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October 04, 1941 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-10-04

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MusIC School
Creates New
Positions On Choir of 75
Open To All Students;
Male Voices Are Desired
A new choral organization which is
open to all university students and
which will be known as the University
Choir has been organized by Prof.
Hardin A. Van Deursen of the School
of Music.
The choir will be limited to 75
members with positions for male
voices still open. Although the choir
has already begun practice, students
may still enter during the coming
week. Undergraduate School of Mu-
sic students may receive two hours
credit and graduate students one
hour. Students enrolled in other cur-
ricula may get credit with permission
from their academic advisers.
Practice sessions are held at 11 a.m.
daily in Lane Hall. The Choir will
appear at university functions and
give occasional public concerts. Sev-
eral Sunday radio broadcasts will also
be scheduled.
The program for this semster in-
cludes work on 15th Century Latin
church music, 16th and 17th century
English madrigal music, 19th century
Russian church miusic, English folk
tunes, American Negro spirituals and
contemporary Canadian, American,
Hungarian and English compositions.
Hillel Expects Record
Membership In Drive
Officially starting its membership
drive at noon today with a luncheon
at the Union, Hillel Foundation will
attempt to enroll the largest member-
ship in its history.
At the luncheon today which 125
solicitors will attend, Rabbi Jehudah
M. Cohen, director of the Foundation
and Herbert London will deliver short
talks on the method to be used in
canvassing for membership and ma-
terials for members will be distribu-
ted. A new system making use of
squads headed by captains will be in-
augurated for the drive.'


ers st

Pol makers Start Work Today
At New Ford Plant In Ypsilanti4 DAI
By BILL BAKER bomber will be turned out before the
(Special to The Daily) delivery date set sometime in May. SATURDAY, OCTOBER4
SILANT, Oct. 3-This quiet It is possible that the first plane will VOL. LII. No. 6
town, billed once as the meeting roll off the assembly sometime in
of industry and eduation, today April, a month ahead of schedule. Pubncation in the Daily
Bulletin is constructive notice
ed its ambition to become an At peak production more than 300 members of the University.
planes will be turned out at the plant
rtant cog in the nation's defenseeahmn.Noi s
inery as the first of 60,000 work-ea mn.No cs
inedry as the tofm,000 work- The town itself, meanwhile, is suf- Members of the Faculty a
tarted work in the uncompleted fering pangs of industrial growing Your attention is called to
w Run bomber plant of the pains. Lowing Resolution adopted
Motor Company today. Housing has become a problem, as Regents on May 23, 1941:
ere was a strange combination the first influx of workers begins to,


t, 1941
,e to all
nd Staff:
the fol-
by the

of toolmakers and construction work-
ers in the huge, stark plant as the
crew of nearly 50 went on the job.
Workers of the construction company
are still in the plant, placing the
last pieces of machinery and putting
on the finishing touches to a job
that has taken many months.
Toolmakers Begin Work
The toolmakers began work on tie
first shipment of production tools for
use in manufacturing the giant four-
motored, 22-tan Consolidated bomb-
ers to be built at the plant.
Officials said that work on making
actual parts will begin in about four
weeks, and that the plant's first
Ann Arbor


Is Today's
In Summary


Special golden jubilee services Sun-
day Oct. 12 will mark the 50th anni-
versary celebration of the Memorial
Christian church, with four former
pastors taking part in the ceremonies.
The church was originally located
on S. University near S. State, but
was moved, stone, by stone, to its
present location at Hill and Tappan
Streets in 1891.
* * *
An Ann Arbor man, William Day,
33, of 1511 Montclair Pl. was seriously
injured Thursday night when the car
in which he was riding collided with
another automobile on a'country road
near Wayne. '
The driver of the other car was
given a state police summons for
driving without an operator's license.


settle here.
House Rents Soar
Small houses, many of the pre-
fabricated variety, have been con-
structed on Ecorse Road near the
plant, a district once as deserted as
a Kansas prairie. In the town houses
are at a premium, rent has soared to
new highs, and it is virtually impos-
sible to buy a house.
As other defense plants are spring-
ing up near here, however, many old-
sters saw an even greater future for
the town. Some predict today that by
1943 the population of this town will
be over 200,000.
Meanwhile, it was announced here
today that the federal government
has approved $880,000 in defense pub-
lic works projects for building high-
ways near the .plant.
Work on the road-building pro-
gram is scheduled to start within a
month, as soon as bids from contract-;
ing companies are accepted.
Grid Weekends
Bring Problem,
To Restaurants
i from Page 1)
ly used plan was the simplified mn u.
Incidentally, the stock of beer in
the downtown restaurants is at least
doubled, and if the day promises to
be warm, the figure rises even above
that amount.
Along another line, the souvenir
sellers are also a big business ener-
prise on football Saturdays. Licensed
by the city clerk's ,office, they come
from all over the country to sell
their footballs, banners, and other
Last week, for instance, 69 vendors
were issued licenses, although the
number varies with the importanc9
of the game. Nor is the man you see
on the corner a lone wolf. The ma-
jority of them either have agents at
other football games, or are them-
selves working for someone else.
One of the hawkers who has been
coming to town during the football
season for more than nine years
claims that the business can be most
gratifying, 'and lucrative. Another
day such as I had on the West Coast
recently, he said, and I could retire
from the business.
Police Busy
The police department is another
busy organization on home game
week-ends. Together with 50 state
police, they take charge of the city
streets, and somewhere between 30
and 40 state patrol cars are out on
the highways leading into Ann Arbor.
Chief of Police Mortonsen said that
traffic accidents and violations are
extremely low on Saturdays, because
traffic is so heavy that it is impossi-
ble to speed.
Under the new traffic system, the
state police are in charge of the same
corner each week, and they naturally
become familiar with the conditions
likely to arise. Of the 50 men from
the state's department, 45 are uni-
formed and five are plain-clothes
Every agency in the city that has
anything at all to do with the foot-
ball crowds uses simplicity as a slo-
gan, and they all aim to "get 'em in
'n out" as fast as they can eat, walk,
or drive.

Resolved, That it be the policy Of
the University of Michigan with re-
gard to: 1) A member of the staff
on indeterminate tenure who enters
the Federal Service in the present
emergency that such member shall
apply for a leave of absence in ac-
cordance with the provisions of the
Bylaws of the Board of Regents. (2)
A member of the faculty or other em-
ployee not on indeterminate tenure
who is called into the service of the
Federal Government during the pres-
ent emergency shall be deemed to be
on leave of absence without salary
for a period not longer than the end
of the present term of appointment.
Upon release from Government serv-
ice the University will if possible re-
employ such person at the beginning
of a semester or academic year as
may be practicable and in a position
as nearly comparable as possible with
the former position. Whatever ten-
tative understanding may be reached
by a department Chairman with a
member of the staff should be put
in writing with copies filed with the
appropriate University officers.
Chairmen of- departments are ad-
vised to .weigh carefully the neces-
sity of filling positions made vacant
by the national emergency and to
attempt to make provisions for the
return of members of the staff.
Safety Warning: All pedestrians
are urged -to keep out of the Uni-
versity driveways and parking places
except at regular sidewalk crossings.
A number of narrow escapes from
injuries have recently occurred. Side-
walks are provided for pedestrians.
The driveways are for ears. It is not
only dangerous to walk in the drive-
ways but it is discourteous to motor-
ists who do not have access to the
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: Attendance re-
port cards are being distributed
through the departmental offices. In-
structors are requested to report ab-
sences of sophomores, juniors, an1
seniors to 1220 Angell Hall, on the
buff cards which are now being dis-
tributed to departmental secretaries.
Green cards are being provided for
reporting freshman absences. All
freshman attendance reports should
be made on the green cards and sent
directly to the office of the Academ-
ic Counselors, 108 Mason Hall.
Please note especially the regu-
lations concerning three-week ab-
sences, and the time limits for drop-
ping courses. *The rules relating to
absences are printed on the attend-
ance cards. They may also be found
on page 52 of the curres Announce-
ment of our College.
E. A. Walter, Assistant Dean
Rules Governing Student Partici-
pation in Public Activities:
Participation in Public Activities.
Participation in a public activity is
defined as service of any kind on a
committee or a publication, in a
public performance or a rehearsal,
or in holding office or being a candi-
date for office in a class or other stu-
dent organization. This list is not
intended to be exhaustive, but mere-
ly is indicative of the character and
scope of the activities included.
Certificate of Eligibility. At the
beginning of each semester and sum-
mer session every student shall be

conclusively presumed to be ineligible
for any public activity until his eli-
gibility isaffirmativelyestablished
by obtaining from the Chairman of
the Committee on Student Affairs,
in the Office of the Dean of Stu-
dents, a Certificate of Eligibility.
Participation before the opening of
the first semester must be approved
as at any other time.j
Before permitting any students to
participate in a public activity (see
definition of Participation above) .
the chairman or manager of suchj
activity shall (a) require each ap-
plicant to present a certificate of
eligibility, (b) sign his initials on the
back of such certificate and (c) file
with the Chairman of the Commit-
tee on Student Affairs the names of
all those who have presented certifi-
cates of eligibility and a signed state-
ment to exclude all others from par-
ticipation. Blanks for the chairmen's
lists may be obtained in the Office
of the Dean of Students.
Certificates of Eligibility for the
first semester shall be effective until
March 1.
Probation and Warning. Students
on probation or the warned list are
forbidden to participate in any public
Eligibility, First Year. No fresh-
man in his firest semester'of resi-
dence may be granted a Certificate
of Eligibility.
A freshman, during his second sem-
ester of residence, may be granted a
Certificate of Eligibility provided he
has completed 15 hours or more of
work with (1) at least one mark of A
or B and with no mark of less than
C, or (2) at least 2V2 times as many
honor points as hours and with no
mark of E. A-4 points, B-3, C-2,
D-1, E-0).
Any student in his first semester
of residence holding rank above that
of freshman may be granted a Cer-
tificate of Eligibility if he was ad-
mitted to the University in good
Eligibility, General. In order- to
receive a Cerficate of Eligibility a
student must have earned at least 11
hours of academic credit in the pre-
ceding semester, or 6 hours of aca-
demic credit in the preceding sum-
mer session, with an average of at
least C, and have at least a C aver-
age for his entire academic career.
Unreported grades and grades of
sX and I are to be interpreted as E
until removed in accordance with
University regulations. If in the
opinion of the Committee on Student
Affairs the X or I cannot be removed
promptly, the parenthetically re-
ported grade, may be used. in place

of the X or I in

of dental work in the Clinics of both'
buildings are made at the registra-
tion desk and examining room on the
second floor of the School of Dentis-
try. The examination room and.
registration desk are open from 10 to
12 a.m. and 1:30 to 3 p.m. daily.
Saturdays from 10 to 12 a.m.
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, Schools of Education, For-
estry. Music, and Public Health: Stu-
dents who received marks of I or X
at the close of their last semester or
summer session of attendance will re-
ceive a grade of E in the course or
courses unless this work is made up
by October 29. Students wishing an
extension of time beyond this date
in order to make up this work should
file a petition addressed to the ap-
propriate official in their school with

cured in the School of Education
office or in Room 4 U.H.
School of Education Students-
Changes of Elections: All changes of
elections of students enrolled in this
Sdhool must be reported at the Reg-
istrar's Office, Room 4, University
Hall. After October 4 such changes
may be made only after payment of
a fee of one dollar.
Membership in a class does not
cease or begin until all changes have
been thus officially registered, Ar-
rangements made with the instructors
only are not official changes.
Choral Union Concert Tickets: The
over- the-counter sale of all remain-
ing tickets for the Choral Union
Concerts will begin at 8:30 o'clock
(Continued on Page 4)

Students who are ineligible under
Rule V may participate only after

Robert L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar

having received special permission February 1942 Seniors, School of
of the Committee on Student Affairs. Education, must file with the Re-
corder of the School of Education,
The Clinics of the School of Den- 1437 U.E.S., no later than October 4,
tistry and Kellogg Institute are now a statement of approval for major
open for the school year. Examina- and minors signed by the adviser.
tions and appointments for all types Blanks for the purpose may be se-

fo' that ,mid-daq ,enack ior','
the 4'm- meet you.* (rieKQd4at

f r

computing the aver- Room 4 U.H. where it will be trans-

and part time. Miller Dairy Store,
533 S. Main. 34c'
ROOM WITH BATH and meals avail-
able to student in exchange for
part-time housework. Call 7762.
COLLEGE GIRL to spend evenings
as companion in exchange for liv-
able room in new house. Phone
3836. 37c
STOCK WELL and Mosher-Jordan
residents-Alterations on women's
garments promptly done. Opposite
Stockwell. Phone 2-2678. 3c
well-furnished, cross-draft, shower.
Quiet surroundings. Phone 6152.
afternoons. 26c

Carl Peterson, 2-3169. 33c
VIOLA STEIN-Experienced legal
typist, also mimeographing. Notary
public. Phone 6327. 706 Oakland.
MIMEOGRAPHING - Thesis bind-
ing. Brumfield and Brumfield, 308
S. State. 6c
CASH for used clothing; men and
ladies. Claude H. Brown, 512 S.
Main St. Phone 2-2736. 5c
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Company, phone
7112. 7c
Oct. 13, Monday evening. Enroll-
ment at Ann Arbor High School.
Recreation, business, language,
English, speech, defense training,
woodworking, art, metalcraft, sew-
ing, cooking and other courses will
be offered. For further informa-
tion call 5797.


PHONE 5933







FRONT SUITE for lady. Living room
and alcove. Stove and running
water. Ladies floor; $27.50 per
month. 513 E. Jefferson St., Phone
3652. 40c
ROOMS in quiet private home. Very
desirable. Single and double. Nice-
ly furnished. Well heated and
ventilated. Convenient to bath.
Phone 2-2794. 1016 Martin Place.


able rates by day or week. Ap-
proved. Phone 3948. 9c
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 2c





Last Times Today






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Our Specialty
All our work is guaranteed




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You'll like the TIME-SAVING, FOOD-SAVING, and FUEL-SAVING that these
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sorority kitchen. You'll like the flexibility - the capacity - of these sturdy, compact
ranges, for you'll find they can adequately take care of the cooking for the big, crowd
on a Homecoming Day or just as efficiently handle the cooking for the few around the
house during a vacation week. As have many others, you'll discover that the kitchen
keeps much cooler -- the thoroughly insulated ovens see to that. And baking or roasting
is done without guesswork by the time and temperature method with the accurate oven
heat controls. Fine broiling and griddle facilities are ready for instant use. The large
top burners give just the right heat for any type of top cooking - instantly.
SA. I * 103mt i 3 ail aa

New Opening
Catering Service


When you're hungry phone
4761 for Free Delivery
at 40c up.
Hamburg 10c
Foot Long Hot Dogs 14c
Fried Spring Chicken 40c


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- J;i i I

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