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January 11, 1942 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-01-11

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Nazis Smart Under First War Defeat

900 Volunteer
For Ann Arbor
"k r WT I

Frankie Maher, Eight Year Old
Volunteer, Honorably Rejected

All-Campus Forum
To Keynote Winter
Parley, Jan. 16-17
(Continued from Page 1)
cussed by the second panel under
Dan Huyett, '42. Other student mem-
bers are seniors Alvin Dann, Jay Mc-
Cormick, Peg Sanford and Dick
When Japan blasted Pearl Harbor,
she also'struck at the foundation of
American religious, political and so-
cial liberties. This "Crisis In Mor-
als" will be taken up by the third
panel with Don O'Connor, '42, as
chairman. Margaret Campbell, '43,
Herman Hudson, '45, Fakhri Maluf
Grad, Lee Perry, '42, and Bob Warn-
ea, '43, make up this group.
America's armed forces will be dis-
cussed under the student chairman-
ship o Don Stevenson, '42. Robert
Burstein, '43, Emile Gel6, '42, Bill
Johnson, '44E, and Bob Matthews, '43
will comprise the rest of this fourth
0 panel.
Faculty membgrs on each panel
have already been listed in The Daily.
$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of 10c for each
additibnal 5 words.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertion for
3 or more days. (Increase
of $.25 for each additional
5 words.)
Contract Rates on Request
Our Want-Ad Department
will be happy to assist, you in
composing your ad. Stop at the
Michigan Daily Business Of-
fice, 420 Maynard Street.
HOUSEWIFE who wants to supple-
ment income. Can arrange hours
not to interfere with home work.
Write Box 14, Michigan Daily.
TYPING: ,L. M. Heywood, 414 May-
nard St., phone 5689.
MISS ALLEN-Experienced typist.
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935.
VIOLA STEn4-Experienced legal
typist, also mimeographing. Notary
public. Phone 6327. 706 Oakland.
STOCKWELL and Mosher-Jordan
residents-Alterations on women's
garments promptly done. Opposite
Stockwell. Phone 2-2678.

(Wide World War Analyst)
Whatever the truth of widely rumored serious dissension between Hitler
and High Command elements of his army, there is no question that Hitler-
ized Germany is being forced to swallow its first bitter dose of defeat in
this war. It is being meted out to them-in Russia on a scale that has silenced
even the "according to plan" cliche of Hitler headquarters. And in Libya
battered fragments of a once powerful Axis desert army are again in re-
treat westward.
Grave as is the plight of American-Filipino forces still battling Japanese
invaders on Luzon and of Britain's great Singapore base, the Axis tripartite

uefense W ork By PAUL CHANDLER
FORT CUSTER, Jan. 10. -(M-
Red.Cross, University Class Frankie Maher, the Kalamazoo eight-
W 'illrs tu Eroylss year-old who wrote to Fort Custer
W dinstruct EnirOlees 'asking for a job in the Army, is quite
For Varied Positions aware that he has started something
among the kids in his home town.
With nearly 900 Ann Arbor resi- Frankie, who stands not even as
dents on file for war work, the Civil- high as an Army jeep, was an honored
ian Defense Volunteer Office closed guest at the post today and he mod-
its initial registration campaign yes- estly confessed he was the envy of
terday at the Armory. his neighborhood back home.
'rn+Q1 fnr IU I n fnnrIUUI vdy UiIV c.

pact has failed again. It was designe
conceived the Berlin-Tokyo-Rome
fellowship, to immobilize America as
an anti-Axis supply base, or, failing
that, to concentrate American war
activities in the Pacific. It was in-
tended to counter the lease-lend
program and American "shoot-on-
sight" patrol of the western Atlantic.
Nazi Efforts Futile?
Nazi machinations which lured
Tokyo into the struggle that, black
Sunday in December now have
proved futile. The war in the Pa-
cific definiitely has not given Hitler
the breathing spell he hoped for ih
Russia or in North Africa. It has
not diverted American attention or
ever mounting help for Axis foes on

those fronts.9
It has not forced Britain to sus-I
pend her attack in Libya while she
rushed aid to Singapore. It has not
halted British counter bombing
across the English Channel and over
Germany, but only insured ultimate1
United Nation air mastery in Europe
as well as in the Far East.
That was the meaning of Presi-
dent Roosevelt's stupendous new war
program laid before a Congress al-
ready busy with shaping swiftly its
legislative framework. Scoffing Axis1
commentators dared not reveal toj
their peoples the vast scope of that
American design for total war. Thej
mere recitation of the figures in,
planes, tanks and guns to- be turned,
out this year and next would have
jarred German, Italian and Japan-
ese eardrums like bomb blasts.
Facts Will Be Known
Yet sooner or later the facts both,
as'o the size of the war production
program and as to American indus-
tral ability to fashion those weapons
will seep through. They will become
known in all Axis \countries about
the time the scope of German de-
feats in Russia and of German-
Italian reverses in North Africa also
are filtering down to the people.
Warnings from London and Wash-
ington against placing too much
credence, in rumors of an internal
crisis brewing in Germany are justi-
fiable. There is ample evidence that
either a popular uprising or even an
effective army command coup to
sweep Der Fuehrer into the discard
is all but impossible.
Yet this writer has been told by
American observers returning from
long residence in Berlin and leaving
behind them many intimate, contacts
with German business men and their
families that in their judgment ei-
ther of two possible war develop-
ments could shake the foundation of
Hitler's power and the iron rule of
his Nazi regime. A food shortage in
Germany was one. The other was a
great defeat for German armies the
public has been taught to believe in-
Defeat Stalking Nazis
The test of that may be at hand.
Defeat is stalking the German re-
treat in Russia from Leningrad to
the Crimea. In the light of what is
happening there realization that the
great "crusade" against Communism
has failed must be forced upon Ger-
man public consciousness sooner or
There is something almost pathetic
in the way Berlin, Rome and Nazi-
dominated radio voices in occupied
countries enlarge on unofficial Jap-
anese claims of fresh victories in the
Far East. The attempt to cover up
disasters of growing scope in Russia
and in Libya is obvious.
The Axis public in Europe as well
as ini Japan is being fed with flat
lies or utter exaggeratios certain to
have a boomerang effect on morale
when the truth comes out. There is
a confession of internal weakness in
Germany and Italy in that alone.
There are many symptoms that the
moment is nearing when effective
blows can be struck by American,
British and Dutch forces in the Chi-
na Sea zone. British bombing of
Japanese bases in Thailand is one.
American bomber exploits against a
big and heavily guarded Japanese
troopship convoy in southern Philip-
pine waters is another.
Desperate and terribly costly Jap-
anese efforts to smash finally Amer-
ican-Filipino forces on Luzon can be
ascribed to a time lag in the Nippon-
ese conquest program.

d by the German master minds, who
China Holds
Of Jap Loss
Nipponese Are In Danger
At Many Vital Spots
On Long Front
NEW YORK, Jan. 10. - (Wide
World) - The "Chinese incident,"
which developed a warfront as long
as Germany's in Russia and which
now has merged into a world conflict,
today furnishes the brightest news for
the United Nations fighting Japan.j
At vital spots all along a 2,000-mile
front, from Mongolia to Burma, the
troops of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-
Shek are on the move in something
resembling a general offensive after
four years and a half of a bloody,!
down-hill war.
The Japanese are in much the same
position as Germany in Russia.
The Chinese, who claim to have in-
flicted 2,000,000 casualties upon the
Japanese army in four years anda
half, appear no more willing than the
Russians to give the Axis a breathing
With a trained and seasoned army
of anywhere from 4,000,000 to 6,000,-
000 men drawn from the great reser-
voir of China's 400,000,000 population,
General Chiang in the past week has
sprung offensives in four main areas.
One of these is aimed at Canton in
the south. Another is directed at
Hankow from three positions ar-
ranged semi-circularly about the
great Yangtze River port-Changsha,
Nanchang and from northeast of
Ichang. A third has been on the
Yellow River front in the Cheng-
chow area. The fourth was in inner
Mongolia in the area of Paotow, the
farthest west outpost of the Japan-
ese in that far northern area.
In addition Chiang has sent un-
specified numbers of his crack troops
into Burma to bolster the British
positions on that flank of the Jap-
anese drive toward Singapore.
Commanders of the United Na-
tions' forces are bound to watch these
moves with the closest attention, for
they may provide the means to bomb
Wilson Reveals
Defense Plans
General Motor's President
Tells Of New War Orders
DETROIT, Jan. 10.-(AP)-C. E.
Wilson, president of General Motors
Corp., announced today the receipt
of $769,330,000 in war contracts since
Jan. 1 to add to a $1,209,863,173 back-
log of unfilled orders.
At the same time, he pledged Gen-
eral Motors to produce one-tenth of
the materials needed for war and
predicted that the peak of peace-time
industrial activity would be surpassed
by the end of the year, or in 18
months at most.
Chief of the items to be provided
under the new contracts are tanks
and tank parts worth $522,445,000,
which will be produced at four cen-
ters. On Dec. 31, such orders on hand
amounted to no more than $69,244,-
496, Wilson's statement disclosed.
In a press conference attended by
Governor Murray D. Van Wagoner,
mayors of Michigan cities in which
General Motors plants are located,
and military authorities, Wilson said
unfilled orders equalled "six months

capacity production of our plants
as now organized," but said the cor-
poration was well ahead of delivery
schedules in some essential lines.
Wilson estimated that the United
States would have to double its aver-
age industrial production to keep
pace with the demands of war but
he declared the feat set for industry
by President Roosevelt's war program
was still far from the bluff it has
been termed in Axis propaganda.


T'otais for the tour-day drive, as
of 6 p.m., showed 865 townspeople
and University staff members en-1
rolled to do anything from steno-
graphy to heavy demolition. Volun-I
teers will be classified by the CDVO
in the early part of this week.-
According to the CDVO, estab-
lished agencies such as the Red Cross
will be used wherever possible in vol-
unteer training., In some fields, how-
ever, new courses will be set up in
cooperation with the University.
Although all enrollees will not be
placed immediately, the CDVO has1
already received requests for volun-
teers from several, public service in-
stitutions in Ann Arbor.
Among' those present during thej
drive were a London-blackout am-
bulance driver, a boat-building Uni-
versity professor, several tri-lingual
Europeans, and a trained dictaphone
operator willing to bring her own
An additional registration period
will be provided in the near future
for residents unable to enroll last
Church Group
To Meet Here
Conference Will Be Held
Jan. 19 In Rackhat
The third annual Michigan Pastors'
Conference will be held in conjunc-,
tion with the Michigan Choir Mas-
ters' Clinic Jan. 19-21 in the Rack-
ham School of Graduate Studies.
Bringing ministers from all over
the state, the three day program
sponsored by the Michigan Council
of Churches and Christian Educa-
tion and the University Extension
Service will feature discussions of the
place of the church in the present
world struggle.
The Choir Masters' Clinic is a new
feature of the meeting and is being
introduced through the courtesy of
the School of Music and its director,
Prof. Earl V. Moore. It will con-
sist of a special program, designed to
help solve difficult problems in or-
ganization and direction of church'
The pastors will assemble Monday
morning for a meeting of the Coun-
cil which is to continue through the
afternoon, while the evening meeting
will hear a panel discuss "The Pres-
ent World Struggle.".I
Other highlights of the conference
will be forums discussing techniques
of 'churchmanship' and relative val-
ues of varied methods of religious

Just a week ago post officials re-
ceived a letter in inch high pencilled
lettering with the lines sagging badly,
asking "do you have something for
me to do like carrying messages or
something." The Army addressed its
reply to "Dear Mr. Maher" and stat-
ed: "Your volunteering for this duty
is an example which is mest com-
mendable and could be followed by
many others. However, our messen-
ger ranks are filled at the present
time with soldiers."
Frankie's letter was given publicity
throughout the State and he received
letters and clippings from several
boys who wanted to know how his
proposition had fared. Not only that,
he flashed his Army correspondence
to his third grade friends and they
picked up the idea in a hurry.
This week the fort received a score
of new letters with uncapitalized
's" and the other characteristics of
juvenile handwriting. One of them
from 607 Washburn, Kalamazoo, pro-
posed "I'm writing you in behalf of
our club. We were wondering if you
would give us some suggestions or in-
formation on what we could do to
pass the time. Our ages are 14 to 16
Anything we can do in the U.S.
Most of the others followed Fran-
kie's lead in volunteering to be mes-
Fort Custer officials are patiently
Twentty Pipes
Each Fit Mood
Of Casadesus
"My 20 best friends are my pipes"
-so says Robert Casadesus, the emi-
nent French pianist and composer
who will appear in the seventh con-
cert of the Annual Choral Union
Series at 8:30 pm. Monday, Jan. 19,
in Hill 'Auditorium.
Casadesus, a big, blonde,. blue-eyed
virtuoso carries his collection of pipes
with him on all his concert tours
and has them at his side when he
composes. He once told a newspaper
reporter that each of his pipes was a
decided individualist and that they
all were suited to different moods.
Casadesus was born in Paris of a
family of international musical repu-
tation. A prize pupil of the Conserva-
tory there, he had a brilliant career
from the very start. He was soon giv-
ing recitals all over Europe as well
as in North Africa and South Amer-
He first came to this country in
January, 1935. In his debut in New
York City he so impressed Arturo
Toscanini that he was asked to ap-
pear with him during the following
concert season and to assist him later
in a Paris concert. %









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For further information call 5797.

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