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October 04, 1941 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-10-04

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British Women


Breaks Spell Out Success Houses Hold
For Anne O'Hare McCormick Dances Today

Will Receive
150 Jackets
Mrs. Charles Koella Is Head
Of Ann Arbor Seamstresses;
Sample Jacket Is On Display
Each Wednesday between 2 and
6:30 p.m. groups of Michigan women
who were formerly making wind-
breakers for fighting seamen are now
constructing jackets for Britain's
fighting women.
In answer to a request from Brit-
ain for jackets of this sort, Mrs.
Charles E. Koella, wife of Professor
Koella of the Department of Romance
languages, and head of the Ann Ar-
bor seamstresses, has arranged for
the shipment of 150 heavy garments
to England. The Ann Arbor work
makes Michigan the first state to
undertake this sort of a project.
Idea Spreads Fast
The idea for this work came from
Mrs. John N. Stalker of Grosse
Pointe who started a one-woman
movement in her city after hearing
from a Windsor friend of similar
projects started during the first
World War. Mrs. Stalker advertised
the idea to all her friends and de-
cided upon a quota of 1,000 for De-
troit's contribution up to April 3
Spreading rapidly, the movement
has called together women in a num-
ber of Michigan communities, each
windbreaker circle with its own quo-
ta. The completed jackets are sent
from Detroit to New York each Tues-
day, where they are shipped on Fri-
day by the English Speaking Union
of that city to England for distribu-
British Are Grateful
This last stage is in the charge of
Lady Pound, wife of Admiral Sir
Dudley Pound of the British Navy.
In a personal letter from Lady
Mountbatten, written for Lady
Pound, who was ill at the time, the
gratitude of the English people- for
this contribution to their struggle is
expressed, with the added request to
"convey our deepest gratitude and
sincerest appreciation to all those
who have made it possible for these
generous gifts to reach us." In re-
gard to their need, she says, "they
will make a great deal of difference
to the women of England, who so
often have to undergo such great
Materials for the completed gar-
ment cost only 15 cents, the heavy
fleece liningdand the scraps of lath-
er being donations from a textile
and automotive concern. To date 17
tons of leather have been given. In
addition, many persons interested in
the project have contributed help in
the form of money to pay for postage
and snaps.
Jackets On Display
The first meeting following a short
vacation was held last Wednesday in
Mrs. Koella's apartment, at which
time materials were distributed for
home work. The time required for
completing each windbreaker is five
or six hours.
Jackets are being exhibited in the
windows of several Ann Arbor stores,
where all may see the type of work
that is being done. Any woman in-
terested is invited to attend the
Wednesday meetings and receive in-
structions and materials for making
the garments.
Attendance at the recent Cana-
dian National Exhibition broke all
previous records.

Here's Style News




Parliament in London the day he
startled the world by an abrupt
abandonment of his policy of ap-
But she will remember longer a!
quiet tea one afternoon in Palestine
with the District Commissioner of
Jerusalem in his best British man-
ner. For the official walked with her
to the road where she had left a taxi -
waiting and they talked for an in-f
terval standing on the low stone wall ,
about his garden. Twenty minutes
later it was blown to bits by a time
bomb set the previous night, and
ticking madly away under their feet
as she took her leisurely departure..
Has Interviewed Hitler
The girl who admits that she "has '
bumped into afew world crises" has
interviewed, since she joined the
Times, the biggest namestin world
politics including Hitler, Stalin, de,
Valera, Kurt Schuschnigg, Roosevelt
and Leon Blum.
Four years ago she became the
first womanto be cited for a journal-
istic award-the Pulitzer prize for
the year's most distinguished foreign
And said Anne O'Hare McCormick:
"I have been moving around amid
thunderous events, and I have stolen
some of the thunder.''

Currert Events Sway Fashions

Anne O'Hare McCormick is like a
well-managed magazine. Call it her
women's intuition, luck or chance,
she gets the time-breaks-that is,
she's there when things are breaking.
And that, she says, is what has
made her America's greatest woman
foreign correspondent. Since 1922,'
when, she joined the staff of the New
York Times, world news and Anne
McCormick have become traveling
Received Award
"You're here again, what's going
to happen now?" is the frequent
greeting from her men colleagues
when she arrives in different Euro-
pean news posts.
In 1939, the year she received the
"Woman of -1939" award, she was
abroad for five tumultuous months.
Wherever she went, the air was
crackling with the intensity of inter-
national impacts, and one section
after another exploded in her ears.
For a climax to her experiences came
the day at Huszt, Carpatho-Ukraine,
where she xas under three flags in
27 hours when the border moved
'right over the travelers' heads as
the Hungarian troops moved in and
the Czech flag was torn down and
a one-day republic perished in the
McCormick was in Rome when
Chamberlain was there. She was in
Sterling Bracelets
Dangle Appealingly
On Latest Costumes

Martha Cook t
To Initiate 63
New Women
Formal'" initiation for the 26tht
class to enter Martha Cook Building
will take place at 5 p.m. tomorrow,
followed by a party honoring the new%
The ceremony, whichhas been
held ever since the building was
opened, will be conducted by Marian
Chown, '42, president of Martha
Cook; assisted by the house directors.
Initiated members will attend the
service in formal dress to watch 63
new dormitory residents dressed in
white pledge their allegiance.
Ten among the entering group are
sophomores, while the remaining up-
perclassmen and graduates offer a
variety in backgrounds and interests.
Transfers from Duke, Stanford, Bos-
ton University, Ward-Belmont, Skid-
more, Mt. Holyoke, Vassar and nu-
merous junior colleges will be ini-
tiated tomorrow, as well as a Polish
refugee who was in Warsaw at the
time of the German invasion. Liter-
ary courses are most common among
the new residents of Martha Cook,
but students of music, education,
medicine and chemical engineering
are also included.
John Sherrill Now
Shuns Five-Footers
Excessive height has proved itself
no obstacle to John Sherill, "sky-
scraper" drum major at the Univer-
sity last year, for he doesn't have to
hobnob with five-footers.
Visiting recently in Endicott, N. Y.,
the six-feet-eight-inch University
graduate attended "Harmon of Mich-
igan", in some shots of which he
figures, in the company of Wanda
Grant, who reaches the six feet mark
without standing on hdr- toes.
A newspaper photographer in En-
dicott caught the two togeher for a
special feature cut.

Football Season Brings Many
Informal Post-Game Buffets
With the football season, now hit-
ting its stride, as an impetus, the
Ann Arbor social calendar is rapidly
filling with post-game buffets, radio
lances, and-just dances.
Alpha Sigma Chi will be having
a radio dance from 9 p.m. to 12 p.m.
today at the chapter house. Mr, andj
Mrs. Douglas Hammial and Mr. and
Mrs. Fred F. Basom will chaperon.
Alpha Tau Omega will hold a buf-
fet dance immediately after the1
game, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the
chapter house. Chaperoning the af-
fair will be Prof. and Mrs. W. J. Em-
mons and Prof. and Mrs, E. L. Erik-
The Chi Phi's dance today will be
held from 9 p.m. to 12 p.m. at the
chapter house. Chaperons will be
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Mann and Mr.
and Mrs. Dan Kelsey.
A tea dance will be presented to-
day from 4:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. by
Delta Upsilon at the chapter house.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Titus and Prof.
and Mrs. George M. Bleekman will
act as chaperons.
Phi Sigma Delta is also holding a
tea dance from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
at its chapter house, with Mr. and I
Mrs. Hersch Hotkins and Lieut. and
Mrs. R. E. Palmer as chaperons.
Sigma Chi's dance, to be held from
9 p.m. to 12 p.m. today at the chapter
house, will have as its chaperons Dr.
and Mrs. D. D. DeWese and Mr. and
Mis. John Johnstone.
A radio' dance will be given by Sig-
ma Phi Epsilon from 9 p.m. to 12 p.m.
today, at the chapter house. Chap- I
erons will be Dr. and Mrs. F. Naylor
and Mrs. Leila Vibert.t
Xi 2i Phi dental fraternity will
present its radio dance from 9 p.m.<
to 12 p.m. today at the chapter
house, with Dr. and Mrs. George
Ac.ore and Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Bar-
iows chaperoning.
Byrn-May Betrothal,
Lutz-Roth Marriage
Revealed By Parents
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall L. Byrn of
Ann Arbor have announced the en-
gagement of their daughter, Helen,
to Donald C. May Jr. of Washington,
D. C., son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald
C. May of Ann Arbor, at a breakfast
given September 27. No date has been
set for the wedding.
Out of town guests at the an-I
nouncement breakfast were Caroline
Anderson '42 of Muskegon; Carolyn
Byrne '42 of Kent, Ohio, and Helen
Aupperle, former classmate of the
bride elect.
Miss Byrn received her bachelor
and master degrees in music while at
the University of Michigan. She was
also president of Sigma Alpha Iota,
national music sorority. Mr. May
'38 specialized in mathematics.
The marriage of Mary Jane Lutz,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Lutz of
Ann Arbor and Alfred G. Roth of
Lansing, son of Mr. and Mrs. William
Roth of Ypsilanti, took place Septem-
ber 27. Mr. Roth attended the College
of Architecture at the University of


just as much as it does big business.
It's really a matter of economies
too, this clothing business, tho' the
couturiers probablywouldn'thadmit
it. Every war seems to make us pinch
our belts more tightly, to use less
yards in our clothes, to make skirts
narrower and styles simpler.
It's happened as an aftermath of
every major war in modern times;
it seems to be happening again in
World War IL.(Or we hope it will
just so we can prove our little the-

y e

' .

a g

Styles Were Extreme
Way back in the Middle Ages,
women evidently weren't as fickle
as they are today, or at least it took
centuries to detect much perceptible
difference in the female costume sil-
houette. But let's get up to more
modern times-say the period of the
French Revolution when things real-
ly began to happen.
With the aid of whalebone, and
buckram cages, a grand dame of
Louis XIV's court, managed to im-
prison herself effectively. Her skirts
got wider and wider as yards were
added in petticoats and panniers, so
her headdress had to get higher and
higher to balance the broadening sil-
houette. Of course feminine fashion
did then, as always, go to the ludi-
crous extreme.
Times Didn't Change
Came the Revolution: fabrics were
hard to get, women took the word
liberty literally and returned to the
simple, flowing garb of the Greeks.
All very nice, but with the return of

Fashions are like depressions and
rs. Or hadn't you noticed? Econo-
sts get all excited about the cycles
depression and woefully predict to
loomy public that we're in for an-
her drastic slump after the war
cver; but the war affects feminine
hions. tho' perhaps less obviously,

Here's a dress that has everything
-both for your figure and for theI
trends of the season.
It has a low waistline, style news in1
any woman's language and good news1
to any woman's "build". It has aj
skirt gathered on the bodice, to drape1
softly about your hips and swirl1
gracefully around your legs.
It has long sleeves and a graceful
draping caught at the Wrist.
There's an absolutely plain neck-
line, smart when left as it is with no
garnish-or attractive when set off
with a sparkling clip or a chunky
Simply done, in a soft jersey wool,
and sporting no trimming except a
single contrasting stripe, low on the
bodice, it is a frock which can be
either a background or the complete
Tiny hats have pushed almost every
other style out of the limelight this
season, and the model shown is as
cute as they come. It's so very little
that a fluffy baby bob or pompadour
would almost hide it, but what it
lacks in area is made up in sheer
charm appeal.
Dances To Continue
League dances, featuring Herb
Miller's orchestra, will be held again
this week-end and every week-end
hereafter. Tickets will be one dollar
a couple and dancing will be from
9 p.m. to 1 a.m. on Fridays and from
9 p.m. to 12 p.m. on Saturdays.

prosperity and peace, woman's
travagant nature came out in
until hoopskirts that could only

Although you needn't swipe your
mother's best silver teaspoons for,
bracelets this fall, sterling silver jew-
elry is receiving a great deal of atten-
Three or four thin silver bracelets
jangling around your wrists add a
touch of femininity to your costume.
Wear them on the outside of your'
new black gloves.
sterlirng silver salt spoons make
grand pins for your blouses and yet
are not too decorative for even the
trimmest shirts. Other more elaborate
pins are set with coral and turquoise
to add a dash of color. Choose one
with a set to blend with the plaid
in your suit and flaunt it on your
The finishing touch to many a
dress has been a simple silver neck-
lace, many of which are set with
rhinestones or pearls for contrast on
black. Old fashioned sterling silver
lavalieres are staging a comeback
this year. Wear them dangling from
a long fine chain around your neck.

China has a three-year lian for
increasing foodstuff's production.

E{1 i
I .,..




1 .-




of Dependability
Zwerdling's Quality Furs
Cost No More
TAKE HEED of what's happened . . . and to hap-
en! Buy your fur coat now-and save. No in-
crease in prices as yet at Zwerdling's on early





bought skins-and no extra charge.

The Fur


Market has sky-rocketed since we purchased our
present stock. We can make replacements only at
much higher costs-but you can save up to 50%
if you make your selection now at
dt n .
Zwerdling Bldg.

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words of love, but I get positively lyric
talking about Michigan Daily Want
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the wav to make you sav ves!"



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