SDAY, JANUARY 14, 1942
Maestro Mitropoulos Terms
Local Audience Most Receptive
Chinese Prints
Are On Display
Woodblocks Shown
Examples of ancent art, over
three centuries old, are among the
exhibit of Chinese woodblock prints
and illustrated books, now being
shown in the first floor display cases
of the main library. The colorful
collection was lent the local institu-
tion through the courtesy of Laur-
ence Sickman, curator of Oriental
art at the William Rockhill Nelson
Gallery of Art, Kansas City, Mo.
This type of art work printing from
wooden blocks, was practiced in Chi-
na as early as the first and second
century, A. D., and the collection on
exhibition contains some of the best
color block prints ever produced in
The highly intricate works are
printed from wooden blocks, one
block being used for each color. The
pigment is carefully printed onto the
block by hand, and no two are alike.
Among the examples sent from
Kansas City for display are originals
from both of the two most valued
sets of block illustrated books, as
well as later examples of the art in
color and black and'white, and are
taken from the permanent collection
of the Atkins Museum of Fine Arts
in Kansas City.
Pneumonia Cases
Increase Threefold
In Last Six Months
Most striking item on the Health
Service's monthly report is the three-
fold increase in the number of pneu-
monia cases treated in the last six
months as compared to the same
period the year before.
The figures for the July-December
period in 1941 reveals 60 cases while
the 1940 record shows only 19 cases
in the parallel period.
No significant reason can be found
for this startling increase, but
through the use of the new sulfanili-
mide drug compounds the Health
Service reports that all cases recov-
ered for this last period.
Russian War
Relief Group
To Ask Funds
Soviet surgeons think they can do
it again! At Lake Khassan in 1938
they restored 80 percent to service,
and during the war with Finland 83
percent of the wounded were re-
turned to active duty. "We can do
it again," Prof. Nikolai Burdenko,
Chief Surgeon of the Red Army, de-
clared, "If we can only obtain the1
necessary medical supplies."
The Ann Arbor student division of
the Russian War Relief Society is
doing all they can to see that this
surgeon lives up to his assertion.1
This committee is starting an all-!
out fund drive Saturday on the cam-
pus and throughout Ann Arbor.
But as a preliminary to this city-
wide campaign, a colorful Russian;
bazaar and auction will be held Sat-
urday from 2:30 to 6:30 p.m. and
frbm 7:30 to 11:30 in the Granda
Rapids Room of the Michigan
Many of the articles to be sold at
the bazaar will reflect the spirit of
Russian culture. Among these will
be well-known books by Russian 'au-,
thors, records by the Don Cossacks' (
Choir, and a selection of Russian ob-
jects of art. Modern-day articles
will also be on sale and will include
clothes, cosmetics and plastic jewel-1
ry. The committee asks the students
to contribute more materials, so that
the bazaar can be made more ex-
In the adjoining Kalamazoo Room
the 7-11 Club is planning a festive
dance. Here again, the mood will be
Russian. The decorations, setting
and entertainment, all will transmit;
the atmosphere of "Old Russia." A
series of folk dances by a group of
Ukrainian dances will be featured
on the program. "Vodka" (fruit
punch) will furnish part of the re-
In the evening, Myron Dann, '43,
will mount to a platform, rap for
order, and an auction of some of they
goods will start. This sale will com-
mence at 9 p.m. in the room of the
The faculty advisers for the Uni-'
versity student committee are giv-
ing their assistance to this organiza-
tion. This board includes Prof. Stan-
ley Dodge of the Geography Depart-
ment, chairman; Mrs. William Clark
Trow, secretary, and Prof. LeRoy
Waterman of the Department of Ori-
ental Languages, treasurer.
VOL. LII. No. 78
Publication in the Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University.
Student Tea: President and Mrs.
Ruthven will be at home to students
this afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock.
Notice to all Members of the Uni-
versity: The following is an extract
of a by-law of the Regents (Chap-
ter' III-B, Sections 8 and 9) 'which
has beeni in effect since September,
"It will hereafter be regarded as
contrary to University policy for
anyone to have in his or her posses-
sion any key to University buildings
or parts of buildings if such key is
not stamped as provided (i.e. by the
Buildings and Grounds Department.)
If such unauthorized keys are
found the case shall be referred to
the Dean or other proper head of the
University division involved for his
action in accordance with this prin-
ciple. Any watchlan or other pro-
per representative of the Buildings
and Grounds Department, or any
Dean, department head or other
proper University official shall have
the right to inspect keys believed to
open University buildings, at any
reasonable time or place.
"-For any individual to order, have
made, or permit to be ordered or
made, any duplicate of his or her
University key, through unauthorized
channels, must be regarded as a
special and willful disregard of the
safety of University property.
These regulations are called to the
attention of all concerned, for their
Aiformation and guidance. Any per-
son having any key or keys to Uni-
versity buildings, doors, or other locks,
contrary to the provisions recited
above, should promptly surrender the
same to the Key Clerk at the Office
of the Department of Buildings and
Shirley 0. Smith
To Visit South Bend
Speaking before the annual meet-
ing of the University of Michigan
Club of South Bend today will be
Robert 0. Morgan, assistant general
secretary of the Alumni Association,
and Clarence L. Munn, assistant foot-
ball coach of the University.
Home Loans: The University In-
vestment office, 100 South Wing, will
be glad to consult with anyone con-
sidering building or buying a home
or refinancing existing mortgages
and is eligible to make F.H.A. loans,
Faculty, College of Engineering:
There will be a meeting of the Facul-
ty of this College on Friday, Janu-
(Continued on Page 4)
NEW YORK, -(Special to The
Daily)-That maestro Dimitri Mi-
tropoulos makes a hit with Ann Ar-
bor audiences is a known fact-wit-
ness his immediate return engage-
ment after last year's debut-but
how does the student audience of the
\University rate with him?
This question is answered by no
less an authority than the famous
conductor of the Minneapolis Sym-
phony Orchestra himself. Mitropou-
los, who will conduct in Hill Audi-
torium Feb. 3, expressed his strong
approval ii a recent interview here.
At the first mention of Ann Arbor,
his somber face creased into a warm
Likes Ann Arbor
"In all the places. that we toured
last year, I never found an audience
which was so receptive, so bounding
with erthusiasm. I say it was a dis-
tinct pleasure to play in Ann Arbor
because, truthfully, the audience at
Ann Arbor was the mostadvanced
that we encountered."
At the time of- the interview, Mi-
tropoulos was at rehearsal with the
New York Philharmonic-Symphony
Orchestra, with who. he was appear-
ing as guest conductor.
When asked for comment on the
program he will present in Ann Ar-
bor, Mitropoulos said that he was
pleased with the selection of Brahms'
Third Symphony in F major, the
princpal work scheduled.I
Succeeded Ormandy
Composer, conductor, pianist, Mi-
tropoulos has been conductor of the
Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra
since 1937, when he succeeded Eugene
Ormandy-no easy task. Maintain-
ing a great tradition, the organiza-
tion which he brings to Hill Audi-
torium for the eighth Choral Union
concert, is ranked as one of Ameri-
ca's outstanding symphony orches-
He is also known for his playing
of new and rarely heard pieces, in-
cluding much chamber music. One
of the miost well known is his reading
of the Beethoven quartet in C-sharp
minor, Opus 132, which he has per-
formed, augmented for string orches-
In reference to this quartet, Mi-
tropoulos declared, "I have not
changed it or transcribed it; I have
merely presented it for full strings
in the hope that I might popularize
it. In this way, more audiences can
get an opportunity to hear one of the
world's great pieces of music. Then,
when they are acquainted with it,
they can go back to the original four
instruments and derive the greater
After discussing music at some
length, the conductor turned once
again bac to the subject of Ann
Arbor and the University. Once more
there were glowing terms.
"Yes," he repeated, "We all look
forward to our return to Ann Arbor
this year. A wonderful place." All
of which should make some patron-
izing alumnus puff up and say, "And
a wonderful conductor!"
f o M4
r -
l ).
V fuw a~
40c until 5 p.m. '55c to close
Features Daily: 2:00, 4:20, 6:45, 9:10
Program For Student Purchase
Of Defense Bonds Formulated
The minute-man, symbol of Amer-
ica's birth in 1776, has reached for
his flintlock again but with his exact
aims and plans slightly confused in
the minds of those he is guarding.
Standing lookout duty in posters,
stamps, bonds and advertisemhents,
he represents the American govern-.
ment's defense savings plan, first in-
augurated as a postal savings pro-
kram in 1935.
University students, notorious for
limited budgets, are primarily con-
cerned with the program's Series El
Bond. Bonds in this issue, selling for
$18.75, mature in 10 years at $25.
Larger Series E bonds, up to $1,000
in value, increase at the same rate.
"Painless payment" on these bonds
is offered through the postal savings
stamp system, which sells stamps in
denominations of $.10, $.25, $.50, $1
and $5. After buying a ten cent
stamp, you are given an album
mounting 50 of these ,stamps. The
album, exchangeable for $5 worth of
the larger sizes, is the first step in ac-
cumulating a bond.
On the purchase of a 50-cent
stamp you are given a 75-stamp al-
bum, worth $37.50 when filled and
Rommel To Speak Here
"The Development of the German
Reich froi the Time of the Weimer
Republic up to the Present Time"
will be the subject of a talk by Prof.
Heinrich Rommel of the economics
department at St. Joseph College in
West Hartford, Conn., at the annual
meeting of the University of Michi-
gan Club of Hartford, to be held to-
r # I1
$50 ten years later when the bond
The Series G Bond, of interest to
sororities and similar
groups, offers a reg-
uar incomescheck
at-,an interest rate
of 2.5% per year.
These bonds are is-
sued in denomina-
tions' of $100 to
Intended for as-
sociations, trustees
Magnificent Color Motion Picture
Lecture by theCelebrated World Traveler
Tickets: $1.10-83c-55c (tax included)
Box office open from 10 A.M.
S:. Hill Auditorium
or corporations, the
new Series F bond
matures in 12 years
after issue date.
These bonds are is-
sued to meet the demands of people
who can invest up to $50,000 a year.
Another question, but receiving
more answers every day,'is, "Where
can defense stamps be bought?" The
defense savings program has set up
convenient Ann Arbor outlets with
more promised for the immediate
future. Local merchants will join
the program inder the motto of
"Take Your Change In Defense
There is one aspect of the bond
issue that requires no questions
asked. The full faith and credit of
the United States government is
pledged for payment of both prin-
cipal and interest on these bonds.
Shows at 2-4-7-9 P.M.
- Last Times Today
oL hLift of the Year !
Oratorical Association
u5 Speed
b ,.
We are not telling you anything new when we say that
Milk is a necessary part of everybody's diet. However,
we do wish to emphasize the fact again and again,
Coming Thursday'
Sit's Gayety in the Groove!
lii r
June Havoc " Desi Arnaz lack Durant * Eddie Foy. Jr
Fritz Feld Henry Daniell * RKO Radio Picture