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December 15, 1941 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-12-15

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Fair to partly cloudy*,oi
snow flurries.4

What A Goodfellow
Purchase AMeanis



Si nk





Marines Repulse
Huge Air Assault
Furious Attacks On Philippines Slacken;
General Situation Is Unchanged '
MANILA, Monday, Dec. 15.-(AP)-Two Japanese transports were
badly damaged by U.S. airmen in an attack yesterday off Legaspi, Lieut.
ยข Gen. Douglas MacArthur's headquarters announced today.;
* * * *
WASHINGTON, Dec. 14.-(P)-A major Japanese bombing attack on
the heroic Marine garrison of isolated Wake Island was reported turned
back today with destruction ofI two enemy warplanes by the battling
Devil Dogs.
"Tie Marines on Wake Island continue to resist," the Navy said in a
later afternoon communique.
This announcement followed a War Department statement indicating
that the furious Japanese assaults on the Philippines had slackened. Air
activity over the Philippines continues, the Department said, but ground
operations were confined to the Appari, Legaspi and Vigan areas-well
removed from vital centers of defense.
Significantly the )Aar Department added that the general situation was
unchanged. That had been described by an earlier Army communique at{
Manila as "well in hand."
In the Far East, the known toll of Japanese troop ships rose to eight
when headquarters of Lt.-Gen. Douglas MacArthur, commander of thetU.S.
Far Eastern Army, announced thatl
four vessels had been sunk, presum- Present Draft Ae imit
ably by air attack, off northern
Luzon. Will Fill Current Needs

President Ruthven BuYs Goodfellow Edition

300 Students And Faculty Members Offer
Services In Charity Colleetion
For Needy Families
' The advance guard of a volunteer army of almost 300 students and facul-
ty members blitzkrieged ;the University campus at 7:45 a.m. today in the
initial push of a nine-hour campaign to make the seventh annual Good-
fellow drive a bigger success than any previous drive.
Helping to secure financial aid for many of Ann Arbor's needy, solicitors
will be stationed at various points about the campus until 5 p.m., when the
yearly drive will officially come to a close.
Faculty members as well as students will aid in the campaign, led to
battle by such super-salesmen as Deans Alice C. Lloyd and Joseph A. Burs-
ley, Fielding F. Yost and other prominent professors and instructors.
Already received in the drive, which has the full support of President
Alexander G. Ruthven, are numerous contributions from campus fraterni-
ties, sororities and cooperative hou es, while other _iampus organizations
will take an active part in the selling campaign today.
The sale last year netted a total of $759, against an all-time record of
$1,675. Because last year's returns were so disappointing, leadersnof the


Previously Dutch submarines were WASHINGTON, Dec. 14. -)~ The appealing smiles of Barba a Schumann, '43, (right), and Eleanor
reported to have sen four troop car- War Department officials made clear vince President Alexander G. Ruthien that he should buy a Goodfellow Da
riers to the bottom off the east coaft today that it would be a long time support to the annual campaign to aid the needy.
of Malaya, apparently as they were -perhaps never-before any men
moving up with reinforcements for 1 outside the 21-35 age group are draft- Through the Goodfellow Fund the University of Michigan communi
the developing action against -Singa- ed for the Army despite the proposal expressing not only the Christmas spirit but also that friendship for hum
pore. To this total of Japanese ship to require all aged 18 to 64, inclusive, own part of the world however strongly it may have been assailed elsew.
losses the Dutch today added a tank- Oto register. traditions, one which originated with the students and which is carried on
er and a freighter sunk by Royal Brig.-Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, Selec- Daily with the help of the campus organizations generally. The Fund i
Netherlands naval action in the same tive Service Director, warning against in the City of Ann Arbor and among our own students. It is amply worthy
waters. any "hysteria," in connection with can give it.
No Slackeningthe draft extension, said there was
kno way of telling when it might be-BULLETIN
There was no slackening for the necessary to tap/the reservoir of men - BULLETIN
stout-heatred handful of men on outside the 21-35 group. WINDSOR, Ont., Dec. 14-(3)-Dr. g.LET
Wake Island, tiny outpost of the "We can meet the situation today Hu Shih, China's ambassador to the !
most direct route from Hawaii to the (See DRAFT Page ) United States, said tonight he is con-'
Philippines. Following up repeated __vinced that Japan will be nocked LONDON, Dec. 14-(')-Early f or-
bombardments of recent days, theByem
Japanese made two new bombing at- Japs Begin All-Out , out within a year and the entire Far ation sre a n i
tacks, the Navy said, and while the AgEastern phase of the war should be the nations ranged against the Axis
first was light the, second was un - termnated"relaivelysoong now is regarded as a matter for ur-
fis a ih h eodwsu-terminated "relatively soon."; gen~t debate at the next meeting of
dertaken in great force, yet it caused TOKYO, Dec. 14-(Official radio the House of Commons.
only "inconsequential" damage to the received by AP)-The Japanese open- . .o
island., ed a general land and air offensive E IZ AN De1.
The Navy also reported that enemy against Hongkopg at dawn today in
submarines were operating in the an all-out effort to take the British }-P)-The Swiss Telegraph Agency
Hawaiian area but were under vigor- Crown colony after rejection of an Wl A ddress reported from Rome tonight that

- Daily ~Photo by Bob Killins
Nelson, '42, weren't needed to con-
ily, as he has always given his full
ty has for a number of years been
vanity which still is not dead in our
where. It is one of the best of our
from year to year by The Michigan
s a source of emergency relief both
of the best support that all of us
-Alexander G. Ruthven
NEW YORK, Dec. 14.-OP)-A Ger-
man language broadcast from Berlin
said today that "Croatia also declared
that she considers herself in a state
of war" with the United States. The
broadcast was heard by CBS.
Bill Of Rights
TO Be Honored:
B3Y US. 'Today
Roosevelt To Give Speech
Over Radio Networks]
To Celebrate Occasion
i _ .
(By The Associated Press)
The United States, engaged in a
war against what President Roosevelt
has called the Axis challenge to "life,
liberty and civilization," will com-
memorate today the anniversary of
adoption of the Bill of Rights-fund-
amental charter of liberties.
In observance of tie occasion,
SPr.sident Roosevelt will s eak on a,

ous attack.
In Washington, a first hand report
from Secretary of the Navy Knox on
conditions in ^Hawaii was awaited by
President Roosevelt. The Secretary
was due in by plane tonight with the
results of his personal investigation
of the damage wrought by Japanese
bombers on the fleet and its base at
Pearl Harbor last Sunday.
Turkey Neutral
Meanwhile, on the diplomatic
front, latest developments occasioned
by United States entrance into the
conflict against the Axis powers em-
phasized anew the world wide na-
ture of the war.
Turkey, thousands of miles from
the main theatre ofAmerican con-
flict in the Far East, notified the
United tates dovernment of her
continued neutrality.
Alpha Gamma Delta
Alpha Omicron Pi
Alpha Phi
Alpha Tau Omega'
Alpha Xi Delta
Chi Omega
Chi Psij
Delta Delta Delta
Kappa Alpha Theta
Kappa Nu
Kappa igma
Katharine Pickerell Cooperative

ultimatum for surrender, it was an-
nounced by radio.
At the same time, Japanese head--
quarters declared that an entire Bri-
tish mechanized division had been de-
stroyed Friday in a Japanese advance
over the Malayan frontier toward
Singapore, and the Japanese press
claimed that 21 American and British
naval vessels had been sunk or put
(See JAPANESE Page 2)
Yugoslav Promoted
For Resisting Nazis
LONDON, Dec. 14-(/P)-Slim, fair-
haired Draja Mihailovic, a mere col-
onel in the Yugoslav army before the
Germans overran his country, has
been raised to the rank of full general
in recognition of his "magnificent
work" in organizing resistance to the
Nazi occupation.
More than 100,000 Axis troops ap-
pear to be tied up in Yugoslavia and
(See GREEK Page 2)

Ruthven To Offer Advice
For Wartime Campusl

nine of the 60 persons accused ofr
conspiracy and activity against the
state in the trials of Trieste were
condemned to death today. Forty-
eight others were sentenced to im-
prisonment for terms of from three
to 30 years. Three were acquitted.


At Session Tomorrow NEW YORK, Dec. 14. -(AP)- The
British radio broadcast a Moscow an-
In an attempt to eliminate much of nouncement tonight saying the entire
the existent confusion concerning the line of communications between Mos-
cow and Leningrad soon would be re-
student's place in the war effort, Gov. and L ynadson wud bere-
Murry D Va Waone an Prsi-established by advancing Red forces,
Murray D. Van Wagoner and Presi- 'indicating -the siege of Leningrad
dent Alexander Ruthven will lead a might thereby be lifted.
long list of prominent speakers at * k*
an all-campus assembly at 3:30 p.m. LONDON, Dec. 14.-OP)-A Swe-
tomorrow in Hill Auditorium. - dish correspondent in Berlin re-
ported through Stockholm today
Others who will offer their advice that the Germans expect the Vichy
to the student body include Dean Government to sever relations withj
Joseph Bursley, Dean Alice Lloyd, the United States as the result of
Capt. Lygl Davidson, retiring Chair- the seizure of French ships in
man of the Department of Naval Sci- American ports.
ence and 'Tactics. Lieut.-Col. Francis
Brannan, Commandant of the Uni- CORK, Eire, Dec. 14.-( )-Prime
versity ROTC unit, and Prof. Louis Minister Eamon De Valera declared
Hopkins, Chairman of the University today that "it would be unnatural if
Defense Committee. we did not sympathize in a specialE
Entirely student sponsored, the pro- manner" with the United States now
gram, was considered of such impor- that she is involved in the war, but,
tance by University officials that they he added his country can only be a
announced it would take precedence? "friendly neutral."


ace, imerly me. ramily welfare
Service, which distributes financial
Thro'ughd aid to investigated families with en
ough income to be off relief, but who
Behind a few short words in courL Istill need assistance.
ehidanfew shond ormed dpcothfIn the past the Goodfellow drive
records can lie undreamed depths ctf has also benefited the Textbook Lend-
tragedy and despair. Behind o ing Library, needy studentsk at the
brief sentence consisting of a few pro- University and a special hospital
saic words can lie a whole story o!f fund.
human suffering. Conceived, conducted and carried
So it was with this brief item in a on entirely by the University student.
newspaper column entitled 'In thc body, the drive has been character-
Courts': "Joseph Hale, breaking and__
entering, repeated offense, five years
iii the state penitentiary." Goodfellow volunteer salesmen
Those wards changed the' whol -" will find a complete list of times,
Thoen ordxscnedr mther wn1 places and instructions for selling
pattern of existence for a mother and, on page five of today's Daily.
her two children. They added almos _n__age___ve______daysDaiy.
insurmountable problems to those:.
which before seemed overwhelming. ized as the student body's most hu-
These words didn't bring economic- manitarian project.
problems alone, th'ey brought taunt; Leaders of campus organizations
of "jailbird" to the Hale childre serving on the Goodfellow committee\
ofhty thhtalecun ing en :nclude John Grandy, '2, Morton
they brought ever mounting tension :Mintz, '43, and Charles Thatcher,
and irritation to their home situation. .,4 , , a n ,C of-Th a ily;
'43E, co-chairmen, of The Daily;
A constantly degenerating hom< MVargaret Sanford, '42, president of
life, of course, is more directly a con- ,he League; Robert Sibley, '42E, pres-
comitant of economic hardship thar ident of the Union; Patricia Hadley,
of disgrace. Mrs. Hale had to launder '42, head of Panhellenic Association;
clothes and handle children at the Jean Hubbard, '42, president of As-
same time, and this combination sembly, and Don Stevenson, '42, pres-
brought about by the complete lack ident of the Interfraternity Coun-
of any financial support soon placed cil.
the family in an untenable situation. Other aides in the drive will be
The children, already maladjusted, Richard Schuey, '4', president of
had the further handicaps of poverty Congress; Jane Baits, '42, of the Wo-
to contend with. They were poorlym en's Judiciary Council; William
clad, and hungry. Clark, '42, of the Student Religious
Then what might have been the Association; Millie Radford, '42,
final tlagedy occurred, but its end Scroll; Rosebud Scott, '42, Senior
resblt brought a new life to the Hale Society; Virginia Frey, '42, Mortar-
family. Mrs. Hale, worn and tired board, and Margaret Avery, '43, Wy-
fell ill. Neighbors called the city phy- vern.
sician and public health nurses. The Additional chairman cooperating,
nurses, during their care of the are Frank McCarthy, '42, of Sphinx;
mother, recognized the general sit- Robert Gillis, '42, Druids; Gus Share-
uation of the home, and brought the met, '42, M Club; James Pierce, '43E
Family and Children's Service intc rriangles; Lawton Hammet, '42E,
the picture. Vulcans; Robert Summerhays, '42E,
This service agency sought out the Engineering Council, and William
manifold needs of the family, and Slocum, '42, of the Men's,, Judiciary
_then through its counsellors and con- Council.
tacts with agencies for helping both In addition to-the fraternities, sor-
young people and adults lessened >rities and cooperatives listed as con-
greatly the economic load on the par- tributors, a large number have pled-
ent, and the social load on the child- ;ed contributions but have pot yet
ren. Their help was la'gely respon- Submitted them and it is expected
sible for the renovation of a family that when all contributions are in
that appeared headed for disaster. ;he drive will be well on its way to-
They deserve your support. ward surpassing last year's mark.


Son's Sudden Return
Surprises His Father

program to be broadcast over all radio
networks between 10 and 11 p.m.,
Eastern Standard Time. I
During the day there will be num-
erous other exercises throughout the
country and at Washington the Li-
brary of Congress will put on display
the original journal of the House of
Representatives for August 21, 1789,
E the day upon which the House ap-
proved legislation submitting to state
referenda the question of accepting
the first ten amendments or "Bill of
Virginia's vote in the referendum
completed action on the amendlments
and it was a Virginian, George Mason,
Iw lxuh n +wfpr famhil mia-PrRi,,nf


William Slack of 1753 So. Main St.
spent a worried week awaiting word
from his son, Leslie, stationed at
Wheler Fieldl R miles frnm TTnnnilu

over all other academic activities.
Thus, students will be automatically'
excused from class if they attend the'

-The Army issued a statement to-
. __ 4 14 _f-- __- __ . ;_ *'"

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