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October 03, 1941 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-10-03

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news of the dorms


Series Deadlocked, Managers Smile

Union To Open hook Exchange Offers
Ticket Resale tudents Lower Prices


Press comments and student bewilderment concerning our first dormi-
tory effort of the current year Wednesday resulted in a hurried conference
of the brains of this colyum yesterday. Net result: in order to tip the scales
so that the enlightenment will outweigh the bewilderment caused by the
information supplied here, an effort will be made to acclimate our readers
to our style of writing gradually. We herewith present our first bit of news-
Variations in the cider-and-donuts-open-house routine will be found
at Martha Cook and Helen Newberry after the game tomorrow. Cook will
offer coffee instead of cider to celebrate our victory (or are we being too
optimistic?) and Newberry gals and guests will dance to the tunes of a vic.
Passers-by may have wondered at the noise (unusual amount) emanat-
ing from Lloyd House of the West Quad Sunday evening. The occasion for
the merriment was the mixer given for the new members of the house.

As the boys entered the lounge
they were all tagged frontside with
their correct names by Henry Dry-
gas and Fred Hixe, while John
Howard and Edward Anthony con-
spired behind their backs with the
addition of ludicrous nomencla-
ture to the rears of their collars.
One two hundred-and-fifty-
pounder was dubbed Baby Snooks,
a particularly meek looking fresh-
man was Frankenstein and simi-
larly Tom Harmon, Dean Bursley,
President Ruthven, Eleanor Roose-
velt and Wendell Willkie rubbed
elbows with Mae West, Betty Gra-
ble, Shakespeare atd Milton. Af-
ter, eahcelebrity had found his
"soul-mate," there was a wild ses-
sion of hand-shaking as every one
tried to outshake everyone else in
the room. Aftef that, the group
broke up, a few remaining to har-
monize around the piano to Lewis
Coppel's accompaniment. It is
hoped that this occasion will in-


augurate an annual custom in the
The freshmen in Jordan Hall
are right on the ball again. 'They
wasted no time in commencing
publication of their dorm weekly,
"Information Please." The paper
comes out every Monday and con-
tains news of social events, sports
doings and current gossip around
the corridors.
"Petites Pommes de Terre" of-
fered advice to the freshmen so
adequately a couple of weeks ago,
we think a few notes on dormeti-
quette would be apropos at this
1. Be sure to present a good ap-
pearance at all meals, particularly
Sundays. In this way a benevolent
attitude among the dorm staffs
will be attained-a thing to be
coveted, for it will result in your
being allowed to attend meals in
less formal attire (shirtsleeves or
whatever) during exam time.

Desk Service'
Non-Student AdImissions{
For Iowa Gaine Here
To Be Exchanged, Sold
The Michigan Union ticket resalea
desk will open at 9 a.m. tomorrow to
facilitate the exchange and resale of
non-student tickets for the Iowa
Any person who has non-student
tickets which he does not plan to
use may turn his ducats into the
Union student offices today or at the
resale desk tomorrow morning.
They will be offered for sale at list
price and the money will be remitted
to the seller.
Desk Manager Bob Burstein, '43,
said yesterday that an unusually
large amount of good non-student
tickets will be on hand tomorrow as
many have been returned from alum-
ni groups in Toledo, Detroit, Chicago
and Iowa City.
The tickets will be offered for sale
until game time for the convenience
of out-of-towners and friends who
arrive late without tickets.
Last week's exchange set an 4,11-
time record with 177 ticl ets being
offered for sale -and the same num-
ber sold. The $452 transaction was
the biggest day's business ini theI
three-year history of the resale desk.
Under no condition, Burstein said,
will student $2.75 tickets be accepted
for resale. The resale is a service for
alumni, non-student residents of Ann
Arbor and parents and friends of
University students.

The Michigan Union's venture in
cooperatives-the Student Book Ex-
change-will be open today and to-
merrow offering all men and women
on campus an opportunity to secure
used textbooks at a substantial sav-
Books will be accepted for sale until
noon Saturday. The seller may set
his own price with the aid of official
University booklists and exchange
booth aid.
According to Ted Sharp. '43, of the
Union undergraduate staff. there are
many excellent texts yet available
for most courses in the literary. engi-
neering and architectural schools.
The exchange booth is located in
the South Lounge of the Union on the
main floor. Come and get 'em. Man-
tho, while they're still hot!

Manager Joe McCarthy (left) of the New York Yankees and Mana-
ger Leo Durocher (right) of the Brooklyn"Dodgers were in good spirits
before the opening of the 1941 World Series. Now they're wondering,:
for the Series stands deadlocked at a game apiece.
Majority of Univers.ty Schools
OweOrigin To LiteraryCollege

To ray friends,
patrons iand cal-
Starbuck's College Inn is
still owned and operated by
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Starbuck.
Thanking you for the past
and looking forward to the
f uture.
Yours truly,
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Starbuck



2. Get on the ball right now for the sake of the good ole dorm's athletic
reputation. Intramural sports are beginning already in basketball, softball,
badminton, soccer and hockey.
3. And, boys, strictly from the social standpoint, coke kitehenettes
ready for the freshman girls. They're a good-looking bunch and may swal-
low the line. (Requests for an explanation of this delicate pun may be ad-
dressed to The Daily.)
1. Make it a practice never to remove light bulbs from living-room
lamps to supply your study lamps. Additional bulbs can alwaysebe obtained
upon the presentation of the burned-out onq.
2. If you value your nylorns and silk stockings (and what girl doesn't
at this stage of the game?) never put them in the electric dryers after you
wash them, unless, of course, you prefer wearing your stockings in the waste
basket to wearing them on your legs.
3. Observe closing hours unless you want to appear before the Judiciary
Council of the League to explain excessive lateness. Disciplinary measures
aren't easy, so figure out how long it takes you to walk ihome from campus
so you won't have to come puffing down'the walk at the zero minute.

First Full-Time Education
Curriculum In Country
Founded In Lit School
When the College of Literature,
Science and the Arts celebrates its
Centenary on October 15 almost all
other units of the University will be
able to send birthday greetings to
their "mother," for practically all of
them had their origin in that school.
Architecture courses, for instance,
were offered in the literary college
from 18 75-77. They reappeared in'
1906 as part of engineering curricu-
lum, making the present college of
Architecture and Design at least a
grandchild of the literary school.
When the college of Engineering
was established in 1895 the teaching
of engineering subjects,already had a
Speculation Ends
'Pots For Frosh,'
Engineers Decree
No longer a matter of speculation,
pots for freshman engineers became
a certainty yesterday with the an-
nouncement that the Engineering
Council will present all freshmen
paying their class dues with coupons
entitling them to a 50 percent dis-
count in pot purchasing.
In spite of the action of the Coun-
cil, however, the pot rule will not be
officially enforced, and the final de-
cision will be left to the individual
fresman, Council president Robert
Sum erhays, '42E, announced.
Its first formal meeting about two
weeks off, the Council is now getting
organized for the coming year. Or-
ganization heads are asked to con-
tact Summerhays at 2-3187 as soon
as possible.

history of 40 years at the University.
Many of the other schools and
colleges of the modern University
branched off from the College of Lit-
erature, Science and the Arts in much
the same manner. Eight years before
a separate Pharmacy college was or-
ganized. courses in that field were de-
veloped in the Department of Chem-
istry at the instigation of Prof. A. B.
The-first collegiate full-time chair
of education in the country was es-
tablished in 1879, at which time it
was known as the Professorship of
the Science and the Art of Teaching.
It has been independent only since
The curriculum in Business Ad-
ministration, which became a school
in 1924, was developed from various
courses in the Department of Eco-
nomics. Forestry began its career as
a department of the Arts College in
1881. After lapsing for a few years
it regained this status once more in
1903. The present School of Forestry
and Conservation was organized in
The Summer Session and Graduate
School were also once essentially a
part of the literary school.
The only units of the University
which have not directly or indirectly
originated in the Arts College are the
Law School, the School of Dentistry,
School of Nursing and the new
School of Public Health.


WEEK DAYS 2-4--7-9 P.M.




IWt F fmik


It takes a more slip of a igirl to
end the crime career of-
-get to know
hr 'KilIr"i
Dennis O'KEEFE . Judith ANDERSON
Frances NEAL* Mildred COLES " Eric BLORE


Members of three defense sub-
committees were announced yester-
day by Prof. Louis Hopkins, chairman
of the University Committee on Na-
tional Defense.
Coordinator of Defense Training
Courses and chairman of the com-
mittee by that name is Prof. Chester'
Schoepfle of the chemistry depart-
ment. The members of his commit-
tee will be Profs. Charles Jamison,
Benjamin Bailey, John Sheppard,
Malcolm Soule and Edward Young.
Prof. Charles Jamison hap been
chosen to head the Committee on De-
fense Bonds and Stamps. He will
be assisted by Prof. Leon L. Wat-
kins, F. G. Stevenson, and Norman
Ottmar, local businessman.
The third committee, which will
arrange for a proposed course in'the
University on the background of the
war, is under the leadership of Prof.
A. E. R. Boake. Other members of
this group are Prof. A. W. Bromage
and Prof. Charles Remer.

Methodist Society
Holds Party Today
Wesleyan Guild members will open
the year's activities today with the
first of a regular series of Friday
night parties, to be given at 9 p.m.
in the Methodist Church.
President Richard Coe, '42E, also
announced that Prof. John L. Brumm
of the journalism department will
speak at tle Student Fellowship
Hour at 6 p.m. Sunday in the church
All new students on campus are
invited to attend the open house and
tea which will be from 4:00 to 5:30
p.m. at the church.




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First Choice of RAINFAIR'S-
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