Cloudy and (Warnnerf
Cooler Tomorrow
thr tigmi
In Defense
Of Labor's Stand
ii r a
FDR Calls
Act Parley
Sinking Of Tanker Called
Evidence That Statute
Should BeChanged
Soviet Religious
WASHINGTON, Oct. 3.-'P)-Sup-
porters of administration foreign pol-
icy quickly seized upon the sinking of
the tanker I. C. White tonight as
new evidence the Neutrality Act
should be amended. Some of the
Presdent's critics, however, declafed
their positions were unchanged by
tt'e incident.
The ship was reported torpedoed
Sept. 27 in the South Atlantic. Thir-
ty-four of its crew of 37 Americans'
were picked up today 450 miles east
of Recife, Brazil. Through a sb
. sidiary, the tanker was owned by the
Standard Oil Company of New Jer-
sey, but early in the war was trans-
,ferred to Panamanian registry. Later
it A a placed at the disposal of Great
Britain, under the lease-lend pro-
gram and was operating under Brit-
ish orders when it was sunk.
News of the sinking was received
a short while after a renewed an-
nouncement by President Roosevelt
that he would ask Congress to revise
the neutrality law, and would decide
in exactly what particulars after a
conference on Tuesday with Repub-.
lican and Democratic leaders of the
The President -has already declared
himself ih favor of placing guns on
American flag cargo vessels, now for-
bidden by the law, and some adminis-I
tration supporters have talked, as)
well, of lifting the restrictions which
keep such ships from carrying sup-
plies to England.
(There is no statutory provision
forbidding a vessel like the I. C.
White, which was under Panananian
registry, being armed, but it was not
immediately known whether it actu-
ally had guns.)
The incident, sad'd Senator Hill
(Dem.-Ala.) made it "plain that it is
the determination of the Nazis to
carry the war to the Western Hemi-
sphere as well as to the rest of the
Soviet Religious
Policy Questioned
WASHINGTON, Oct. 3-('--Pres-
ident Roosevelt revealed today this
government had raised the question
of freedom of retigion in Russia in
discussing with Moscow officials the
problems of supplying military equip-
ment fot the Soviet's war with Ger-
He declined to disclose any details
and left open to speculation the pos-
sibility that guarantees of religious
freedom iay have been demanded in
return for American assistance.
W. Averill Harriman, the head of
a mission now in Moscow, was given
instructions to take up the question
of freedom of religion, Mr. Roosevelt
told a press conference, but had not
as yet made a report. Other efforts
in this direction had been made pre-
viously, he said without elaboration.
Presumably, these were through Law-
rence Steinhardt, the American Am-
Thus the President added a new
chapter to the controversy on Russian
religious freedom which began earlier
in the week with his statement that
the Soviet constitution provided for
freedom of worship and freedom to
oppose religion as well.
Germans Sentence
MayorOf Prague
BERLIN, Oct. 3. --( )- German
dispatches reported tonight the May-
or of Prague, Otakar Klapka, had
been sentenced to die as one of the
leaders of an elaborate foreign-backed
plot of sabotage, terrorism, espion-
age and rebellion against the Reich's
With scant elaboration of the
charge of foreign backing, advices
from Prague, capital of the protector-
Enemy Now Crushed,
Hitler Tells Germans
Russian Armies Beat Back Nazis, Moscow Sources Say;
Berlin Claims, Success Of Wide Operations
o --
Wolverine Ace In Leading Role Today
(By The Associated Press)
BERLIN, Oct. 3.-Adolf Hitler, ex-
plaining his long silence by saying
he had not been able to speak until
"the enemy had been hit so hard that
he never again will rise up," declared
today to the German people in his
first speech since last May that the
paralyzing blow had now been dealt
the Russians.
In a 65-minute address to a hoarse-
ly cheering audience of thousands in
the Berlin Sportspalast he announced
a "gigantic new development" had
Weather Puts
Wet Blanket'
Around Series
Dodgers, Yankees Are Idle
As Landis Postpones
Scheduled Third Game
BROOKLYN, Oct. 3.-(P)-Rain
and fog wrapped a wet blanket
around the World Series today, forc-
ing postponement of the third tussle
between the Brooklyn Dodgers and
New York Yankees and even threat-
ening tomorrow's prospects.
When white-haired Commissioner
Kenesaw M. Landis dramatically an-
nounced, "Gentlemen, I have made
my decision and the game's off," he
gave baseball's annual classic its first
setback in five years. There was a
chapice it might get its second to-
morrow with more rain forecast.
Each postponement delays the
schedule one day, but does not dis-
turb the order of the games. The
next three contests will be played at
Ebbets Field whenever the weather is
favorable and two more, if necessary,
will be at Yankee Stadium.
The interruption of the program
did not affect the immediate pitching
plans of the two managers. Kirby
Higbe, a 22-game winner with a bug-
gywhip. arm,, was generally expected
to take the mound for the Dodgers,
with lefty Marius Russo the probable
starter for the Yankees.
Higbe's lack of control has made
Durocher regard him as a gamble,
but tomorrow's affair would be the
place to gamble and would leave
(Continued on Page 3)
Mediceal Grads
Adj ournToday
Dr. Vaughan Will Address
Convocation Of School
Presentation of an honorary degree
and awarding of the Stenberg Mem-
orial Medal will climax the three-day
reunion for alumni of the Medical
School at a special convocation of the
school at 10 am. today in the Aack-
ham Lecture Hall.
Dr. Warren Taylor -Vaughan, o
Richmond, Va. an alumnus of the
University Medical School, will de-
liver the principal address.
Dr. Vaughan is a son of the late
Dr. Victor C. Vaughan, former Dean
of the Medical School.
The Sternberg Medal, to be award-
ed to a student in the Medical School
who has an outstandinig record in
preventive medicine, is given in honor
of the late Dr. George Miller Stern-
berg, distinguished bacteriologist.
President i1uthven and Dean Al-
bert C. Furstenberg of the Medical
School will also be on the speakers'
All medical alumni attending the
reunion will be guests of the Univer-
sity at today's football game against
the University of Iowa.
Dictatorship Not Far,
'Col. Lindbergh Implies,
FORT WAYNE, Ind., Oct. 3.-(P)-
Charles A. Lindbergh asserted to-
night before a capacity crowd in Gos-
pel Tabernacle here that "the time
has come when we must consider"
whether there will be any elections!
next year.
occurred on the Eastern Front in the
last 48 hours. But beyond this he
offered little new.
His speech, for which he came
directly from the front to give a
glowing review of German war suc-
cesses, opened the Reich's third war
winter charity aid drive. But it ap-
peared to have the wider objective
of revitalizing the nation for the
tasks still ahead.
Everything in the Russian cam-
paign, he asserted, had gone ac-
cording to plan, but he added:
"We were not mistaken about any-
thing except that we did not know
how awfully big were the prepara-
tions against us and how closely Eur-
ope escaped Bolshevism."
There was no direct mention what-
ever of the United States, but the
Fuehrer made an oblique and sar-
castic reference by declaring Ger-
many did not talk much about build-
ing armaments, and had no need to
depend on capitalism to create na-
tional defense.
Red Counterattacks
Defend Leningrad
MOSCOW, Oct. 3.--(R)-The Red
Armies of the Northwest have beaten
the Germans back one to two miles
in continuing general counterat-
tacks on a broad front before Lenin-
grad, and a strong new series of posi-
tions has been established for the de-
fense of that vital city, the Russians
declared officially tonight.
This was but one of a farspread.
string of victories claimed in official
reports and military dispatches which
pictured the line as bending every-
where against the invaders and Nazi
casualties running into many thous-
Along the central front German
motorized columns attempting to
smash through somewhere in the
vicinity of Gomel were declared rout-
ed, after they had momentarily in-
vested one village, by the counter-
thrusts of Soviet tanks.
Meanwhile the Germans appeared
tonight to be directing the mightiest
of pressure against Kharkov and the
industrially important Donets Basin,
colliding headon with counter-at-
tacks in which the Russians used
both tanks and armored trains.
Fuehrer Adolf Hitler himself told
the nation operations on a giant scal
had been proceeding 48 hours: con-
siderably more than the High Com-
mand had disclosed in its morning
communique phrase: "in the east
operations are being continued suc-
The official news agency also said
the Russian counter-attacks in the
southern theatre of war were driven
off and military quarters disclosed
the German air force had stepped up
its bombardments over rear com-
munications in this area.
There will be a meeting of the
staff of Perspectives, campus lit-
erary magazine, at 4:30 p.m. Mon-
day in the Publications Building.
All those interested in trying out
for the staff are invited to attend.
Small Attendance
Xpected At First
Conference Game
Veterans To Dominate Starting Lineups
Green To Lead Iowa Running Attack
On Powerful Michigan ForWard Wall
(Daily Sports Editor)
Michigan and Iowa blast the lid off the 1941 Western Conference grid
campaign at 2 p.m. today in the Stadium.
Pitting the rugged, highly-mobile forward wall and powerful running
attack of the Wolverines against the versatile, break-away backfield aces
and gridiron legerdemain of the Hawkeyes, this 11th football encounter be-
tween the two institutions marks the only Conference clash of the day. All
the other Big Ten elevens swing into action against each other next *eek.
More than half of Michigan's vast stadium will be empty, however, de-
spite the fact that the tilt will serve as an important criterion in the bitter
Conference title fight. One of the nation's top three grid attractions of
-*the day, the game will be aired coast-
to-coast over an NBC hook-up. In-
Varsit y Band dications late last night were that
the attendance figure may not top
Will March 35,000.
Veterans will predominate in the
A a Tilt opening line-ups of both teams. The
Hawkeyes from. Iowa City pack a
---well-coordinated ground game which
When the mighty men of Michigan engage in battle today with the
invading University of Iowa gridders, Capt. Bob Westfall, battering-
ram fullback of the favored Wolverines, will be pitted in a ball-carrying
duel with Hawkeye Fullback Bill Green.
War Produces New Methods
For Treatment Of Casualties
Modern warfare, has been made
safer by new methods of treating
wounds developed in the present Eur-
opean War, according to Dr. John
Converse, surgeon in the American
Hospital in London during the first
years of the war.
The most successful of the new
methods of treating wounds caused
by bombs or bullets is to dress the
wound after sterilization with newly
grafted skin instead of gauze. A layer
of sulfanilimide is placed under
the new skin before it is placed on the
After the new skin is grafted/ on,
the wound is enclosed in a plaster
cast, which is left on it for several
Dr. Converse explained that the
great majority of wounds treated in
this manner have healed successfully
and quickly.
In some cases a plaster cast cannot
be placed on the wound. When the
wound is of this nature, a silk sack
is placed over the wound, with liquid
in it to lubricate the newly grafted
skin. When the liquid is drained out,
the sack is pumped up with oxygen
in order to dry out the scar.
Wounds in the field are frequently
treated by this method, when it is
impossible to obtain materials to
make a cast, Dr. Converse stated.
"While war itself has become more
horrible, and every civilian is a par-
ticipant in it, surgery has developed
methods which are cutting downl
greatly the mortality rate of those
injured, and saving valuable time of
surgeons treating the wounded," he
Prior to Dr. Converse's talk, Dr..
Frederick Coller. chairman of the
University Department of Surgery,
traced the history of the treatment of
those wounded in warfare.
At the time of the last World War,
he said the medical corps found that
it had no really quick and successful
way of treating wounds other than
by amputation. Two new methods
were f developed, that of excision of
the wound and the French method of
immobilizing the wound and dressing
it infrequently.
Since then development of the use
of the sulfa-chemicals have made
possible more successful treatment of
war wounds.
Unable to appear last week because
of insufficient time for organization,
the 128-piece University Marching
Band under the direction of Prof.
William D. Revelli will make its first1
formal appearance of the year whent
it takes the field before the Michigan-t
Iowa _game this afternoon.j
Following the band's former policy
of linking its formation with current
events, the maneuvers today will fea-
ture the World Series, several inter-
esting formation having been perfec-
ted during the week.
New to the band's routing this year
will be a streamlined method of get-
ting the band on the field before the
game. Otherwise the procedure will
follow last year's, including a march'
to the stadium from Morris Hall, ap-
pearances before the game and be-
tween halves and a march back to'
Morris Hall after the game.
Voted one of the outstanding
marching bands in the country last
year, the band presented such for-
mations as a violin with a moving
bow, parts of a barn dance sequence;
an anchor for Navy Day; a jack-o-
lantern for Hallowe'en; and a donkey
and an elephant for election day as
well as a number of other intricate
FDR Speaks
In Fund Drive
Civilian Welfare Declared
Essential To Defense
WASHINGTON, Oct. 3. -(A)-
President Roosevelt broadcast an ap-
peal to every American tonight to
help build a "stronger and better"
nation by contributing to commun-
ity chest and welfare funds.
Starting the annual mobilization
for human needs, Mr. Roosevelt said
in an address prepared for the radio
that the well-being of the civilian
population must be built up for the
added reason this year that "ade-
quate national defense definitely
needs it."
The President spoke during a pro-
gram in which Wendell L. Willkie
and Tom K. Smith, St. Louis banker
and head of the mobilization, also
The American people have given
generously in the past to community
chests, Mr. Roosevelt said, but he
hoped this year they would give more
than ever before.
Old Age Specialist
Advises Vitamins
For Keeping Youth
A new axiom for old age was pro-
pounded here yesterday when Dr.
Robert Monroe of the Harvard Med-
ical School told medical alumni that
the person of 60 "must not act and
churned out 371 yards in last week's
easy triumph over the Drake Bull-
dogs, 25-8. Spearheaded by their
bone-crunching fullback, Bullet Bill
Green, the Hawks' pigskin-lugging
corps constitutes a real menace even
for such a power-saturated wall as
Coach Fritz Crisler will throw into.
the contest.
Green Rated High
Green, who made an auspicious
Conference debut here on the Stadi-
um turf two years ago when Tom
Harmon ran wild in Michigan's
smashing 27-7 win over the Hawks
and Nile Kinnick, now rates as one
of the country's finest fullbacks.
Last fall the hard-running speed-
ster shouldered virtually all of Iowa's
offensive burden. He gained an aver-
age of 3.9 yards every time he took
the ball. In the Hawks' sensational
victory over Notre Dame, Green
jarred his way for 92 yards, while all
the rest of the Iowa backs picked up
only two yards all day.
But this fall Dr. Eddie Anderson
has uncovered a' couple other offen-
sive threats to join Green in a top-
notch backfield combination. A swiv-
el-hipped lad named Bus Mertes
weaved his way for 10 yards each try
against Drake and will be a serious
threat today if the Hawks can spring
him into the Wolverine secondary.
Youel Can Pass,-Punt
Handling the pitching half of the
Iowa aerial attack will be lanky Jim
Youel -who is handicapped somewhat
by inexperienced Hawkeye flankmen.
Youel also does the punting for the
invaders and will have a distinct
edge over the Wolverine puhters.
Matching power with power, Coach
Crisler will send into action at the
fullback slot Capt. Bob Westf all,
fourth leading ground gainer in the
nation last fall.
Likely starters at the halfback
slots for the Maize and Blue are vet-
erans Davie Nelson at tailback and
Tippy Lockard at wingback. Little
Davie staged a superlative exhibition
of broken field running against the
Spartans, gaining 62 yards in just five
tries, until he was forced out of the
Kuzma Will Play
Backing up Nelson and certain to
see plenty of action is the big, blond
sophomore, Tom Kuzma, who power-
blasted his way to two touchdowns
in his initial Varsity appearance.
With some game experience behind
him, this second Gary Flash is primed
to go places. Kept out of action last
week because of slight leg injuries,
another sophomore, triple-thteat Don
Robinson, is all set to demonstrate
today just what has made him one
of the Wolverines' outstanding prac-
tice performers.
Behind Lockard at the wingback
post there's Chuck Kennedy, a big,
willing runner from Detroit, who's
also a soph. After Chuck come
trackman Al Thomas, recently shift-
ed to wingback, and Ray Sowers.
Michigan's quarterback position is
capably manned by sharp-blocking
Grid.Weekends Raise Problems
For Ann Arbor's Restaurateurs
When anywhere from 40 to 80
thousand people drop into town for
a football week-end, they must be
fed, and the local restaurants have
their own favorite and individual
methods of planning for the game
week-ends, and serving as many of
the hungry mob as possible.
Beginning on .campus, both the
Union main dining room and cafe-
teria are very calm about the whole
thing. Upstairs, the amount of food
is doubled and the dining room hours
lengthened to take care of the crowd.
As in every other case, the menu is
simplified so that the service is
stepped up as fast as possible and
the foods which require a great deal
of preparation are eliminated.
Also, generally, more students are
hiredi as waiters for the entire week-
problems to face. One typical pro-
prietor said that he would be up and
busy at 4 a.m. this morning, cutting
meat and slicing cheese.
He said that his ordering was de-
pendent upon how "hot" the game
was expected to be, and also based
somewhat on previous seasons. Since
most of his business is sandwiches,.
he too cuts down on his menu anda
starts early preparing for those for
which there has been the highest de-
mand in previous weeks.
State Wanted Milk
"A young crowd, such as was here
for the Michigan-Michigan State
game, wants milk, while I am expect-
ing a much heavier demand for cof-
fee today," he explained.
Going downtown, the situation is
judged a bit differently than on
constitutes the main portion of the
As much of the food as possible
was prepared for use yesterday, and
the chefs remained in the kitchen
all night to cook, bake and make
ready for the rush.,
Another popular downtown ;es-
taurant, whose main item is steak,
determines its ordering on the basis
of the weather. They always try -o
get the weather report for Saturday
as much in advance as possible, for
they have found that the hotter the
day, the lighter the meal which ;s
No Fancy Dishes
Since practically all their food is
prepared to order, all fancy sand-
wiches and specialdishes are elim-
inated, so that the maximum number
can be fed. Some sandwiches, iG