doubtful
of the sincerity of the statements. They are Bob Sibley, president of the
Union, Burr French, editor of the Michigan Technic, and Ted Kennedy,
president of the engineering school, these lads being known hereafter as the
Three Exquisites. Richly eloquent though the boys may be in person, it's
going to take more than mere oratory to convince us that Burr French would
look good in blue lace, even the long-torso, deeply decolletaged job he chose.
Or for that matter, Bob Sibley in black jersey or Ted Kennedy in what we
remember as some striped number. From what we've heard of the engine
school, one cannot enter very fully into its many-sided life and remain as
foppish as this. Where is our fine, bronze-skinned, clean-limbed youth of
yesteryear? A messy spectacle, boys, a messy spectacle, indeed.
All this is, no doubt, an outgrowth of the type of Store one sees along

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Michigan Avenue in Detroit. The clothing which they
feature have patterns which would be admirable for
the wallpaper of a neurotic's room, but somehow, the
ordinary type of man blooms a bit too much in them.
Harry the Horse would love them. Sam the Gonoph
would -view them with a fond eye. Spanish Isadore
could even adjust himself to them. But John Q.-
never. The result of this whole high-pressure store
situation is that apparel which seems in a badly-



LAK about

lighted store to be merely pleasingly vivacious usually turns out to be the
type of thing at which phlegmatic St. Bernards get the shrieking hysterics.
That is evidently what happened this time. But we feel that the boys
let themselves go just a trifle too much. It's got to stop somewhere! These
things become insidious unless we cast them from us. Please, fellows, adopt
a little battle cry we have just composed: "Loin Cloths Before Lace."
Michigan Broadcasting Pioneer
Discusses Knack Of 'Fili'g In'

the Gay Nineties and the Roaring Twenties and won-
dered what it must have been like, then. But a lot
has happened since then. Changes are occuring
every day, and we are constantly learning new things.
In the modern world the old-fashioned ideas have
to be discarded.
We have been serving Ann Arbor and the stu-
dents for many years. We have seen these changes

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Students Invited
To Spanish Tea
At 4 P.M.,Today
Spanish-the good neighbor lan-
guage-will be the order of the day
at the all-campus language tea to
be held from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. today
in' the Grand Rapids room of the
According to Mrs. Ruth Wendt,
campus language counselor, approxi-
mately twenty students from South
America are expected at the tea to
tell about their own countries and
assist American Spanish students.
Seventeen South American countries
are represented here at the Univer-
sity, Mrs. Wendt stated, in pointing
out the effort these students are"
making to encourage friendly rela-
tions between their countries and the
United States.
The language teas are jointly spon-
sored by Dean Alice C. Lloyd and Mrs.
Wendt in order to give any student
who is conversant in a foreign lan-
guage opportunity to speak with
Rhinestone Clips
The rhinestone clips and pins
which did so -much to brighten up
your dark winter dresses can add

A stuffy, reverberating room on the
fourth floor of University Hall,
scented by the 2000 white mice kept
for research purposes in an adjoin-
ing room, was the birthplace of cam-
pus broadcasting in 1925.
Prof. Waldo Abbot, Director of Ra-
dio, who pioneered in collegiate
broadcasting in this studio, remem-
bers weli those early months when
radio was still a novelty and fac-
ulty speakers used to rush from the
"airless" studio into the next room
where there was a receiving set, "with
the idea of being able to hear their
own words coming back over the
"Evolution" Gradual
The evolution of campus broad-
casting from the "U" Hall studio to
the expanded quarters of Morris Hall
(shared this time with the Univer-
sity band), has been a gradual and,
cautious process, but the 17 years
have brought network renown to
some of Abbot's radio students and
have given him a most unusual as-
sortment of experiences.
Professor Abbot, who has gained no
small fame with his knack for "fill-
ing in," figures often im the legends
of the "ether circles." In one emer-
gency he substituted before the mike
for an absent parent-teacher, speak-
ing on "How It Feels to Be a Mother."
Another time he played the role of a"
moral degenerate in a mental hy-
giene talk.
Describes Pinch Hits
"Because speakers talk at differ-
ent rates or else misunderstand the
time allotted them on the air, we
quite often have to speak extempo-
raneously for the remainder of the
time." Professor Abbot explains.
"Once I had to fill in for 25 minutes
when the guest speaker planned his1
talk for three instead of 30 minutes."
Occasionally, Professor Abbot says,
it is possible to fill up time by ques-
tioring the speaker, if he has finished
early-and one gets the most re-
markable results. He recalls just such,
an instance when he asked Coach
Fielding H. YSost to explain the Sta-
tue of Liberty formation he had made
famous. Willing to cooperate, the
ron,h T?011rj to .h a manr,-ar1 a- +,a

marck too early, Director Abbot in-
quired, "Do you have any humorous
stories to tell about Bismarck?"
"No I haven't," was the reply.
Not to be fazed, Professor Abbot
persisted-"I remember one about
Bismarck and the Pope( which I
didn't remember at all). How did it
"Never heard of it," the speaker
said pleasantly.
Began As Lawyer
Professor Abbot, who gained his
radio approach before the jury as
assistant prosecuting attorney, re-
ceived his AB and LLB at Michigan.
Radio directing followed the Detroit
real estate and campus English
teaching epochs of his life. Now a
member of four radio education com
mittees, author of a text book used
in 53 universities and of a newsletter
issued every three months, Abbot
finds tide to read between 12 and 30
student radio scripts a week and an-
swer a multitude of letters ranging
in subject from "How can I cure a
toxic goiter" to the less unique" What
are the opportunities for me in radio"
-besides teaching production and
writing of radio shows and producing
the University programs.
And Professor Abbot, who saw the
birth of Michigan broadcasting and
has had to fight ever since with
commercial stations for time on the
air, plead for equipment and rely on
unpaid members of the faculty and,
student body for performers, says
there's no place he'd rather be than
Morris Hall-unless it were in the
proposed University-owned station,
where time for educational programs
and possibilities were unlimited.
Ticket Sale To Open
For Slide Rule Ball
Tickets for this year's Slide Rule
Ball, o be held March 27 in the
Union Ballroom, will be placed on sale
at 1 p.m. Thursday and, according to
dance chairman Burr J. French, '42E,
"prospective purchasers had better
get there early."
In the past, tickets for the annual
engineering dance have been sold out
completely almostwithin a few days
after being placed on sale, and the
presence of trumpeter extraordinaire
Bunny Berigan at this year's Ball is
expected to make the rush even more
intense, French stated.

vj y

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1 Pajama Suit



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