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January 15, 1942 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-01-15

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T-H E'


MUMMY.' JANUARY 1 . 1942

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Calendar Sale Hopwood Date
Raises Money For Freshmen
To Aid Soviet Moved Ahead,
Famous American Artists Contest Deadline Shoved
Portray Russian Scene Forward To Jan. 27;
In War Relief Drive Many Prizes Offered
Famous American artists have now University routine, speed1ed up by'
enrolled in the Russian War Relief the national emergency, has ad-
campaign. For their part in the vanced the Freshman Hopwood con-
drive they are painting calendars test deadline three days from the
which depict a phase of Russian life. scheduled Friday, Jan. 30 to Tuesday,
The 1942 calendar which is now Jan. 27, according to Prof. Roy W.
on sale throughout the country is Cowden of the English department.
adorned with a picture of a defiant For the eleventh year the Avery
Russian cossack. Through the ef- and Jule Hopwood endowment offers
forts of the Ann Arbor student divi- prizes of $50, $30, and $20 in each of
sion of the Russian War Relief So- three fields: essay, prose fiction and
ciety, students may now purchase poetry. Any University freshman en-
this calendar at any of the book- rolled in a composition course in the
stores on State Street. The price is College of Literature, Science and
75c, and the money will be turned the Arts, or in the College of En-
over to the society for the purchase gineering, is eligible for the prizes
of }medical supplies. provided his work in each of his
Under the direction of the stu- courses at the time of entering the
dent committee, a fund drive will be contest is rating at least a grade of
started in Ann Arbor this Saturday, "C."
so that all available sources may be Professors Arno L. Bader and Louis
covered for' aid to the national so- I. Bredvold, of the English depart-
ciety. ment, and Dr. Frank E. Robbins,
The committee is inaugurating managing editor of the University
their campaign by a Russian bazaar press, will make the final decisions
and auction which will be held Sat- in the contest. To facilitate the work
urday from 2:30 to 6:30 p.m. and of the judges, John Arthos, Wallace
from 7:30 to 11:30 p.m. in the Grand Bacon, and Morris Greenhut, also of
Rapids Room of the Michigan League. the English department, representing
In the adjoining Kalamazoo room, the contest committee, will read all
the 7-11 Club is planning a dance manuscripts submitted and will elim-
which will carry out the spirit of the 'mate unacceptable material.
prevailing Russian atmosphere. Contest rules specify that essays
At 9 p.m. the auction will take (all nonfictional prose) should not
place and those attending will Dave exceed a total of 3,000 words, while
an opportunity to bid for many fine manuscripts in prose fiction may not
articles. exceed 10,000 words./In the fields of
Many campus organizations are essay and prose fiction, the student is
lending their assistance in order that limited to two manuscripts in each;
this campaign may be successful. in poetry the maximum is ten.

Hickory Squeaks-Genuine Dirty Bum-
Finally Arrives Here For Hobo Hop

Hickory "Hobo" Squeaks had a big grin for S. Che Tang, '43E,
when the bums rolled into town for Congress' unique Hobo Hop to be
held tomorrow in the Michigan Union ballroom. Shown with Squeaks
(center) are Long John Roadmaster (left) and ,Cuthbert VanSnifter

Rabbi Pikarsky
Will Address
'U' Graduate Ranked High
In Country; To Discuss
Status Of Community
Speaking to Hillel Foundation's
regular Fireside Discussion Group,
Rabbi Maurice Pikarsky, director of
Northwestern University Hillel Foun-
dation, will discuss "Border Dwellers"
at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow.
Rabbi Pikarsky, a graduate of
Michigan, was a student director of
the campus Foundation. He later
graduated from the Jewish Institute
of Religion in New York.
Ranked as one of Hillel's out-
standing directors in the nation,
Rabbi Pikarsky is affiliated with the
Zionist movement and was once
president of Avukah, national student
Zionist organization.
His talk will concern the social
status of the Jewish community and
its members. Following the address
a forhum discussion of the topic will
be held.
Regular conservative religious serv-
ices conducted by Dave Crohn, '43,
and Jack Lewin-Epstein, '43, will
precede the Fireside Discussion Group
at 7:30 p.m.
Health Service Director
Appointed County Chief
Of Medical Services
Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, director
of Health Service, has been recently
appointed Chief of Emergency Med-
ical Services for the county by the
Washtenaw Medical Society which
also named him chairman of the
Washtenaw Medical Society Advisory
The Emergency Medical Services
is part of the national Civilian De-
fense program, and the main func-
tion of the local group is to coordin-
ate the volunteer medical agencies
such as the Red Cross with govern-
mental agencies.
Chief job of the coordinated medi-
cal services is to give relief in case
of disasters resulting from bombing
local defense plants from the air or
by sabotage.
Dr. Albert C. Kerlikowski, assistant
director of University Hospital, has
also been appointed to the advisory
Prof. Housel Will Speak
On AirportConstructiod
Prof. William S. Housel of the soil
mechanics department will speak to-
day at 7:30 p.m. in the Union before
a joint meeting of the American So-
ciety of Civil Engineers and the
Transportation Club.
Professor Housel, who is an active
member of the national defense
council and a consultant to the Mich-
igan State Highway Department, will
speak on the subject "Recent Prob-
lems in Airport Construction."

Prof. Slosson
To Talk Today
On War News
Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the
history department, a well-known
lecturer on current affairs and their
effects upon this country, will dis-
cuss the events of the last month in
a lecture at 4:15 p.m. today in the
Rackham Auditorium.
In his talk, sponsored by the Amer-
ican Association of University Wo-
men, Professor Slosson will describe
America's preparation for a total war
effort, the Far Eastern situation, and
the Russian campaign.
Professor Slosson talks monthly on
current events in this series of six
lectures sponsored by the A.A.U.W.
Proceeds from the series go to the
May Preston Slosson Fellowship

Burma Garrisons Reinforced

RANGOON, Burma, Jan. 14.--P)-
Both air and land reinforcements-
the first to reach the British Far East
in more than a month of war with
Japan-have arrived in all-import-
ant Burma. More are on the way.
An official announcement said to-
day that these included anti-aircraft
batteries for Rangoon and other key
points and additional ground crews
for air units landed at Burmese air
fields, some of which are hidden in
the jungle close to Thailand, spring-
board for Japan's drive on Singa-
(The wording of this dispatch may
indicate that aircraft and aviation
personnel apart from those making
up the ground crews have arrived.
The British have announced they do
not intend to disclose movements of

aircraft and this might apply like-
wise to fliers.
(Burma's air strength already ap-
pears to be the greatest of any Bri-
tish Far East possession. Some of
the heaviest raids on Thailand have
been made from there.)
Fresh British and Indian troops
gave new hope that Burma will b -
come the base for a strong counter-
offensive against, the Japanese armies
which are pouring into Malaya from
The RAF forces in Burma now are
truly Imperial. There are pilots from
England, Canada, Australia and
South Africa. (In addition, Ameri-
can veteran pilots grouped in a vol-
unteer squadron are protecting the
Burma Road to China and engaging
in the air defense of Rangoon.)

Ypsi Girl Designs
'V' Plane Insignia
(Special to The Daily)
YPSILANTI, Jan. 14.-A large "V"
sprouting two wings and ringed by a
circle with the words "Spirit of Ypsi-
lanti" is the official insignia for the
first of the $300,000 bombers to be
turned out by the mammoth Ford
bomber plant in this little city.
The red-white-ar .d-blue insignia,
one of 69 entered by 39 contestants
here, was designed by 17-year old
Jean Ohlinger of 311 Wallace Blvd.
She is a junior in the Ypsilanti high
school and is majoring in art.
Buttons bearing the plane's insig-
nia will be specially prepared in full
colors and will go gratis to each local
residernt purchasing defense bonds or
stamps during the campaign sched-
uled to end March 1.
The girl whose design won thinks
she's "sort of lucky."

* * *
When the long freight rolled in at
2:1j p.m. Tuesday Hickory "Hobo"
Squeaks and the rest of the dirty
bums got off their boxcar suite.
They're here for the Hobo Hop,
Council Orders
Training Plan


Sets Up Program
Civilian Defense

$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of 10c for each
additional 5 words.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertion for
3 or more days. (Increase
of $.25 for each additional
5 words.)
Contract Rates on Request
Our Want-Ad Department
will be happy to assist you in
composing your ad. Stop at the
Michigan Daily Business Of-
fice, 420 Maynard Street.

IMISS ALLEN-Experienced typist.
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935.
VIOLA STEIN-Experienced legal
::. :; :.."typist, also mimeographing. Notary
public. Phone 6327. 706 Oakland.
AUNDRY - 2_1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 2c
ing. Brumfield and Brumfield, 300
S, State. 6i
ROBERT CASAIESUS Driveway gravel, washed pebbles,
Distinguished French Pianist Killins Gravel Company, phone
Mon., Jan. 19, 8:30 7112. 7c
Fert Roth Julius Shier iing School begins Monday eve-
1achmael Weinstock Oliver Edel ning, January 19, Ann Arbor High
CHAMBER MUSIC School. Business, Language, Arts,
Mathematics, Homemaking, Crafts,
ESand Recreation courses offered.
Friday and Saturday, Jan. 23-24 For further information call 5797.
Three concerts _ _ld_
in the Rackham Building BEAUTY SHOPS
SYMPHONY poo and set, 65c all week. Gingham
'rues., Feb. 3, 8:30 Girl Beauty Shop, 302 S. State,
'" -- phone 2-400.
in special concert LOST and FOUND
Popular prices
Thurs., Feb. 26, 8:30 LOST: One white cameo ring. Lost
in library. Reward. 194,
T'ickets on sale at the Offices _____rary. _____rd,____
of University Musical Society, SMALL red plaid girl's purse found
Burton Memorial Tower, at Packard and State Tuesday at
2:00. Call 2-4068. 197c

EAST LANSING, Jan. 14.-(/P)-
Michigan's civilian protection pro-
gram reached a practical stage to-
day as the State Defense Council
ordered training more than 75,000
persons registered as air raid, police,
fire and other protective service
Meeting in a five-hour session at-
tended by Governor Van Wagoner,
the Council authorized Lieut. Col.
Harold A. Furlong, state defense ad-
ministrator, to instruct county and
local defense units to proceed at
once with necessary training.
Furlong said booklets, charts and
other instructions provided by the
Office of Civilian Defense in Wash-
ington already have been sent to the]
83 county and 106 local defense
councils. He said local defense chair-
men also have been directed to nom-
mate chief air raid wardens and
complete organization of auxiliary
police. Actual appointment of the
air raid warden chiefs, Furlong said,
will be subject to State Defense
Council approval.
Furlong said training iri first aid,
a 10-hour course, required of virtu-
ally all types of protection services,
might be started immediateley on a
state-wide basis since accredited Red
Cross instructors are available in
each county.
Traiing Courses t
For Wcir Elffort
WilIl'ie gin 7T-od ly
All training courses under the En-
gineering, Science and Management
Defense Training program scheduled
to open'this week will be in opera-
tion today when the last two courses
to get under way are opened in Flint.
Instruction in airport runways and
low cost roads will be given in that
city by Prof. W. J. Emmons of the
highway engineering department,
while a course in traffic control. in
congested areas will be conducted by
Prof. R. L. Morrison of the same de-
Opened on Monday and Tuesday of
this week were 32 other courses under
the ESMDT program, meeting in De-
troit, Ann Arbor; Ecorse, Dearborn,
Jackson and Royal Oak.
Patterned after the initial series of
such courses offered last fall, the
program is sponsored by the U. S.
Office of Education, working through
the University Extension Service.
Dean Ivan C. Crawford of the en-
gineering college is the University's

Congress' come as catch can" dance
to be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. to-
morrow in the Michigan Union ball-
room, Bill Sawyer playing.
"Sorry we're late, boys" was the
only statement made by the big bum
before he dropped into the hands of
the Congress welcoming committee
headed by S. Che Tang, '43E., gen-
eral chairman of, the Hop.
Late yesterday evening--up in
Room 306 of the Union-Squeakts
and his executive committee were
talking over plans for the dance and;
smoking cigars borrowed from Rich-
ard Shuey, '42, Congress president.
The bum celebrity went on record as
saying he was "well-satisfied with
all arrangements for the OOO (offi-
cial title of the Hobo Hop)."
Tickets to the dance can stilli be
obtained from members of Congress,
or at the Union and League desks.
The whole campus is invited to tear
up shoe leather and have a' good
time watching the bums mix with
the governor of the state.
Yugoslavs To Sign Treaty1
LONDON, Thursday, qan. 15.--(P)
-Greek and Yugoslav governn ents-
in-exile will sign today an agreement
involving a movement for union of
the two countries which would lay
a foundation for a post-war Europe-
an federation, the Daily Mail said
this morning.





- ~
I 4D
is one thtat
Today when most living costs are rising, and
nearly every household budget must be revised
upward, it is a welcome relief to find one price
that HAS NOT advanced. Electricity costs less
today than it did a year ago, two years ago, five
years ago. And it costs a good deal less than
ten or twenty years ago.
'our residence rates have been reduced five
times in the last twenty years. The average price
per kilowatthour paid by our residence cus-
tomers today is 46 per cent less than in 1921.
Electricity is one of the smallest items in the fam-
ily budget-way down at the bottom of the list.
Average Budget Dollar


in gay pLkds, pas-
tel plaids, and
from $3.00

One in every color" is your aim.
100% virgin wool. V-necks, crew
necks, cardigans.$
Knee sox to match your
sweaters and skirts.
from $1.00
Ankle sox from 39c.
Feather 4T
portanL r..

Food a
Housing .
Clothing .g
Fuel, Ice, Gas,
Hous6hold Equipment,
Electricity .

aa 2Lroc
a a 7 8c~a a 61

(at Detroit Edison residence rates)


. $ Loo


Don't forget your Ensian,
Save a Dollar while you can!

Lo g-sleeved, French cuff,
Flannels, in brown, red,
101d, blue, white.
f rom
and don't forget those im

(All figures except electricity
U.S. Department of Labor statistics)
Small as it is, this 1,7c for (lectricity does a
BIG job--lighting, refrigeration, cooking, wash-
ing, ironing, vacuum cleaning, the radio. It oper-
ates electric percolators, toasters, clocks, shavers
and many other household appliances. In today's
way of living, electricity plays an increasingly
important part.
electric service at lower and lower ratesr Only
by making continual improvements, by think
ing up new and better ways of doing things
oft lower cost, by passing the savings on to our
customers so that they can buy more electricitv
for less money. That is the way of progress.





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