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January 20, 1942 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-01-20

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Trainees Start
E Three Months
Of hIstruetion
First Contingent Of 100
Men To Take Courses
In Ordnance Inspection
(Continued from Page 1)
partment, while Prof. M. J. Orbeck
of the engineering drawing depart-
ment will take charge of instruction
in blueprint reading.
Supervising the lecture sections in
materials of industry will be Prof. R.
Schneidewind of the chemical engi-
neering department, and Prof. F. L.
Everett of the engineering mechanics
department will control the labora-
tory work in that subject.
Prof. W. W. Gilbert of the metal
processing department will admin-
ister the work in manufacturing
processes, and instruction in machine
tool operation and plant and labora-
tory visits will be directly under Pro-
fessor Boston.
Inspection practice classes will be
supervised by Prof. L. V. Colwell of
the metal processing department,
while A. F. Parker of the same de-
partment will be in charge of the
last section in inspection laboratory.
To ease the strain on engineering
faculty men who will take the vari-
ous . sections, a number of student
assistants will be named to assist in
instruction, Colonel Miller revealed.
Like the 32 other courses opened
in this vicinity last week under the
ESMDT program, this course is spon-
sored by the U. S. Office of Educa-
tion, working through the University
Extension Service. Dean Ivan C.
Crawford of the engineering college
is the University's representative,
While Prof. R. H. Sherlock of the
civil engineering department is co-
ordinating the courses.
Vlastos Says
Ability To Act
Ldies In Faith
Final Skepticism Lecture
Delivered Here Sunday
By VisitingDoctor
"There is more ground for hope
now than there ever was."
With these words, Dr. Gregory
Vlastos, professor of philosophy at
Queen's University, Kingston, On-
tario, concluded the final talk of the
series, "The Failure of Skepticism?"
Sunday in Rackham Lecture Hall,
under the joint auspices of the New-
man Club, Hillel Foundation and In-'
After referring to the dictionary
definition of skepticism, '. . . doubt
of and unbelief in formal religious
faith," Dr. Vlastos declared that this
was not the skepticism with which he
was concerned. "The most sinister
form," he said, "is the skepticism
which is not explicit in its skepti-
cism." Vlastos spoke of people who,
though "they believe an axiom, dis-
believe it in action."
He referred to the Chamberlains
and the Lavals as statesmen who
were representatives of a people who'
had no faith in their ideal, demo-
cracy. They were afraid to act,
stated Dr. Vlastos, because they had
no faith. They thought only of them-
selves, and in their egocentricity lost
the proper perspective.
"Ability to act in face of danger
rests in faith; faith, not as a substi-
tute for reason, but as a preserver
of reason," declared Vlastos.

The Hopwood judges are sharpen-
ing up their literary decisions for the
Jan. 27 deadline of the forthcoming
freshman contest.
For the eleventh consecutive year
since Avery Hopwood, '05, play-
wright-author, bequeathed one-fifth
of his estate to the University for the
encouraging of creative work in writ-
ing, the freshman contest has offered
prizes to eligible literary hopefuls.
According to the terms of the
1922 will, the Regents are empow-
ered "to use the income . . . as
prizes to be known as the 'Avery
Hopwood and Jule Hopyvood Prizes,'
to be awarded annually to students
in the Department of Rhetoric
(later including all students en-
rolled in English composition
courses) . .. who perform the best
creative work in the fields of dra-
matic writing, fiction, poetry, and
the essay." Hopwood further
stressed "that the new, the unusual,
and the radical shall be especially
Harold Fishman To Play
In Student Piano Recital
Presenting the first student solo
rnial of h eaoe% TTr-M ra


p.m. at the home of Mrs. H. B. Mer-
rick, 928 Church St.


rm. -Ulm

. .. .

- -- I




Yra~ (?ritiiiim~' Plifti ltj.) f
of the Department of Romance Lan-
guages (Room 112, Romance Lan-
guage Building) or at the door at
the time of the lecture for a small
sum. Holders of these tickets are
entitled to admission to all lectures,
a small additional charge being made
for the annual play. These lectures
art, open to the g,7en(:ial piihiie.

Eivents Today
Graduate History Club will meet
tonight at 8:00 in the East Confer-
ence Room of the Rackham Build-
ing. Dean Yoakum will speak on
"The Effect of the War on Graduate
Study." All graduate students in his-
tory are invited.
Tau Beta Pi will have a dinner
meeting today at 6:15 p.m. in the
Union. Some football movies of
Michigan games will be shown.
Sigma Rho Tau will hold its last
meeting of the current semester at
7:30 tonight in the Union. Mr. R.
H. Upson of Detroit will talk on
"The Use of Blimps in Modern War-
fare." Also, the Alpha chapter will
meet the delegation from D.I.T. in
a conference debate. All members
are requested to attend.
Pi Lambda Theta will have a sup-
per and business meeting in the Rus-
sian Tea Room of the Michigan
League tonight.
R.O.T.C.: All Freshmen, R.O.T.C.,
will report at 7:30 tonight at the!
auditorium in the Natural Science
Building for a lecture on "Sanitation
and First Aid."

Chrisiani Science Grgan"2-ation will
meet tonight at 81 5in the chapel
of the Michigan League.
CominT4g Events
ArIiy .V Odie nct, Association will
meet in the Kellogg Auditorium of
the Dental School at 8:00 p.m. on
Wednesday. Col. William A. Ganoe
will speak on "Industrial Relation-
ships." Bring membership dues. All
engineers and Advance Corps R.O.T.C.
students are welcome.
Pre-Medical Society Meeting: Dr.
Marvin H. Pollard, Secretary of the
Medical School, will address the Pre-
Medical Society on Wednesday, Jan-
uary 21, at 8:00 p.m. in the Michigan
Union. His topic is "Pre-Medical
Education." All pre-meds are in-
Theta Sigma Phi will meet in the
Journalism Department, Haven Hall,
Wednesday at 5:00 p.m. All members
must attend unless excused by the
President, Louise Keller.
At the Phi Delta Kappa coffee
hour at 4:15 p.m. on Thursday, Janu-
ary 20, in the West Conference Room
of the Rackham Building, Professor
Leslie A. White of the Anthropology
Department will lead the discussion.




Mimes will hold a meeting
evening in the Union at 7:30.
Ensian picture will be taken.
the bulletin board for room.


The Tuesday evening concert of
recorded music in the Men's Lounge
of the Rackham Building at 8:00 will
be as follows: Symphony No. 3i by
Roy Harris, Ballet Music from
"Faust" by Gounod, Schelomo, He-
brew Rhapsodie for 'Cello and Or-
chestra by3Ernest Bloch, and Sym-
phony No. 3 in A Minor by Mendels-
Dr. Walter Horton Luncheon: Dr.
Walter Horton of the faculty of the
Oberlin Theological Seminary will
speak on some phase of the general
subject of religion and war at a
luncheon at Lane Hall on Wednesday,
January 21, at 12:05. The luncheon
is open to any interested students.
Reservations should be called in to
Lane Hall by Tuesday evening. (Small
Interviewing for Assembly Ball
positions will take place today and
Wednesday of this week from 3:30-
5:00 p.m. Be sure to bring your eli-
gibility cards.
JGP Central Committee meeting
today at 4:30 p.m. in the League.
Michigan Dames Swimming Group
will meet tonight at 8:00 in the
Michigan Union.
Bibliophiles Section of Women's
Faculty Club will meet today at 2:30

La Sociedad Hispanica will present
a lecture on Guatemala (in English)
with colored movies, by Robert Grif-
fin on Wed., Jan. 21, at 8:15 p.m. in
Natural Science Auditorium. There
will be no meeting of La Sociedad
until the second semester.
]Program of Recorded Music: On
Wednesday, Januaryr21, at 7:30, the
International Center offers the fol-
lowing program of recorded music:
Haydn: Quartet in D Major (No.
5, Op. 76) Roth String Quartet.
Dohnanyi: Quartet No. 2 in D Flat
Major; Roth String Quartet.
Mozart: Quintet in C Major; Al-
fred Hooday and Pro Arte Quartet.
Theatre-Arts make-up committee
meeting on Wednesday at 4:00 p.m.
Attendance is compulsory.
Hillel Players will meet Wednes-
day at 7:45 p.m. at the Foundation.
Professor Halstead of the Speech De-
partment will speak. Everyone in-
terested is invited.
Archery Tournament-Women Stu-
dents: Intercollegiatekarchery meet
is being held the weeks of February
8, 15 and 22. Anyone who is inter-
ested in shooting during one of these
weeks may sign the entry sheet post-
ed on the bulletin board in Barbour
Gymnasium. Practice shooting on
Wednesday evening at 7:30 in Wat-
erman Gymnasium. All entries must
be in by January 28.
The Faculty Women's Club will be
given a concert by the University of
Michigan Sinfonietta, with Thor
Johnson as conductor, at its next
meeting on Wednesday, January 21,
at 3:15 p.m. at the Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre. The Michigan Dames
are especially invited, and faculty
members may bring other guests also.
Episcopal Students: There will be
a celebration of the Holy Commun-
ion at 7:30 a.m. Wednesday morning
in Bishop Williams Chapel, Harris
Hall. Breakfast will be served after
the service.




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