Sir igau
aed Dsciinti l
And Wari H-steiia
VOL. LII. No. 69
House Blocks
Plan To Drop
Required Age
Of Seleetees
Measre For Lowering
f Minimum Is Stopped;
Registration Extended
18-64 Limits Are Set
For Civilian Group
WASHINGTON, Dec. 17-(P)-The
House today refused to ldwer the.21-
year minimum age for compulsory
military service as President :Roose-
velt and the War Department had
requested, but passed unanimously a,
bill raising the maximum age from
35 to 44, inclusive, and requiring all
mer from 18 through 64 to register
with the government.
Opposition to the proposal that
men of 19 be made subject to active
service in the armed forces arose also
in the Senate. Senator Downgy
(Dem.-Calif), declaring it unneces-
sary to lower the age minimum, an-.
flounced he would move tomorrow to
send the legislation back to the mili-
'tary committee because it had ap-
proved the 19-year limit "in darkness
nd in confusion,"
Bitter Debate
The House twice refused, after bit-
tr 'debate, to lower the draft age
from, 21. It rejected 175 to' 53 an
amendment by Rep. Andrews (Rep.-
N.Y.) to make the minin Wm age 19,
and then defeated 173 to 113 a com-
promise amendment by Rep. Tioma-
son (Dem.-Tex.) to set the mini-
mum at 20. Both were teller votes,
on which no record is made.
Democratic leader McCormack of
Massachusetts read a letter from the
President endorsing the 19-44 draft
ages. McCormack cautioned against
"complacency" in tpe nation and
then, speaking directly to military
committeemen who opposed lowering
the minimum age, he said:
"With all due respect to the dis-
tinguished members of the committee,
we cannot have too many leaders
in this crisis.
"While I recognize they are all out-
standing ' ilitary leaders, while I
recognize they are undoubtedly great
tacticians, while I recognize they
probably could. lead the army to suc-
cess in this conflict, yet I cannot ac-
cept their judgment in these days
in preference to the judgment of the
President of the United States and
his military and naval aides.
Good Soldiers
"In this crisis we must all be good
soldiers, and that pplies particularly
to the members of theMilitary Affairs
Com ittee of the House so far as
the bill is concerned."
Thomason, ranking member of the
committee, and others urged there be
no such criticism and Chairman May
(Dem.-Ky.) of th committee finally
said the time had not come in this
country when legislators could not
exercise their functions.
McCormack explained he meant no
cri icism of the commi tee, but May
interrupted to ca'll the leader's at-
tention to the insinuation that the
committee were not good soldiers.
Nearing Goal
Drive Chairmen Hopeful
Of-Reaching Set Quota
Hope that the 1941 Goodfellow
Drive will reach last year's total still
survives in the Goodfellow chairmen.
Latest returns from fraternities and
sororities have boosted the total--
combined with street sales and :ad-
vertising donations-to within $40 of
last year's receipts of $759.;
With nearly 50 houses on campus
yet unreported, the Driveleaders be-
lieve a sudden upturn may push the
total over the top before school ends.
These houses have already sent in
their contributions: Alpha Sigma Pi,
Delta Gamma, Pi Lambda Phi, Sig-
ma Chi, Triangle, Zeta Beta. Tau, Al-
pha Gamma pelta, Alpha Omicron
Pi, Alpha Phi, Alpha Tau Omega, Chi
Omega, Delta Delta Delta, Kappa Al-
pha Theta, Kappa Nu, Kappa Sigma,
Katherine Pickereli Cooperative, Lin-
coln Cooperative, Muriel Lester Coop-
erative, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Gamma
Delta, Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Sigma Del-
ta, Phi Sigma Sigma, Pi Beta Phi,
Rochdale Cooperative, Sigma Alpha
Epsilon,1Sigma Nu, Theta Xi and Zeta
oil Refinery
Area Invaded
By Japanese
British Retreating Forces
Destroy All Equipment
In Sarawak Fields
SINGAPORE, Dec. 17-(PA)-A Jap
anese expeditionary force has invaded
the rich Miri oil country of Sarawak
British-protected kingdom of th
White Rajahs on the northwest coast
of Borneo, but has found the refinery
and all oil field equipment utterfy de-
stroyed by withdrawing British forces,
it was announced officially today.
A Japanese destroyer was hit di-
rectly by a bomb from a Dutch plane
while supporting the landing, the
Netherlands Vast Indies Command
Invasion Plan Complete
This latest Japanese move com-
pleted a vast invasion rectangle in the
South China Sea, its corners touch-
ing the British Crown Colony of
Hongkong, the Philippine island of
Luzon, Northern Malaya and Sara-
wak, the last a country of 50,000
square miles which has been ruled
for 99. years by Sir Jdmes Brooke
and his descendants.
In this rectangle the Japanese were
trying for quick knockouts of Allied
strongholds, establishment of bases,
seizure of important resources and
control of the west Pacific sea com-
munication lanes to block Allied re-
inforcement and coordination.
In l4orth Malaya, the heaviest
fighting raged in South Kedah Prov-
ince along the line of the River Muda,
which enters the Strait of Maacca
about f5 miles north of the west coast
island of Penang, about 400 miles
above Singapore.
lap Drive 'Gajns
(A London radio report heard in
New York stated that the Japanese
drive in Northwest Malaya now was
but 10 miles,.from the northern tip of
insular Penang.)
The east coast fighting in the Kel-
antan area had lulled, but the British
said "There is reason to believe that
enemy reinforcements are arriving,"
presumably by sea. It was considered
unlikely the Japanese had yet been
able to join their forces across the
jungle-clad peninsula, or that they
yet were present in North Malaya in
numbers great enough to constitute
an imminent menace to Singapore.
Unofficial estimates placed the Jap-
anese forces operating from Thailand
at two divisions, equipped with light
tanks but having heavy air support.
The chief danger at present was con-
sidered to be to Penang, important
British supply base which has been
bombed repeatedly and fiercely.
Steam er Strikes Mine
Near Manila; 162 Lost
MANILA, Thursday, Dec. 18.-(MP)---
One hundred sixty-two persons, in-
cluding several prominent Philippine
leaders, were reported missing today
in the sinking of the Philippine in-
ter-island steamer Corregidor, which
was blown up yesterday by a mine
near Manila Bay.
Two hundred twenty-seven per-
sons were known to have been saved,
though many were injured.
The list of missing was incomplete
because many persons had boarded
the 1,881-ton vessel without tickets,
intending to pay cash fare in their
haste to get home to the Southern
War Industry
Plan Sought
At Meeting
Uninterrupted Production
Is Group's Objective;
Agreement Is Expected
Roosevelt Demands
No More Stoppages
WASHINGTON, Dec. 17- (A) -
Working under an admonition from
President Roosevelt to reach an agree-
ment by Friday, a group of business,
labor and government representatives
sought today to work out a plan for
insuring uninterrupted arms produc-
tion for the duration of the war.
"We have got to keep things go-
ing," Mr. Roosevelt told the confer-
ees in an extemporaneous address at
the White House before the meeting
had organized. "We can't have stop-
pages. The country is expecting some-
thing from you in a hurry-I don't
say by tomorrow night-but it will
be a thrilling thing if we could get
something out in the way of a unani-
mous agreement by tonorrow night,
j Thursday, or at the latest Friday
Davis Speaks
Chairman William H. Davis told
reporters the conferees had agreed
that no announcement would be made
other than that the session would be
resumed tomorrow morning, and that
today's meeting was "excellent."
Cautioning the group that the
American way of life was in grave
danger, Mr. Roosevelt predicted the
war would "go on for a long time."
"And so," he added, "I have asked
you here to help win this war, just
as much as if you kere in uniform.
I am going to die a word which none
of us like-and I don't either. The
word is 'must'. I am applying the
word 'must' to you as individuals and
to myself.
"I want speed. Speed now is of the
essence, just as much in turning
out things in plants as it is among
the fighting forces. We hiave got
greatly to increase our production
progrm. We are still in a sense-
whether you like it or not-the ar-
senal of the free world. We have got
to do perfectly unheard-of things."
President Urges Agreement
In asking for quick agreement the
President urged the labor-manage-
ment men to put aside their differ-
"After the war is won, let's go back
if we want to, to old Kilkenny," he
said. "And you know what a Kilkenny
fight is."
There were indications revival of
the war labor board of 1918-19 would
be given consideration. That it may
have been discussed was indicated by
the fact that every conferee was given
a copy of, a Department of Labor
pamphlet outlining the work of that'
The 1918 Board adopted a no-
strike, no-lockout policy atid ruled
there should be no change in the sta-
tus quo of existing labor contracts.
While this conference was in pro-
gress management and labor repre-
sentatives in the maritime industry
pledged there would be no strikes dur-;
ing the war.
For Here, There And Everywhere
in the War News see page 6 of to-
day's Daily. !
War, Navy Departments Remove
Military Chiefs In Hawaii Area;
Preidetia Bard To Investigate.
A merican Army Bombers Hit
Japanese Beachhead On Luzon
Raid Gets Enemy Planes,
Fuel Supplies In Asiault
Upon Island Invaders
LONDON, Dec. 17--(P)-Large-
scale Red Army maneuvers are in
progress near the Japanese Man-
chukuoan border in Siberia, the
Chungking radio reported tonight
in quoting a broadcast from the
Soviet station at Khabarvosk.
(By The Associated Press)
MANILA, Dec. 17-A smashing at-
tack by AmericanhArmy bombers on
Vigan-one of three hard-won and
still apparently unextended Japanese
beachheads on Luzon-in which at
'least 26 enemy planes were destroyed
and enemy fuel supplies were set
aflame was anounced today concur-
rently with word American submar-
ines had struck twice hard against
the invader.
Hart Explains Action
This latter action by units of the
U. S. Asiatic Fleet was announced by
its commander, Admiral Thomas C.
Hart, without detail. Three attacks
had been loosed, he said-whether
against Japanese naval forces or mer-
chantmen was not stated-and while
one of them had not attained its ob-
jective "the other two were success-
ful." 1
He explained, perhaps thus indi-
cating the reason why the whole story
was not yet available, that submarine
officers were not required to report
before reaching port.
The assault upon Vigan-at a tre-
mendous cost to the invader since
his losses in planes were the largest
officially reported in any single ac-
tion save the initial Japanese spring
at Pearl Harbor-was thus economi-
cally described by the headquarters
Law Students
Hear Address
On Emergency
Stason Asks Consideration
Of Important Factors
Before Leaving School,
At a meeting of law students calledi
yesterday for the consideration of;
the problems iof the military emerg-
ency affecting law students, Dean E.
Blythe Stason of the Law School
advised the students to give careful
and deliberate consideration to sev-;
eral factors in determining how best
to perform their duty to assist in the
military program of the nation.
Dean Stason suggested that each
student should take note of the fact
that under the National Selective
Service Act the Army will draw all
of the needed man power as rapidlyl
as it can be absorbed, and no stu-
dent need regard himself as failing to
do his duty if he waits for his draft;
Second, he suggested. that each
student should give careful consid-
eration to the possibility of render-
ing greater service in special mili-
tary and national defense branches
for which his special interests and
training qualify him. In this con-
nection were discussed the Navy V-7
program for deck officers, the Navy
Intelligence Service, the Judge Ad-
vocate General's Department, and
the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Finally, Dean Stason suggested
that each student should endeavor
to bring his class work to a suitablej
stopping place so far as possible.
The end of a semester or college
year is obviously preferable, but to
avoid hardship to those called in
the middle of a session the Regents
are being asked to approve a plan
for special examinations and equit-,
able pro-rated credit for students
called to or enlisting in the armed,
forces. If approved, this arrange-
ment will avoid hardship on account
of loss of credit for partially com-
of Lieutenant General Douglas Mac-
"The enemy at Vigan suffered
heavily from an attack by our air
force yesterday (Tuesday). One Jap-
anese plane was shot down and at
least 25 more were destroyed on the
ground. Fuel supplies were set afire."
Jap Plane Ratio
The ' ratio of Japanese planes
smashed aground to those destroyed
in the air was extraordinarily high.
Successive communiques during the
day made it plain Japanese progress
remained at zero.
Both reported simply there had
been n change in the situation on
the ground.
(A forenoon war department com-
munique from Washington went fur-
ther: "There was no discernible en-
emy activity (in the Philippines) dur-
ing the past 24 hours.")
Recapitulating the situation at sea
to date, Admiral Hart said the fleet
had not been "etirely ready" for
the initial anc unprovoked Japanese
attack, but since then had been going
forward with only minor adjustments
in its prearranged plan of defense.
County Group
Forms Plans
For Defense
Civil Registration Cards
Issued To Volunteers
By Local Chairman
A county-wide plan for "protective"
civilian defense volunteer registration
was formulated yesterday at a meet-
ing of Washtenaw city, town and vil-
lage representatives in Ann Arbor's
National Guard Armory.
Enrollment cards, issued by County
Defense Chairman Harrison Caswell,
call for data on the volunteer's physi-
cal condition, skills, citizenship sta-
tus, knowledge of languages, and
amount of time available for his
work. Caswell urged a careful selec-
tion of all men.
Before these volunteers are detailed
to civilian defense assignments, they
will receive first-aid training from the
Red Cross, and instructions in emer-
gency fire and police work. Finger-
printing of volunteers will be handled
through the office of County Sheriff
John L. Osborn.
While the exact nature of volunteer
service will depend on the war situ-
ation, men may be used for such work
as patrolling bridges and rail cross-
ings. Anti-air raid measures are not
contemplated for immediate incep-
According to Mrs. Theophile Raph-
ael, head of Ann Arbor's civilian de-
fense registration effort, the work will
,be undertaken under two headings.
While "protective" services will be in-
stituted under police leadership, she
also stressed the need for development
of civilian morale.
In some county areas, notably Ypsi-
lanti, a volunteer enrollment program
is already under way.
Kimmel, Commander Of Pacific Fleet,
Replaced By Rear Admiral Nimitz;
wo Generals Are Also Relieved
WASHINGTON, Dec. 17.-(IP)-The Army and Navy swept the ranking
officersof the Hawaiian area from their commands tonight because the Jap-
anese attack at Pearl Harbor caught U.S. defense forces by surprise.
Admiral Husband E. Kimmel, Commander-in-Chief of the Pacific Fleet,
was ordered replaced by Rear Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, Chief of the
Bureau of Navigation.
Lieutenant General Walter C. Short (was relieved of command of the
Hawaiian Department by Lieutenant General Delos C. Emmons,
Major General Frederick L. Martin, in command of the Hawaiian Air
Forces, was ordered relieved by Brig. Gen. C. L. Tinker.
In making the announcements, the War and Navy Departments did not
pass judgment on the replaced officers, or fix responsibility for alleged lack
S-- >of alertness at Hawaii. That will be
1942 J-H op
Will Fe4iture
P atiOtic Mode
Dance Committee To Give
Part of Total Revenue
For National Defense
A part of the total revenue for the,
1942 J-Hop will be turned over. to
National Defense, Ted Sharp, gen-
eral chairman, announced yesterday,
after the Students Affairs Board had
approved the revised budget.
This contribution will be derived
from the net profit and from the
sale of Defense Savings Stamps.
Danpe programs will be designed
around a Defense Stamp Booklet in
which there will be one 25 cent stamp.,
The purchase of these stamps is in-
cluded in the program budget.
Sharp stressed that this will be a
J-Hop no different than the previous
ones with equally elaborate decora-
tions and orchestras of the same cali-
ber. J-Hop will be held two nights
as -last year and tickets will go on
sale to those with accepted reply
cards after Christmas Vacation.
Three Tugs Missing
In Pacific War Zone
SEATTLE, Dec. 17 - (P) - Three
Puget Sound tugs with 23 Seattle
and Tacoma men aboard were listed
today as unreported in the Pacific'
war zone. Thirteenth naval district
headquarters authorized publication
of the report, without mention of the
specific areas in which the tugs had
been stationed.
Drew Foss, son of Capt. Henry Foss,
secretary of the Foss Launch and
Tug Company, owner of the vessels,
was reported aboard one vessel. The
skippers are Capt. Oscar Rolstad,
Tacom~a; Capt. Ray Hall, Seattle, and
Capt. Thomas Innes, Seattle.
All were equipped with wireless. It
was pointed out they might have re-
ceived warning of the Japanese attack
while at sea and escaped.
NEW YORK, Dec. 17-(M-)-The
British radio reported tonight the
Germans had evacuated Mozhaisk,
important town 57 miles from
Moscow on the- main highway to
the' west, the route of Napoleon's
historic retreat from the Russian
capital in 1812.
done by a presidential board.
War Depkrtment officials explained
it was deemed best not to have the
defenses of Hawaii under the com-
mand of officers involved , in the
board's investigation.
These announcements were ade
at the close of a day which saw the
war, so tragically begun at Pearl Har-
bor, brilliantly continued by Ameri-
can forces in therPhilippines. There,
the Army said, ierial counter attacks
upon small Japanese landing parties,
and upon hostile ships off the coast
had brought the Japanese invasion
to a virtual standstill. The day was
notable for a complete lack of enemy
activity in American-held territories.
Shakeup In Command -
The shakeup in the Hawaiian com-
mand'followed by two days the report
of Secretary of the Navy Knox, that
the forces in Pearl Harbor were not
on the alert when tie Japanese at-
tacked Dec. 7.
In the interim President Roosevelt
appointed a five-man board, headed
by Associate Justice Owen J. Roberts
of the United States Supreme Court
to investigate. It held its first meet-
ing today, and planned a second ges-
sion for tomorrow. It is to proceed to
Honoluju shortly.
Navy's Announcement
The Navy's announcement made
no mention of 'its unmistakable rea-
son for relieving-Admiral Kilmel,
but in making known the change of
Army leadership, Seretary Stimson
"These thanges were made in view
of the preliminary report of the Sec-
retary of the Navy, with whose views
as to the unpre redness of the situ-
ation on Dec 7th the Secretary of
War concurs, and to expedit the re-
organization of the air defenses in
the islands.
"This action avoids a situation
where the officialscharged with re-
sponsibility for the future security
of this vital naval base would other-
wise at this critical hour also be in-
volved in the searching investigation
ordered yesterday by the President."
Congress Passes
Censorship Power
WAS1HINGTON, Dec. 17- ()
Congress speedily completed action
'today on the measure vesting Presi-
dent Roosevelt with extraordinary
wartime powers, including authority
to impose censorship upon all com-
munication mediums.
The President is expected to sign
the bill promptly and a censorship
plan drafted by various government
officials who have been conferring
for some time probably will be ready
simultaneously for his approval. By
ron Price, who will be director of
censorship on leave of absence from
the Associated Press, is expected here
Friday to assume his duties.
Approval by the House late in the
day of a conference committee version
of the legislation sent the bill to the
White House. The Senate had ap-
proved the conference report earlier
in the day.
Subs Try Fo Kill:
United States Submarines Lurk
InJapan's Waters, Tokyo Says
Soviets Reclaim Villqges:
Russians Reported Victorious
In_16-Day Winter Offensive
TOKYO, Dec. 17--(Official radio
received by AP).-Japanese seamen
were warned today by Lieutenant
Commander Kengo Tominaga, a
naval press officer, that probably 20
United States submarines were lying
in wait for them in waters near
Japan. I
(An official announcement in Man-
ila said U. S. submarines already had
made "two successful attackst' on the
Tominaga's wariting in the news-
paper Nichi Nichi followed an official
one issued only two days ago. The
officer said the American boats were
of a superior 2,000-ton type with a!
damage to communications in For-
mosa indicated Japan's military ef-
fort may be hampered on the island.)
Although the Japanese said most
of the damage was expected to be
repaired during the day, the agency
Domei in its first broadcast said that
the quake was the "biggest since 1930
when 354 persons were either killed
or injured and over 2,000 homes were
Imperial headquarters reported
Japanese naval units destroyed '"most
enemy defense facilities" in an at-
tack yesterday on the American island
outpost of Johnston, 750 miles south-
west of Honolulu, and Dec. 12 on
Baker Island in the South. Pacific,
MOSCOW, Thursday, Dpc. 18.--(R')
-Red Army troops were reported of-
ficially today to have thrown the
Germans back almost 100 miles be-
yond this capital in their 16-day win-
ter offensive to lift the sieges of
Leningrad in the north and Sevasto-
pol in the south.
A communique said the Soviets re-
claimed many more villages besides
the hundreds already seized in the
continuing two-week drive against
the frost-bitten legions of Adolf Hit-
ler. Specifically it cited the recap-
ture of Aleksin, 85 miles south of
ance, while in the Tula region, 100
miles south of the capital, some Ger-
mans were said to be so dispirited
they were taking to their heels with-
out putting up a fight.
(The British radio, heard by CBS,
said the Germans had been driven
back 90 miles in a week in the del
sector 200 miles south of Moscow,
and about 60 miles in the Tikhvin re-
gion southeast of Leningrad.
(The German communique admit-
ted German troops were retreating,
but said it was a part of a system-
I t $