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January 15, 1942 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-01-15

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'Zoo _____________M_______________w_

Cast Of Latest
Children's Play
Is Announced
'Princess And The Swineherd'
To Be Third In Theatre Series;
Nancy Cory To Take Royal Role
Casting for the latest in the 1941-
42 series of Children's Theatre pre-
sentations, "The Princess and the
Swineherd," to be presented Jan. 23
and 24 at the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre, has been completed, Mary
Ellen Wheeler, director of the pro-
ductions, has announced.
The story itself, a three-act ver-
sion of the fairy tale about the prin-
cess who falls in love with a swine-
herd, has been adapted for presenta-
tion by children by Gwendolyn Seiler.
Playing the role of the king in the
play will be Jim Bob Stevenson, '43,
and his spouse's part will be taken
by Maida Steinberg, '45. Nancy Cory,
a high school student, will play the
role of the princess about whom the
story is titled.'
The last part of the title, the
swineherd, is, acted by Scott Lowe,
Grad.; Philene Crouch, '43, takes the
part of the First Lady, and the Town
Crier is acted by Ruth Ann Engel, '42.
Nate Bryant, '43, is the Town Crier,
and the Royal Auditors are Marcia
Zimmierman, '44, Marian Mumford,
Grad., and Lorraine Schwab, '42.
The disappointed suitors of the
princess are Bart Grimes, Dick
Gauss, and Dick Fitzgerald; the sen-
tries are John Hathaway and Dick
Hager, and Andy Walsh will do two
parts-those of the Gardener and
the Boxer.
"The Princess and the Swineherd"
is third in this year's Theatre Arts
plays, following "Rip Van Winkle"
and "Pinocchio."
Alpha Alpha Gamma
Exhibit Is Collection
Of Varied Art Work'
Should you happen to be over in
the architectural school, just visiting
of course, you'll probably see a spot
of color in the exhibition windows,
and going up to investigate, you'll
find that it's a collection of the works
of the Alpha Alpha Gammas.
Who are they? They comprise the
only National Women's Honorary
Society in art school, and have put
up this exhibit of their works, selec-
ted by a group of art school profes-
sors. The majority of the collection
was done in classes and includes
water colors of Ann Arbor, oil paint-
ings, textile designs, ceramics, and
objects of art in both metal and
Unusual coloring, craftsmanship
and design are the, highlights of the
exhibit, which is located in the down-
stairs lobby of the art school. The
Alpha Alpha Gammas also suggest
that while you're over there you
might be interested in looking over
the rest of the building too.
S {ks

lege requirement! vassarette Jun-
st o r conga wit the greatest of
uncopiable action-adjusting crotch
won't creep or crawl Two styles
one with panel suport ..

Draped Lines, Dai
Are New Tre
It's hard to tell just what the kit-
ten has to do with this lovely formal,
but apparently it's what they're wear-
ing this year, so we'll say nothing
about it! The important thing is that
now they've decided when J-Hop is
to be, (we hope) you've got to rush
around and find the formal with
which to dazzle your date and every-!
body else's date.
The little model in back of the
kitten, in the cut, is fashioned from
white chiffon, yards and yards of
skirt,hwith a Grecian draped bodice
bordered with rhinestones. Seems to
us that the lady has perched a
spangled Juliet cap on the back of
her dusky curls also.
going South?
To diverge for the moment, from
the subject of J-Hop formals, we'll
turn to inspect some of those that
will accompany any of you lucky
people who may go south to warmer
climes, (if any).
If you're sick of plain colors, sweet
instead of sophisticated design, and
want to revamp your whole outlook,
here's a sirenish outfit to do just
that. It has a huge, warmly colorful
print, crepe skirt, with a top of
tightly draped rayon jersey. Comes
in navy, and white, red and white,
black and white, or green and white.
Just stick a couple of flowers in your
hair and go into your tango or
Be A Dairymaid,
Here's something in formal wear
that somebody's got to start on this
campus. It's that new dairymaid
length that all the fashion maga-
zines are talking, about. By dairy-
maid length we mean definitely ankle'
length and not quite that. Just saw
one done in rayon slipper-satin, with
a print, low-necked bodice, and a
matching under-ruffle to peep out
from under the skirt whenever you,
For something a little more con-+
servative, we can show you a lovel,
number, again of white chiffon, with+
black lace panels running vertically
down the front. It's dainty, yet it's
tailored with its long shirtwaist
sleeves and collar. One of those triple I

rymaid Length Parliamentary
rnds For Formals Law Sessions
To Continue
Mortarboard Offers Course
In Correct Leadership Methods
For Ordinary Types Of Meeting
..,, Second in the group of three ses-
l sions of instructions in the principles
of parliamentary law will be held at
4:15 p.m. today in the League. Mor-
tarboard is in charge of the series,
r which is being conducted for the
benefit of the women on campus.
Today a model meeting will be con-
ducted, to give those attending the
sessions a chance to employ some of
{'rrrl r sbthe facts and procedures brought out
yesterday. Anyone who desires prac-
tice in conducting a meeting will be
Y<:f ::::>given a chance to preside at a mock
session, taking charge of the making
. of motions and such. For those who
wish to know only how to participate,
'r~t there will be opportunities to take
active roles in these mock meetings.
Mortarboard has had printed small
booklets with all the main points of
parliamentary procedure outlined in
them. They are handily provided
' with an index which also indicates
order of preference of various mo-
tions and acts. A booklet of this
sort should prove a handy source of
reference for any woman.
According to Phyllis Lovejoy, and
Rosebud Scott, co-chairmen of the
affair, there is a noticeable lack of
knowledge of the ins and outs of par-
liamentary procedure among the wo-
men on campus, leaders as well as
those who merely take part in meet-
The last session of the series will
,be held at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in the
- ILeague. All questions from yester-
day's and today's meetings will be
duty jobs, you know, dinner dress, Stockwell To Have
formal, or even a hostess gown if DiFnF Fo
desired. innerForFaculty
Horizontal stripes are in again, Stock Jell Hall will hold another
what's more! They're nice, but only faculty dinner at 6 p.m. today. Those
a few can wear 'em, and remember invited are Prof. and Mrs. Harlow
that. Heneman Prof- \a~l~nti inXt
A. .f. V aletine tAt. 'WindtflC


PAGE ri i


Patched Slacks,
Clashing Colors
IQo At Hobo Hop
In response to pressing demands
concerning what to and what not to
wear to the Hobo Hop tomorrow, S.
Che Tang, '43E, takes this oppor-
tunity to leap upon the soap box
and relieve the tension.
It seems that anything can be
worn and that there is nothing that
can't be worn with the possible ex-
ception of formal dress. In other
woids, gang, the older, the better,
the more colors, the better, the worse
it looks to you, the better it will look
to the hobos.
Be Hideous
So whip yourself up a dainty com-
bination of slacks and sweater, slacks
and shirt, slacks and jacket, or just
plain slacks. If you must be that
formal, you might as well be a little
more hideous, by seeing that your
colors clash and that your slacks are
patched in just the right places.
Skirts and sweaters are particu-
larly welcome at this affair, though
dare say they'd be there even if they
were prohibited. And in all serious-
ness, gang, if you really want to
wear nice clothes, feel perfectly free
to-Che Tang will try to keep the
mob off.
Anybody Come
Tickets are now on sale at the
main desks in the Union and League
and may be obtained from members
of the committee or at the door of
the ballroom tomorrow. Bill Sawyer
will furnish the music from 9 p.m.
to 1 a.m and he an' his orchestra
will be known for th evening as
"Man Godfrey" and his Ragamuf-

Petitions Due
Saturday Noon
Eligible Women May Still Apply


For Assembly Ball Positions
Petitioning for positions on As-
sembly Ball committees will continue!
until noon Saturday, Jan. 17, Jean
Hubbard, '42, president of AssemblyI
announced today. .
The ball, which is the largest social
event of the independent woman's
academic year, will be held in the
League on March 6. All eligible in-
dependent women may petition for
work on the various committees and,
if they wish to petition for a chair-
manship, may be interviewed by the
Assembly Board from 3:30 p.m. to
5 p.m., Monday, Tuesday, or Wed-
nesday of next week.
Positions open are: general chair-
man, assistant general chairman,
decorations, publicity, finance, pa-
trons and tickets. All women who
wish work must petition, whether or
not they want a central post or work
as a committeeman.
Women petitioning are asked to fill
out their petitions as completely as
possible in order that they may be
fairly judged for their merits, said
Miss Hubbard. All those to be in-
terviewed must bring eligibility cards
with them.
New Members
Are Still .Asked
To Hobby Lobby
Do you collect match covers,
menus, odd banks, or tiny carved
dogs, or are you one of those people
who has been contemplating begin-
ning a hobby for years now? Any-
one in either of these two groups is
cordially invited to join the Hobby
Lobby Club which meets at 4:30 p.m.
Thursdays, on the second floor of
the W. A. B.
Hobby Lobby Club was created
about a month ago, at which time it
was divided into two groups; the in-
dividual hobby group, and the handi-
craft group. Under the indivitlual
setup, any woman on campus may
present her own private hobby to be
judged for display. If the collection
is accepted, it will be' displayed with
the owner's name and any other
points of interest in either Barbour
Gym or the W. A. B. "By doing this,
the Hobby Lobby Club hopes to cre-
ate interest in hobbies among stu-
dents," says Bette Sachs, '43Ed.,
chairman of the group.
Hobbyists Invited.
Women who have individual hob-
bies come to the regular meetings
of the club and exchange ideas while
working on a common basis-that
is handicraft.
At present the club is doing lea-
ther work. The members are making
photograph albums, book covers
purses, and wallets. Before Christ-

Auction, Bazaar
To Start Russian
Relief Campaign
7-11 Club Will Hold Dance;
Rare Art Pieces To Be Sid
In Grand Rapids Room
"Something new has been added"
to the campaign of the Russian
War Relief Society in the form of an
auction and bazaar to be held Satur-
day from 2:30 to 6:30 p.m. and from
7:30 to 11:30 p.m. in the Grand
Rapids Room of the Michigan
Highlight of the affair will be the
auction at 9 p.m. in the Kalamazoo
Room. Myron Dann, '43, auctioneer,
will place before those attending the
affair many rare and fine pieces of
art which will be sold to the highest
bidder. This is an excellent oppor-
tunity for those who enjoy fine
things to obtain them at a very nom-
inal price.
In the same room the 7-11 Club
is planning a festive dance which
will immediately follow the auction.
The mood of the affair will be en-
tirely Russian. The decorations and
folk dances will help transmit the
atmosphere of Old Russia.
Many of the articles of the bazaar
itself will reflect the spirit of the
Russian culture. Among these will be
well known books by Russian au-
thors, records by the Don Cossacks'
Choir, and a number of selected ob-
jects of art.
The proceeds of the bazaar and
auction will be used to purchase
much needed medical supplies and
winter clothes for the millions of
needy Russians.
The affair will be the starting gun
of the Society's Ann Arbor Drive.
Election Announced
Robert H. Burstein, '43, was elec-
ted president of Zeta Beta Tau fra-
ternity in an election of officers re-
cently. Other officers named were
Charles J. Rothschild, Jr., '43, stew-
ard; Richard S. Simon, '43, treasurer;
Marvin L. Borman, '44, vice-presi-
dent; Norman D. Schwartz, '44, sec-
retary; and Haskell J. Kelner, '44,
mas, they made linoleum print greet-
ing cards and also did soap carvings.
Metal Work Planned
Next semester the Hobby Lobby
group plans to do metal work, and
for this they have hired an instruc-
tor. The club is particularly anxious
to begin a photography group which
will be the first of its kind for women
on campus. Once the group gets
started, they intend to submit their
t pictures to a college contest spon-
sored by a national photography
magazine. They, also, plan to de-
velop their own pictures, and any-
one interested in this hobby is urged
- to take part.



AlphaOmicron Pi's Organized
Defense Work Sets Example
There's so much civilian defense their particular house. Said commit-
work to be done by university women tee agreed that every girl should be
all over the country, that it's a little requested to do her part, and al-
hard to believe it will really get under though not exactly compelled to do
way very soon. it, should regard it as just about
It's hard to believe, but neverthe- that,
less it's being done, and with such o Take Typing
swiftness and efficiency that we A card system was devised to keep
think it rates a sort of a survey of track of the progress of individuals
some of the houses and dormitories, h a a f the de an the
to see just what's going on. with the approvalof edean,te
Knitting Not Enough project got under way.
Our firstgoodestheAlpha According to Miss Kolbe, every wo-
ur s good example is ta man has cooperated to the extent
Omicron Pi house, which was com- of signing up for courses in First
pletely organized with every woman Aid, Motor Mechanics, Dietetics or
cooperating, over a month ago. It Nurses' Aide, and twelve are planning
seems that the sisters wanted to do to take typing and shorthand courses
at the University High School in con-
their good deeds and fet that knit- nection with clerical work in the de-I
ting a sweater or what might pass for fense program.
one, was not the most they could do. Seems like we'll have to look
They formed a committee which around some to beat that enthusiasm,
consists of Shirley Kolbe, '43, Vir- but with all of the dorms and houses
ginia Fothei'ingham, '44, and Eliza- there ought to be some pretty start-
beth Campbell, '43, to decide just ling results. Anyway, we'll investi-
exactly what the project would be for gate and report our findings.

"C1ttl, Z1V . Vall le V u ,
Mrs. Peter Ostaf in, Dr. Dorothy'
Hard, Prof. and Mrs. Felix Gustaf-
son, Miss Mabel MacLachlin, Prof.
George Mayer, and Prof. and Mrs.
Kenneth Rowe.
Dr. and Mrs. Edmond Haines, Dr.
and Mrs. Charles H. Peake, Mr. and
Mrs. John Trytten, Mr. James Mor-
an, Prof. and Mrs. Evard Fairbanks,
Dr. and Mrs. Clifford Prator, Prof.
and Mrs. A. H. Aiton, Dr. and Mrs.
Wm. Fusor, Dr. John Baldwin, Jr.,
Mrs. Woolsey Hunt, and Mr. and Mrs.
Jay Strong will also attend.
Members of Athena Literary So-
ciety are asked to meet at 4:15
p.m. today in the League to sit
for the Athena group picture for
the 'Ensian, Anna Jean Williams,
'42, president, announced.
Sueded Wool Is Favored
Sueded wool has become the fabric
favorite in evening coats. A master-
piece in flattery and softness, it also
combines warmth with beauty. A
Ilong, dusty blue coat, featuring this
material and collared with a black
rayon velvet jabot, will take you to
all the events in the coming season.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wallace
Graham of 1020 Forest, Ann Arbor,
announce the marriage of their
daughter, Virginia Elizabeth, '44, to
William Wallace Baker, '43, on Dec.
21, at Kansas City, Kan.
Bill Baker left for Kansas City
December 16, to join the field ar-
tillery unit of the United States
Army, thereby ending a brilliant col-
lege career at the University. He was
night editor on The Daily, member
of Sphinx and Sigma Delta Chi, pro-
fessional journalism fraternity, and
Ann Arbor correspondent for the
Detroit Times.
* * *
Professor George S. Counts, of Col-
umbia University, and Mrs. .Counts
announce the engagement of their
daughter, Esther Mae Counts, '42, to
Ray W. Ingham, Grad., son of Mr.
and Mrs. Edward S. Ingham, of
Grosse Pointe. The wedding is plan-
ned for June.
Miss Counts has studied both in
this country and abroad. She is a
graduate of the Lincoln School, New
York, N. Y., as well as being a senior
at the University.
Mr. Ingham, author of "Full
House," this year's Union Opera, was
graduated from the University last
June and is now studying here for a
master's degree in creative writing.



s 4


. f
'y2 \ u"
> {2 Y". f

Winter Days
with a luscious


; -

J40t4ywoo preien. t

t'°w :
wx[a "
;l F7Yx8 ::>
.ce :;;{h r
' +

Knit Suit
a beautifully soft, wool suit,
with a collarless neckline, just
made for ascots and dickeys!
A graceful skirt and sstitched
pockets make this the perfect
outfit for dress or sport occas-
ions. Fashioned by Hollywood.
gold . .. white . .. navy
conch pink . .. petal blue
wave green
TO MATCH 25.00)

Here's one

to wear through

tion-right MOCCIES in rich $#l
Antique Ton! Some hand- 2C
rubbed look .. some stitched

spring. A cashmere soft tweed
K1 in a long length, crepe lined
jacket, and an all-around pleat-
ed skirt. Sizes 10-1$ in blue,
aqua, gold or wheat tan.

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