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December 16, 1941 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-12-16

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Sir igbn


*4i d Nihor'Poic
Brings Rewardl



Capacity Audience,
To Fill Auditorium
At War Assembly,
Governor Van Wagoner ~Sho
Go~~~~ ;roMaon{ ~de School
Ruithven, ]Deans To Talkr~ t
At Student Rally Today Kids Applaud
Meeting To Discuss Bob As Santa
Student War Effort
Three thousand screaming and
One of the largest student audi- slightly belligerent grade school kids
ences ever to crowd Hill Auditorium thundered approval of Santa Claus
is expected to attend the first all- Bob Westfall and the rest of the var-
campus assembly of its kind at 3:30 ious and sundry entertainment of-
p.m. today to hear a long list of speak- ferred them at the annual IFC Christ-
ers, led by Gov. Murray D. Van Wag- inas party in Hill Auditorium yester-
oner, describe and clarify the stu- day.
dent's place in the national war From every corner of the city they
enfotspaei.h flocked partially to see magic and
juggling, more to see home town hero
Realizing that the suddenness with Westfall, but most important to gorge
which war came to the United States themselves with incredible amounts of
leaves the majority of young people candy and peanuts.
completely confused as to just what For the most part everything was
they should do to help their country, as smooth as slik, but as in every ju-
Gov. Van Wagoner has agreed to take venile gathering there were moments
time out from his duties in Lansing when order did not completely rule
to address the students at the Uni- the day. Rubber bands and paper
versity., wads were present in what might be
Ruthven Will Speak .termed almost alarming proportions.
President Alexander Ruthven is The kids didn't get all the breaks,
also scheduled to deliver a talk at the however. When two goodlooking post-
assembly. In his speech, "The Uni- juveniles took their seats in the bal-
versity of Michigan Student in the cony they imediately received the at-
Crisis," he will give the student body tention of the ushers. Sad to report,
the advantage of the knowledge about the attentions were not hostile.
University life in war-time which he
gained during the last world conflict.
Presenting the problem from the BULLETINS
women's angle--an angle which is
equally as important as any other- __________________
Dean Alice Lloyd will issue a "Chal- TOKYO, Dec. 16-(Official radio
lenge to College Women in the Emer- received by AP)-Japanese Imper-
gency." rcie yA)-aaeeIpr
ge uty." ial Headquarters reported that Jap-
Lieut.-COI. Francis, Brannan, Com- anesw expeditionary forces landed
mandant of the University ROTC on British Borneo at dawn today
unit, who will also appear on the despite a heavy galet
program, will discuss "The Army's p a ga.e
Position in National Defense." He in- WASHINGTON, Dec. 15-M)-The
tends to include his advice to the Executive Council of the American
students as to whether or not they Federation of Labor proposed today
should enlist, a "no strike" policy be applied in de-
Navy To Be Represented fense industries for the war's duration
Speaking for the other division of "except where mediation, conciliation
our armed forces, Capt. Lyal David- or arbitration is refused by employ-
son, retiring Chairman of the De- ers."
partment of Naval Science aqld Tdc-
tics, is also scheduled to deliver an WASHINGTON, Dec. 15--(AP)-
address at the assembly. The Navy announced today a Nor-
Other speakers will be Dean 4oseph wegian motor ship was sunk while
Bursley and Prof. Louis Hopkins approaching the Hawaiian Islands.
Chairman of the University Defense The Navy would not comment on
Committee. The latte'r is to discuss the identity of the attacking craft
the relation of the University to the or say whether the Norwegian ship
nation in time of war. was considered friendly.
The entire program is student spon-
sored and student initiated. Spon- ' LONDON, Dec. 15-(.P)-A Reuters
soring organizations include the dispatch tonight from Vichy said the
Union, the League, The Daily, the In- Petain government ordered a majority
terfraternity Council, Men's Judic- of French factories to close down for
iary Council, Panhellenic, Congress. two weeks beginning Dec. 21. The
Women's Judiciary Council, Assembly anounced reason was shortage of coal
and the M-Club.' t and electric power.
To Keynote Future Projects * *
The first activity of what is soon LONDON, Dec. 15 - - The
to develop into an all-campus defense German radio said toright the Rus-
council, the irogram will be the key- sians had been approached through
note of future projects along this line the Turkish government at Ankara
The council intends to solidify local with a proposal for exchange of
war-time plans and to coordinate German-Soviet war prisoners, but
them with both state and national ef- that no reply has been forthcoming
forts. from Moscow.
Both students and faculty members
are to be appointed to various com- .
mittees whose duty it will be to help Brfl Rete tng
such organizations as the Redl Cross R o etreGan
and the USO, to aid in obtaining I o eT u r
blood donations for wounded soldiers Hongkong Island
and civilians, and to encourage the
sale of defense bonds and stamps.
(By The Associated Press)

LONDON, Dec. 15.-Britain ad-
Soviet t ro os mittedly was withdrawing its forces
p tonight from Kowloon, the mainland
S section of Hongkong, apparently to
m ash N aziS bolster the island part of the colony
against an expected assault across
its mile-wide water barrier.
New Successes Reported Advices from Hongkong said Im-
Along EFront eial forces on the Peninsula, in
gEntire the face of preponderant Japanese
strength, had begun a methodical
(By The Associated Press) withdrawal which still was in pro-
MOSCOW, Tuesday, Dec. 16.-Red gress
troops smashing against the winter- A Reuters dispatch from Singa-
wqrn legions of Adolf Hitler have re- pore indicated this maneuver had
taken the strategic railway town of been completed, saying Kowloon un-
Klin, 60 miles northwest of Moscow, 4uestionably was in Japanese hands.
and the gigantic Soviet counter-of, -
fensive has overrun scores of other
'German strong points in a series of Former Detroit Mayor
new successes announced officially Convicted Of Conspiracy
North of Klin in the Kalinin area DETROIT, Dec. 15-( )-Former
the Russians killed 8,000 more Ger- Mayor Richard W. Reading and 22
mans and destroyed or captured vast co-defendants toni'ght were convicted
quantities of precious German equip- of conspiracy to protect the number
ment transported over the frozen racket by a Wayne County Circuit
wastes of Russia from Germany, the Court jury of eight women and four
communique said. men.
The capture of Klin and the trip- The verdict was reached at 11:05

Drive Fails
Of Objective

Defense Bill

Knox Says 2,729



Is All-Time Low;
Support Received
Campus Groups



Contributions Urged
To Increase Totali
Although street sale returns were
well over last year's quota as antici-
pated, the limited cooperation re-
ceived from campus fraternities, sor-.
orities and cooperative houses in the
seventh annual Goodfellow drive.
concluded yesterday, will set the total
return figure at a new low unless fur-
ther contributions are received during
the coming week.
As the drive closed yesterday, only
25 out of more than 80 fraternities,
sororities and cooperatives had made
contributions though additional sup-
port is expected from a few houses
who have made pledges of contribu-
tions but have not yet sent them in.
Returns Not Available
Returns were not available late yes-
terday, but a preliminary check indi-
cated that unless additional returns
were obtained from campus organi-
zations, the results of the drive this
year would fall even below the dis-
appointing $759 netted last year, and
would be far short of the all-time
high of $1,675.
Bringing great success when first
inaugurated, the Goodfellow drives of
the past few years have brought
steadily diminishing returns, and it
was hoped that this year's campaign
might end the decline.
Fraternities, sororities and cooper-
ative houses who have already done
their part include Alpha Gamma Del-
ta, Alpha Omicron Pi, Alpha Phi, Al-
pha Tau Omega, Alpha Xi Delta, Chi
Omega, Chi Psi, Delta Delta Delta,
Kappa Alpha Theta, Kappa Nu, Kap-
pa Sigma, Katherine Pickerell Coop-
erative, Lincoln Cooperative and Mur-
iel Lester Cooperative.
Other contributors are Phi Delta
Theta, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Kappa
Psi, Phi Sigma Delta, Phi Sigma Sig-
ma, Pi Beta Phi, Rochdale Coopera-
tive, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Theta Xi
and Zeta Tau Alpha.
Contributions Urged
All others are urged to get their
contributions in to the Daily business
staff as soon as possible, either by
mail or in person.
Co-chairmen of the drive John
Grandy, '43, Morton Mintz, '43, and
Charles Thatcher, '43E, wish to ex-
press their appreciation to Schlenker's
Hardware Store for the use of pails
used in the drive.
Omitted from the list of campus
leaders cooperating in the Goodfellow
drive, run itayesterday's Daily, was
Allan Axelrod, '43, of the Gargoyle
staff. -
British Closing
GapIn Desert
Axis Forces Attempting
Delay In Major Battle
CAIRO, Dec. 15-()-British and
Indian troops driving on the heels of
withdrawing Axis forces in Libya have
so narrowed the gap that Gen. Erwin
Rommel has been forced to throw the
bulk of his remaining tank and in-
fantry strength into a desperate de-
laying action; it was reported from
the front today.
The Imperial Eighth Army was said
to have closed with the Axis rear-
guard 48 hours ago in a major en-
Preliminary reports said this battle
was being fought in a heavy rain on
a broad front extending roughly from
Gazala and Tmimi on the coast south
to the desert track known as Trigh
El Abd
North of Trig El Abd the British
and Indians twice fought off counter-
attacks by German tanks and truck-
borne infantry, according to today's
headquarters communique, which
claimed destruction of 16 Nazi tanks
and 6 planes and capture of 7 guns.

Of 10 Billions
Is ApprovedI
Provides Fu*ds To Equip
Army Of Iwo Million;
Ask Enrollnent Of Men
Propose Induction
Of Males 21 To 44
WASHINGTON, Dec. 15. -(P)-
Congress quickly completed action
today on a $10,077,077,005 defense
bill, then cleared the decks for speedy
action on other wartim.e measures
which would expand the draft act,
authorize expansion of the Navy and
give President Roosevelt broad em-
ergency powers.
The Senate approved the huge
money measure shortly after the
House had accepted a compromise
between original bills passed by the
'wo chambers.
It carried funds for equipment for
an army of 2,000,000 men and sup-
plies for another 1,200,000 soldiers;
authorized a new, $500,000,000 Naval
plane construction program; and per-
mitted the War Department to go
ahead with production of additional
guns, tanks, Army planes and am-
Just before the appropriation bill
emerged from Congress the House
Military Committee sent to the House
legislation calling for registration of
all men from 18 to 64, inclusive, and
making those from 21 to 44, inclusive,
liable for military training and serv-
The War Department had asked
(See CONGRESS Page 2)
Japs Menace
Kedah In Push
To Singapore
German Pilot. Shot Down
Ai Kota ,U - Losses
Inflicted OnJap Troops
SINGAPORE, Dec. 15 - (P) - Ja-
pan's mechanized troops aided by
dive-bombers have smashed their way
into southern Kedah, the 100-mile-
land northwestern Malayan state bor-
dering Thailand, the British acknow-
ledged tonight.
(This indicated a Japanese pene-
tration of more than 50 miles on the
road to Singapore, some 400 miles
The British and Indian defenders
fell back before the five-day-old Jap-
anese push after taking a heavy toll
of the invaders, the communique said.
Kedah is rough jungle country ex-
cept for the southeastern areas ad-
joining the Straits Settlements of
Wellesley and Penang which are criss-
crossed by small roads conecting the
backcountry with the Malayan east
coast railroad.
On the eastern side of the penin-
sula the British were entrenched
south of Kota Bharu, and successful
air sweeps by the British and sub-
marine work by the Dutch were re-
ported to have prevented further Jap-
an se sea-borne reinforcements.
A British army communique from
Rangoon said the Japanese also were
thrusting into lower Burma..
The war bulletin announced that
'owing to pressure by Japanese forces
our small garrison has withdrawn
from Victoria Point according to plan
after carrying out the necessary de-
Victoria Point is the southernmost

tip of Burma.
Meanwhile, an Aneta dispatch from
Batavia, capital of Dutch Java, quoted
an RAF wing commander in Singa-
pore as saying that " a pilot of a
plane shot down by anti-aircraft guns
near Kota Bharu was a Nazi."
The airman also asserted British
pilots inflicted heavy losses on the
Japanese troops landing on the east
Malayan coast in sloops lowered from
Japanese cruisers and destroyers.
A Netherlands communique con-
firmed the sinking of two Japanese
ships, a freighter and a tanker, by
Dutch submarines operating off the
|Malayan coast.

Six Ships Lost In Hawaii;
Japan Bombs Naval Base

Olongapo, Nichols Field,
Near Manila, Are Hit;
City HasQuiet Night
Enemy Being Held
Along Luzon Coast
MANILA, Dec. 16-J)-Japanese
air raiders bombed the big Olongapo
Naval Base, 50 miles west-northwest
of Manila, at dawn today, but the at-
tack apparently was light as Manila
had no alarm.
Deals of this second raid upon
Olongapo were not forthcoming im-
mediately from Army headquarters.
Manila itself spent a quiet night.
The raid followed another yester-
day on the Nichols Field area here
while U. S. airmen and ground troops
apparently were lolding the Japanese.
invasion forces at three widely sep-
arated coastal points in Luzon.
Transports Damaged
Army headquarters announced its
bombers heavily daipaged two Japa-
nese transports yesterday off Legaspi,
250 miles southeast of Manila, to
check a Japanese reinforcement at-
Unofficial reports said Japanese
troops who gained-a foothold at Vigan
on the western Luzon coast 200 mules
north of Manila, had sent out patrols
during the week-end but there was
no mention of Japanese activities
at Aparri in northernmost Luzon, the
third foothold retained by the Japa-
A communique said Japanese ac-
tivities today were confined entirely
to the air.
"Let's keep the flag flying," Lieut.
Gen. Douglas MacArthur told an offi-
cer who suggested the flag atop head-
quarters might guide Japanese bomb-
40 Planes Downed
As the Philippine population settled
down to war after the first week's ex-
citement diminished, a summary of
U. S. official reports shows that at
least 40 Japanese planes have been
destroyed, four Japanese transports
and the 29,000-ton battleship Haruna
have been sunk, and a battleship of
the Kongo class and five more trans-
ports have been damaged.
A Philippine division also was cred-
ited with smashing a Japanese land-
ing force at Lingayen, 100 miles
northwest of Manila. fn
The drive against fifth columnists
continued with the seizure of two
Japanese said to have been found
with home-made bombs and dozens
of maps.
Rush Of New Recruits
Breaks Detroit Record
DETROIT, Dec. 15-(P)-All en-
listment records for Detroit were
broken today when 273 were accepted
and sent immediately to training sta-
tions by the Army, Navy and Marine
The Navy enlisted 130 and sent
them to the Great Lakes Naval Train-
ing Station. The Army sent 88 re-
cruits to Fort Custer and the Marines
sent 27 to San Diego, Calif., and 28
to Parris Island, S. C.
Capt. Richard L. Gillespie, Army
Recruiting Officer, said assignments
for duty in Hawaii and the Philip-
pines were being filled as fast as they
became open.


For Army

Roosevelt Says Dictators
Would Eradicate Liberty,
Impose 'Despotic Rule'
Three Subs, Planes
Destroyed By U.S.

-Photo by Stu Glidart
* * *
Baker .Leaves
To Join Field,
Unit Of Ar'my
Bill Baker has gone to join the
He left at 4 a.m. today and is now
winging his way down to Kansas City
where he will enlist in the field ar-
tillery unit of the United States Army
Answering the call to the colors is
nothing new for the Baker family
His father was a captain in the famed
Rainbow Division of World War I
The youngest captain in the AEF, he
enlisted immediately after Americe
entered the war and was honorab4
discharged as a major.
Here on campus, Bill Baker was ar
outstanding night editor on The Daily,
a member of Sphinx, junior men's
honor society, and Sigma Delta Chi
professional journalism fraternity;
For the past year he has been Anrn
Arbor correspondent- for the Detroit
Bill Baker writes "30" on his lasi
Daily story today, ending a two-yeai
sojourn on. The Daily that was the
mark of accuracy, resourcefulness
and initiative.
Fitzgibbon To Talk
To Students Today
On Naval Reserve
Lieut. J. E. Fitzgibbon, U.S.N., wil?
speak on "The Naval Reserve" in' s
lecture at 7:15 p.m. today in Room
1 348 West Engineering Building.
Lieutenant Fitzgibbon's talk will be
one of a series of lectures being spon-
sored this semester by the department
of Naval Science and Tactics. Thes(
talks are for the benefit of student.
who hold or intend to hold commis-
sions in the Naval Reserve, although
all interested are invited to attend.
Probably the most intense indi-
vidual sales campaign in the his-
tory of the Goodfellow Drives was
put on yesterday by Myron Dann,
'43, who alone raised nearly $50.
In behalf of the Family and Chil-
dren's Service agency, the Good-
fellow editors express their appre-
ciation for "valiant service."

WASHINGTON, Dec. 15. -()-
Secretary of the Navy Knox reported
today the battleship Arizona and
five other warships were lost in Sun-
iay's Japanese 'air raid on the Pearl
Harbor Naval Base in Hawaii.
He said 91 officersand 2,638 en
listed were known dead.
Known Japanese losses, Knox said,
ncluded three submarines and 41
. After reporting to President Roo-
evelt on his return from a hurried
ive-day round trip to survey the ef-
fect of the raid at first hand, the
Qaval Secretary told a press confer-
nce that aside from the Arizona,
'hips destroyed inluded the old tar-
;et ship Utah, three destroyers-the
,assin, Downes, and Shaw-and also
he mine layer Oglala.
Other Vessels Damaged
Damaged vessels included the old
>attleship Oklahoma, which capsized
>ut can be repaired.
"The entire balance of the Pacific
?leet with its aircraft carriers, its
1eavy cruisers, its light cruisers, its .
iestroyers and submarines are unin-
jured and are all at sea seeking con-
act with the enemy," Knox said.
Quickly he told a questioner that
the fleet included battleships as well.
-'The Japanese failed," Knox said,
n their purpose "to kgnock out the
Jnited States before the war be-
Knox said flatly that the "United
3tates services were not on the alert
against the surprise air attack."
Against this, Knox made only the
laim the Japanese lost three sub-
'narines and that 41 of their aircraft
were destroyed.
Formal Investigation
A formal investigation, he said,
vould be instituted by President
toosevelt immediately. In the mean-
,ime he said there had been no
:hanges in command.
Taking part in the Japanese at-
ack, Knox revealed, were two-man
Of the three submersibles known
,o have been lost, he said one was
iormal size, one small and the third,
vhich was captured, was also a small
Aside from those killed, 20 off1r-
(See KNOX Page 2)
We Will Not Give Up
lights, Says President
WASHINGTON, Dec. 15- () -
?resident Roosevelt told his country-
nen tonight, on the 150th anniversary
>f the Bill of Rights, that they were
aced now with an attempt to cancel
)ut a "great upsurge of human liber-
:y" embodied in that document and to
mpose again "absolute authority and
lespotic rule."
But he declared that "we will not,
ender any threat, or in the face of
my danger, surrender the guarantees
of liberty our forefathers framed for
is in our Bill of Rights."
The Chief Executive spoke by radio
luring a program commemorating the
ippending to the Constitution 150
Tears ago of the first ten amendments
vhich guaranteed, among other
:hings, freedom of press, speech and
Americans are solemnly determined,
-he President said, that "no power or
;ombination of powers of this earth"
;hall ishake their hold upon their
undamental guarantees of liberty.
"The issue of our time," he said,
,the issue of the war in which we are
engaged, is the issue forced upon the
decent, self-respecting peoples of the
earth by the aggressive dogmas of
this attempted revival of barbarism;
this proposed return to tyranny; 'this
effort to impose again upon the peo
ples of the world doctrines of absd-
lute obedience, and of dictatorial rule,
and of the suppression of truth, and
of the oppression of conscience, which
the free nations of the earth have
long ago rejected.
"What we face is nothing more nor
less than an attempt to overthrow

and to cancel out the great upsurge of
human liberty of which the American


'Daily' Swamped With Calls:
tumor Rolls Around Campus
But Classes Will Meet Friday



Johnny Will Present
Salute To University
A diminutive bell-hop named
Johnny will present a "Salute to the
University of Michigan" over - a na-
tion-wide radio hook-up at 8:30 p.m.

Rumor last night rolled around the
coed-bedecked campus of the Univer-
sity of Michigan like a football fum-
bled from the hands of Tom Harmon.
At latest reports The Michigan
Daily had received 51 telephone calls
asking the same questions: "Did the
Regents meet yesterday." "Will school
be dismissed Wednesday?"
Bedraggled journalists, still tired
from a war-weary week, shouted over
and over again the same answer:
"No." To more insistent phoners,

the paper for national defense and
Others said that it was definite
that school would be dismissed early
because the trains would be crowded
Friday transporting troops to the
Pacific Coast.
One Daily reporter breathlessly
rushed into the night desk with the-
reported news that a semi-regular
Daily feature, "News of the Dorms,'
would be retitled "News of the Bar-
But officials denied the truth of
all, recalled the warning not to put
nnv - +., cm4 in 11 iiinrn frn1 m've. 'vi n i

I 3 1

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