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December 18, 1941 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-12-18

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a as {V 1M a Vaat1" 1 1\ fLATH V 1'tL I tbAA mrmi m

L.~nx.., Lr.IErlvlnr5jm taLtyL.'5

Japan Fighting For Materials,
*Says Philippine YMCA Official
Japan's naval and air forces are ica has stood for a just afid reasonable
waging a wr to death f4 the Philip- policy of the open door and popular
pines, Guam and the Malay Penin- sovereignty," Haag said.
sula, only because they stand in the Claiming that the majority of the
way of the ultimate Nipponese goal, Japanese people probably are still our
the valuable Dutch East Inadies, HOW- friends, Haag said that it is a Nip-
ard L. Haag, associate general YMCA ponese military dictatorship which is
director of ,thhe Philippine Islands waging war against the United States.
said here yesterday. From 1931 to 1936 this new order
Haag explained the Japanese at- for East Asia-'Made In Japan'-was
tacks on Guam, Hawaii and Hong- being formulated," Haag explained.
kong as attempts to break down "They announced repeatedly to the
armed resistance that prevents fight- world, that they intended this 'co-'
ers of the Rising Sun from seizing prosperity sphere' to be brought
the oil fields of Borneo and the rub- about, and their attack on Manchuria
ber plantations of Java. in 1931 was Exhibit A in the workings
Veteran Of 20 Years of the new order. The Japanese and
A veteran of 20 years of YMCA German new orders are the same
work in the Far ,East, Haag praised thing."
the loyalty of the Filipinos as their 1917 Graduate
expressidn of thanks to the United A 1917 University graduate, Haag
States for having brought the Islands pointed out that America must seek
frrom virtual serfdom toward inde- no territorial aggrandizements from
iendence in the 43 years of American the war. He claimed that the friend-
2wnership. ship of peoples is far more important
"Our best friends are undoubtedly than teritory.
the peoples of the nations around Haag hopes that the war would be
he South China Sea, because Amer- regarded nerely as "time out" as
far as the independence of the Phil-
ippines, scheduled for 1946, is con-
FBI Agents Arrest cred
The YMCA, churches and mission-
Attstria Inventor aries have been creatingan Eastern
Western understanding that is great-
SAN JOSE, Calif.; tec. 17-(P)_ ly needed, Haag said. "These roots
Dr. Fritz J. Hansgirg, 50-year-old will not be pulled up without bring-
.ustrian inventor of a new mag- ing flesh and blood with them."
:esium recovery process, was ar- He suggested that someday the
'ested by FBI agents today at the United States would look upon the
Permanente Magnesium Plant where Pearl Harbor attack as the better for
he was acting in a supervisory capa- the whole American and Allied cause.
^ity. "The American people now reklize the
Three explosions and a number of strength of Japan and when we recall
ninor accidents have occurred re- Pearl Harbor, we will say, 'Thank
,ently at the $20,000,000 plant de- You, Mr. Moto. If we can beep this
igned to produce 12,000 tons a year spirit, we can say the Japs have done
>f the vital defense metal. us a great service."
Hansgirg was booked as "en route Haag is staying in Ann Arbor for
o tht United States Immigration the week, resting from a cross-coun-
authorities." try lecture tour.
MIMEOGRAPHING - Thesis bind-t
ADVERTISING in.Brumfield and Brumfield, 308
S. State. 6c <
Driveway . gravel, washed pebbles.
Non-Contract Killins Gravel Company, phone1
$ .40 per 15-wfd insertion for 7112. _7c
one or two days. (In- U -CN'D
crease of 10c for each OUND-RECORDING STUDIO Z
crasetofal~c fors.) h Voice - Instrumental - Conversational
messages for Christmas presents.
$1.00 per 15-word insertion for For information telephone 3100.
3 or more days. (In- 162
crease of $.25 for each
additional 5 words.) FOR SALE
Contract Rates on Request TWO GOOD SEATS Saturday mati-
Our Want-Ad Department nee, Dec. 20, "The Rivals," Detroit.
will be happy -to dassist you in Call 4978. 181c
composing your ad. Stop at the
tQcia alyBsns f CANARIES- Beautiful singers, love=
ichg2 aly Bsiness 0fbirds, cockatiels, finches; bird sup-l
fiee, 420 Maynard Street. plies, cages. 562 S. Seventh. Phone
5330. 173
TYPING FOR SALE-Remington Noiselessi
Portable Typewriter. $30. Phonec
YPING: L. M. Hewood, 414 May- Dave Lachenbruch, 2-26-24, after
nard St.. phone 5689. 5 p.m.
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935.
90c WANED-Ride to Chicago early
Friday A.M., Dec. 19. Share gasr
IOLA STEIN-Experienced ..legal bill.-Phone 2-4224. hr75c
typist, also mimeographing. Notaf'y
public Phone 63,27. 706 Oakland. PASSENGERS WANTED to Los An-
geles. Leaving Saturday, Dec. 20,2
BUSINESS SERVICES If interested, call Ray Gripman,

work this vacation, call Edward
Kelly, 6051 mornings, or 2-4389 af- DRIVING THRU to Texas, Arizona
ter 1 'p.m. and Colorado, Sat., Dec. 20. 1941
Oldsmobile. Share expenses with
HELP WANTED 1 or 2 passengers. Ph. 3031. 176c
VAN for .heavy cleaning, 4 hours CARS FOR CALIFORNIA. No wait-
weekly. ,7605. 178c ing 1 for responsible parties. Suite
1160; 5050 Cass Ave., Detroit. Tele-
TUDENT to shovel walks when phone CO 0100.
necessary. 911 Olivia. 7605 180c
IAN or WOMAN companion for
children during vacation. 7605. LAUNDRY -2-1044. Sox darned.
179c Careful Work at low price. 2c
IAN or WOMAN for occasional care
of children. Live in or out. 7605. Week Days 2-4-7-9 P.M.

Japanese Bombing Smashes House

Only half a'house was left this resident of the oriental section in Japan's surprise bombing which
wreaked havoc in nearby Pearl Harbor. 'Natives and Japanese cyclists watch firemen pour water on the
Chnese Student Declares lap Attack
Follows RecklessPatr Of HItle r

Japan's reckless attack on the
United States follows the pattern of
the reckless gambles, characteristic
of Adolf Hitler, Joachim Lay, '44E, a
Chinese resident of Belgium for the
last seven years, declared in an in-
terview yesterday.
Here in this country to continue his
engineering studies under lore de-
sirable circumstances, Lay had been
attending the University of Liege in
Belgium. H fe left that ;country in
June, having witnessed its invasion
and occupation by German troops.
Lay compared the suddenness of
the Japanese attack to the Nazi as-
sault on Belgium. Americans, he
said, exhibited greater calmness on
theh outbreak of war than did the
Europeans. However, the feelings of
the Europeans were understandable as
the shortness of distance brought
them right into the war zone.
Referring to the food situation in
occupied Europe, Lay expressed the
opinion that Belgium and Greece were
faring the worst of all the nations.
While in Belgium, he was continually
hungry and lost a great deal of
weight. 'Milk was only allowed to
babies, and there were hardly enough
meats and potatoes. Potato peels were
even consumed. Restaurants often
were unable to serve meals, and Lay
was forced to eat at the Red Cross.
He considers himself lucky to be in
President Ruthven
Congratulates IFC
Gratitude and appreciation of the
University for the conduction of the
Interfraternity Council children's
Christmas party was expressed in the
following letter from President Ruth-
vin to Don Stevenson, '42, president
of the IFC.
President Ruthven said:
"It is only fair to those who gave
so generously of their time and effort
in behalf of the children's Christmas
party to say that the University ap-
preciates and recognizes the value of
such undertakings. This group has
done a service to all of us in giving
practical expression to the impulses
which we cannot readily carry into
action as individuals."

a country. again where he can eat
enough to satisfy his appetite.
Lay recalled with bitter memories
the German invasion of Belgium and
his flight from that country. The
Nazis struck with surprising fury at
4 a.m. Friday, May 10. They disabled
the main fort, betireen Antwerp and
Liege, of the Albert Canal Defense
Line in the early hours of the attack.
Sand was poured on the gun tur-
rets to prevent their turning and to
pave the way for a parachutist as-
sault, Lay explained. Already at 2
a.m. Sunday cannon fire was heard
in Liege. If the defense system had
been working successfully this could
not have happened, he emphasized.
Naturally, the people of the city
became panic-striken. In addition to
the demoralizing effect of the in-
Student Draft
St atus Show vn
By -Telegram
To those student draft eligibles
who heard President Ruthven speak
Tuesday and didn't believe their
Mr. Francis J. Brown
Washington, D.C.
Can you tell us at this time what
changes if any are contemplated in
the Selective Service Regulations
concerning class. Many students
leaving for Christmas vacation are
seeking advice. Please wire reply.
Louis A. Hopkins
Dr. Louis A.*Hopkins
University of Michigan
No change in occupational de-
ferment of students proposed by
national headquarters at this
time. Urge students to continue.
Francis J. Brown
Brown is executive secretary of
the Commission of Colleges in Civil-
ian Defense, a division of Mayor
La Guardia's emergency office.

cessant cannon fire, long lines of
tired Belgian troops, already begin-
ning their westward retreat, wer
constantly viewed by the populace
With the spread of the rumor that
the Germans were encircling the city,
great numbers of the population be-
ban an evacuation.
,Lay was fortunate enough to ob-
tan passage on a train heading for
the French border;. German air
bombardments had already broken
many. railroad junctions, however
and the train was -forced to halt in
the open country.
The harried refugees spread over
the roads and fields in all directions
A'fter wandering a few hours, Lay
joined a group of soldiers who were
withdrawing to the second line of the
Belgian defenses. They told him of
the terror* of the Stuka raids and the
demoralizing lack of Allied planes.
Disrupted communications had left
the troops wandering in the dark
without specific instr'uctions. ,Sight-
ing a motorized column of troops
whose uniforms were indistinguish-
able because of mud stains, Lay and
the Belgians thought that they had
come upon a British detachments
Their hopes were dashed to the
ground with stark reality when they
were surrounded and put under ar-
rest by armed Nazis!
Lay was returned to Liege by his
captors.\ From there he crossed
through Germany, Switzerland
France, Spain, Portugal and the At-
lantic Ocean to reach this country
Union Travel Board.
Gives Helpful Hints
Students who are looking for rides
or passengers to any part of the
country over Christmas vacation may
still use the Union travel board.
The board will be up uintil tQinor-
row and cards telling your destina-
tion may be posted this afternoon
between 3 and 5 p.m.
Both drivers and passengers must
sign a statement absolving the Union
of all resposibilitr in case of acci-

0 Lines From Honolulu 0 Plays Go Patriotic
Little did Tom Sawyer, Jr., guess can palate with healthy portions of
when he last wrote to ex-teacher self-assurance, ego-centrism, and
Waldo Abbot of the speech depart- suspicion.
ment on November 21 what was in Honors for the first conversion go
store for him in Honolulu, where he to the company which changed its
had been announcing for station script of "Westbound" into "East-
KGU. bound," on the very eve of the Pearl
Professor Abbot's prominent pro- Harbor "incident." substituting the
tege (summer school 'students will Orient for the Occident, and Japan-
remember him in the role of Adam ese for Nazi spies.
in the August mystery plays), writing One week later, Laurence Stallings
from Hawaii (advertised in this and Maxwell Anderson's popular play
month's Woman's Home Companion of World War I, "What Price Glory."'
as "a world of Happiness in an ocean appeared on a Sunday night show
of Peace"), only hinted of impending after a stiff session of plastic sur-
attack when he said: geiy. The immortal Captain Flagg
" -and Sergeant Quirt spoke of "the yo-
The radio stations here are ex- kels from Yokohama" whose yellow
tremely careful of news they broad-
cast, for fear some innocent little faces would be "white with terror
item might tip off to. Japan the loca- when we come." The site of action
tion of the fleet. Most of their items was subtly switched from France to
are simply clipped out 'of previously the Pacific islands.
checked AP flashes in newspapers. The gentleman sitting by me dur-
It was not until they received their ng this dramatization said, "I swal-
Time magazines that residents of the lowedthat stuffnwhole i e d
islands knew a Japanese submarine war; now it only nauseates me." And
had been spotted by the navy off the having parted with this choice ob-
coast. We are certainly ready out ervation, 'got up and walked out.
here, and far calmer than most of
the mainland."
It is clear that the radio is going HAD A
to be one of our chief mediums of fAD A LITTLE LAMP
war propaganda. Verbal pictures of
current devastation, authoritative
interpretations and predictions of
-military moves, 'and the continual
e stream of news flashes bringing blow
by blow descriptions of the "fight,"
t are doing their part in molding pub-
lie opinion and emotion, and in
strengthening morale. Even commer-
National Emergency, placing the pa-
triotic 4oueh on the most mundane
of announcements.
But most spectacular of all has that made it hard to see!
'been 'the adaptation of radio plays.
Early in the game, b fore new plays Some lamps are meant only
concerning the Jap-American skir- for decoration. It is a mistake
rmish could be fabricate*, clever re- t r ouete o ed
write men completely revamped old to try t use them for read-
hits in their desire to fill the Ameri- ing For easy, comfortable
seeing, try an I.E.S. study
lamp with a 150-watt bulb-
Morgan To Visit Alumni available in many attractive
Aobert O. Morgan, council secre- styles at your dealer's. (We
ory and assistant general secreta- do Aot sell these lamps.) The
tar n sitn gnrlsceay Detroit dison Company.
of the University. of Michigan Alum-
ni Association, will attend a meeting
this weekend of "the University' of
Michigan Alumni Club of Cleve-
land, Ohio.
per s
ma1id who drovIe
/Y "

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