~ ~.
Law Students
Will Be Given
Math Courses
Programs To Meet Navy
V-7 Requirements ; No
Credit Toward Degree,
Designed to enable mathematics-
starved law students to 'qualify for
the Navy's V-7 classification, a series
of special math courses will be offered
in the law school next semester.
Although they differ in accordance
with the amount of high school
mathematics offered by the appli-
cant, the programs are the minimum
upon which the satisfaction of the
Navy requirements will be certified
by the University.
'Credit for the courses will be re-
corded on law school transcripts in
accordance with certified grade re-
ports made out by the individual in-
structors, but this credit will not
count toward the law degree, Dean
E. Blythe Stason of the law school
revealed yesterday.
Courses to be offered under the
program include solid geometry,. and
review in algebra and trigonometry;
trigonometry, and college algebra
and analytic geometry; solid geome-
f&y, and college algebra and trigo-
nometry; and spherical trigonometry
and spherical geometry, and college
algebra and analytic geometry. Each
series will give six hours credit.
Law students interested in the
program should consult Prof. H. E.
Goldstine of the mathematics de-
partment between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m.
on Monday, Wednesday or Friday, in
Room 20A, East Hall. This consul-
tation will be necessary for any stu-.
,dent expecting to pursue the pro-
No additional fee for the course
will be. asked, as the program will
be undertaken under the law school
fee. Each student must have his
election card and a class card for
each math course approved by the
Recorder prior to classification.
It will be necessary for students
who pursue these courses to carry
reduced law school programs, Dean
Stason announced, and interested
lawyers are asked to consult Prof.
Paul A. Leidy of the law school as
early as possible.
Alumnus A pointed
Navy CadetCaptain
John P., Walker, '33, has been ap-
pointed Cadet Captain and Regimen-
tal Commander of an entire Cadet
Regiment of approximately 2,000 men
'at the United States Naval Air Sta-
tion, Pensacola, Fla.
After graduation from the tniver-
sity, Walker. attended Cornell Uni-
versity and West Point and entered
the Navy through the Floyd Bennett
Field Naval Aviation Base. He was
a member of' Delta Kappa Epsilon
fraternity and the 1933 swimming
team an was captain of the West
Point LaCrosse team..
Brea kfast
At the New Pinafore
VOL. LI. No. 82
Publication in the Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University.
Student Tea: President and Mrs.
Ruthven will be at home to students
Wednesday afternoon, January 21,
from 4 to 6 o'clock.
University Council: There will be
a meeting of the University Council
on Monday, January 19, at 4:15 p.m.,
in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The
meeting will be relative to informa-
tion about the War Progam of the
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary]
Members of the Faculties: On
Monday, January 19, at 4:15 p.m.
there will be a special meeting of the
University Council, for the discussion
of various phases of the University's
wartime program. It was originally]
announced that this meeting would
be held in the Rackham Amphithe-
ater and that all members of the
,University Senate who might care to
do so were invited to attend. It now
develops that contrar to the orig-
inal expectation the Rackham Lec-
ture Hall will be available at the
hour stated and a larger number'
can be accommodated. Consequent-
ly the Council cordially invites all
faculty members, whether or not they
are members of the Senate, to be
present at the meeting.
L. A. Hopkins1
Income-Tax Consultation: The lo-
cal office of the Internal Revenue
Department, 608 Ann Arbor Trust
Building, will be open for consulta-
tion on questions relating to the
income tax from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00
p.m., January 26 to February 18.
From February 18 to March 16 the
local office will furfish consultation
service at the Main Street offices
of the Ann Arbor Commercial and
Savings Bank and the State Savings
Bank, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
daily. Telephone inquiries cannot be
answered from the banks. This in-
formation has been furnished by the
local office of the Internal Revenue
Department for the benefit of mem-
bers of the faculties and staff who
may desire advice in connection with
the preparation of their federal in-
come-tax reports.
Shirley W. Smith
.New Registration pates: Students
will register for the second semester
on February 5, 6, and 7 under the
same alphabetical schedule as was
previously announced for February
12, 13, and 14.
Shirley W. Smith
All Students, Registration for Sec-
ond Semester. Each student should
plan to register for himself during
the appointed hours. Registration by
proxy will not be accepted.
Robert L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar
Registration Material: School of
Music, School of Education, School
of Public Health, College of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts: Students
should call for second semester reg-
istration materials at Room 4, Uni-
versity Hall, ,as soon 'as possible..
Please see your adviser and secure
all necessary signatures.
Robt. L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar
School of Education, Graduatei
School, School of Public Health:
Those students expecting certificates7
in Public Health Nursing in Febru-
ary should file such applications notj
later than January 17 in Room 4
U.H. The Registrar's Office can;
assume no responsibility for con-
ferring certificates if applications are1
filed' after this date.-
Robert L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar
Registration Material, College of
Architecture. Students should call for i
second semester material at Roomt
4, University Hall at once. The Col-
lege of Architecture will post an an-
nouncement in the near future givingt
the time of conferences with yourt
classifier. Please wait for this notice
before seeing your classifier.
Robert L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar<
Public Health Assembly: Dr. Havenl
Emerson, Professor Emeritus of Pub-
lic Health Practice, Columbia Uni-I
versity, and Lecturer in Public HealthI
Practice, University of Michigan, will
speak on "Beverage Alcohol as a
Public Health Problem" at an assem-
bly period on Monday, January 19, at1
4:00 p.m. in the Auditorium of the I
Kellogg Building. All students in
public health are expected to be pres-
ent and anyone interested is welcome.
The Bureau of Navigation desires
to appoint 350 officers in Class SC-Vl
(P) in the Naval Reserve. It is in-
tended that officers so appointed will
be ordered to active duty for a course
of instruction at the Naval Supply,
Corps School, Graduate School of
Business Administration, Harvard
University, Boston, Massachusetts, at
various intervals commencing July 1,
1942. Upon completion of the course,
qualified officers will be reappointed
in Class SC-V (G) and will be as-j
signed to duty wherever their serv-
ices are required. Those who fail to
complete the course will be dis-
Applications will be received from
seniors only, and they must present
a signed statement from the Regis-
trar to the effect that "barring un-
foreseen circumstances, the appli-
cant will be graduated from the col-
lege in which enrolled not later than
June 30, 1942.
Interested applicants may call at
the NROTC Headquarters, North
Hall, between the hours of 12:00-
1:30 and 3:00-4:30 p.m.,/ Monday
through Friday.
R. E. Cassidy, Captain, U.S.N.
University Faculty: Because of the
change of the examination schedule,
the Ann Arbor Independents' Faculty
Tea originally scheduled for this af-
ternoon has been postponed.
Freshmen and Sophomores, Col-
lege of Literature, Science and the
Arts: Appointments for approval of
elections for the second semester may
be made by calling at the Office of
the Academic Counselors, 108 Mason
Hall, or by telephoning Ext. 613. Be-
cause of the change in the examina-
tion schedule, it is absolutely imper-
ative that you keep your appoint-
ments with your Counselors as sched-
uled. Failure to do this will make it
impossible for you to register at the
proper time.
Arthur Van Duren, Chairman
Academic Counselors.
Notice to Men Students: Students
living in approved rooming houses,
who intend to move to different
quarters for the second semester,s
must give notice in writing to the1
Dean of Students before 4:00 on
Thursday, January 22, 1942. Forms
for this purpose may be secured at
Room 2, University Hall. Students
should also notify their householderst
verbally before this date. Permissions
to move will be given only to students1
complying with this requirement. 1
Choral Union Members: Members
of the University Choral Union,1
whose attendance records are clear,1
will please call for passes admitting
to the Casadesus concert, Monday,
January 19, between the hours of 9
and 12 and 1 and 4, at the offices of
the University Musical Society, Bur-
ton Memorial Tower.
Charles A. Sink, President1
Senior Mechanical, Metallurgical
and Aeronautical Engineers: Mr. J.
H. Dillon of Ingersoll- Rand Com-
pany, New York, will interview Sen-
iors in the above groups on January
21, 22 and 23, 1942. Training courses
leading to positions in Sales Engin-
eering, Production, Research and De-
velopment and special fields. Infor-
mation available in Room 221 West{
Engineering Bldg. Interview sched-
ules on Mechanical Engineering Bul-
letin Board.<
A cademic Notices
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
be held in Room 319, West Medical,
Building on Tuesday, January 20, at
7:30 p.m., "Some Nutritive Properties
of Foodstuffs-Natural Foods-Heat"
will be discussed.,All interested are
Naval V-7 Program: Students who
are enrolling for the Naval V-7 re-
serve unit who expect to be called in-
to active training in June 1942 and
who are deficient in the mathema-
ticl requirement for this training,
may consult Dr. H. H. Goldstine, 20
A East Hall, Mon., Wed., and Fri.,
2:00-4:00 p.m., concerning election of
courses in mathematics to make up
this deficiency.
T. H. Hildebrandt, Chairman
Department of Mathematics
To Students Enrolled for Series of I
Lectures on Naval Subjects: Lieuten-
ant K. S. Shook, U.S. Navy, Assistant
Professor of Naval Science and Tac-
tics, University of Michigan, will de-
liver a lecture on "Navy Regulations,"
on Tuesday, Jan. 20, at 7:15 p.m.
in Room 348 West Engineering Build-
Final Examination in Journalism
31 will be given during the regular
class hour, Wednesday, January 21.
All back papers must be handed in will be given on Tuesday, January
before that hour. 20. 4:00-6:00 p.m., in place of the
examination originally scheduled for
Required Hygiene Lectures for Wo- that date.
men--1942: All first and second sem-
ester freshmen women are required Jury auditions for School of Music
to take the hygiene lectures, which student recitals will be held in Lydia
are to be given the second semester. Mendelssohn Theatre this after-
Upperclass students who were in the noon. January 18. from 1:30 to
University as freshmen and who did 5:30 p.m. The students to be heard
not fulfill the requirement are re- are Vlading~r Yukashuk, Harold Fish-
quired to take and satisfactorily com- man, John Wolaver, James Merrill,
plete this course. Enroll for these James Wolfe, Thomas Wheatley, Hel-
lectures at the time of regular classi- en Westlin, Italo Irajola, Wanda
fication at Waterman Gymnasium. Nigh and Choon Cha Lee. These au-
These lectures are a graduation re- ditions and the subsequent recitals
quirement. are in partial fulfillment of the re-
Students should enroll for one of quirement for degrees expected at
the two following sections. Women in I the end of the current semester, and
Section I should note change of first for those students who may be called
lecture from February 23rd to 25th
_. .
on account of the legal holiday.
Section No. I: First lecture, Wed-
nesday, Feb. 25, 4:15-5:15, Natural
Science Aud. Subsequent lectures,
successive Mondays, 4:15-5:15, Na-
tural Science Aud. Examination (fin-
al), April 6, 4:15-5:15, Natural Sci-
ence Aud.
Section No. II " First lecture, Tues-
day, Feb. 24, 4:15-5:15, Natural Sci-
ence Aud. Subsequent lectures, suc-
cessiveuTuesdays, 4:15-5:15, Natural
Science Aud. Examination (final)
Tuesday, April 7, 4:15-5:15, Natural
Science Aud.
Margaret Bell, M.D.
Medical Adviser to Women
English 149 (Playwriting) will meet
Tuesday evening, January 20, in-
stead of Monday, in 4208 A.H. in-
stead of 3217 A.H.
Kenneth Rowe
Speech 190 will meet in the Speech
'Seminar (3212 Angell Hall) Monday.
English 32, Section 2 (Rowe) will
not meet Monday, January 19.
Kenneth T. Rowe
Concentration in English. Bring
materials for conference at follow-
ing times-January 16, 9-11; Japu-
ary 19, 21, and 23, 1:00-4:00.
J. L. Davis
Chemistry 55 and Chemistry 169E
Laboratory: The final examination
Gargoyle does it again
A Photo Feature
War and the Michigan Student
On Sale
Thursday, Jans. 22,
15c GARGY LEma15c
to military service during the second
Notice to Students Planning to Do
Directed Teaching: Students expec-
ting to do directed teaching the sec-
ond semester are requested to secure
assignments in room 2442 University
Elementary School on Thursday, Jan-
uary 22. according to the following
8:30 Social Studies.
9:30 English.
10:30-12:00 and 1:30-4:00 all other
school subjects.
No assignment will be made before
Thursday. If the periods suggested
are inconvenient. a studenit may get
his assignment on Friday, Jan. 23.
German Departmental Library; All
books due and reports finished by
January 21.
The deadline for the Hopwood
Contests for Freshmen has been
changed to 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday,
January 27.
R. W. Cowden
(Continued on Page 4)
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Algebra. College ... ... .......... I,00
Ancient History .................75
Ancient, Medieval & Modern
History ............... . 00
Bacteriology, Prin. & Prac. of ..1.25
Biology, General ............... .75
Botany, General...............75
Business Law, General........1.00
Chemistry, First Year College ..L00
Chemistry, Organic .,..........1.25
Corporation Finance . .... . . , . .. .1,00O
Documented Papers, Writing .. .75
Economics, Principles of , . . ..... .75
Education, History of .......,. ,.75
England, History of .. .......... .75
Europe, 1500-1848, Hist. of . .. .,.75
Europe, 1815-1939, Hist, of ...75
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French Review Grammar ..... .101
Geology, Principles of .. .,,.......1.00
German Granmar, Outline of .. .75
Government, American .........75
Journalism, Survey of ........ .00
Latin America, History of ......00
Literature, Eng., to Dryden ....1.00
Literature, Eng., Since Milton ..1.00
Middle Ages, 300-1500, Hist. of .. .75
Natural Resources of U.S. ...... .75
Physics, First Year College . . ,. .75
Political Science ................ .75
Psychology, Educational .........75
Psychology, General . . . ... ,.. .. .. .75
Shakespeare's Plays, Outline of 1.L0
Sociology, Principles of .......1.00
Statistical Methods ...,........1.00J
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U.S.. To 1865, History (if ........ .75
U.S.. Since 165. history of ...,.75
World, Since r14, ilistory of .. .75
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Here are a few typical
answers from celebri-
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is to know and make
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