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VOL. LIL No. 82
Gophers Top
Cagers, 44-32;
Ice, Wrestling
Squads Beaten
15,000 Fans Se Varsity
Overcome By Minnesota
Despite Last Period Rally
Battling Pucksters
DefeatedBy Illini
(Special to The Daily)
MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 17.-Minne-
sota moved into second place in the
Western Conference standings to-
night by defeating the Michigan
cagers, 44-32, in the Field House
before a capacity audience of 15,000
The victory was the fourth in five
Conference battles for the Gophers
and put them right on the heels of
the leading Illinois team, which
gained its fourth consecutive tri-
umph against no defeats by polish-
ing off a hapless Chicago quintet,
54-26. The Wolverines' setback was
their fourth in five games.
Burly Don Mattson, Minnesota
pivot man, and Don Smith, a for-
ward, paced the Gopher bombard-
ment, dropping 24 points through the
basket, or nearly half the winners'
total. Mattson was the offensive
star of the clash witl 13 tallies on
six field goals and one free toss.
Smith took runner-up honors for
the Golden Gophers with five field
goals and three free throws for 11
points. Jim Mandler, Wolverine cen-
ter,, led the invaders with five field
goals' and one foul toss for 11 points.
-Capt. Bill Cartmill, playing with an
(Continued on Page 7)
Illinois Dynamo
Whips Pucksters.
Michigan's victoryless sextet took
its second straight drubbing from a
powerful and fast Illinois outfit last
night at the Coliseum, 6-2, in a sav-
age hockey match 'marked by terri-
fic body checking and countless pen-
alties. :
After their overwhelming 10-0 win
over Eddie Lowrey's sextet on Thurs-
day, the Orange and Blue squad was
expected to make a rep'eat perform-
ance. But its victory was not as de-
cisive as the score might indicate.
The Wolverines played the Illini to
a stand-still for a good part of the
game, but the tiring Michigan team
just wasn't able to meet the con-
stant charges of the fresher Indians.
The first period saw the Maize and
Blue ;team turn in its best play on
the home ice this season. Starting
fast, the Wolverines presented a new
type of defensive play and kept the
game on even terms. Michigan be-
gan to take the offensive and better
(Continued on Page 6)
Powerful Spartan
Hatmen Win, 17-13
Friends, we lost.
We lost last night by the score of
17-13 to a Michigan State wrestling,
team which need concede exactly,
nothing to any other mat aggregation
in the nation.
Although defeated the Wolverines;
were in no wise dishonored as they
battled tooth and nail for each point
either yielded to or wrested from an
invading team which boasts five na-,
tional champions on its roster. And
therefore was staged the most dy-
namic and thrill-packed wrestling
show ever seen in Yost Field House.
Four thousand spectators with
throats hoarse from two hours of
continuous screaming and cheering
will back this statement up.
The very opening match provided'
the keynote of the entire evening and
also presented what ranks as an ab-
solutely incredulous upset when
Michigan's Dick Kopel, an abject
flop in the first two meets of the sea-
son, unleashed a furious assault and
(Continued on Page 6)
Art Cinema League
Will Give Comedy
Double Bill Today
-'the Art Cinema went back to 1910
for a "polite" comedy by the famous
Drew combination, shuffled over to
Frank Capra for the rat-a-tat ma-
chine-gun type of humor-and you
can taker your choice when the two
pictures are presented at 6:30 p.m.
Aid Planned For Labor
DisplacedIn War Shift
Nelson To Streaikhne Administrative Organization;
Knudsen Transfer Indicates End Of OPM
Senate Parley
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17.-()-
The Navy Department announced
tonight that an American submar-
ine has sunk three Japanese mer-
chant ships "off Tokyo Bay."
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17.'-(P)-
Plans for a $400,000,000 to $600,000,-
000 relief appropriation for workers
temporarily displaced by the shift to
war production came out of a White
'House conference today, while plans
progressed for expediting the conver-
sion process.
President Roosevelt discussed the
relief problem with Congressional
leaders and obtained their agreement
with apparent ease. The shift to war
production, it was estimated, would
throw 4,000,000 men out of work for
varying periods of time.
While they are laid off they will
receive 60 per cent of their normal
salaries, to a maximum of $24.00
Campus War
Stamp Drive
University Students Asked
To Assist In Campaign
To Boost Defense Sales
University students and faculty
members will be asked Friday to shell
all-out for America's war program
when campus organizations open a
defense savings tag day drive.
Every purchaser of a 10-cent de-
fense stamp album will receive a tag
bearing the government's minute
man symbol. He will also take the
first step towards acquiring the
"savings habit" which has already
placed Ann Arbor above every Ameri-
can city in per capita defense bond
The albums, designed 'to hold 25
10-cent stamps, are the first step to-
wards purchase of a Series E defense
weekly. If they receive state unem-
ployment compensation, the govern-
ment is to make up the difference
between that and the 60 per cent of
salary standard. To be eligible for
the payments, displaced workers will
have to enroll for training in needed
new skills.
Mr. Roosevelt, it was said, will
transmit a message to Congress on
the subject next week, and legisla-
tion, originating in the House Ap-
propriations Committee will be in-
troduced and pushed through as
swiftly as possible.
Donald M. Nelson, the Director of
War Production, meantime was un-
derstood to be perfecting plans for
streamlining his organization, with
a view to simplification and the
elimination of any cumbersome ad-
ministrative machinery that might
hamper production by unnecessary
red tape.
It appeared that the Office of Pro-
duction Management would be vir-
tually dissolved, a prospect made the
more unmistakable, by the transfer
of William S. Knudsen, its director
general, to the Army with the job
of seeing to it that industry produces
the things the Army needs.
Speculation was that Knudsen's
principal task would be supervising
the conversion of the automobile in-
dustry into a rapid-fire producer of
airplanes, guns and tanks, a job for
which he is donsidered eminently fit-
Knudsen is considered the nation's
foremost production man. His tal-
'ent for mass production engineering
carried him from the status of an im-
migrantmachinist to the presidency
of General Motors.
J=Hop Ticket
Sale To Start
Next Tuesday
Reservation Card Holders
Are To Apply At Union;
Booths Still Available
Juniors holding reserved applica-
tion cards should present them from
1 p.m. to 6 p.m., Tuesday in the
Union for tickets to J-Hop, Bob
Begle, tickets chairman, announced
yesterday. The new dates for the
1942 J-Hop are Feb. 6 and 7.
Identification cards will not be re-
quired, Begle said, and fraternities
or any other group may have one
person turn in several applications.
Cash or checks must be for the exact
amount and no service charge will
be required for checks.
Only the J-Hop representative
from each ,fraternity or independent
group awarded a booth may buy nec-
essary chaperon tickets. No more
than two of these will be allowed per
house. Applications are not need-
ed but the chaperons' names must
be listed and these names must have
been approved previously by the
Dean's office.
Those organizations which have
not turned in their chaperon lists to
Bruce Renaud, booth committee
chairman, by 9 p.m. today will not
have tickets reserved for the cha-
Renaud also said that any organi-
zation which has not obtained a
booth and which has at least 20
members going to J-Hop may still
apply for a booth by contacting him
Closes Annual
Open Forum
Prof. Weaver Sums Up
Four-Panel Discussions
Of Major War Issues
Diverse Opinionsr
Noted In Review
The tumult and the shouting died
yesterday with Prof. Bennett Weav-
er's summarizing address to the clos-
ing session of the Student Senate
Winter Parley as the annual all-cam-
pus forum closed its two-day dis-
cussion of "America At War."
Professor Weaver, a member of the
English department, reviewed the
Parley from Prof. Harold A. Dorr's
keynote address to its four-panel an-
alysis of the economic, military, mor-
al, and educational aspects of the
Throughout his entire summary,
Professor Weaver noted the diversity
of opinion on several basic issues
such as the question of economic or
A summary of each of the four
panels in yesterday's Winter Par-
ley discussions may be found on
Page 8 of today's Daily. Every
group held an afternoon and eve-
ning session.
nationalistic causes for this war and
the last one. There was also a line
of cleavage between those who hoped
for eventual world peace and those,
who had stopped hoping.l
In reviewing the panel on "Crisis
In Morals," Professor Weaver cited
a wide split on the question of whe-
ther hate should enter our viewpoint
on our enemies. Professor Weaver
commented that "a man may fight
with considerable determination and
not give himself to hate."j
The record of the panel on "Our
Armed Forces" caused Professor
Weaver to decry any over-emphasis'
of the value of college men to the
leadership of the nation. In a simi-
ai lgh-v .n, he told of the panel's
unity of opinion-on the question of
college students' fitness for actual
military service.
In summing up the discussion of
the economic front in the panel on'
"Arms For America," Professor Wea-
ver condensed his own viewpoint on
the nation's attitude into a tale of the
Wisconsin professor who had been
thrown onto the highway after an
automobile accident. "Don't worry
about me," said the Wisconsin aca-
demician. "Check the tires."
VU To Sponsor
New Civilians'
Training Study
New War Board Approves
Seven Courses T Deal
With Air, Morale Attacks
(Editor's Note: This is the fourth
in a series of articles describing Uni-
versity defense courses as approved by
the newly-created war Board.)
Determined not to let the lesson
of Coventry and London go un-
learned, the University War Board
has set up a second-semester civilian
protection training program for stu-
dents, faculty members and towns-
Destruction wrought by both en-
emy bombers from the air and sabo-
teurs in defense production will be
dealt with in this program's seven-
course series. While not as imme-
diate a problem as sabotage and
civilian morale, anti-air raid pre-
cautions will be taken to prepare
University students for any possi-
ble emergency.
This program, to be given from
time to time during the year, is de-
signed to stop the enemy "by anti-
cipating his attacks and by training
and organizing civilians according-
ly." Time schedule of every course
will be announced immediately be-
fore they are offered.
Whilethese courses are not com-
pulsory, students, faculty members
and townspeople are "strongly urged"
to take them by the University War
First in the Civilian Protection
(Continued on Page 3)
'U' Council And Senate
Pan-American Countries
Agree To Split With Axis;
TIAF Hits Back In Malaya
Singapore Defenders Take
Offensive Through Air
With Concerted Attack
Philippines Outside
Luzon Are Mystery
TOKYO, Jan. 17. - (Official
broadcast recorded by AP)-A
Domei war summary claimed to-
night that Japanese tanks had
driven through Australian defense
lines to within 50 miles of Singa-
pore and declared that in the Phil-
ippines Gen. Douglas MacArthur's
troops finally were withdrawing
down the Bataan Peninsula.
SINGAPORE, Jan. 17.-(P)-Relays
of British fighters and bombers,
which have been longing for a chance
to catch the Japanese at a disad-
vantage, have found their opportun-
ity and wrought havoc among troops,
freight cars and truck convoys along
the Gemas-Tampin line, 110 to 120
miles north of Singapore Island, an
official statement said tonight.
As this vigorous air attack was pro-
ceeding inland, other airmen struck
at concentrations of barges and small
ships along the west coast where a
picked Japanese spearhead was at-
tempting to enlarge its foothold
among the mangrove swamps south
of the Muar River, within 90 miles
of Singapore.
"While our bombers were plaster-
ing the marshalling yards at Gemas,
fighters were machine-gunning a long
serpentine line of transport vehicles
from a low altitude" on the Gemas-
Tampin road, the statement said.
The pilots said they caught the
motor transports stretched for two
miles along the narrow road from
Tampin toward the east, and that
they left many fires among the 1,000
or more vehicles.
Bombers unloaded scores of large
caliber bombs on the railway yards
and convoys at Gemas, scoring hits
and starting more than 50 fires, the
pilots said.
Japanese Strike
At MacArthur Flank
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17.-P)-Re-
establishment of direct trans-Pacific
civilian communication with the
Philippines failed today to clear up
official uncertainty as to the situa-
tion in island areas not known to be
occupied by the Japanese.
While Gen. Douglas MacArthur's
little army fights on the main island
of Luzon, replies to urgent messages
have shed virtually no light, officials
reported, on the course of events
elsewhere in the Philippines.
Japanese forces on Luzon Island
were believed tonight to be attempt-
ing an encircling movement which
would prevent the American-Filipino
troops on Bataan Peninsula from ef-
fecting an escape to the almost im-
pregnable Corregidor Island.
This line of reasoning was ad-
vanced after the War Department
today announced that strong Japa-
nese forces were smashing at the
right flank of Gen. Douglas Mac-
Arthur's heavily out-numbered de-
fenders of the peninsula.
Jond. This Uond,
costing $18.75 and
maturing to $25 in
10 years, is aimed
especially at those
people who cannot
afford a high ini-
tial outlay. A pre-
liminary drive will
be conducted on
Thursday in frater-
nities, sororities and
residence halls,
while downtown
Ann Arbor will be
* * *
Dr. Gregory Vlastos, professor of
philosophy at Queen's University,
Kingston, Ontario, will deliver the
third and -concuding lecture in the
series on 'The Failure of Skepticism"
at 8:15 p.m. today in the Rackham
Lecture Hall.
The series has been sponsored
jointly by the Newman Club, Hillel
Foundation and Inter-Guild. A re-
ception will be held at Lane Hall
after the lecture today.
Dr. Vlastos will attempt to answer
the question of whether there is still
a place for the uncertainty of skepti-
cism in the embattled world that
asks unity and immediate action of a
A leading thinker in Protestantism,
Dr. Vlastos was born in Athens,
Greece, and graduated from Robert
College in Istanbul, Turkey. He re-
ceived a Bachelor of Divinity degree
at the Chicago Divinity School and
earned his Doctor of Philosophy de-
gree at Queen's University. In 1937
he studied a year in Europe. He has
written "Christian Faith and Demo-
cracy" and "The Religious Way" and
is an editor of "Toward Christian
Revolution." k b
Lombard Plane Ruins
Found In Mountains
LAS VEGAS, Nev., Jan. 17.-({P)-
High up on Table Mountain search-
ers today found the blackened ruins
of a luxurious TWA sky-sleeper in
which glamorous Carole Lombard,
her mother, her press agent, a Mich-
igan soldiers' wife and 15 soldiers
perished last night.
The searchers found the craft,
broken and charred, late this after-
noon after an 8,500 foot climb, and
a deputy sheriff telephoned back that
bodies were strewn hundreds of yards
up the mountain side, most of them
burned beyond recognition.
With the popular movie star, over
whom all Hollywood grieved tonight,
were her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Pet-
ers and press agent Otto Winkler
of the M-G-M studios.
drive permanent defense savings sta-
tions will be set up on campus.
Personnel for the campaign will
be provided by major campus groups
including the League, the Union,
Panhellenic, Interfraternity Coun-
cil, Congress, Assembly and the Stu-
dent Senate.
In addition to this tag day effort,
other organizations have proposed
defense savings for their members.
The J-Hop committee originated a
plan to substitute 1,400 25-cent stamp
albums for favors at America's most
popular college dance.
The University is cooperating with
the Ann Arbor Junior Chamber of
Commerce in conducting this cam-
paign with Prof. Charles Jdmeson of
the Ousiness administration school,
and Burton Rubens, '42, co-ordinat-
ing campus effort. They are working
through the Committee of 1942.
Many Talks
Many private talks outside the con-
ference rooms were directed toward,
swinging Argentina to approving sev-
erance of diplomatierelations.
Earlier, Chile appeared veering to-
ward Argentina's previous stand
against a complete break.
The impression persisted that the
Chilean decision would be dictated
by her own national interests and
geographical considerations, espec-
ially in view of her long, exposed Pa-
cific coast line. .
Chile's delegation here declined to
throw any light on the subject and
the Santiago regime's attitude is not
expected to be clarified until debate
starts Monday on the resolution spon-
sored by Colombia, Mexico and Ven-
ezuela for a unanimous break with
the Axis by all 21 American repub-
The resolution calling for a unani-
mous break with the Axis declared
that Japanese, German and Italian
aggression against the United States
was part and parcel of their "con-
certed plans for world conquest."
.Piano Concert
T'o Be Played,
By Casadesus
Concert-goers of this city will have
a chance to hear the talented French
pianist, Robert Casadesus, in the
seventh concert of the Choral Un-
ion Series at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in
Hill Auditorium.
Both composer and pianist, Casa-
desus has had a brilliant career. He
has studied under Louis Diemer and
Xavier Leroux. His concert engage-
ments have taken him to all the cor-
ners of the globe. His first Ameri-
can performance was in 1935 with the
New York Philharmonic-Symphony
Orchestra. He has had the rare dis-
tinction, accorded to only three other
pianists, of appearing with, Arturo
Tomorrow Casadesus will play Ga-
votte, Le Rappel des Oiseaux, Les
Sauvages and Les Niais de Sologne
by Rameau; Carnaval, Op. 9, by
Schumann; Ballade, Op. 23, Berceuse,
Op. 57, Tarentelle, Op. 43, by Chopin;
Le Retour des Muletiers by de Sev-
erac; La Soiree dans Grenade by De'-
bussy; and Alborada del Gracioso by
Lewis, Green Are Agreed
On Need Of Labor Unity
WASHINGTON. Jan. 17.-()---
'War's Greatest Reporter':
Michigan Pastors' Conference
, ToStudy Tasks Of Churches
War Correspondent Reynolds
Will Lecture Here Thursday
The ace foreign correspondent who
Walter Winchell says is as "popular
on every dirty little English trawler
as he is in the Stork Club" will give
an eye-witness account of Russia at
war, the British conquest in Africa
and London under fire at 8:15 p.m.
Thursday in Hill Auditorium.
Quentin Reynolds, sponsored by
the Oratorical Association, will give
his first lecture here following his
return from Egypt during the week.
The Hill Auditorium box office will
be open Wednesday and Thursday.
His outstanding war reporting,
year. Sent to Europe on a roving
commission when war came, he lived
in London after the fall of France,
writing and narrating his two spec-
tacular motion pictures, "London Can
Take It" and "Christmas Under
During this period, 4eynolds wrote
his best selling book "The Wounded
Don't Cry" and on his voyage back
last year, he pieced together his
notes which appeared under the title
of "A Londoner's Diary."
Returning to the combat zone this
winter, he was the only foreign cor-
Ministers from throughout the
state will register at 1 p.m. tomorrow
in the lobby of the Rackham Build-
ing for the third annual Michigan
Pastors' Conference which will con-
tinue through Wednesday.
With "The Present Day Church-
Its Tasks and Its Resources" as the
Conference theme, the delegates will
assemble at 2:30 p.m. in the Rack-
ham' Lecture Hall for the first gen-
eral session of the day. The Rev.
Robert C. Stranger, Bethel Evangel-
ical Church, Detroit, will preside.
The meeting will open with wor-
ship led by The Rev. Owen Greer
who will speak en the subject, "The
Real Self." Immediately following
Dinner will be held in the First Pres-
byterian Church for the ministers.
The Rev. H. 0. Yoder of Ann Arbor
will deliver the invocation and toast-
master for the dinner will be Rabbi
Leon Fram of Detroit. Address at
the dinner will be given by The Rev.
F. E. Johnson, Research Secretary
for the Federal Council of Churches
of Christ in America. He will speak
on "A Crisis in Christendom."
The general session of the evening
will begin at 8 p.m. in the Rackham
Lecture Hall with the theme, "The
Churches of America and the War."
The Rev. Harold J. Carr will pre-
side and participants in the discus-
sion which will be open to the public
will be The Rev. Herbert B. Hudnut,