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January 17, 1942 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-01-17

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tx It 1T Mt l

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Service, Inc-
College PUblisbers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941.42
Editorial Staff

Emile GeI6
Alvin Dann
David Lachenbruck
Jay McCormick
Hal Wilson
Arthur - Hill
Janet Hiatt
Grace Miller
Virginia Mitchell

. . . . . Managing Editor
. . . . . Editorial Director
i . . . . City Editor
. . . . . Associate Editor
. . . . . Sports Editor
. . . Assistant Sports Editor
. . . . . Women's Editor
. . . Assistant Women's Editor
. . . Exchange Editor
Business Staff
. . . . Business Manager
. . Associate Business Manager
. .'Women's Advertising Manager
* . Women's Business Manager

Daniel H. Huyett
James B. Collins
Louise Carpenter
fy. Evelyn Wright

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Nelson Appointment
Clears Track .. .
AT LAST, President Roosevelt has
made the move we have been ex-
pecting for some time. At last, the responsibility
for tuning America's industry to an all-out war
production effort has been placed squarely upon
the shoulders of one man, with no divided au
thority and overlapping control to clutter up
the way. Our only regret is that it took three
official attempts to solve the problem. As a
result, American industry has been floundering
around even worse than in the first World War.
We have lost too much valuable time
squabbling over the issue between labor and
management: should the union be granted
power to aid in control of production policies?
With the creation of the War Production
Board and the appointment of Donald M. Nel-
son as its head, the way has been cleared for
a general speed-up in armaments production
that bids to make the bungling tactics of the
Office of Production Management just a bad
chapter in economics textbooks. Now, authority
for directing the war program is clearly cen-
tralized and "drastic action" to come has been
promised. Nelson has been granted the neces-
saty power by Executive Order. "His decision
as to questions of procurement and production
will be final."
This means, in effect, that the newly-
appointed czar of production has power over
industrialists and labor leaders alike, over both
the Army and the Navy. It means he, will deal
in final decisions directly with Lord' Beaver-
brook, British Minister of Supples,
steps into the breach with the firm convic-
that everything must be subordinated to the
war effort and with a sound business head that
has won the admiration of all who know him.
In a fighting speech read for him by Bernard
Gimbel, he told the nation that "utterly revo-
lutionary changes" in the operation of industry
will be essential to win this war.
"We may have to require management and
labor to adapt themselves to wholly new sched-
ules and methods of operation," he said bluntly.
"We may have to upset the commercial and
industrial arrangements which have endured
for many years. We may have to trample on
all sorts of privileges and prerogatives."
"None of that matters."
On the heels of Nelson's hard-headed asser-
tions, the Senate investigating committee
Thursday leveled a charge of "bungling tactics"
upon the joint heads of Knudsen and Hillman,
OPM co-directors. The committee declared
that the dollar-a-year officials are lobbyists
for their former concerns and recommended
that they be eliminated. Another highly signifi-
cant revelation by the committee was that the
automobile industry has not been checked i
civilian production and has not even attempted
to convert plant facilities to war production.
THUS theforces of labor have gained once
more at the expense of management. What
labor leaders have been contending all along,
the Senate has verified by investigation. Big
business has consistently refused to relinquish
the saddle in production for war. The guiding

Parley War
Forum Today .. .
the Navy's Pearl Harbor base were
not the only Americans unprepared for an Axis
attack on this country. Throughout this Uni-
versity and the entire nation, complete apathy
dominated the prevailing war attitudes. Eco-
nomically and politically, the United States was
on a champagne binge that it never expected
to end.
But some students have begun to think more
seriously since December 7 and a great deal of
them have begun to think. What will be the
results of this war on our standard of living?
What is the value of a B.A., M.A., or Ph.D., to
a man and a bayonet? What about this democ-
racy that somebody gave to us? Can it stand
the impact of total war or will it go down be-
fore the autocratic forces arrayed against it?
THESE QUESTIONS, and others of equal im-
port to students in war, will be discussed at
four panel sessions today in the annual Winter
Parley. Faculty and student discussion leaders
offer every variety of campus opinion on these
subjects, and it is up to the general audience
to draw their own conclusions.
In the past, parleys have been described as
windy debates accomplishing nothing more
than a mild ripple in student thought processes.
The faculty leaders talked, the student panel
leaders talked, the men with ingrained convic-
tions talked, but the average student audience
member listened until he was fed up.
Today, however, the parley opens its panel
sessions with a different purpose. It is the first
public forum on campus since the war, and it
comes to a University afflicted by doubt and
THE FOUR PANELS will be held at 2:15 and
7:30 p.m. today in the Union. They are open,
to anyone who thinks he has something at stake
in America's struggle. And remember, freedom
of speech will be discussed today in one of the
few countries that still has the freedom of
speech to discuss it.
-Dan Behman
The Reply Churlish
(This is to introduce Emile Gele, of the old
South, managing editor of the Daily, who occas-
ionally denies his heritage by the expression of
liberal sentiments. Because what he has to say
must be said, and the sooner the better, the
column today is all his. -Touchstone)
DURIN WARTIME there are many forgot-
ten men, just as there are many emergency
men costumed as sapient captains and tossed
hurriedly into the spotlight to perform for the
duration miracles performable only by certain
obscure creatures inclined to hibernation amidst
mpsty tomes or behind glossy mahogany-topped
desks or in remote military outposts till routed
forth by the flares of war; but I am now con-
cerned with the forgotten men, or rather a
special group which happens to be the most
forgotten of all men during the submersion of
peace, and which is composed of those stubborn
unfortunates called proudly by themselves and
sneeringly by others, "conscientious objectors".
I would like to pay them a tribute, a some-
what squeamish and hasty and apologetic trib-
ute. Squeamish because already people are being
obliged to buy huge quantities of defense bonds
for saying "To hell with the Siamese" or wash-
ing windows with old British flags. Hasty be-
cause already such leading patriots as Walter
Winchell (who fancies himself a "newsboy" and
defends liberty, equality, and fraternity daily in
syndicated news columns and on the radio at
a handsome profit) are rapidly laying the foun-
dations for the impending alien and sedition
laws. Apologetic because I realize this space
should be devoted to directing your contributions
into the "Buy a Bomber" coffers of the public-
spirited Hearst papers.
REGARDLESS of these compelling influences,
I persist in paying my tribute; for my im-

mediate interest in national defense and aggres-
sion does not obscure my interest in future inter-
national peace. And these forgotten conscientious
objectors are the only salesmen of peace bonds
right now. Now don't get me wrong, though-
I'm all for this war. Remember I'm one of you
now, gentlemen. They forced this on us and
they'll be sorry. We love our peace so much we'll
beat hell out of anybody who dares disturb it.
We will fight! We must fight! Where do these
CO crackpots get off telling us war is wrong!
The nerve!
See, I rear back in amazed indignation, then
just amazement, then wonder, and finally wonder
mingled with respect. We know we must fight
and the world knows it, but these CO's sit back
smiling and shake their heads, no. Why? Be-
cause they want to be different and attract at-
tention? They are not on posters; they have
no USO; they are not Joe Palooka or Flash
Gordon in the comic strips; they receive no
citation or public praise; they are never shown
in the newsreels; and they never get the high
paid heroic jobs. Are they cowards? Their records
in past wars, and their present training for dan-
gerous non-combatant service say no. Do they
pose as martyrs? They say they are sacrificing
very little, rather they are busy in camps pre-
paring in various ways for service in war, and
especially for the eventual peace. They are
building, not pining away.
STILL WE CAN DEMAND with righteous
scorn, "Suppose everyone thought like you,
you CO, what then!" Rhetorical of course, with
only one reasonable answer. But they give
another answer. "Brother," they say, "if every-
one thought like us, you and I both would have
what we wanted, and you would look like an ass
ill0114% t lli TN1 .

.. Drew Pearsop '
Robert S.AIIe
RIO DE JANEIRO - If this Pan-American
conference succeeds in lining up the Americas
against the Axis-and with one exception it
looks as if it will-Messrs. Hitler and Hirohito
will have Undersecretary Sumner Welles and
Brazilian Foreign Minister Aranha largely to
These are the two men ,who have carried
the ball for a united Pan-American war front,
with President Vargas giving them potent 100
per cent support in the background.
Strangely enough no two men could be more
dissimilar. Oswaldo Aranha is an ex-gaucho
from the cattle country of Brazil, accustomed
to appearing at horse races with two revolvers
strapped to his belt, and equally at home around
a roulette table or a dinner in the presidential
Undersecretary of State Welles, on the other
hand, had Roosevelt's background of Groton
and Harvard, had the same god-mother as
Eleanor Roosevelt, was a page at the Roosevelts'
wedding, and is an Anthony Eden edition of
what the well-dressed diplomat is supposed to
look like.
Underneath his somewhat austere exterior,
however, Sumner Welles is just as much the
human as Oswaldo Aranha, and together they
make a perfect team of resourceful, hard-hitting
Hitler-Hirohito haters.
Father Of Good Neighbors
Not many people realize it, but in South
America Welles is known as the father of Roose-
velt's Good Neighbor policy-now recognized al-
most universally as the soundest foreign pro-
gram put forward by any American president
in half a century.
It was Sumner Welles who, when High Com-
missioner to the Dominican Republic way far
back in the Coolidge Administration, persuaded
Charles Evans Hughes, then Secretary of State,
to withdraw the Marines. This was the first
step in getting U.S. troops out of the Carib-
bean area, always a source of suspicion to
every Latin-American nation.
It was Welles also who wrote the famous
Central American treaties during the Coolidge
Administration by which revolutionary govern-
ments were denied recognition. His purpose was
to prevent upstart military leaders from seizing
control of the banana republics every few
months. However, neither the Central Ameri-
cans nor Calvin Coolidge were quite ready for
this advanced stage of peace and good neigh-
borliness, with the result that Welles resigned,
and Coolidge sent the Marines back into Nica-
Welles waited patiently all during the Hoover
Administration toward the end of which he
put in a lot of political punches for the election
of his boyhood friend Franklin Roosevelt. And
not generally known is that Welles chiefly wrote
the foreign affairs planks in the Democratic
platform adopted at the 1932 Chicago conven-
Welles' record for constantly pounding the
Good Neighbor policy needs no further review
here. But this week at Rio de Janeirohe reached
the climax of his ambitions-the attempt to
create a united front against all the dictators
by all the Americas.
Best Friend Of U.S.A.
Oswaldo Aranha, Welles' co-partner in this
ambition, is the son of a wealthy cattle-rancher,.
He was educated at a military school, spent
five years fighting in Brazilian revolutions-
most of the time in the saddle-and has a heel
partly shot away plus a bullet still lodged in
his shoulder to show for it. 9
Aranha was the military leader of the revo-

lutionary army of 1930 which made Getulio Var-
gas President of Brazil, and won for Henry L,
Stimson the nickname "Wrong Horse Harry".
Stimson, then Secretary of State, bet on the
wrong horse , and sent U.S. planes to support
the regime which Aranha defeated.
Aranha spent four years in Washington, where
as Ambassador he got to know the U.S.A. as
few other envoys. He took a motor trip to the
West Coast, went to the Kentucky Derby with
Jim Farley (where, incidentally, he won $1,500)
visited with all sorts of people from Herbert
Hoover to John L. Lewis, and even attended the
conventions of the Democratic and Republican
One of his descriptions of the conventIons
is still remembered il Washington.
"At Cleveland," said Aranha, "the Republicans
promised Santa Claus to both the rich and the
poor, while at Philadelphia, the Democrats
promised Santa Claus to the poor with the
rich man's money."
Ever since his four years in Washington, Aran-
ha has been known as the chief 'friend of the
U.S.A. below the Rio Grande.
We have all sorts of neat and catchy definitions
of peace, most of which boil down to the attempt
to make peace a lengthy and profitable after-
math of victory. On the other hand, these CO's
are firmly convinced that peace is a permanent
way of life that cannot be had until it is lived, so
they live it. They consider it easy to extol peace
during peace time. Insistence on the validity of
peace in wartime is the real test of belief.
All of which is absurd. Absurd because it is
incredibly impractical. Impractical as " . . . for-
give us our trespasses as we forgive those who

(~e ir

"Dropping knives means

company's coming-probably an invasion!"


By Lichty


SATURDAY, JANUARY 17, 1942 signed to duty wherever their serv-
VOL. LII. No. 81 i ices are required. Those who fail to
Publication in the Daily Oicial complete the course will be dis-
Bulletin is constructive notice to all chapgpcations will be received from
mnembers of the University. Apiain ilb eevdfo
seniors only, and they must present t
"*i a signed statement from the Regis-v
Notices trar to the effect that "barring un-t
University Council: There will be foreseen circumstances, the appli-r
a meeting of the University Council cant will be graduated from the col-E
on Monday, January 19, at 4:15 p.m., lege in which enrolled not later than
in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The June 30, 1942."
meeting will be relative to informa- Interested applicants may call at t
tion about the War Program of the the NROTC Headquarters, North
University. Hall, between the hours of 12:00-
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary 1:30 and 3:00-4:30 p.m., Monday
Members of the Faculties: On through Friday.
R. E. Cassidy, Captain, U.S.N.
Monday, January 19, at 4:15 p.m
there will be a special meeting of the New Registration Dates: Students
University Council, for the discussion will register for the second semester
of various phases of the University's on February 5, 6, and 7 under the
wartime program. It was originally same alphabetical schedule aswass
announced that this meeting would previously announced for Februarys
be held in the Rackham Amphithe- 12, 13, and 14.
ater and that all members of the Shirley W. Smith
University Senate who might care to
do so were invited to attend. It now Choral Union Members: Members
develops that contrary to the orig- of the University Choral Union,
inal expectation the Rackham Lec- whose attendance records are clear,
ture Hall will be -available at the will please call for passes admittingr
hour stated and a larger number to the Casadesus concert, Monday,
can be accommodated. Consequent- January 19, between the hours of 9
ly the Council cordially invites all and 12 and 1 and 4, at the offices of
faculty members, whether or not they the University Musical Society, Bur-
are members of the Senate, to be ton Memorial Tower.
present at the meeting. Charles ASink President
L. A. Hopkinses '
Freshmen and Sophomores, Col-
Notice of Appointment of Tire Con- lege of Literature, Sciene, and the F
servator and Administrator for the Arts: Appointments for approval oft
University: Mr. E. C. Pardon, Super- elections for the second semester may
intendent of Buildings and Grounds, be made by calling at the Office of
has been designated as a conservator the Academic Counselors, 108 Mason
and administrator in all matters re- Hall, or by telephoning Ext. 613. Be-
lating to the care of tires used or for cause of the change in the examina-
use on University automobiles, cars Lion schedule, it is absolutely imper-
and trucks, including questions aris-ative that you keep your appoint-
ing in connection with retreading and ments with your Counselors as sched-
all the University's relations with the uled. Failure to do this will make it
tire conservation authorities of the impossible for you to register at the
County. His duties will comprehend proper time.
making reductions in mileage to be Arthur Van Duren, Chairman
travelled by University cars and Academic Counselors.
trucks wherever this seems reason-
ably possible. All Wnen students are reminded
Shirley W. Smith that they must register any change
.----of residence for the second semester
Notice to Senate Members: In ac- in the Office of the Dean qf Women
cordance with the regulations of the by noon of January 19. They must
Senate, notice is hereby given to the also inform their househead of their
members of the Senate of the follow- intention by that date.
ing recommendations of a legislative
nature which were approved by the i The University Bureau of Appoint-
University Council at its meeting on ( ments has received notice of the fol-
Monday, January 12, and which will lowing Civil Service examinations.
be submitted to the Board of Re- Closing date for applications is given
gents for action: in each case.
(a) Approval was given a plan of United States Civil Service
appointment of staff members in Student Physiotherapy Aide, $420,
Physical Education, pursuant to until further notice.-
which such staff members shall be Apprentice Physiotherapy Aide,
employed in the manner and on the $1,440, until further notice.
terms that are equivalent in all re-' ,unior Professional Assistant, $2,-
spests to faculty status, without, 000. February 3, 1942.
lowever, receiving professorial titles. Stident Aid, $1,440, February 3,
b) Approval was given the estab- 1942.
lishlnent of a Department of Physi- Student Dictitian, $420, January
cal Education, to have jurisdiction 31, 1942.
over (1) required work in Physical Senior Biological Aid (Injurious
Education for all students, (2) for- Mammal Control), $2,000, February
mal courses in Physical Education, 24. 1942.
(3) recreational activities, (4) inter- Special Investigator (Metropolitan
collegiate athletics. Police Dept., D.C.) $3,600, February
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary 24, 1942.
Departmental Guard, $1,200, until
Public Health Assembly: Dr. Haven further notice.
Emerson, Professor Emeritus of Pub- Principal Home Economist (any
lic Health Practice, Columbia Uni- specialized field), $5,600, until fur-
versity, and Lecturer in Public Health ther notice.
Practice, University of Michigan, will Senior Home Economist (any spe-
speak on "Beverage Alcohol as a cialized field), $4,600, until further
Public Health Problem" at an assem- notice.
bly period on Monday, January 19, at Home Economist (any specialized
4:00 p.m. in the Auditorium of the field), $3,800, until further notice.
Kellogg Building. All students in Associate Home Economist (any
public health are expected to be pres- specialized field), $3,200, until further
ent and anyone interested is welcome. notice.
-L-----_Assistant Home Economist (any
The Bureau of Navigation desires specialized field), $2,600, until fur-
to aUPOilt 35('officers il C s,, :'C-V tler notice.


he Ann Arbor Independents' Faculty
rea originally scheduled for Sunday
fternoon, January 18,.has been post-
Academic Notices
Required Hygiene Lectures for Wo-
men-1942: All first and second sem-
ster freshmen women are required
o take the hygiene lectures, which
re to be given the second semester.
Jpperclass students who were in the '
Jniversity as freshmen and who did
dot fulfill the requirement are re-
Iuired to take and satisfactorily corn-
lete this course. Enroll for these
ectures at the time of regular classi-
ication at Waterman Gymnasium.
These lectures are a graduation re-
Students should enroll for one of
he two following sections. Women in
Section I should note change of first
ecture from February 23rd to 25th
on account of the legal holiday.
Section No. I: First lecture, Wed-
nesday, Feb. 25, 4:15-5:15, Natural.
Science Aud. Subsequent lectures,
uccessive Mondays, 4:15-5:15, Na-
ural Science Aud. Examination (fin-
al), April 6, 4:15-5:15, Natural Sci-
ence Aud.
Section No. II: First lecture, Tues-
day, Feb. 24, 4:15-5:15, Natural Sci-
ence Aud. Subsequent lectures, suc-
cessive Tuesdays, 4:15-5:15, Natural
Science Aud. Examination (final)
Tuesday, April 7, 4:15-5:15, Natural
Science Aud.
Margaret Bell, M.D.
Medical Adviser to Women
To Students Enrolled for Series of
Lectures on Naval Subjeels: Lieuten-
ant K. S. Shook, U.S. Navy, Assistant
Professor of Naval Science and Tac-
tics, University of Michigan, will de-
iver a lecture on "Navy Regulations,"
on Tuesday, Jan. 20, at 7:15 p.m.
in Room 348 West Engineering Build-
Naval V-7 Program: Students who
are enrolling for the Naval V-7 re-
serve unit who expect to be called in-
to active training in June 1942 and
who are deficient in the mathema-
tiel requirement for this training,
may consult Dr. H. H. Goldstine, 20
A East Hall, Mon., Wed., and Fri.,
2:00-4:00 p.m., concerning election of
courses in mathematics to make up
this deficiency.
T. H. Hildebrandt, Chairman
Department of Mathematics

not meet

32, Section 2 (Rowe) will
Monday, January 19.
Kenneth T. Rowe

English 149 (Playwriting) will meet
Tuesday evening, January 20, in-
stead of Monday, in 4208 A.H. in-
stead of 3217 A.H.
Kenneth Rowe
Speech 190 will meet in the Speech
Seminar (3212 Angell Hall) Monday.
Concentration in English. Bring
materials for conference at follow-
ing times-January 16, 9-11; Janu-
ary 19, 21, and 23, 1:00-4:00.
J. L. Davis
Chemistry 55 and Chemistry 169E
Laboratory: The final examination
will be given on Tuesday, January
20, 4:00-6:00 p.m., in place of the
examination originally scheduled for
that date.
Final Examination in Journalism
31 will be given during the regular
class hour, Wednesday, January 21.
All back papers must be handed in
before that hour.
The deadline for the Hopwood
Contests for Freshmen has been
changed to 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday,
Janguary 27.
R. W. Cowden
Recreational Leadership for Wo-
men: Students planning to register
for this course as a part of their
Physical Education for the second
semester should file an application
blank in Office 15, Barbour Gym-
nasium, by January 24.
Jury auditions for School of Music
student recitals will be held in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theater on Sunday af-
ternoon, January 18, from 1:30 to
5:30 p.m. The students to be heard
are Vladimir Yukashuk, Harold Fish-
man, Joan Wolaver, James Merrill,
James Wolfe, Thomas Wheatley, Hel-
en Westlin, Italo Frajola, Wanda
Nigh and Choon Cha Lee. These au-
ditions and the subsequent recitals
are in partial fulfillment of the re-
quirement for degrees expected at
the end of the current semester, and
for those students who may be called
to military service during the second
Physical Education for Women:
Individual sport tests in Badminton,
Fencing, Swimming, Riding and Ice
Skating in the regular class periods.
Students not enrolled in classes
who wish to take the tests should in-
quire in Office 15, Barbour Gymnasi-
um as to the time when these classes
Choral Union Concert: Robert Ca-
sadesus, French pianist, will give the
seventh program in the Choral Un-
ion Concert Series, Monday, Janu-
ary 19, at 8:30 o'clock, in Hill Audi-
torium. The program will consist of
numbers by Rameau, Schumann,
Chopin, de Severac, Debussy and

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