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January 11, 1942 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-01-11

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Buying Course
To Be Offered
By Local Store
Interested Women Must Apply
At Office Of Dean Of Women;
,Ten Or Twelve To Be Chosen
An exceptional opportunity will be
offered to university women inter-
ested in a merchandizing training
course which is now being organized
by Miss Dorothy Gebeau of one of
the local women's apparel shops, in
conjunction with th office of the
Dean of Women.
The first of its kind in Ann Arbor,
this course offers invaluable train-
ing and experience for potential buy-
'In response to many inquiries
about the Red Cross courses which
will be offered to University stu-
dents as part of the nation-wide
program of civilian defense, a de-
fense booklet will be issued next
week which will describe the vari-
ous courses and the hours for
scheduled class meetings- in the
courses which will be given next
ers. Women interested are asked to
apply at Miss Lloyd's office where
they will be interviewed by Miss Ge-
beau. From -these applicants, some
ten or twelve women will then be
chosen to train at this store.
The course will consist of instruc-
tion and 'actual experience in selling.
Trainees will be paid for their serv-
ices" on the floor.
The Dean's office will check over
the applicants carefully to ascertain
that none of the individuals are car.
rying too' great an amount of extra-
curricular activities or work since the
program, although not strenuous, will
demand a fair amount of outside
If the plan for this course is well
received, in the future this woman's
apparel shop intends to increase the
number of trainees sufficiently ' to
meet the demand. Additional infor-
mation may be obtained by calling or
applying at the Dean's office.
Russian War Relef
Campaign Supplies
To Be Sent Jan. 15
The sweaters, scarfs, gloves, and
other supplies brought in by the
Ann Arbor Russian War Relief drive
begun a month ago, were sent to
New York Wednesday for shipment
to Moscow June 15 along with the
contributions of many other com-
munities in the country, according
to Maya Elmer, Grad.I
Anybody' wishing to participate in
the drive may contact Mrs. George
Rainich, 602 Oswego, head of Ann
Arbor's unit. The knitting circle
meets every two weeks at her home,
and all supplies-yarn, knitting bag,
and needles-will be furnished.
A 'professional instructor will teach
free of charge those women who wish
to learn fto knit if contact is made
with L. I. Levey, 1115 Lincoln.

Turbans, Babushka And Fur Hats
QiVe Variety To Please All Types

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The second World War seems at
long last to have hit home tc the
University of Michigan campus. After
Dec. 7, we all said significantly "Re-
member Pearl Harbor," huddled a bit
closer to the news broadcasts and
wondered who might be on the casu-
alty lists.
About this time some of the boys
began to leave school and more of
them to talk of leaving, orofrhaving
to leave to go to war. There was a
defense rally and a student commit-
tee set up. Not until this week was
there an Ann Arbor-and a Univer-
sity-fatality "for sure."
The whole campus national de-
fense effort seems to be working in,
the same pokey fashion. The ideas,
surveys, possible plans, adaptations
of courses and so on are many, and
terrific. Still precious little has been
accompli hed in the five weeks we've
been at la-.
This week house directors in all
the residences on campus undertook
to register the women within their'
houses for defense courses to be
offered next semester. The work was
done ins cooperation with the Office
of the Dean of Women and it was
made quite clear that both defense
courses or community work were to
be strictly voluntary.
But though the actual sign-up was
pretty fair, the real response was
disappointing. Lack of immediate
enthusiasm is indicative of lack of
understanding of the seriousness of
the situation or of the intent of the
courses. We're hopingthis general
apathy doesn't mean all it might; it
hardly seems as if there's' any stu-
dent who wouldn't give freely of her
time if she thought it might "really
Exceptionally'collegiate is the'ten-
dency to let the world topple without
while we all sit by fascinated by the
spectacle. Criticism then goes not to
those who are attempting to get de-
fense plans moving in high gear but
to the student who lacks patience and
the desire to cooperate with all eft
forts. Here's hoping none of us are
going to be caught short of ability
when our services are needed "for

Three dots and a lash to the Hobo the "dancers." Refreshments to de-
Hoptreedana1dshitthe iHo light the palate will be served in
Hop to be held Jan. 16 in the Michi-the Union Cafeteria.
gan Union ballroom under the dis-
guise of "000." It's a dance spon- Fun To Be Featured
sored by Congress, Independent Many "very humorous incidents"
Men's Organization, and in the words will occur during the evening as
of its leader, S. Che Tang. '43, "It's promised by chairman Che Tang who
going to be unique." declined to state exactly what these
Aniything goes at the Hobo Hop for incidents would be. At least we know
all those who attend can wear what- there will be more bums at this dance
than there are on the entire football
Other outstanding celebrities will
be Bill Buffington, '44E, Tony Gen-
tile, '43E, Bob Sforzini, '43E, Al Wohy,
'43. Coral DePriester, '44E, Larry
Williams, '44, Ed Merz, '44E, and
Howard Houer, '44, who are coming
to us straight from the bottom rod
of car 68, New York Central. They
are members of the central com-
_ mittee who will play a one-night
ever they please. This is every fel- stand o My Man Godfrey on the
low's big chance to get an ideal date, Congress is still in the throes of
for he may draw up his require-
ments and submit them to the date
bureau which has been set up in co-
operation with Assembly, Indepen- _().

* * *
More has come to the attention
of this department in the way of
little things called women's head-
gear. They're getting more practical
all the time for we all want things
we can whip on our nobs at any old


.French Student
Language Tea'
aWill Be Held
One of the periodic language teas
organized by M0rs. Wendt and the
House Committee of the Michigan
League, will take place from 4 p.m.
to 6 p.m. on Tuesday afternoon, in
the Grand Rapids Room of the
Tuesday's tea will be sponsored by
Dean Alice Lloyd and will be attended
by the entire French faculty. Other
specially invited guests will include
delegates from all women's houses;
on campus.
Sorority house presidents will take
charge of publicity in their own
houses, while publicity in the dorms
will be taken care of by the follow-
ing: Betty Pons, '43, Stockwell Hall;
Helene Halperin, '44, Mosher Hall;
Charlie Boyd, '43, Jordan Hall; Janet
Peterson, '45, Betsy Barbour; Yvonne
Wotherspoon, SM, Helen Newberry,
and Betty Lyman, Grad., for Martha
Cook. Presidents of League houses
will urge independent women to at-
The next language tea in this series
will be given for the German De-

time and still be presentable in any
type of company.
Top left: a fashion for the dressy;
something to give the Hindu effect
of sophistication. It's ornate in Per-
sian print and bands of velvet along
the edge.
Top right: a little number for the
feminine woman who likes . some-
thing soft for it's made of lush velour
in shades good enough to eat. The
pert bow nestled in the folds of the
top set this hat off with a dash.
Bottom left: a hat that men andj
women alike will turn cartwheels -for.
It's simple with the only trim being
a band of fur to match your coat.
Perfect taste is reflected in it for it's
snappy yet casual. It's of feather-
weight material so if you hate hats,
you'll hardly know you are wearing

dent Women's Organization.
Bum Will Be Guest
Special guest of the evening will be
Hickory "Hobo" Squeaks, whose chief
occupation in life is being the only
fullifledged bum with an A.B. after
his name. He is scheduled to fly in
from Hollywood in a few days and
will no doubt give Congress a few
pointers they may have overlooked in
making this affair authentic. It is
probable thathe will be accompanied
by some of his old pals to make this
a real party. It is expected that a
brass band and trimmings will turn
out in their honor.
Bill Sawyer and his Ragamuffins
will be bn hand to present jive for
the jitterbugs and smooth swing for




Schedule For WAA Activities
In Coming Week Is Announced


Women's Riflery Club To Open
Season Tomorrow With New
Practice Period Assignments.
Shooting is rampant on the cam-
pus with riflery instruction periods
being assigned by Nancy Filstrup,
in charge of the Riflery club, which
is sponsored by WAA.
For tomorrow and Wednesday,
those assigned to the periods are as
follows At 4 p.m.: Light, Nelson,
Beebe, Filstrup, and Bierwirth. At
4:30 p.m.: Boyd, Kathryn Smith,
Shackelford, Wallace, and Alt. At
5 p.m.: Wurster, Grimes, Buesser,
Morton and Pfender. At 5:30 p.m.
Moore, Hoerich, Schoepfle, Eady and
At 7 p.m.: Charlton, Nicholas, Vir-
ginia Johnson, Vennell, and Salfin-
gre. At 7:30 p.m.: High, Lundstrom,
Janet Peterson, Davidson and Kel-
At 8 p.m.: Romine Patterson, Gil-
lette, Young and Holmes, and at
8:30 p.m.: Donnelly, Murdus, Grin-
dotti, Grubaugh and Herbeck. Those
who will shoot on Tuesday and
Thursday will be announced Tues-
day in The Daily.
Mrs. G. Harold Reed of Sagi-
naw announces the engagement
of her daughter, Ruth J. Fausel,
'42, to John A. Shandley, '42, son
of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Shandley,
Niagara Falls, N. Y.

Basketball: At 5:10 p.m. to-
morrow, Mosher I vs. Collegiate
Sorosis; at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday,
Mosher II vs. Martha Cook. At
5:10 p.m. Alpha Xi Delta vs. Delta
Gamma; Alpha Chi Omega vs.
Pickerell Cooperative.
At 5:10 p.m. Wednesday, Chi
Omega vs. Couzens I; Alpha Delta
Pi vs. Alpha Phi. At 4:30 p.m.
Thursday, Alpha Epsilon Phi vs.
Jordan; at 5:10 p.m. Stockwell I
vs. winner of Chi Omega-Couzens
I game.
Archery: Club will meet at 7:15
p.m. Wednesday at Barbour Gym.
Badminton: Tourney is being
played off. All participants are
urged to play matches immediate-
Club will meet 4 p.m. Friday in
Barbour, and 7:15 p.m. Wednes-
Bowling: Club will meet at 4:30
p.M. Friday at the W.A.B.
Dance: Pallet group will meet
at 4 p.m. Wednesday and Friday
in the Dance Studio at Barbour;
country dancing at 3 p.m. Friday.
Modern dance will meet at 7:30
p.m. Wednesday, in Barbour.'
Fencing: Club will meet at 7:30
p.m. Thursday in Barbour Gym-
Riflery: Shooting periods are
being announced for the week,
on today and Tuesday.
Ice Skating: Tennis courts have-
been frozen for ice skating; all
are welcome.

For a Sophisticated Lady!...

t4 j~ :


THE COAT with the wonderful
trick up its seeve . . . an extra
lining that's completely remov-
able. And thanks to its classic
lines, it stays in style. Man-tailor-
ed of mnenswear, woolens in light
and dark shades.





"Brunch Coats"
pa tterns on
plain background

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dramatically' designed BLACK elasticized
GABARDINE pump with a flaring, black suede
"sugar bowl" bow, edged with metallic thread!

,' E

sure to stamp you as original .. . daring!

I ' x ' ._ I

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