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October 04, 1941 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-10-04

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____________________________________________________ I --


Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
It or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
'Subscriptions during the regular school year by
carrier $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Cohlegiate Press, 1941-42
Editorial Stafff

Emile Gel .
Robert Speckhard
Albert P. Blaustei
David Lachenbruc
Alvin Dann
Hal Wilson
Arthur Hill
Janet Hiatt
Grace Miller
Virginia Mitchell

. . . . Managing Editor
Editorial Director
in . City Editor
h . . . . Associate Editor
S . . . . Associate Editor
. . . Assn Sports Editor
* . .Assistant Sports Editor
. . . . . Women's Editor
Assistant Women's Editor
Exchange Editor
Business Staff
Business Manager
W Associate Business Manager
. . Women's Advertising Manager
* . Women's Business Manager


H. Huyett
B. Cllfnas

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
In Defense
Of Labor's Stand...
peared an editorial with the head-
line, "Depose Corrupt Union.Leaders." The edi-
torial dealt with the questip of strikes and na-
tional defense and deplored the activities of la-
bor unions in the present crisis.
Unfortunately, the editorial failed to realize
the fact that strikes have, actually been only a
very small factor in holding up defense pro-
duction. And more than that, it faled to real-
ize the importance of the right to strike in
maintaining democracy in America. r
PRACTICALLY every strike since 1939 has
been caused by one thing-the failure of
capital to share defense profits with labor. La-
bor, which. has proved itself more anti-Hitler
than capital, has certainly not been strikings to
help' the new order. When men have gone out
on strike they have done so because they have
needed higher wages to counteract the effect of
rising prices. ,
We agree that the people of this country must
help England and the Soviet Union but we do
not think that half so important as preserving
democracy in the United States. And the right
to strike is equally as important as free enter-
prise, free speech and free press in maintaining
the spirit of our Cdhstitution
(AF COURSE we agree that there are raclet-
eers in our unions. Westbrook Pegler makes
an excellent living telling the readers of his col-
umn all about their activities and all about the
money they have embezzled. Yet, even Mr. Peg-
ler would have to admit that most of our labor
leaders are honest men and that the strikes
they have caused have not had a great deal of
effect on defense production.
According to all estimates, an estimated 1/10
of 1% of all defense production has been halted
by strikes-which is all the more unusual when
one considers how far wages have lagged behind
the rising cost of living.
IF we do anything 'now to curtail the right of
the laborer to strike we will only be trans-
planting Hitler methods to our own nation.
Then it won't make any difference who vins the
war-Americans will be in the same position as
the French were when the Maginot Line was
broken. It's pretty tough to choose between Der
Fuehrer and one of his disciples like Petain.
-- Albert P. Blaustein
American Youth
Must A ssert Itself . .
T HAS BECOME the habit with those
of our generation-a generation of
depression-bred youth-to be pretty cynical and
to blame all the ills of the world on our fathers
and our grandfathers. We had a right to. The
world we were brought into was one in which in-
tolerance, injustice and dishonesty ran rampant.
It was certainly not our fault. Therefore we
blamed the "older generation."
And this "older generation" deserved much of
'the criticism it received. They fought a war to

International Police
Would Aid Peace Forces ...
N A SPEECH before the American
Bar Association Wednesday Secre-
tary of the Nayy Frank Knox proposed that the
United States and Great Britain join forces "for
100 years, at least," to produce "by force, if need
be" an effective system of international law.
His was a proposal for a post-war peace plan
based on the sound logic that the world com-
munity is no different than a municipality when
it comes to needing a police force to maintain
law and order. Knox spoke mainly in terms of
the work the combined Anglo-Saxon navies are
doing to sweep "the German pirates from the
North Atlantic" and what this naval might
could accomplish as a permanent guardian of
world peace. It was something more concrete
on point eight of the Roosevelt-Churchill pro-
nouncement urging the establishment of "a
wider and permanent system of general secur-
the right direction but in many respects it
is narrow minded and incomplete. He implies
that the United States and Great Britain are
the only 'nations capable of such action because
they are "lacking in any desire for selfish ag-
It is pure' folly to decide that only the Anglo-
Saxons are morally capable of carrying out this
plan. This sounds uncomfortably like Nazi the-
ories of the "superior race." From a practical
standpoint no permanent peace will ever be
established which does not have the support of
the majority of nations, and it is contrary to
human nature to expect such cooperation if
two nations assume the prerogative of inter-
national government.
IT IS rather the place of Britain and America
to take the lead in establishing the machin-
ery for peace and making itwork. Such a ma-
chine would have to be a world league of some
kind-a league which would give equal repre-
sentation to all countries-weak and strong,
victors and vanquished. The last League of Na-
tions failed for lack of courageous leadership
which should have come from America, and an
international police force to carry out the dic-
tates of the world community. From the Ameri-
cans and British can come the leadership, but
the militia must come from all of the partici-
pating nations. This plan would relieve any one
or two nations of the expense of maintaining a
huge military force, and would not place an
unhealthy and dangerous power at the discre-
tion of any one group.
postwar world is not amiss even though the
victory has not been won as yet. If the demo-
cratic peoples are to match Nazi fanaticism
with a stronger ideal of their own, it is neces-
sary to have a goal in sight-a goal worth fight-
ing for and winning. Before extremely vital
economic: readjustments can be made there
must be a solid functioning of permar3nt peace
to build on. Only by profiting from the lessons
of the past and facing the future with courage
and wisdom, can we hope to overcome.the fascist
forces of destruction.
-Edmund J. Grossberg
that which we tore down. Thus, we have also
-We (an no longer afford to do this. We canx
no longer stand by with idle criticism, whether
thecriticism be right ,or wrong. It is time youth
adopted a positive attitude for a positive good.
It is time youth organized and acted effectively
for the victory of democracy and the defet of
THE YOUNG PEOPLE of America should say
to the men in charge of their government:
"We stand ready to help in any way which
may prove necessary to bring about the de-
feat of Hitlerism. It will be those of our gen-
eration who may be called upon to fight and,
perhaps, to die in this struggle. If so, we are
willing. We say this with a sinking feeling in
the pit of our stomach. But, nevertheless, we
say it with a quiet, determined firmness."
Such a statement is probably the most difficult

one the Anferican youth have ever been called
upon to make. From the moment we were old
enough to understand, we have had it drilled"
into us that war is the greatest evil in the world.
And now when we suddenly find that there is
a far greater evil-that'of fascism-we are con-
fused, hesitant as to just what to think, just
what to do. We certainly hate war no less-it
is only that we hate Hitler more.
THE WORDS of Cyril Connolly, editor of Hor-
izon, perhaps describe how youth feels better
than anything else that has been said:
"It is a war which seems archaic and un-
real, a war of which we are all ashamed-and
yet a war which has to be won ... it is a war
which dissipates energy and disperses
friends, which lowers the standard of think-
ing and feeling ... which inaugurates an era
of death, privation, danger, and boredom,
guaranteeing the insecurity of projects and
the impermanence of personal relations. But
there it is. We are in it; for as long as Hitler
exists we must stay there . . . the war, al-
though not as anti-fascist as we could wish,
is much more anti-fascist than anything else
that has happened."
These are words which everyone-both young
and old-must accept. And it is up to the young
people to lead the way in this war which, bad
as it is, has to be fought.
WE have spent a good portion of our lives call-
ing "failure" at our elders. Now our time
has come. If this war and the peace which
follows it do not accomplish the defeat of fascism
it will have been our fault-our failure. We will
no longer be able to place the blame on someone

The Reply Churlish
OUT to my frat club the other night aiding, or
at least observing the frantically friendly
phenomenon known as rushing. Adverse com-
ments are not in order, because they have all
been made many times before, and by angrier
persons than myself. What interests me is the
way the kids I once rushed, or Watched rushed,
are now in the saddle, making like smooth with
key chains, deep voices, and loud empty laughter.
As an old boy, it is my privilege to say that
there is nothing quite so funny and at the same
time quite so pathetic as this mingling of the
chain-smoking fright that is frosh, and the
tweedy joviality, and what Mr. Darrow called
Westchesterfieldian suburbanity that is Active.
Occasionally the process is reversed, when for
instance some scion of several millions, or a
football player shows up. But for the most part
the frosh talk in hushed and reverent tones
about their high school records, or what they
intend to study, vaguely hoping that something
will register and make a real hit with these
smooth cookies who live like princes royal in
these swell houses, with their own pins, their
own jokes, their own style of dressing. Among
themselves the frosh talk brashly about a bid
from the Dekes or the house Joe Brxxzt, the
second string guard of the Varsity occasionally
shows up at when he needs a loan from the
house manager or there is chicken for dinner.
But wbrried. They are a very worried lot, the
frosh. They think maybe they might not make'
THEY MAKE IT. At the pledging ceremonies
I have always felt one quick minute of pity
for the kids. For the kids, or maybe for their
parents. Before that nervous clutch at the pen,
that hurried signature by candlelight, with an
imported, important alumnus standing staidly
by, the kids are still sort of damp and tolerable.
Then it's over, and they get the glad hand from
Actives who mumble their names, and rush off
to a date, and the kids who are no longer kids,
set out for home with firm lips and deep re-
solves. And just as when they join the Boy
Scouts, or wear their first longies, or start comb-
ing their hair back with grease, they are just
that much less the kid their parents raised.
Because, like I say, I have been watching the
boys whom I aided and abetted in pledging dur-
ing other feverish rushing seasons, and they are
handing out the cigarettes and song books this
year, and it has been forcibly brought to my at-
tention that they are now frat men, just as I
am a frat man, or maybe quite a bit more so.
Right on the heels of that glad feeling, and
great love for all the brethren, there comes the
first experiences of things. Drunkenness, with
accompanying nausea, seems to be the first
mortal sin thrust upon the attention of the
small town pledge. I do not mean that he is
encouraged along such lines, but emulation
plays its dirty role, and where is our wandering
boy tonight? Then the subject of women. The
pledge adopts one of two attitudes; complete
knowledge of the subject, which makes him in-
deed a nasty specimen; or the 'good guy ap-
proach, which means he is willing to take a girl
taller than himself, who majors in cytology, to
the house dance rather than keep his self-
respect and shoot pool with the boys.
I haven't much to sum up with. I watch the
kids whose coats were too short when first we
met, twirling with that conscious insouciance
their key chains. I hear them yelling "Chicago,
why old Bill Gump, he graduated last year, was
from Chicago. You know Bill Gump?" I watch
them doing to others what I and my ilk did to
them. And I think it's too damn bad. So long
until soon.
a. p. blaustein 's

IN THE OCTOBER ISSUE of the "American
Magazine" is a new feature entitled, "What
shall be done with Hitler after the war?" The
editors ask their readers to ponder over this
problem with great care and submit their sug-
gestions to the magazine's "Hitler Jury."
Here are some of our ideas on this subject.
1. Make him honorary president of the
America First Committee.
12. Make him campaign manager of the
Wheeler, Lindbergh (choose one) for Presi-
dent Committee.
3. Make'him mayor of Jersey City.
4. Make him house mother of Mosher-
5. Put him on the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
6. Send him to Brooklyn.
* * *
$16.50 for World Series tickets, it's still a
lot cheaper to live than to die. A guy by the
name of Major Lowell M. Limpus, U. S. Army,
writes that it cost Julius Caesar about 75 cents
to kill a man during the Roman wars, that it
cost Napoleon almost $3,000 a man and that it
cost the World War big shots around $21,000.
The Major figures now that it's going to cost
/about $50,000 to kill a soldier in the present war.
The next guy that says "life is cheap" is going to
have an argument on his hands.
Emile (Rhett) Gele, one of the bums that
hangs around The Daily to be close to news-
papermen, told us yesterday that he has fi-
nally decided to root for the Dodgers. In his
"poor white trash" Mississippi accent, Gele
said, "My grAndpappy would turn over in his
L-aeif hep heaPrd 1T was rootin' for them

WASHINGTON - Not many out-
side the White House know it, but
the State Department gave the Pres-
ident some urgent advice the other
day to make public the fact that the
Pink Star, sunk near Iceland and
flying the Panamanian flag, was car-
rying a four-inch gun on her deck.
Subsequently the President announ-
ced the fact at his press conference.
Prior to that it had been a mili-
tary and naval secret that the Gov-
ernment of the United States had
been arming Panamanian ships. It
was such a secret that the Govern-
ment of Panama itself didn't know it.
Nor did the State Department know
it until about the time the Pink
Star was sunk.
knew it for a while, and almost
got into an argument with a Pana-
manian ship sailing out of New
York harbor the otherhday because
she carried a gun Bon her deck. The
Coast Guard had not been told at
that time that the gun had been
placed there by the U.S. Navy at the
direct orders of the President him-
The ships in question are the 80
vessels seized from the Axis, 27 of
which now have been put into serv-
ice under the Panamanian flag. Pan-
ama had no objection to the use of
its flag since the revenue is very prof-
itable-$1 a ton for registration. Nat-
urally, registration of the vessels un-
der the Panamanian flag was known
to the Panamanian Government. But
it did not know the ships were sent
out armed.
This policy has come in for vig-
orous criticism by advisers inside the
Government on several grounds. One
is that no one knew what the Navy
was doing. Another was that the
crews of the merchant ships had no
training in operating the guns. Thus
the fact that the ships were armed
increased their chances of being at-
tacked, since an armed vessel is en-
titled to no courtesies under inter-
national law.
ALL OF THIS is one reaspn why
the Administration is anxious to
change the neutrality act to permit
lease-lend cargoes to be carried in
American vessels, thus getting away
from the Panamaniad~ flag. The
President will also ask Congress for
authority to mount guns on Ameri-
can merchant vessels. Finally, crews
are to be given gun training.
Note-Arnulfo Arias, President of
Panama, is in the ironic position of
being an admirer of Germany, yet
it is the Panamanian vessels that are
carrying guns aimed against Ger-
many. Arias served as a diplomat in
Germany for some years, and has
given the State Department more
worry than any otherLatin Ameri-
can president.-
Combat Lessons
GHQ chiefs find these the out-
standing lessons demonstrated by
the Louisiana war games:
1. The signal effectiveness of the
new anti-tank battalions. This is
a new arm developed by the U.S.
Army and has no counterpat in
the European armies. Though only
three months old and still' in the
experimental stage, the battalions
demonstrated great potency as
"tank killers." More and better
equipped units of this kind should

be organized at once.
2. The deadly power -of aircraft
and the fact that an army, no mat-
ter how good or strong, fights at
tremendous disadvantage without
adequate air support.
3. That the combat team of
tanks and mechanized forces needs
the lowly doughboy to back it up
for real success. An armored force
has tremendous punching power
and can smash holes through ele-
ments many times its size, but it
has got to have infantry behind it
to hold the ground gained.
4. A complete overhauling and
modernization of field communica-
tions, particularly radio. The ar-
my's equipment is antiquated and
wholly inadequate for the speed
demanded of blitz warfare.
5. A new type of armored scout
car that is lighter, faster and with
better air protection than the one
now in use. The present car is a
very powerful vehicle but it is too
ponderous for broken and swampy
terrain and too vulnerable to air
6. All elements of the new citi-
zen armies need a great deal more
firing practice with ball ammuni-
T HIS last deficiency needs most
immediate attention.
All the men have had some firing
practice, usually 20 or 30 rounds,
But they require a great deal more
to give them the familiarity and ac-
curacy with the guns of their branch

lc INI


(Continued from Page 2)
Monday morning, October 6, at the
offices of the University Musical
Society in Burton Memorial Tower.
The prices of tickets including Federal
tax required under the new Revenue
Act are as follows: Season tickets
(10 concerts) $13.20, $11.00, and $8.80
and individual concert tickets $2.75,
$2.20 and $1.65.
Charles A. Sink, President
Choral Union Membership: Mem-
bers of the Choral Union in good
standing, who sang at the last May
Festival, are reminded to register im-
mediately if they wish to retain their
membership in the chorus for the
2oming year. New candidates are re-
quired I to make appoigtments for
tryouts at once, at the offices of the
University Musical Society in Burton
Memorial Tower.
Charles 'A. Sink, President
Tau Beta Pi: All alumni members
who intend to become or remain
ictive, please communicate at once
-ith Harper H. Hull, Corresponding
Secretary, phone 2-1327.
Aeronautical Engineering Seniors
Ind Graduates: Students obtaining
aither bachelor's or master's degrees
In Aeronautical Engineering in Feb-
ruary, June or August, 1942, should
fill out the Department personnel
cecord cards immediately. The blanks
:or this purpose may be obtained in
,he Department of Aeronautical En-
gineering office, Room B-47 East En-
;ineering Bldg. Manufacturers are
already asking for information on
-his year's graduates and it is essen-
tial that the personnel records be
available at once so that they may
be supplied with accurate and com-
plete data. Delay in turning in these
records may result in incomplete in-
formation going to the manufac-
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
'as received notification of the an-
nual Vogue 7th Prix de Paris contest
for Senior College Women. Details
2oncerning this contest may be se-
mured at the Bureau of Appointments,
201 Mason Hall. Office hours 9-12
mnd 2-4.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
Civil Service Examinations. Last date
for filing application is noted in each
United States Civil Service
Specialist in Maternal and Child
Health. salary $3.800. November 15.

Assistant $2,600, November 30,
Complete announcements on file
t the Bureau, 201 Mason Hall. Office
lours 9-12 and 2-4.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
nents and Occupational Information
Las received notification of the an-
iual Vogue Photographic Contest for
Senior students, both men and wo-
nen. Details concerning this con-
est may be secured at the Bureau of
ppointments, 201 Mason Hall. Of-
ice hours 9-12 and 2-4.
Academic Notices
University Choir: There are post-
ions available for tenors, baritones,
nd basses in the University Choir
nsemble 49) under the direction of
rofessor Hardin Van Deursen, meet-
nig Monday through Friday at 11:00
.m., in Lane Hall. Auditions may
>e arranged by contacting Professor
an Deursen at the School of Music.
Room 223, or at Lane Hall any day
lay at 11:00 a.m.
Electrical Engineering 23a: Ele-
nents of Radio Communication.
irst semester. 3 h;ours credit. Pre-
'equisite: a year of physics. Tu.
rh., 9: laboratory period, M 2-5, 111
W. Eng. Holland and others.*
This- is a new course open to any
tudent in the University and is in-
tended to train amateur radio opera-
tors. If followed by Course 23b the
second semester, a student should
be able to pass an examination for a
United States Government radio li-
ense. Further information may be
obtained from Professor B. F. Bailey,
278 W. Eng.
Preliminary examinations in French
and German, for candidates for the
doctorate, will be held on Monday,
October 6, at 4:00 p.m., in the amphi-
theatre of the Rackham Building.
Dictionary may be used. Inquiries,
Room 120 Rackham Building, Fri-
day, 2:15-4:15 p.m.
' Geology 12 Make-Up Bluebook: The
make-up for the final examination
for Geology 12, second semester, 1941,
will be held in Room 2054 N.S., on
Wednesday, October 8, at 1:00 p.m.
German make-up examinations:
All students intending to take make-
ups must report in 204 U.H. some-
time this week for consultation.
German 179: Meeting next Tues-
day and in the future in 16 A.H.
German 207 will have first meet-
ing at 9:00 a.m. 303 S.W. today.
Norman L. Wiley
English 152: Because of the gradu-
ate record examinations, English 152
will not meet today.
Political Science 113: The sections
in this course will meet in the follow-
ing rooms:
I. Monday at 2:00 p.m., Room 6,
Angell Hall.
II. Monday at 3:00 p.m., Room 6,
Angell Hall.
III. Thursday at 2:00 p.m., Room
1020, Angell Hall.
IV. Thursday at 3:00 p.m., Room
1020, Angell Hall.
James K. Pollock
Actuarial Students: An organiza-
tion meeting for the review classes
for the actuarial examinations will be
held Monday at 3:15 p.m. in 3011

By Lichty


"The way I see it--if Potpourri is for Brooklyn I'm puttin' my
dough on the Yanks."


ria , aa P,V V, lVVV11G ,
Principal, $5,600, November 15,
Senior, $4,600, November 15, 1941.
Associate, $3,200, November 15,
Inspector, Engineering Materials
(Aero), $2,300, until further notice,
Senior, $2,600, until further notice.
Associate, $2,000, until further no-
Assistant, $1,800, until further no-1
Junior, $1,620, until further notice.:
Radio Mechanic-Technician, Prin-
cipal, $2,300, November 6, 1941.
Senior, $2,000, November 6, 1951.
Technician, $1,800, November 6,
Assistant, $1,620, November 6, 1941.
Junior, $1,400, November 6, 1941.
Junior Medical Officer (Rotating
Interneship), $2,000, November 15,
Junior Medical Officer (Psychiatric
Resident), $2,000, November 15, 1941.

that is the mark

of a well-trained


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