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January 14, 1942 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-01-14

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- -

Mexico Seeks
Unity Accord
Against Axis
Colombia, Venezuela Join
Bloc To Sever Relations
With Warring Powers
At Conference Thursday
Argentine Position
SubjectOf Concern
BUENOS AIRES, Jan. 13.--
Acting President Ramon S. Cas-
tUo said in a press conference to-
night tiat he "fully supported" his
foreign minister's declaration that
Argentina is unable to agree on
military alliances or other "mea-
sures of prebelligerency" at the Rio
de Janeiro Pan-American Confer-
ence. He said Argentina would
follow "its traditional international
RIO DE JANEIRO, Jan. 13.-QP)-.
Mexico's foreign miflister Ezequiel
Padilla disclosed today that his na-
tion, Colombia and Venezuela had
formed a bloc which would seek a
United Pan-American severance of
relations with "the nations at war
with the United States" at the Pan-
American.Conference opening Thurs-
" There _are three groups in this
conference: thoseCentral American
and Caribbean nations wishing an
outright ,elaratlon of war; an op-
posjte group desiring' a declaration of
a state of non-belligerency, and the
group, including Mexico, which will
support a break in relations-the
step which we believe is favored by
the'United States," Padilla said.
Relations Severed
Naf ohs in bhe- Mexican bloc al-
ready have severed relations with
the Axis powers. The Central Amer-
ican and Caribbean countries have
declared war.
Severance of diplom atic relations
would mean the ousting of Axis dip-
lomats and agents throughout the
Latin American republics.
"Our task is to conciliate the group
wishing to declare war-but which is
not in a position to effectively carry
on a war effort-with the group
wishing non.- elligerency, which
would prove harmful to the United
States," Padilla said.
Padilla added that Mexico's posi-
tion was clear: support of the most]
feasible program to rid the Western
Hemisphere of enemy agents.
Argentine Hesitance
The hesitance of Argentina to en-
ter any military alliances was a sub-
ject of numerous conferences tonight,
revolving around Sumner Welles,
Under-Secretary of State for the
United States and head of the north-
ern republic's delegation. One official
said all the other American republics
were ready to approve a declaration
severing all relations with the Axis.;
Evidence of Axis concern was
shown both here and in Rome. The
German consulate was reliably re-
ported burning papers, a telltale ac-
tion before a delegation returns
Welles expressed great satisfaction
and encouragement after conversa-
tions with President Getulio Vargas
and Foreign Minister Oswaldo Ar-
anha of Brazil.
Enemy Submarine
Sinks Armed Ship

PORT, Jan. 13.-(P)-An enemy sub-
marine brought the war closer to
American shores within the last two
days by sinking without warning a
large armed steamship 160 miles off
Nova Scotia.
Two torpedoes finished off the
liner, presumably British, and ac-
counted for perhaps 90 lives. Ninety-
one were known rescued after 20
chill hours in near zero weather on
the bleak Atlantic. Among those
saved were 66 Chinese, believed to
have been crewmen.
Enemy submarines have been re-
ported close to both shores of Amer-
ica, but this sinking was the newest

Fort Drum Guns Roar At Japanese


Artilery Fire
American Forces Shatter
Enemy Concentrations,
Cause Nippon Retreat
Pressure Is Eased.
On Malay Peninsula
WASHINGTON, Jan. 13. - (JP) -
Weary, outnumbered and fighting
with their backs to the sea, the forces
of General Douglas MacArthur have
nevertheless administered a jarring
setback to the Japanese Invader.
American artillery "definitely super-
ior" to that of the Japanese did the

Student Senate Winter
Parley To Limit Debate
'America At War' To Be Theme Of Two-Day Session
Of FirstCampus Panel Since Outbreak Of War





As reported today by the War De-
partment, 24 hours of continuous
fighting had shattered and dispersed
columns of enemy tanks, and arm-
ored units.
It had scattered enemy infantry
concentrations and inflicted heavy
losses upon them.

Tese 14-inch rifles, on Fort Drum in Manila Bay, must be cap-
tured before the Japanese can use Manila's harbor. Fort Drum lit-
erally is a concrete battleship, built on bedrock, and is one of a series
of island fortresses guarding the entrance to the Bay. None of the bay's
fortresses were attacked in yesterday's fighting on Luzon, the Army
communique stated.a

Dr. G. Vlastos
To Talk Here
Third Lecture Of Series
Will Be Given Sunday
By Canadian Professor

Dutch Destroy
Oil Wells; Isle
FallsTo Japs
Movihs Of Labor Needed
To Restore Production
In Indies Possession

Dr. Gregory Vlastos, professor of BATAVIA, N. E. I. Jan. 13.-(,P)-
philosophy at Queen's University, Tarakan, off northeast Borneo, has
Kingston' Ontario, will deliver the fallen to a Japanese assault of over-
whelming power, but the one prize
third and concluding lecture on the for which the invader had paid so
"Failure of Skepticism" at 8:15 p.m. heavily in ships and planes and men
Sunday in the Rackham Lecture -the island's oil-is still many a
Hall month out of his grasp, the Dutch
Hall. announced tonight.
Dri Vlastos will discuss' whether anucdtngt
Dra lasts wil dscus wheher The small garrison was overrun by
skepticism with its doubting and un- Thasmalsu rri son a rgby
certainty has a place in the world vastly superior forces, only a tragic
ofrtoayfrotheviewpin todhfew of its men reaching the Borneo
of today from the viewpoint of the mainland alive, but it was established
Protestant faith. He is known that the Dutch had meant business
throughout the world as one of the when they warned the enemy that it
leading Protestant thinkers, would be easier to come for the
A graduate of Robert College, Is- land's riches than to take them
tanbul, Turkey, Dr. Vlastos received away.
a Bachelor of Divinity degree at the All oil wells and equipment were so
Chicago Divinity School and a#Doc- smashed by the little band of de-
tor of Philosophy degree at Queen's fenders, said an authorized spokes-
University. He is the author of "The man, that many months of labor will
Religious Way," and "Christian Faith be required to get them into produc-
and Democracy." I tion again.
The lecture Sunday will be free and "They have found," he added sim-
open to the public. The series on ply, "that we were far from bluffing
skepticism has been sponsored by when we announced that no oil in-
Hillel Foundation, the Newman Club stallations would be permitted to fall
and Inter-Guild, into their hands"
Play Production Presents:
'George Washington Slept Here'
To Begin Three-Day Run Today.

It had silenced eleven artillery
batteries-probably forty or mores
And it had forced Japanese artil-
ery units to withdraw a consider-
able distance.
MacArthur's losses were described
as "relatively slight." Enemy air ac-1
tivity was limited to dive bombing
intended to increase the effect of
Japanese cannonading. There weret
no knemy air attacks on Corregidor
or other fixed fortifications.
Thus the day and night-long bat-
tle left MacArthur in a somewhat
improved position, still patently the
master of Batan Peninsula, the rug-j
ged tongue of land between Manila
Bay and the South China Sea, which
he chose for a last desperate stand.
Nevertheless, his was still a de-
laying battle, aimed primarily at
keeping busy on the island of Luzon
enemy troops, planes and mechanized
equipment which otherwise would be
thrown into the battle for Singapore
and the Dutch East Indies. g
In the absence of any reports that
the American and Filipino fighters
advanced as the Japs withdrew, it
was assumed that they were holding
fast to carefully selected defense po-
sitions-probably selected months
ago -by the crafty strategist MacAr-
thur-which had already proved their
military value.
Pressure On British
Eased Near Singapore
4 SINGAPORE, Jan. 13.-()-De-
molition squads of Royal Engineers
carried out broad and destructive
blasting operations in the path of the
Japanese invader today, effectively
easing pressure on British forces con-
tinuing their withdrawal along a line
150 miles above Singapore.
News of the slowed Japanese pro-
gress came as Singapore itself shook
with exploding bombs dropped by
Japanese raiders. But the RAF it-
self had cascaded tons of bombs upon
the Japanese base at Singora in
southern Thailand, during the night.
British airmen followed up this
assault on Singora military establish-
ment and railroad yards with a day-
light raid upon Port Swettenham,
Malayan west coast port some 25
miles south of fallen Kuala Lumpur,
capital of the Federated Malaya
States. The raid was the first recog-
nition that the Japanese had occu-
pied Port Swettenham in force.
Over Singapore, British fighter
planes had a busy day chasing Jap-
anese raiders coasting in under cover
of low-hanging clouds.
Defense Survey
Will Close Today;
Questionnaires Due
Students who have failed to fill
out or to return questionnaires for
the campus defense survey sponsored
by the Committee of 1942, are re-
quested to do so immediately as the
survey will end today.
Questionnaires are available at,
and are to be returned to, stations
located in the East Engineering
Building, the West Engineering
Building, the art school, the library
and the lobby of the Michigan Union.

The days of student parley audi-
ences browbeaten by faculty and stu-
dent panel members have been offi-
cially ended-by faculty and student
panel members.
All speeches at the Student Senate
Winter Parley, scheduled to open its
two-day session Friday, will be lim-
ited to two minutes with the tradi-
tional debaters' "minute of grace,"
the Senate Parley Committee an-
nounced yesterday. "With the theme
of 'America at War'," co-chairman
Jack Edmonson, '42, explained, "we
feel that every possible channel of
campus opinion must be sounded at
these panel sessions."
Past parleys have been criticized
for lengthy "opening" addresses
which lasted until closing time, and
a parley organization meeting Mon-
day voted unanimously to cut panel
members' speeches to a bare mini-
The Parley will open its general
session at 2:15 p.m. Friday, with four
panels to be held at 2:15 and, 7:30
p.m. Saturday. Prof. Harold A. Dorr
of the political science department
will deliver the keynote address.
A three-fold program for the first
panel, "Arms For America," has been
announced by chairman Norm Call,
'42. The discussion of America's bat-
tle of production will be divided into
labor, business, and consumer prob-
lems including the major issues of
labor's right to strike, the 7-day week,
industrial bottlenecks, and price con-
trol. Also on Call's program are cur-
tailment of consumption, war's ef-
fect on national welfare, and the
ever-diminishing "little business
Prof. Arthur Smithies and Prof.
Shorey Peterson, both of the eco-
OPM Extends
Bfan Oan Sales
Of New Cars
WASHINGTON, Jan. 13.- (A') -
The Office of Production Manage-
ment tonight extended until Feb. 2
the ban on sales of new passenger
automobiles and trucks pending com-
pletion of details of the rationing
The original order halted sales
through Jan. 15. Officials said de-
tails of the rationing program prob-
ably would be ironed out within a
few days but that about two weeks
would be required to get the admin-
istration setup in operation.
Under the ban, all sales of 1942
model cars, trucks and truck trailers
are prohibited except to the Army,
or Navy and certain government
Extension of the ban came as some
400 automobile dealers met with the
House committee on small businesses
to canvass their plight.
L. Clare Cargile of Texarkana,
Tex., president of the National Auto-
mobile Dealers Association, reported
that government officials were work-
ing on a plan to alleviate their diffi-

nomics department and Arthur Bro-
mage of the department of political
science will be faculty leaders for
this panel. Student members are Al-
len Axelrod, '43, TomMarshall, '42,
and William Todd, '42.
The second panel will be led by
Roger Kelley, '42, in its analysis of
"War and Education." Planning to
take up this subject from both a
long and short term viewpoint, the
panel will stress the impact of special
defense training on university cur-
ricula and personnel. "Compressed"
semesters will also be discussed.
Kelley's panel is headed by Dean
Alice Lloyd and Professors William
A. Paton of the economics depart-j
ment, Burton D. Thuma of the De-
partment of Psychology, Harlow J.
Heneman of the political science de-
partment and Claude Eggertson of
the School of Education. Alvin Dann,
Jay McCormick, Peg Sanford and
Dick Shuey, all seniors, have been
named as student panel members.
Details of the third and fourth
parley panels, "Crisis in Morals" and
"Our Armed Forces," will appear in
tomorrow's Daily.
Piano Recital
To Be Given
By Casadesus
French Artist Will Perform
In Seventh Choral Union
Concert Here Monday
Although you may not be able to
pronounce his name, you can at least
appreciate the musical genius of Rob-
ert Casadesus, noted French pianist,
who will present the seventh Choral
Union concert at 8:30 p.m. Monday
in Hill Auditorium.
In Europe the name of Casadesus
is synonymous with musician. The
family has included a long list of
celebrated artists. Casadesus himself
was born in 1899 and at the age of
13 already was a pupil of Louis Die-
mer. He early won first prize in
pianoforte and at 19 was awarded
first prize for harmony in the class
of Xavier Leroux. The following year
his pianistic education was, crowned
by the winning of the coveted Diemer
Since that time the professional
career of Casadesus has been bril-
liant. His European engagements
have taken him to Holland, England,
Belgium, Austria, Germany, Italy,
Spain and many other countries. His
first American appearance was in
1935 with the New York Philhar-
Monday Casadesus will play Ga-1
votte, Le Rappel des Oiseaux, Les
Cyclopes, Les Sauvages and Les Niais
de Sologne by Rameau; Carnaval,
Op. 9, by Schumann; Ballade, Op. 23,
Berceuse, Op. 57, and Tarentelle, Op.
43, by Chopin; and Le Retour des
Muletiers, La Soiree dans Grenade,
and Alborada del Gracioso by Ravel.

The surprise announcement was
,iven out at the White House about
;wo hours before Wendell L. Willkie,
1epublican Presidential nominee in
1940, was to go on the air with a de-
nand that one-man control be set up
;o end "debating society" methods.
An advance text of the Willie
>peech had been distributed in Wash-
ngton early in the day, and Willkie
dimself had conferred at the White
House this forenoon.
In actually delivering his speech
tonight, Willkie deleted the demand
For the one-man set-up in view of
Ar. Roosevelt's action.
New Board
Under the President's plan, still in-
omplete, a new war production
board will be established, and Nelson
nade its chairman. Nelson has been
serving as Executive Director of the
Supply Priorities, and Allocations
Board. Members of SPAB, compris-
ing some of the highest officials of
he government, will serve on the new
board-under Nelson.;
The big bluff pipe-smoking Nelson,
who came into the defense prograp
as its purchasing agent some months
ago and has stepped constantly into
more responsible positions, will have
the power of final decision on all
questions of procurement and pro-
He will be the big boss, the war-
time czar, empowered to tell Ameri-
can industry what to do, and to ex-
pect its ready compliance.' His only
superior officer is President Roose-
velt himself. Washington immedi-
ately concluded that Nelson's posi-
tion here would be roukhly equiva-
lent to that of Lord Beaverbrook, the
British Minister of Supply.
Unifies Control
The new move, too, meets a demand
that has been raised almost con-
stantly since the rearmament effort
began/in 1940, that there be a uni-
fied control of production.
Since America became a belliger-"
ent, the same demand has increased
in intensity. Tonight for instance,
not only Willkie, but Chairman Con-
nally. (Dem.-Tex.) of the Senate For-
eign Relations Committee urged such
a reorganization.
Assefting tha "we need decisions
not discussions, we need planes, not
predictions, we need tanks, not talk,"
Willkie said in his prepared text that
the President should "disregard the
political headache" and appoint a
single individual to head up the pro-
duction effort "with ability to decide
and authority to act."
Connally said the Office of Pro-
duction Management was in "a state
of confusion and overlapping" and
needed one big, double-fisted, hard-
boiled man to run it--somebody who
could hit the desk and tell all these
little fellows where to head in."rHe
suggested James A. Parley, former
Postmaster General and chairman of
the Democratic National Committee,
for the post.
Superior Position
Under the terms of tlhe Chief Ex-
ecutige's order, Nelson will hold a
position, in the production field, su-
perior to Vice President Wallace,
chairman of the Economic Defense
Board; to Secretary of the Navy
Knox, Secretary of War Stimson,
Sidney Hillman, labor member of
OPM, William S. Knudsen, produc-
tion director of OPM, Harry L. Hop.
kins, coordinator of the Lease-Lend
program, Secretary of Commerce
Jones, and Leon Henderson, the price

Nelson Made
Of Production
By Roosevelt
Capital Action Anticipates
Wide Demand For End
To 'Debating *Society'.
Methods Of Old Board
Position Is Superior
To Wallace, Cainet
WASHINGTON, Jan. 13. - (A)--
President Roosevelt created a one-
man control over America's vast war
production effort tonight with all
power concentrated in Donald M.
Nelson, as a sort Qf generalissimo of


Today at 8:30 p.m. the curtain of
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre will
rise on "George Washington Slept
Here," Play Production's third offer-
ing of the current dramatic season.
The play, which is under the direc-
tion of Valentine B. Windt, Associate
Professor of the Department of
Speech and Director of Play Produc-
tion, will be given today through
Saturday each evening.
Written in the typical George S.
Kaufman-Moss Hart comedy vein,
the plot concerns the trials of own-
ing a "place in the country." New-
ton Fuller, played by William Alt-
man, '42, buys and remodels an old
house in the country much to the
delight of his daughter Madge,
played by Mildred Janusch, '43, and
the disgust of his wife Annabelle,
Veitch Purdom, '42.
To make matters worse they are
beset by insect plagues and tree

Modern Caravan Follows Route:
Color Fil Of India's Wonders
Wil Be Shown By 'T'haw Today

Lawrence Thaw, world traveller
and explorer long famous for his out-
standing travelogues of Africa, will
bring his new color picture on India
to an Oratorical audience at 8:15
p.m. today in Hill Auditorium.
Tickets will be sold from 10 a.m.
until 8:15 p.m. today in the auditor-
ium box office.
Undaunted by the prospects of war,
the Thaw family sailed from New
York with the aim of following the
ancient silk route that runs from In-
dia to Paris, via Iran, Iraq, Syria,
Turkey, the Balkans and Austria.
For this trip they assembled 15
tons of equipment and a fleet of five
vehicles. As flagship they designed
for themselves a land yacht, a roomy

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