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December 19, 1941 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-12-19

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- Tlt I lI N I kIL

JI'artz My n t L Ci,


Edited and managed by students of the Univrr'sity of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
- f Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication o all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
carriew $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
420 MADisoN AVE.. NEW YORK. N. Y.
M ember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941.42

Editorial Stafff

Emile Gel# . .
Alv'n Dann .
David Lachenbruch
Jay McCormick
Hal Wilsott.
Arthur Hill
J anet Hiatt ,
Grace Mfler . .
Virginia Mitchell

. . . Managing Editor
. . . . Editorial Director
, . . . . City Editor
. . Associate Editor
* . .1 Sports Editor
Assistant Sports Editor
. . .Women's Editor
., . Assistant Women's Editor
. . . . Exchange Editor

Business Staff

Daniel, H. Huyett
James B. CQlilns
Louise Carpenter
xvelyn Wright


. . Business Manager
'Associate Business Manager
.Women's Advertising Manager
. Women's Business Manager

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
olonel Brannan' s
Job Well Done.
L EAVING the chairmanship of the
Department of Military Science and
Tactics, Lieut. Col. Francis M. Brannan may look
back ,on a record of doing well a job that the
press of current events has rendered daily more
As commandant of the University ROTC he
has headed a unit of what has become the prin-
cipal source of officer personnel for our forces
in the field . His students of a year ago are now
serving with the colors wherever they fly on our
A graduate of last June who is now serving
in a line regiment of the Armored Force ex-
pressed in a recent letter his gratitude for the
colonel's guidance in the ROTC and asserted his
belief that graduates of the Michigan unit were
the equal of any of the reserve officers now in
* the Army in' regard to training and funda-
mental military background.
URING Col. Brannan's tour of duty as
PMS&T the shift in emphasis from broad-
ness of background to the more immediate prac-
tical dluties of small unit commanders was ac-
complished and has since been carried out with
true Army efficiency.
' In the face of difficulties attendant upon the
ever shifting military picture and the problems
of conducting instruction in a voluntary unit,
with, until very recently, general apathy, Col.
Brannan has succeeded in keeping up the stan-
dard of his predecessors and again received the
highest possible War Department rating: "Ex-
H E LEAVES MICHIGAN to return to duty, with
troops, so we are sure that despite his ex-
pressed regret at leaving, his new assignment
will bring to him the satisfaction that comes to
all soldiers on the call to action.
- William A. MacLeod
Labor Plans
In istrial Peace . .
TE LABOR PROBLEM so prominent
a few days ago has disappeared to
all intents and purposes, but the industrial peace
conference now being held to clear up details of
labor's rights and part in the war effort deserves
more attention than it has been getting.
Strangely enough the conference is that which
Phil Murray of the CIO has long desired without
gettin'g any concrete results. All through the
Smith bill controversy he suggested it, and at
last the President has recognized that out of
such a meeting might come a final solution to
the problems which brought such drastic action
in the shape of the Smith bill. As a result he
has asked the Senate to halt consideration of
the house-approved act until the conference
has been given a chance to unify labor and give
it a responsible part in the victory program.
H OPES OF THE NATION for maximum
production without interruption depend on
the success of this meeting between the most
important leaders of both major unions and
important industrialists. At all cost it must
reach an agreement to prevent unnecessarily
restrictive labor measures which might endanger
national unity. - Hale Champion

The Reply Churlish
HOW this column is going to say much inter-
nally and still say the most important thing
I want it to say typographically is quite a prob-
lem, but anyhow I'll make a stab at it.
ANYHOW it's Christmas again, and now as the
time to head home is almost upon us, I get
that feeling that the times are above everything
else times when we must enjoy things without
reservations, because for a long time we are go-
ing to be doing other things without reserva-
tions, except taking trains when you must have
a reservation.
V ERY FEW PEOPLE last year noticed what I
was spelling out with my initial letters, and
so, in order that you will not miss the main mes-
sage of my initials, I'll call it to your attention
just this once, and I love you all, including the
Union Opera.
EVEN THOUGH it seems like a silly thing to
do, sort of like anagrams, I can't help it, call
it vacation' hysteria if you must, but it's a lot of
fun in the writing, and though a rather senti-
mental effort, I am that sort of mixture, and
you must take it, and I won't say leave it alone/
GOOD IDEAS are few and far between in this
business, and when I get one like this, I don't
much care what the smart set may say or leer at
me because however nasty Irmay be from time
to time, I am a kid who has always liked to see
the tree and listen to carols and address cards
even though I can't stand licking the stamps.
O©NJY a few years ago, it seems, that I was
coming downstairs in the morning to find
that my electric train had already been put on
the blink by my father and uncle who had been
running the damn thing all night long, to warm
it up for me I guess.
OFTEN I think about the way it was when I
was a kid, because not more and more I
have that hankering to run some kid's train or
do something this one time of ,the year that is
like things used to be-the rest of the year I
fight down that feeling of poignance, but when
it comes Christmas, I revert to type, and amnot
political or critical or even smart, and my ene-
mies, whom I do not recognize right now, but
only after we all get back in the whirl of things,
will say I am never smart, but Merry Christmas
to them too.
DOWN INSIDE ME I know that whatever I
may. say to people in anger, I don't really
dislike themas they are inside, because I go
along on the assumption that we are pretty much
the same in essence, faced w~i the same big
problems, made petty when we are, by the same
assault on our beings. Actually the pettier a guy
is, I figure the more hell he must have gone
through, and maybe, well covered up, there is
in him more wisdom than in a noble soul, per-
verted though it may be, because he has been
hurt more than others, but that's a stray piece
of philosophy I would have to think over care-
fully before I really pinned my stars to it.
TIMES ARE BAD for clear statements. I
haven't had a real human answer for any-
thing for a hell of a long time now, and though
there are answers that do for the time being,
they are not true right through to the entrails
of people, but only stop gaps for the sake of liv-
ing. The one vague truth that has persisted
through all this is a belief that though they may
be 49 percent bad, people are mostly also 51 per-
cent good, and if this is so, and they could realize
its truth about others, there would be more on
the good side of the ledger because the very fact
of it causes a decency ordinarily hidden in mak-
ing judgments on other people from a superior
IN A DAY NOW we will be home. Most of us.
There are some who will stay here, who have
no place to go or can't go there, and all I can
say to them won't serve as consolation for the
easy warmth the rest of us go to, but I hope that
somehow they will manage to find something
good here, even if it is whiskey or tears.
MANY OF US may not be getting home again
! for quite awhile. The more reason for mak-
ing it count this Christmas. When people go

away, they do not suffer all themselves, for those
behind them have just as much regret, just as
much hurt about it as the voyagers. All this
wandering emotionalism of mine leads nowhere
except to Christmas, but if it could be translated
into action instead of feeling, it might make this
a hell of a good place to live in, though of course
it can't be Christmas all year round. Decency
and tolerance are the two words for this time of
year. There is no reason why they can't be ex-
tended. They are not hard things to live up to
if you know yourself well, and are able to forgive,
even those who don't know themselves. Enough,
I'm getting nowhere fast.
END OF THE COLUMN. Read it over for the
first letters and Merry Christmas. So long
!until soon.
A String Of.1 Pearls'
Ink Spots Again
ler's A String of Pearls is a push and beat
number on the style of In The Mood and Tux-
edo Junction. (Bluebird) . . . "Fats" Waller takes
an ugly guy apart, in his own manner in Pan-
Pan. Flipover side is a Wallerism, Oh Baby,
Sweet Baby (Bluebird) . . . The Andrews Sisters
give a fresh new angle to Chattanooga Choo Choo
(Decca) . . . Lunceford, the man who makes
jive jive, jives Impromptu on a Deccadisc, with
Gone the blues vocal on side B. . . Blues In The
Night and The End of The Rainbow is Deanna
Durbin's latest coupling.

International Center
To the Editor:
SINCE letters have been invited on the subject
of the Chinese buttons, we of the Interna-
tional Center feel that we should comment on
the whole present situation. We know'the Japan-
ese-Americans Very well, we know the Chinese
and the Chinese Students Club. It has been our
tragic duty for ten years to watch the progres-
sive invasion of China and to note its effect on
the Chinese students-an effect which was as-
tounding in its calm and its feeling that the
Chinese should follow their leaders in their pro-
nouncement: "Do not hate the Japanese. It
will make the post-war reconstruction impossi-
ble." During all this time we have also been
fortunate in knowing the Japanese-Americans.
Their loyalty is unquestionable-we know several
of them are in our armed forces at the present
and many others of them will follow our flag.
With this background' it was with extreme
horror that we faced the first few days of the
war. Hardly an hour passed but what we had to
kill some false rumor spread by faculty and stu-
dents, hardly an hour passed but what we re-
ceived news of slurs, insults, and attacks on our
loyal citizens ad on our Chinese and Filipino
allie*. We were in constant contact with the
FBI as we have been for months during their
examination of loyalties of many people. We
knew the attitude of the government was that
"it is for the government, not ourselves, to deter.-
mine the loyalties of our fellow citizens." We
knew the government felt that spreading false
rumor and attacking citizens and friends were
criminal acts.
WHEN WE FOUND that incident after inci-
dent was piling up against these people we
seconded the appeal of-4he Chinese students that
they be permitted to have some prtection
against the mob hysteria that was rampant.
vTheir leaders came to us with the button sug-
gestion and, knowing the Chinese and their long-
standing motives of doing nothing that would
harm anyone, we agreed that their innocuous
buttons were the best suggestion. What harm
is there in wearing your country's flag? Do we
not do the same? Why should our allies fore-
bear showing their pride in their own nation?
We in the Center will continue in our efforts
to bring about understanding-and need the
cooperation of the whole campus. The Chinese
Students Club have always treated with respect
and we feel sure will continue to treat with
respect loyal citizens of our country. We must
do the same. And we must not forget that we
have a respect to pay to our guests froh other
lands as well.
- Robert Klinger,
Assistant Counselor to Foreign Students
Econontics And The War
To the Editor:
THE UNITED STATES at present is engaged
in warfare with Japan in the Far East. The
area about which important events are now
itaking place is of immense value not only to
this country but to the Japanese and others.
Japan, in order to be a ranking world power,
needs many raw materials for home -use. The
United States also is not self-sufficient, and
consequently requires extensive foreign trade to
preserve our industrial economy.
Out of the seventeen strategic materials which
are essential to American industrial demand
and production, ten are found in significant
quantities in the Jands beyond the Pacific. This
area includes Southeastern Asia, the Dutch East
Indies, the Philippine Islands, Australia, and
New Zealand. Five of these ten are in the first
priority classification. Thgy include: Manila
Hemp, which is essential to the making of rope,
quinine, of which 99% of the United States total
foreign import comes from this region, 98% of
our silk, and 93% of our tin imports are all de-
rived from the region of the Southeast Pacific.
Two important raw materials included under the

second priority rating are tungsten and mica.
92% and 61% of these two materials respectively
are supplied from the geographical region of
the war in the Far East. The Chinese tungsten
industry normally furnished ,the United States
with a large supply of this important material
which is used in the manufacture of tools for
metal cutting. The Dutch East Indies is the
center of important nickel and aluminum de-
posits. New Zealand and Australia are leading
exporters of wool and chromium to the United
'OUTHEASTERN ASIA and its surrounding
islands are the exclusive source of many-
things we cannot produce. Only two out of the
seventeen possible strategic materials are not
found in the region of the present Japanese-
American conflict. These are quartz-crystal and
quick silver. The size of this trade can be em-
phasized by the fact that the United States trade
with the colonial areas in the South China Seas
exceeded the total American trade with the
whole of South America up to the present crisis.
The United States could dispense with its
European trade completely because the primary
commodities may be obtained elsewhere. No oth-,
er part of the world bears such an important
and vital relationship to us as this Soptheast
Pacific region. Under normal conditions 39%
of our merchant marine is involved with this
region. Western Hemisphere self-sufficiency will
not occur for some time and until this self-
sufficiency is actually at hand, foreign trade is*
most essential.
IT IS NO WONDER that Japan is now attempt-
ing to acquire those areas of wealth which
are all richly measured in terms of natural eco-
nomic resources. Therefore, it can easily be seen


VOL. LII. No. 701
Publication in the Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University.
To All Studentsand Faculty Mem-;
bers: The University calendar pro-
vides that the Christmas vacation
shall begin this evening and continue
until the morning of Monday, Janu-
ary 5. All classes are to be held in'
accordance with the calendar in-
cluding all such as may be scheduled
for today.
a t
Home Loans: The University In-i
vestment office, 100 South Wing, will
be glad to consult wih anyone con-l
sidering building or buying a home
or refinancing existing mortgages andl
is eligible to make F.H.A. loans.
Choral Union Members: All mem-
bers of the Choral Union are re-
quested to, return their "Messiah"t
copies to the offices of the University
Musical Society in Burtn Memorialt
Tower, at once, -and to' pick up in
exchange their copies of "King Dav-
id" and the Beethoven Ninth Sym-
phony, which will be sung at 'thet
May Festival.
Rehearsals will be resumed after
vacation on Tuesday evering, Janu-i
ary 6.
Charles A. Sink, PresidentI
Library Hours: During the Christ-t
mas vacation period the General Li-
brary will be open daily from 8:00i
a.m. to 6:00 p.m. from December 19
to January 4, except on Sundays,
Christmas, and New Year's, when it
will be closed all day, and on De-
cember 24 and 31, when it will close1
at noon.
The Graduate Reading Rooms willI
close at 6:00 p.m. Friday, December
19, and observe the usual holiday
schedule thereafter: mornings 9:00
12:00 and afternoons 1:00-5:00;
Monday through Friday, and morn-
ings 9:00-12:00 on Saturdays andj
on the days preceding the two legal
The Departmental libraries will be
open mornings only from 10:00 to
12:00 on all Saturdays in the vaca-
tion period beginning with Decem-
ber 20; and regularly mornings from
10:00 to 12:00 and afternoons from
2:00 to 4:00, Monday through Fri ,
day, beginning with the week of De-
cember 22nd. They will be closed on
the afternoons of December 24 and
Warner G. Rice, Director
Seniors: College of L.. and A.,
School of Education, School of Mu-
ie, School of Public Health: Tenta-
tive lists of seniors including tenta-
tive candidates for the Certificate in
Public Healh Nursing have been
posted on the bulletin board in Room
4, U. Hall. If your name does not
appear, or, if included there, it is not
correctly spelled, please notify the
counter clerk.
Women students wishing employ-
ment during the holidays are asked
to register at the Office of the Dean
of Women. There are many oppor-
tunities for employment in private
Byri F. Bacher,
Assistant Dean of Women
Messiah Recordings. Orders for
recordings of the "Messiah" chorus-
es which were made at theperform-
ance last Sunday, may be placed with
the Radio and Record Shop, 715 N.
University Avenue. Recordings will
be available within a short time.
The *Bureau of Appointments has
receivd notice of the followingex-

Principal Personnel Assistant, $3,-
800, January 15. 1942.
Personnel Assistant, $3,200, Janu-
ary 15, 1942.
Junior Personnel Assistant, $2,600,
January 15, 1942.
Principal Personnel Clerk, open to
Seniors, $2,300, January 15, 1942.
Assoc. Public Health Nursing Con-l
sultant, $3,200, until further notice.1
Asst. Public Health Nursing Con-
sultant, $2,600, until further notice.
Junior Astronomer, $2,000, until
further notice.
Chief Inspector, Defense Produc-
tion, Protective S.ervice, $5,600, until
further notice.
Principal Inspector-ditto, $4,600,
until further notice.
Senior Inspector, ditto, $3,800, un-i
til further notice.
Inspector, ditto, $3,200, until fur-
ther notice.l
Assist. Inspector, ditto, $2,900, un-
til further notice.
Junior Inspector, ditto, $2,600, un-
til further notice.1
Technical Asst. (Engineering) $1,-=
800, until further notice.
HeadEngineer, $6,500, until fur-
ther notice.
Principal Engineer, $5,600, until
further notice. ,
Senior Engineer. $4,600, until fur-'
ther notice.
Engineer, $3,800, until further no-
Associate Engineer, $3,200, until
further notice.#
Assistant Engineer, $2,600, untilI
further notice. -
Junior Engineer, $2,000, until fur-1
ther notice.
Chief Engineering Draftsman, $2,-1
600, until further notice.
Principal Engineering Draftsman,
$2,300, until further notice.
Senior Engineering Draftsman,
$2,000, untilfurther notice.,
Engineering Draftsman, $1,800, un-
til further notice,
Assistant Engineering Draftsman,;
$1,620, until further notice.
Junior Engineering Draftsman,
$1,440, until further notice.
The above list includes the closing
date for applications. Further in-
formation may be obtained from the
notices which are on file'in the office
of the Bureau of Appointments, 201
Mason Hall, office hours 9-12 and
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information
Concerts: The University Musical
Society announces the following con-
certs after the holiday vacation:
Robert Casadesus, pianist, in the
Choral Union Series, January 19, at
Roth String Quartet in the Second
Annual Chamber of Music Festival,
Friday evening, Saturday afternoon
and evening, January 23 and 24, in
the Lecture Hall, Rackham Build-
Alec Templeton, pianist, in a spe-
cial concert, Thursday, February 26,
at 8:30, Hill Auditorium.
Tickets may be procured at the
offices of the University Musical
Society in Burton Memorial Tower.
Charles A. Sink, President
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: Collection of pottery,
the work of Mary Chase Stratton of
the Pewabic Pottery, given to the
University by Dr. Walter R. Parker,
is being shown in the ground floor
cases of the Architecture Building.


,_ ....{



By Lichty

Drew Pedso
Robert SAIten
Phil Murray was chief author of
the labor-management conference
now called by Roosevelt to formulate
a voluntary system for industrial
peace during the war.
Murray - proposed the voluntary
plan as a substitute for the drastic
Smith anti-strike bill. Until the
House, inflamed by John L. Lewis'
captive mine strike, passed this meas-
ure, Murray had not been very active
in promoting labor peace. In fact,
he irately quit the National Defense
Mediation Board because it tetoed
Lewis' demands for a closed shop in
the captive coal mines..
But Roosevelt, anxious for maxi-
mum national unity and opposed to
the principle of restrictive labor laws,
decided to give Murray's conference
proposal a chance. So at the Presi-
Ant's private behest, the Senate La-
bor Committee agreed to hold up ac-
tion on the drastic Smith bill until
the conference had a chance to see
what it could produce.
THE PRESIDENT invited manage-
ment, the'APUL and C1 to pick
their top men for the conference. The
employers selected are among the
outstanding leaders of industry. The
delegation named by William Green
consists of the ablest and most in-
fluential chiefs of the AFL. Like the
employer group, they represent the
key defense industries covered by the
But the delegation named by Mur-
ray is another story. Not only is it
dominated by John L. Lewis, but it
omits a number of the ablest leaders
in the CIO. Furthermore, it lacks
representatives from several key de-
fense industries.
Of the six CIO conferees named by
Murray, five are strong "Lewis sup-
porters. The exception is Emil Rieve,
independent head of the Textile
Workers. Of the five Lewisites, two
are leftwingers who were violntly op-
posed to the defense and foreign pal-
icy programs until Hitler 'invaded
Russia. One of them, Julius Emspak,
is not even head pf his uion. He is
merely secretary-treasurer of the
Electrical and Radio Workers.
from the delegation was John
Green, able president, of the Ship-
building Workers. Green represents
a key defense industry, but he is
independent, is not tied to Lewis'
apron strings. Also omitted was Clint
Golden, acting head of the Steel
Workers, another vital defense In-
dustry. Golden also is no Lewisiten
There are other able CIO chiefs
that Murray could-and should-
have named to the delegation. But
if he had, thetdelegation would have
been independent and not under the
thumb of John L. Lewis, the man
who I November, 1940, announced
to the world he would retire from
leadership of the CIO if Roosevelt
was re-elected.
Two days before the conference
opened, Murray, nominally chairman
of the CIO group, held a lengthy
private poW-wow with Lewis on plans
and tactics. Apparently John L. is
still the real leader.

5, except Sunday through today. Tl1*
public is invited.
Events Today
Mexican Christmas Fiesta tonight
at 6:15 at the, Unitarian Church.
Supper and program to feature Mex-
ico. Colored movies and slides will
be shown and explained by members
who recently visited in Mexico.
Coming Events
International Center: The Inter-
national Center will be open during
the Christmas holidays as follows:
Week days, 9:00-12:00 a.m.; 2:00-
5:00 p.m.; 7:00-10:00 p.m. Sundays
and Holidays, 2:00-10:00 p.m.; on
New Year's Eve until 12 midnight.
A series of record programs of
folk music will be given from 7:30-
8:30 p.m. in the Lounge of the Cen-
Monday, Dec. 22, Chinese; Tuesday,
'Dec. 23, Roumanian; Wednesday,
Dec. 24, Latin American; Friday,
Dec. 26, Arabian; Monday, Dec. 29,
Hawaiian and Tahitian; Tuesday,
Dec. 30, Slavic; Wednesday, Dec.
31, Spanish. Anyone interested will
be welcome to attend this.
Tea will be served on Tuesday, Dec.
23, and on New Year's Day Prof.
and Mrs. Nelson and Mrs. Waldo
Johnston will hold open house at the
Hiawatha Club members of the
Iron Mountain-IroneRiver area
should contact Bob Bruley for tickets
for the All Campus Dance on Mon-


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