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January 20, 1942 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-01-20

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Tommy Snyder
Will Take Over
Union Bandstand
Orchestra To Present Burlesque
Of Marching Band Formations
At Final Dance Before Exams
The University marching and con-
cert bands will be guests of honor at
Varsity Band Night, to be held from
9:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday in the
Union Ballroom, Bob Templin, '43,
social chairman of the Union, an-
nounced yesterday.
Occupying the bandstand for the
first time, in the absence of Bill
Sawyer, will be Tommy Snyder, '43,
and his ten piece orchestra with Janet
Hummon, '43, as vocalist. Quite ap-
propriately, every member of the or-
chestra has at one time or other
played with the Varsity band and at
present, Snyder, Ed Ostrofki, '42SM,
and Bill Henline, '43SM, are active
Marching Burlesque
Feature of the evening will be a
marching and counter-marching bur-
lesque of the Varsity band performed
by Snyder and his band. Among the
tricky formations to be exhibited will
be a take-off formation of the block
In honoring the Michigan bands,
the Union is recognizing one of the
most outstanding college musical or-
ganiations in the country. Band
members will be admitted free to the
dance by attending in uniform.
No Price Advance
There will be no advance in price
over that of the Union informal week-
end dances, as it is a regular Union
membership dance. Every Union
member is invited.
This is the last major social func-
tion to be sponsored by the Union
beforefinals and besides it's for a
good cause which isn't defense-so
come out and help honor the men of
the marching and concert bands.
(Continued from Page 4)
Quentin Reynolds Lecture: Mr.
Reynolds is scheduled to arrive in
the United States today and to pro-
ceed directly to Ann Arbor for his
lecture in Hill auditorium on Thurs-
day night. Latest advices received by
the Oratorical Association indicate
that he will be here to fulfill his en-
gagement.. Present difficulties in
transportation and communication
may make it necessary to postpone
the lecture. Patrons of the Oratori-
cal Association are urged to consult
Thursday's Daily Official Bulletin for
a definite announcement.
Sigma Xi Lecture: Professor Fred
J, Hodges of the Department of Ro-
entgenology will speak on the sub-
ject, "Medical uses of the Cyclo-
tron," before the Michigan Chapter
of Sigma Xi, on Tuesday, January
27, at 8:00 p.m. in the amphitheater
of the Rackham Building. Members
may invite guests.
French Lecture: Mr. Andre Morize,
Professor of French Literature at
Harvard University and Director of
the Summer French School at Mid-
dlebury College, Vt., will give the
fourth of the French Lectures spon-

sored by the Cercle Francais, on
Thursday, January 22, at 4:15 p.m.
in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The
title of his lecture is: "La Recon-
struction de la France apres 1871."
Tickets for the series of lectures
(Continued on Page 6)







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Petites Pommes de Terre
Local stories which most dominated the pages of The Daily last week
were the Hobo Hop with its smooth publicity campaign and Tom Thumb
and his smooth articles on songs as inspired by war-time feeling. Both
were quite smooth, except that both the publicity campaign designers and
Tom Thumb decided that they would beat their subjects into submission
by the rote method of presentation.
The Beards Present . .
Many of the more virile-looking males had raised a rousing crop of ex-
tended five-o'clock-shadow, an impulse which they mostly regretted later
.~ if - because it brought back, rather generally, the old
Erhily Post rule of dancing partners staying a Web-
- ster's Dictionary distance away-and not the pocket
size. John Erlewine, who is most noted, perhaps, as
being the exact antithesis of. a 'Seltzer' barn dancer
was, in spirit at least, the most radical person there.
He ,)eat down his inhibitions to the extent of leaving
off his tie for the evening. Just to round off this
/ / ' paragraph, you may report to your excited friends
that he was present with Sue Springer.
Others of the ragged throng were Audrey McLaughlin and Dick Gau-
thier, Bobby Schreck and Royce McKinley, Vickie Mason and Don Folkman,
Hope Tappe and Joe McHale, Mary Tralfa and Ross Levin, Marcia Nelson
and Stan Summers, and Nancy Upson and Jack Henderson.
Outside of the fact that the last scene was a dirty trick on the whole
audience because who of us hasn't a deep-ingrained longing to really clutter
up a room with a bit of Babylonian revelry and who of us hasn't yearned for
a Bacchanale of the calibre exhibited on the stage of the Lydia Mendelssohn
'Theatre last week, "George Washington Slept Here" was a plen-ty successful
comedy. Our favorite bit: Veitch Purdom saying to the kid, Raymond-who
is the type that makes strong men run for cover-"I just can't believe that
you're my sister's child." To which the kid answers with commendable
scepticism, "Who knows?"
Not that they need any additional seal of approval, but just the same,
may we add that Veitch was plenty' sharp in the role of the harassed wife
.and that old Bob, the Reviewer, as we affec-
tionately call him, is slightly full of the old.
guff when he says that Altman wasn't good in
his role. What we're getting at is, he was.
Easy Payments . .
A clothing store in Detroit which has got-
ten its publicity not for the quality of its clothes
but for its advertisement involving someone's ,
struggle with a few boxes, has, we recently dis-
covered, entirely undeservedly acquired its
companion reputation for-shall we put it delicately?-extreme suit models.
The reason is this: There's a store directly across the street from the first-
mentioned establishment that features a thing which they call the Thun-
derbolt. You might call it a suit. And then again you might call it a regret-
table occurrence. The coat has a fly front, egad, and the sleeves are sort of
pleated in huge folds at the shoulder. That's not all, though; the suit also
has trousers, appropriately enough, and they are titled "Swing Rompers"-
Honest! The lines below the caption which announces their title read, "30-
inch knee-15-inch cuff-Slightly exaggerated peg."
All this talk about the suit is not purely for doubtful entertainment
purposes, either. It's instructional-to the Betas. We understand that they're
the lads who know what's up and coming in the clothes field.

Home Defense
To Be Feb. 5-7
Classification For Red Cross
Work To Take Place In Social
Director's Office At League
On with defense! And students will
be given an opportunity to show
what they can and will do when
classification for Red Cross work is
held on Feb. 5, 6, and 7, (the same
days as regular classification) in the
social director's office at the League.
Students may enroll in any of the
four sections offered in the Standard
First Aid course which will include
instruction in providing for the im-
mediate and intelligent care of the
injured in an emergency. The sec-
tions will meet from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Monday through Wednesday and are
numbered in that order, and from
10 a.m. to noon Saturday.
Advanced First Aid will be given
from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Thursday and
will emphasize work in drill and re-
view of the practical phases of first
aid. Prerequisite is the completion
of the standard course. The instruc-
tor course will be offered at the same
time, and Will have 30 hours of work.
All First Aid courses are open to both
men and women.
Home Nursing, a home-making
course giving practical instruction in
personal and family health, including
the care of infants and small child-
ren, will be given in four sections
also, one from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Wed-
nesday, another from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
and sections three and four at the
same times respectively on Thursday.
Motor Mechanics, the prerequisite
of which is the ability to drive a
car, gives instructions in emergency
repairs which can be made by a lay
person, and will be held from 7 p.m.
to 9 p.m. on Wednesday. Completion
of this and the First Aid course is
the requirement for admission to the
Motor Corps.
Nutrition, a course in practical in-
struction in food values, adequate
diets at minimum and moderate costs,
wide spending of food dollars and
proper methods of preparing foods to
conserve food values will be given
from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday and
will have ten meetings.
Typewriting will be held in two
sections, one from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Monday and Wednesday and the
other at the same time on Tuesday
and Thursday.
Nursery School Volunteers or Child
Care will be offered from 4 p.m. to
5:30 p.m. on Monday.

Last Coke Bar
Will Be Today
All Students Invited To Attend;
Catherine Hood Will Preside
The last coke bar of the semester
will be held from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30
p.m. today in the small ballroom of
the Union, announced Bob Templin,
'43, general chairman.
Formerly the coke bar has had but
one hostess; however, today's hostess,
Catherine Hood, '43, will be assisted
by several well known campus wo-
While everyone is urged to attend,
groups which have been specially in-
vited are Mosher and Jordan Halls,
Pi Beta Phi, Alpha Phi, Phi Delta
Theta, Psi Upsilon, and Sigma Nu.
A popular innovation of this year
Will be continued as members of the
ROTC and the NROTC will accom-
pany the women from the lounge to
the ballroom. As usual the music for
dancing will be furnished by the
nickelodeon. However, the dancing
pleasure of the coke bar attenders
will be heightened by the addition of
twenty-four new records to the
Union's collection.
According to the usual coke bar
custom, cokes, coffee, tea and cookies
will be served on the terrace where
Miss Hood will preside. Women will
be admitted free and men will be
charged a slight admission fee.
Doris Merker Weds
College Professor
The wedding of Doris Merker, '41,
daughter of Mrs. E. B. Merker of
Detroit to Clyde Kohn, '40, professor
of geography in the Mississippi Col-
lege for Women, took place Saturday
in the Columbus Episcopal Church,
Columbus, Miss.
A member of Pi Beta Phi sorority,
Miss Merker was a member of Mor-
tarboard, Wyvern. and chairman of
Judiciary Council. Mr. Kohn received
his PhD at the University, and will
fill the position of geography in-
structor at Harvard next semester.
Phi Sigma Sigma anounces the in-
itiation of Norma Schwartz, '44.





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