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December 19, 1941 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-12-19

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Col. Brannan's
Job WV1ell Done..



Senate Passe6
Revised Draft
Bill Modifying
House- Deeree
Changed Measure Makes
All Men From 19-44
Liable To Army Call
Resolution Returns'
To Representatives
WASHINGTON, Dec. 18.--UP)-The
Senate responded today to an Army
appeal for young soldiers of 'enthus-
iasm and stamina, voting to make all
men from 19 through 44 years old
liable for military service and to re-
quire the registration of males from
18 through 64.
The chamber passed the measure
by the overwhelming vote of 79 to
2. California's two Senators, Downey,
Democrat, aid ,ohnson, Republican,
recorded the only "No" votes.
The bill now goes back to the House,
which i expected to route it to a joint
conference committee for adjustment
of differences, chief of which was the
House-established minimum age of
21 for active service.
Letter From Marshall
After hearing a letter from General
George C. Marshall Army Chief of
Staff, .stating that it would be "un-
wise" not to lower the limit to 19, the
chamber voted 49 to 33 against an
amendment by Senator Danaher
(Rep.-Conn.) to fix 21 as the mini-
mum. Sen. Brown (Dem.-Mich.) op-
posed the proposal; Sen. Vanden-
berg (Rep.-Mich.) supportedit.
In his letter. Marshall said the1
Army wantedayoungmen who "pos-
sess the vitality, enthusiasm and
physical stamina necessary to the suc-
cessful performance of certain types
of duty." Highly skilled technicians,.
Marshall said, could be obtained from
the upper age brackets.
Passage of the measure came after
more than six hours of debate, during
which the, provision for registration of
men from 18 through 64 was attacked
by Downey as "stupid and asinine."
Census Worthless
Downey said that an occupational
census of these men, which the Army
proposed to take at the time of regis-
tration, would be worthless and would
not provide any usable information
for two or three years
He contended that 1,000,000 men
could be drawn from present class
1-A registrants without reducing the
age limit and asserted that if more
than 1,000,000 were ipducted within
a year they would have to "train
with broomsticks and sleep on the
Answering this char e, Reynolds
and others cited the estimony , of
Army officials that there was no in-
tention of inducting men until equip-
ment was ready. Beyond that, how/
ever, Senator Chandler (Dem.-Ky.
warned that this was a young man's
war, asserting that the Army had to
have the young men to attain its
greatest efficiency.
British Bomb
German Ships
At Brest 'Base
LONDON, Dec. 18.-()-The RAF
today heavily bombed the Bret dry-
docks where the German battle cruis-
ers Scharnhorst and Gneisenau and

the cruiser Priz Eugen are under re-
Swarms of Germanfighters took to
the air during the daylight raid and
the British acknowledged loss of five
bombers and one of their own es-
coting fighters. But, they said, the
raiders rocked the cradles of the Ger-
man ships, set a fire that raised thick
black smoke from the Gneisenau's
dock, and dropped "very heavy bombs
very close if notion one of the ships."
Eight of the German planes were
shot down, the announcement said,
in dogfights in Which 50 planes at
a time participated through the thick
bursts of anti-aircraft fire.
JaO Army Officer
Stops Pop-Vending
To Rejoin Mikado
MANILA, Dec. 18.-()-An "ex
cuse, please" murmuring little Japa-
nese shopkeeper named Hara, wh&"
for the past few years sold loaves
of bread and soda pop to residents of
Vigan, was unmasked today as Major

1 A _ A I

Axis Armies Reported
RetreatingIn Libya
Strong Moscow December Offensive Hurls
Nazis Back, Recaptures Positions


Transport Reported Sunk

By U.S. Submarine Fleet In East;
aps Fail To Gain In Luzon Area

Ck (By The Associated Press)
CAIRO, Deg. 18.-The shattered
German and Italian armies in Eastern
Libya were reported officially tonight
in full retreat pursued by British-
manned American tanks and blasted
by RAF bombers.
Allied troops were pressing Inorth-
ward toward Derna after reaching the
east-west Tmimi-Mekili Road, some
160 miles inside Libya, the British
communique said.
t"The enemy's front has everywhere
been broken," the bullettin said.-r
But the RAF reported smashing
blows against Axis tanks and troop
transports fleeing westward from


Ctrijima i

With ,this issue, The Michigan
Daily suspends publication for the
Christmas Vacation. The editors
take this opportunity to wish all
readers a Merry Christmas. Pub-
lication will be resuned as usual
on Monday, Jan. 5.
Miflk Company
Sends Appeal
t-o President


Wagoner Is Accused
Urging 'Dirty Politics'
Detroit CIO Strike

Derna itself on the long road to Ben-
gasi in an apparent effort to escape
British encirclement.
A fierce five-day ,fight west and
southwest of Gazala preceded the
Nazi rout, the British said.
Thus far in the month-old offensive
against the armies of Gen. Erwin von
Rommel and his Italian helpers, the
British were reported to have taken
almost 10,000 prisoners. Axis casual-
ties also were said to be heavy.
Although the rout of the Axis des-
ert legions caused hopes to soar that
a final knockout blow was near at
hand, an informed source said frankly
that "We'll have to capture a hell o
a lot more prisonerspbefore the first
real sign of collapse."
Red Army Offensive
Pierces Nazi Salients
MOSCOW, Dec. 18.-(R)-A new
line of the Regl Army's December of-
fensive was developing tonight, with
the Russians throwing back the Ger-
mans directly west of Moscow after
breaking off Nazi salients on the
flanks north and south of the capital.
Military dispatches said that the
army of Gen. Govorov, operating in
the heart 'of the Moscow front, had
recaptured 200 settlements and that
his vanguard was approaching Ruta,
about 40 miles west of Moscow.
Thus the offensive became general
along the whole Moscow front, On the
flanks, west of Kalinin in the north
and,. Tula on the south, the Red Army
was continuing its pursuit of the Ger-
A fierce drive was pressed against
the Finns and Germans in the north-
west, the Russians striking in the
Novgorod sector south of Leningrad
after rolling the Germans back 45
miles from Tikhvin and freeing Len-
ingrad from the threat of complete
(British reports said that the Fin-'
nish line between Lakes Onega and
Ladoga was smashed and that Lenin-
grad's million defenders had joined
in the attack on the Finns.)
President Gets
New Authority
Wilson Powers Extended
For War Em1ergency
WASHINGTON, Dec. 18. - (P) -
President Roosevelt today signed leg-
islation giving him new and sweeping
administrative authority to prosecute
the war against the Axis.
The powers,,which reenact and ex-
tend those granted President Wilson
in 1917, include authority to:
1. Establish a censorship over all
forms of foreign communications.
2. Redistribute government admin-
istrative functions.
3. Modify defense contracts and
permit them to be entered into with-
ut cbmpetitive bidding or perfor-
nance bonds.
4. Control alien financial transac-
tions and utilize in the national in-
erest approximately $7,000,000,000 of
lien property in the United States.

Three New Leaders

Pictured above are three high naval officers who have been ordered to positions in the Pacific area,
according to an announcement by Secretary of War Stimson, to replace other members of the high com-
mand who were on duty at the time of the Pearl Harbor incident. Rear Admiral Chester W. Nimitz (left)
will replace Admiral Husband E. Kimmel as comman der of the Paeific Fleet; Lieut. General Delos C. Em-
mons (center) will relieve Lieut. Gen. Walter C. Short in commanding the Hawaiian department' of the air

combat force; General C. L. Tinker (right) has been sent to Hawaii to take command of the air forces.

I .

Take Command In Pacific After Shake-Up

DETROIT, Dec. 18.-(A)-Interven-
tion of President Roosevelt in a strike
of the United Dairy Farmers (CIO)
aimed at diverting the milk supply of
metropolitan Detroit was urged today
as reports of violence continued to
In a telegram to, the Chief Execu-
tive, George- A. Johnson, president of
the Johnson Milk Company, declared.
that "milk is being dumped, trucks
put out of commission, and drivers
sent home by pickets" although "less
than 10 per cent" of the farmers who
supply milk to the Detroit area are
on strike.
"As a taxpayer, I appeal to you
personally for protection," he told
the President, "as just a breath from
you will set Governor Van Wagoner
Johnson accused the governor of
"playing dirty politics" by granting
state police protection only to farmers
living along main highways.
"Hijackers are goings along the side'
roads and dumping milk cans set out
by farmers," he charged.
State police 'dispatched-scout cars
to Washtenaw, Livingston, Macomb
and St. Clair counties after sheriffs,
of those areas reported roving groups
of strikers were interfering with ship-
ments of milk to Detroit.
Reports of milk dumping came from
widely-scattered areas following an-
nouncement by the United .Dairy
Farmers, who seek an increase in thei
price of all milk from $2.69 to $3 a
hundred-weight and abolition of the
base-surplus system, that "more1
forceful methods" would be employed.

Van Wagoner'
To Guard All'
Defense Areas
Asks Citizens To Obey
Regulations Of Forces
After Shooting Of Girl
LANSING, Dec. 18.-(/P)-Governor
Van Wagnier today issued an execu-
tive order designating defense areas
in the state that have been placed
under military or police protection
and appealed to the public to obey
regulations of forces guarding them.
His action followed the shooting ib
Detroit last night of 20-year-old Betty
Mastin by a sentry of the Michigan
state troops.
In this category, Van Wagoner
placed the bridges and tunnels link-
ing Michigan and Ontario, airports,
Federal communications lines, armor-
ies, docks and harbor facilities and
"other areas and facilities for which
protection may be. deemed necessary."
He declared that these areas were
under protection of the state troops
or state police and that the com-
manding officers of these two
branches were responsible for guard-
ing against "any treasonable or mis-
chievous acts.";

Poor Li'l Weather Feels
War To- Censored!
As far as Daily readers are con-
cerned there is no weather. ;
The weather has been censored.
"For military reasons," the
United States Weather Bureau
has decided to discontinue its ad-
vance predictions. That's why The
Daily has been left holding the
Gone "for the duration" (ap-.
parently) are the long-range fore-
casts and the national daily
weather round-up. No more will
the Associated Press teletype ma-
chine send over this all-important{
news item-at least, all-important
to those who are acquainted with
Ann Arbor's highly unpredictable
As a result, gone is one of The
Daily's earmarks. The box on the
top left-hand side henceforth
will lose all significance to appre-
hensive readers.
Famed Aviatrix
Laura Ingalls Is Accused
Of Nazi Propaganda

Local Faculty
To Attend 1941,
Speech Session
Prof. Densmore Will Be
Leader Of Conve4tion
Committee At MeetiAg
Eight members of the speech de-
partment will attend the annual con-
vention of the National Association of
Teachers of Speech to be held from
Monday through Wednesday in De-
Prof. G. E. Densmore, chairman ofi
the speech department, will preside at
the three-day session as chairman of
the convention committee.
Prof. H. Harlan Bloomer, directpr
of the speech clinic, will be chairman
of the Tuesday afternoon progiam
on experimental phonetics. At this
session, Dr. Arthur Secord will pre-
sent a paper on "The X-Ray Study of
Pitch Change in the Human Larynx."
Professors Valentine B. Windt and
William P. Halstead will report on a
theatre survey of, lending libraries
and back-stage organization at the
Other facultymen who will attend
are Mr. Henry M. Moser, Dr. Hyde
Shohara, Mrs. Ruth Watt Metrauz,
Prof. Albert. H. Markwardt and Prof.
L. M. Eich.-
Arm' Plane Is Lost
SiX Days In Pacific
WASHINGTON, Dec. 18. --(P)-
Major General Herbert A. Darguef
and seven other Army officers and
men have been missing for six days
on a transcontinental flight which,
it is believed, was the first leg of a
,flying trip to reinforce Hawaiian
Dargue may have been under or-
ders to tpke command of the air
forces in Hawaii, though there was
no official confirmation of this in
the War Department's announcement
today that his plane had not been.
heard from since late Friday when
it was about two miles south of
Palmdale, Calif..
On Friday, Dargue left Mitchell
Field, N. Y., boundi for Hamilton Field
near San Francisco. Their plang was
a transport.

N&Avy Department Claims
'Probable' Destroyer Hit-
In Official Communique
Filipimos Strengthen
American Land Unit
(By The Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 18. - The
Navy Department reported today that
United States submarines active in
the Far East had sunk an enemy
transport and probably sunk a de-
stroyer as well. '
y This information was contained in
the Navy's late-afternoon communi-
que, which reported "no new develop-
ments" in the central and eastern Pa-
cific. It said also that the naval sit-
uation had been without incident in
the Atlantic area, where heavy wea-
ther prevails.
Fifth Transport Sunk
Previous official reports-have dis-
closed that four other Jap trans-
ports have been sunk and at least
three badly damaged by American
Announcement of the new naval
success, which followed news of an-
other hard-hitting and the successful
attack on the Japanese in the 'hil-
Japanese Imperial Headquarters
claimed early today that its troops
had landed on the island of Hong-
kong, to which the British had
withdrawn under siege after losing
the mainland section, but acknow-
ledged in effect that the colony
and naval base were far from sub-
ippines, brought cheer to a capital
already elated at greatAlied isto'Ie&.
in Africa and Russia, but acutely con-
scious of a danger spot on the ap-
proaches to -Singapore.\
Official reports from Manila told of
an enemy defeat which pused the
invaders back many miles in the Vi-
gan area of Luzon. The invaders, who
apparently had set out toward Man-
ila, left an indefinite number of dead
Plan To Unify Command
Washington, meanwhile, heard an
increasing discussion of plans for uni-
fying the Allied High Command so
that grand strategy for prosecuting
the war the world over would proceed
from a single source. Washington was
mentioned, in London dispatches, as
its probable base of operations.
It appeared to some observers that
the war in the Pacific, as it affected
American-held territory, had stalil-
ized itself, following the first attaclks
at Pearl Harbor and the effort to
invade Luzon. The Japanese seemed
stopped either by the nature of the
resistance offered, or by a decision
to concentrate their power on the bat-
tle for Singapore.
Importance Of Base
The importance of the British naval
base there to American operations
when the large-scale offensive against
Japan is undertaken, is scarcely min-
imized by officials here. And so word
of a British retreat in the jungles
north of'Singapore came as bad news.
This loss of ground,-. however, was
considered to have been more than
offset by the continued victories of
the Russian Army, and the apparent
smashing of Axis forces in Libya,
where the British reported the enemy
fleeing "in chaos."
Filipinos Consolidate
With American Troops
MANILA, Dec. 18.-()-the entire
army of the Philippines was inducted
today into the United States Army of
the Far Vast in a day of consolidation
and strengthening of the American
forces which found the Japanese in-
vader again avoiding any effort to
extend his small and precarious foot

holds on Luzon.
At one of these doubtful beach-
heads-about Vigan in the northwest
of the island some 200 miles above
Manila-it was disclosed, in fact, that
the Japanese had been thrown back
many miles in fighting on Monday
afternoon. Nothing was said as to the
subsequent developments in that area,
where the Japanese also had lost at
least 26 planes.
The fighting was south of Vigan it-
self. (This suggested that a Japanese

Wolverines Meet High-Scoring
Ramnblers In Basketball Today
A red-hot battle is in store for
Michigan basketball fans who remainK
in Ann Arbor to see the Wolverines ' V.. " " . :"*"
play a high-scoring NotreDame quin-
tet t 7:30ap.m.-.today in Yost Field
For although the Irish cagers have
only won two of their four games,
they nevertheless have been able to :.. :. ';.::"
average about 45 points per game.
Not only that, but they came within
a hair of beating Wisconsin, last
year's National Intercollegiate chain-
Coach Bennie Oosterbaan's squad
will not be at full strength for to-
nights tilt with the Iiish two mem-
Admission to the Michigan- ! :";.
Notre Dame basketball game to-
night is free to all students bear-
ing identification cards. The ^
prices for non-students are $1.00
for reserved seats and 75 cents for
general admission.

He pointed out that two civilians1
had been shot within the past week: WASHINGTON, Dec. 18.-P)-An
because of failure to heed warnings adventure in which aviatrix Laura
of sentries to halt. Ingalls said "I guess I overreached
myself" brought her to jail today on
wa charge of failing to register as an
NBagent of the German government,
The widely known flier, first of her'
sex to pilot a plane non-stop across
(By The Associated Press) the continent from East tb West, was
Indication of U.S. Naval accord unable to post the $7,500 bond fixed
when she was arraigned before United
allaying dangers from French West States Commissioner Needham Turn-
Indies reported by State Department age.
after French Commander announces She protested to Turnage that FBI
U.S. Admiral flew to Martinique to agents who arrested her yesterday
convey . Roosevelt's personal assur- had held her incomunicado in a small
ances there would be no attack or room, and that she had been without
sleep for 36 hours.
*e o: J. Edgar Hoover, FBI director, said
claim landing on Hong- that the arrest climaxed several
Japanese cli adngo og months of investigation of Miss In-
kong Island but admit fierce Bri- galls' activities during which she "re-
tish defense; colony's fall not ceived a specified salary from an
claimed. agent of the German Reich for her'
** * ' efforts in spreading the propaganda
U.S. submarines sink Japanese which they furnished her," and that
transport and probably a destroyer in she frequently visited Washington to
contact Nazi representatives.


Par Eastern waters.
* { : M
Japanese extend assault by bomb-
ing Philippine port of Iloilo but
Philippines are holding firm and
officials disclose Japanese thrown;
back several miles below Vigan in
early action.
* * *
Main British line in Malaya is
pushed back to area about 300 miles
above Singapore, but base is not un-C
der imminent menace.
*' *

Campaign Goes Wide Of Mark:
Goodfellows Need Pledged Support
To Save Drive From Record Low

"If the organizations who prom-
ised their support to the Goodfellow
drive would hand in their contribu-
tions, the day could yet be saved for
the drive and this year's record low
could be erased," Charles, Thatcher,

bring their contributions to The
Seven groups have turned in money
since yesterday's Daily went to press.
They are Delta Gamma, Sigma Nu,
Sigma Chi, Alpha Sigma Phi, Kappa
Delta, Alpha Epsilon Phi and Sig-

I hers of the team which Cta.rtPri a.ga.inst.

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