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October 03, 1941 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-10-03

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Lit igtU

Showers And Cooler


Union Leaders .u



War Role
Of Doctor
To Be Told
. Triennial Medical School
Reunion Attracts 430
Doctors To Gathering
Three-Day Meeting
To Continue Today
The role played by m~edicine in
times of national emergency will be
the principal subject for discussion in
today's sessions of the second tri-
ennial reunion for alumni of the Uni-
versity Medical School.
The three-day meeting, which
opened yesterday, has attracted 430
doctors from al parts of the country,
all Medical School alumni or former
staff members of the University Hos-
Treatment of wounds, with special
reference to those produced by enemy
action, will be discussed by Dr. Fred-
erick A. Coller, chairman of the de-
partment of surgery, at the morning
session, which will begin at 9 a.m.
today in the Rackham Lecture Hall.
Dr, Joseph R. Darnall, Lieutenant
Colonel in the Medical Corps of the
United States Army, will speak on
army medical service. Dr. Darnall
was graduated from the Medical
School in.1918, in which year he was
appointed first lieutenant in the
Medical Officers' Reserve Corps.
Since 1938 heihas been engaged in
'. work in the Office of 'the Surgeon
General in Washington, D. C.
Dr. Lewis To Talk
"Enrichnrent and Restoration of
Foods in RelationR to the National
Health") will be considered by Dr.
TTiward B. Lewis, chairman of the
Department of Biological Chemistry
of the Medical School.
Addresses on other topics of med-
icine will also be given during the
day. Dr. Warren T. Vaughan, of
Richmond, Va., director of : the
Vaughan-Graham Clinic and a spec-
ialist in allergic diseases, will speak
on "The Allergic Factor in Certain
Dermatoses." Dr. Vaughan, the. son
of the late Dr.'Victor, C. Vaughan,
former Dean of the Medical School,
re eived the degree of Doctor of Med-
icile here in 1916.
Dr. Walter M. Simpson, graduate
of the University Medical School in
1924 and Director of the Kettering
Institute for Medical Research in
Dayton, Ohio, will discuss the latest
developments in the diagnosis and
teatment of brucellosis.
Dr. Sturgis Will Present Paper
Dr. Cyrus C, Sturgis of the Simp-
son Institute for Medical Research,
will give a paper on "The Lesions of
the Nervous System Associated with
Pernicious' Anemia; the Present Day
Major Therapeutic Problem of the
A round table discission on the
early diagnosis of cancer will be the
feature of the luncheon session, to
be held at 12:15 p.m. in the Union.
Leaders in the discussion will be
Dr. Udo J. Wile, Dr. H. Marvin Pol-
lard, Dr. Frederick A. Coller, Dr.
Fred J. Hodges, Dr. Walter G. Mad-
dock and Dr. James H. Maxwell, all
of the Medical School faculty.
-Germany, Britain
To Make Exchnge
Of War Wounded

This port on the southeast coast of
England and its couptterpart some-
where on the French coast of the
English Channel will get' a glimpse
of peace this week-end when Britain
and Germany call off their war tem-
porarily in a restricted zone and ex-
change 1,500 prisoners each.
It will be the first British-German 1
exchange of the war.
The 3,000 prisoners who had not
expected to see their homelands until
the end of hostilities will cross the
channel in two British hospital ships
under a safe passage agreement pro-
viding withdrawal of warplanes and
warships from the zone.
The British prisoners are coming
into France from Germany by way
of Switzerland, which agreed to act
as a transport intermediary.
Commons Will Debate
LONDON, Oct. 2.-()-The House
of Commons will debate-probably in
secret-whether Britain can con-
tinue to conscript its own manpower
for an eventual continental offen-
sive and still turn, out the arma-
ments which both the British and
their allies\ need, Prime MinisterI

Red Communique Says Proper Steps

Nazis Vacate


Broad Russian Counter-Offensive Movement Drives
Germans From Approaches To Leningrad
'4 -- - - '----- - - -

Can Prevent
Gas Shortae
Findings Are Reaffirmed
By Senate Group; Reveal
Situation Is Improved
Committee Shown
Pelley Tabu ation

Price Control
Is Endorsed
By Bankers,
Group Hears Morgenthau
Assert An 'All-Out' Tax.
Bill Will BeNecessary
Secretary Suggests
Greater Savings


Team With Wyatt


(By The Aissociated Press)
MOSCOW, Oct. 2.-German troops
are being driven foot by foot from
their trenches on the Leningrad ap-
proaches in broadtRussian counter-
offensive action and above the city
Red marines have lanGei and en-
trenched themselves in bitterly-con-
tested positions, military dispatches
reported tonight.
Russian guns, it was added, si-
lenced German long-range batteries
which had been shelling one of Len-
ingrad's districts.
So'ath of the city, in the region of
Staraya Russa, the official govern-
ment organ Izvestia announced four
settlements and a hilltop had been
recaptured by Soviet forces and four
German companies had been routed
in a single action.
The Germans, said front-line re-
ports, are rushing up reinforcements
in an effort to stem general Red
cointer-attacks which already have
greatly improved the Russian posi-
tion all about the city.
(The British wireless reported also
the Russians had retaken Strelna, 20
miles west of Leningrad, and that 20
miles to the east of the city the Nazis
had been thrown back to a depth of
nearly 30 riles from Kolpino east-
ward to Lake Ladoga.)
On the central front Ru sian
counter-attacks were reported rolling
Students Asked
- Not To Shred
Display Cards
Destruction Of Cardboard
After Game Will Mean
End Of Colorful Shows
Two thousand Michigan students
will, be seated in the card display
sections at tomorrow's tilt with Iowa
and if they rip the Maise and Blue
pasteboards into little shreds like
they've always done before at the
game's end-well, then that's just the
It'll be the end of all card displays
for the season and probably "the dur-
ation of the emergency,"' as the say-
ing goes.
Defense priorities in the paper in-
dustry have made the cost of the
reams of colered cardboard too dear
for the Michigan Union's pocketbook,
so Jim Edmunds, '43, who is running
the thing says.
'Complicated markings and direc-
tions have been stapled on the 2,000
seats in sections 25, 26, and 27 telling
you just which way to hold your card
to spell out "'M" or "Iowa" or what-
ever the cheerleader tells you to do.
According to- Edmunds who has
been directing a crew of sophomores
in putting the 25,000 markings on the
pasteboards, tomorrow's show will be
the biggest ever.
The eight-display show will climax
in a Maize and Blue "V" for victory
enclosing an "M" for Michigan with
the Morse version of "V"-three dots
and a dash-thrown in.
So just in case they don't shred the'
cards when the going gets tough to-
morrow, and you want to do it next
week at the Pitt game, drop around
to the Natural Science Auditorium, at
5 p.m. next Wednesday and receive
your reserved seat tickets for the
card display.

on, and the official Communist news-
paper Pravda declared Fled planes
set fire to forests in some areas to
drive the Germans out at the conclu-
sion of a 17-day battle.
The Dnieper River in the south,
dispatches, from the official news
agency Tass asserted, was carrying
away thousands of German dead.
Little news could be gleaned from
Russian sources about the German
assault on the tCrimean Peninsula,
where Nazi glider troops are being




Hurls ictory


Reports Russians
Fierce Air Attack

(By The Associated Press)
BERLIN, Oct. 2.-The Russian
southern armies, their backs to the
Black and Azov Seas, were under
violent and general German aerial
4attack tonight, said military dispat-
ches from the front, and the Nazi
lani offensive pressed on east on
the Dnieper River.
Red forces in one area were de-
clared, however, to have made a1
powerful counter-attack across the
lower Dnieper, but it was added that
the Hungarians holding the line there
had broken Russian efforts to form,
a bridgehead. '
Because of the secrecy maintained
by the German High Command it was
impossible to tell precisely where the
lines lay in the south, but on the
basis of available reports it appeared
the Germans and their allied stood
considerable distances east 'of the
Dnieper in some areas, while in others
the Russians still were close to that
'Tihe air force and artillery, said
reports from the northern front,
dominated the siege for Leningrad.
Smoke hung heavy over the city, it'
was added, from fires set off by Ger-
man shells. Nazi long-range guns
also bombarded the naval bases of
Kronstadt and Oranienbaum to the
Will Celebrate
Double 10 Day
"Double Ten Day", the 30th anni-
versary of the Chinese Republic, will
be celebrated by ,University Chinese
students with the first formal dance
of the school year from 9 to 1 p.m.
on Friday, Oct. 10; in the ballroom
of the League.
Proceeds from the annual affair
will be donated to the United China
Relief Drive. The theme of the an-
niversary celebration will stress the
closer political and cultural rela-
tions between United States and
China as the Sino-Japanese war en-
ters its fifth year. ,
The Chinese national holiday re-
ceived the name of "Double Ten
Day" because it comes on the tenth
day of the tenth month. Decora-
tions around the ballroom will be
built on the "Double Ten" idea.
Camarda Shot To Death
NEW YORK, Oct. 2.-WP)-Emil
Camarda, 56-year-old general vice-
president of the Atlantic Coast Dis-
trict of the 'AFL's International
Longshoremen's. Association, was shot
to death today in a building in the
heart of the financial district.

WASHINGTON, Oct. 2-(P)-A CHICAGO, Oct. 2. - UP) - The
Senate committee, told the railroadsl American Bankers Association
could begin hauling 200,000 barrels of pledged support of the defense pro-
petroleum daily to the eastern sea- gram, endorsed price control and
board within two weeks, unofficially recommended reduction of non-es-
reaffirmed today its findings that a! sential government spending today
threatened gasoline shortage could be after Treasury Secretary Morgenthau
avoided if proper steps were taken. asserted an "all-out" tax bill would,
Chairman Maloney (Dem.-Conn.) be needed next year.
summed up members' views with the The organization's convention
terse comment that he saw little commended the policy of seeking to
change in the situation since the meet a large proportion of rearma-
committee reported three weeks ago ment costs through taxation, but
that there was no actual shortage maintained "the burden should be
either in gasoline or transportation distributed equitably over the whole
facilities. population" and held the "power of
"It appears to me," he said, "that taxation must not be used to destroy
what change, if any, has taken place enterprise."
has been an improvement in the sit- Morgenthau told the bankers the
uation. On the basis of information tax law which went into effect yes-
made available to the committee, I terday was only a "good start," and
feel that the shortage, always bar- that "the tax bill next year will have
ring unforeseen 'events, should be to be a genuinely all-out bill, a gen-
quickly overcome." uine levy upon all in accordance with


Maloney said the foundation for
this viewpoint, substantially the same
as that expressed by Senators O'-
Daniel (Dem.-Tex.), Burton (Rep.-
Ohio) and Barbour (Rep.-N.J.), was
laid in testimony given today that
the railroads had 24,000available
tank cars and that it would be "no
problem"'to &load and ship from 800
to 900 daily, bearing 200,000 barrels
of oil.
Previouslypetroleum co-ordinator
Ickes had testified that if something
was riot done to overcome the 175,000
barrel daily excess of consumption
over shipment to the seaboard area,
there would not be enough oil to go
around this winter.
President John J. Pelley of the
Association of American Railroads
laid before the committee today a
tabulation showing the location of
'41,993 tank'ars to be empty at
8 o'clock last Saturday morning.
Allowing for average daily load-
ings, he said 3,595 of these, plus 993
other "empties" stored elsewhere,
were available to take on fuel cargoes
if the oil companies 'wanted to use
Sta re Readied
For Big Money
Chance Of Lifetime Given
Talented Michigan Coed
Prof. Arthur Hackett of the School
of Music will be in his offices at
3:30 p.m. today and Monday to re-
ceive applications from Michigan co-
eds for the $1,000 School of Music-
Hour of Charm talent search.
Preliminary auditions will be con-
ducted at the School during the com-
ing week so that 10 will be chosen
to sing in the finals at the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre on Oct. 15.
A trip to New York for appearance
on the Hour of Charm show, $1,000
and a $4,000 scholarship for the Uni-
versity are in the offing for the win-
-Michigan entrants must sing one
of the following 12 songs, Professor
Hackett said.
Carry Me Back to Old Virginny;
In the Gloaming; When You and I
Were Young, Maggie; Home on the
Range; Believe Me, If All Those En-
dearing Young Charms; The Things
I Love; Lover Come Back to Me;
Smoke Gets In Your Eyes; Remem-
ber; Kiss Me Again; I Love You
Truly; I'll Never Smile Again; Vilia
from "The Merry Widow;" Deep in
My Heart, and Only' a Rose.
IThree Cornered 'Pants'
Just Aren't In Style
CLEVELAND, Oct. 2.-(P)-Listen,
Mom, three-corner pants are old
Folding a square cloth into a tri-
angle and anchoring it centrally with
a safety pin is completely out of
date. The convention of the Nation-
al Institute of Diaper Services makes
it positive.
There's the panel fold, the kite
fold or the square, pinned at the
hip with one or two pins. "But
never," says George Garland of New
York, secretary of the Institute's

their ability to pay, if it is to raise
the necessarytrevenue, checktinfla-
tion and take the profit out of war."
The treasury head said that, with
the help of the new taxes recently
enacted, "our tax structure will yield
about $14,000,000,000 in revenue, but
it still contains many inequalities and
many omissions which will have to
be corrected next year."
Morgenthau suggested the bankers
prepare the average citizen for
greater taxation and greater savings.
Approval was voted for a Congres-
sional investigation of Federal ex-
penditures with a recommendation
that non-essential spending l e re-
duced during the emergency.
Lloyd Heads.
New! Group
On Defense
Headed "by Dean Alice C. Lloyd, a
new six-member committee on wo-
man defense activity was announced
yesterday by Prof. Louis Hopkins,
chairrpan of the University Commit-
tee on National Defense.
With the purpose of ozganizing
both extra-curricular and credit de-
fense projects for University wo-
men, the latest addition to Michi-
gan's emergency set-up will stress
public health, Red Cross, dietitic, and
recreational trinirlg. Much of its
program will be conducted through
the women's physical education de-
Committee members named are
Mrs. Byrl F. Bacher, assistant dean
of women; Miss Adelia M. Beeuwkes,
Health Service Dietitian; Dr. Mar-
garet Bell, chairman of the women's
physical education department and
Miss Laurie E. Campbell, assistant
professor of physical education.
Miss Hazel G. Herringshaw of the
public health nursing department
and Miss Ethel A. McCormick, wo-
men's social director, complete the

Prof. Hopkinis
Explains New
Defense Work'
University Offers Course'
In Codes, Construction
Of Radio Plane Devices
A War Department plan for radio-
beam detectors along the entire coast
of the United States may require as
many as 300,000 skilled op rktors-
and the University is equipped to aid
in their training.
According to Prof. Louis Hopkins,'
University defense head, Electrical'
Engineering 23a and 23b will enable
a student to pass a government radio
license examination with excellent
chance of placement in this new serv-
Offered under the recently-initiat-
ed defense training program, this
training includes code practice and
actual construction of receivers and
transmitters. Since these courses
stress the practical and fundament-
al side of radio communication, a
year of physics is the only prere-
The new detecting devices, al-
though not yet in production, have
already caused Washington to issue,
a call for 500 volunteer technicians.
Operators will be drawn from both
army and civilian sources' with
a second lieutenant's commission
awarded to those chosen.
While the government has not yet
indicated the nature of the proposed
detector, Signal Corps sources have
stated it resembles similar British de-
vices in ' its basic principle. This
would mean a beam of radio waves
sent seaward, and reflected back to
the transmitting staticn if an air-
plane is struck.
The detector device, the War De-
partment claims, was developed by
Signal Corps radio engineers at Fort
Monmouth, N.J., over a period of six

3-2 Win Squares World
Series At One Game;-
Pitcher Chandler Chased
Action To Resume
in Brooklyn Today
Oct. 2-()-Brooklyn's battlig, al-
ways courageous Dodgers fought
their way from behind today to a 3
to 2 triumph over the New York
Yankees and levelled the World Se-
ries before another tremendous turn-
out of 66,248 fans.
John Whitlow Wyatt, tall and bald,
this year's standout among all the
National League's pitchers, turned
the trick for the Dodgers.
The 32-year-old Georgia right-
hander was pelted for nine hits by
the Yankees, seven of them in the
first four innings, but he seemed to
get better as he went along and he
never let the Yanks get wound up.
Never Loses Poise ,
He was marvelous with men on
bases and even though the Yanks
managed to get at least two runners
on the bags in six different innings,
Wyatt never lost his poise.
A double by Tom Henrich was tie
only extra base blow he permit
and after the fourth inning he kept
the bombers virtually smothered. Al-
together he caused the American
League champs to leave 10 runners.:
The Yanks got to him for single
runs in the second and third innings
and made the spectators start think-
ing the duel was to be a second show-
ing of yesterday's opener which New
York won by the same score 3 to 2.
But it was another Georgia boy,
Spurgeon (Spud) Chandler, who
cracked first.
Chandler Chased In Sixth
The Dodgers, who were held to six
hits during the game, broke their
bonds for two runs on a pair of walks
and two hits in the fifth inning to
tie the score and then punched over
the winning run and chased Chandler
from the box in the sixth.
For four innings Chandler was
masterful, fanning two men inthe
first inning and facing only the m-in
imm 12 batters. When Joe Med-
wick singled in the second he was
immediately erased by the first of
three Yankee double plays.
Then Chandler gave his first pass
to the first Dodger, up in the fifth
inhing, Dolph Camilli, who had fan-
ned three straight times yesterday
and hadn't been on base previously
during the series.
Medwick followed immediately
with a hard double that bounded
against the low wall in left field,
sending Camilli to third and Cookie
Lavagetto waited out another walk
to load the bases.
Reese Scores Camillia
Peewee Reese smashed a hot
grounder to shortstop Phil Rizz±to;
who threw to Joe Gordon in time
to forge Lavagetto, but Camilli scored
and Reese was safe at first as Gor-
don's hurried relay bounced from the
ground into John Strum's glove and
out again. Then Mickey Owen
punched a ground single into left
field for another run.
A fast double play on Wyatt pulled'
Chandler out of this jam, but in the
sixth inning Gordon made a bad
throw on Dixie Walker's grounder,
Billy Herman singleq him to third to
rout Chandler, and after ,Johnny
Murphy 'had fanned P'ete' Reiser,-
Camilli looped a single into right
field for the winning run.-
Thus ended the domination of the
Yankees in World Series play. They
.had not been beaten in the autumn
classic since October, 9, 1937, when
the New York Giants captured theirF
only gaine of that series. Since then
(Continued on Page 3)
Defense Secrets
Revealed In Trial

NEW YORK, Oct. 2.-('P)-Defense
secrets, some of them too hot for
the eyes and ears of a Federal court
jury and all of them allegedly
snatched from German spies, were
introduced in evidence today at the
trial of '16 men charged with espion-
age. conspiracy.
Federal Judge Mortimer W. Byers
directed that none of the contents of
the confidential FBI book be intro-
duced into the record except a fly-
leaf inscription which described the

A Sure 'Anxiety Easer':
Chemotherapy To Make Army
Safe For Draftees, Long Says

American Industry Can Win:
General Motors Head Reveals-
Defens Problems Of Industry

Easing one anxiety of potential
draftees, Dr. Perrin H. Long, famed
research pioneer in chemotherapy said
yesterday that the death toll of dis-
ease in Army camps will "not even
be high enough to cause parents to
Dr. Long claimed that complica-
tions of measles, influenza and other
afflictions-which in the last war
killed more U.S. soldiers than ;did
actual fighting-can now be suc-
cessfully 'treated with drugs of the
sulfanilimide family, making the
outbreak of fatal epidemics highly
Dr. Long, who 'is attending the
second triennial reunion of 4,000
medical alumni of the University,
cited cases of camp -hospitals which
have been filled with thousands of

thus curbing the spread of the af-
Dr. Long described the action of
the latest member of the sulfaniti-
mide family-sulfadiazine-by say-
ing that with minimum toxic re-
actions it can be administered to
cure -90 per cent of the victims of
gonorrhea in two weeks time.
He said that sulfadiazine which
only went on sale in drug stores
Aug. 8, is at present the most effect-
ive of the family and is already sup-
planting the other members.
"But even these have an outstand-
ing record," he asserted. "Serious
streptococcus ' infections are now
rare because of early treatment with
such drugs as sulfanilimide, sulpha-
pyridine and sulphathiazole. With
their use," he maintained, "the
pneumonia death rate has been cut

The chief hurdle in national de-
fense production has been the prob-
lem of bridging the space between de-
fense orders and defense products on
hand, Ormand E. Hunt, '07E, vice-
president of General Motors declafed
last night.
Addressing the Medical Alumni
Reunion banquet, Mr. HHunt pointed
out two factors hampering industry
in meeting defense needs: the vast
difference between civilian products
and military products, and the con-:
tinual change in design of military
"Industry is making the necessary.
changes," he explained, "and it is
not our fault if orders were not
placed early enough."
In the aggressor nations industry
was geared to make the change from
civilian to military production. In
Germany one auto plant produced
trucks meeting military specifica-

tary needs, it is necessary to change
machinery, to bring together differ-
ent types of workmen, and to produce
a greater variety of articles.
As an example of public ignorance
of this fact, Mr. Hunt pointed out the
false but general belief that auto and
airplane engines are virtually the
same. ,
Actually the difference between the
two is great, making the process of
changing from auto to airplane
motor production a tremendous one,
he said.
Pointing out the difference, Mr.
Hunt explained that auto engines are
developed to secure the most econom-
ical type for the general public. Air-
plane engines, however, are developed
with an eye to getting the greatest
horsepower from the lowest possible
weight, regardless of expense. Auto
engines weigh six' pounds per horse-
power, while airplane engines weigh
less than a pound per horsepower.

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