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December 14, 1941 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-12-14

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Economy Baler's Production
Is Of Total Defense Nature
"This company and every one of to be used in baling scrap metal of
its 225 men is working 100 per cent all kinds it too, has been delayed
on the completion of government t
defense contracts," George W. by inability to obtain needed ma-
Langford, president of the Econ- terials on time," said Langford,
omy Baler Co., emphasized in an pointing out further that the'
interview early this week. Economy Baler's priority status
Integrating itself into the gen-
eral picture of Ann Arbor's war was listed as that of AlC, which is
industries, Economy Baler pro- on a par with that of shipbuilders.
duces baling machines which bind "We have a constant fight to se-
up such articles as uniforms, tents, cure our materials on time and
blankets, cartridges, shells, and have had to scour the country, in
hospital supplies into compact and order to get them," he explained.
easily-handled bundles. These ma- Within this plait, which is lo-
chines have played-an important cated at 1254 N. Main St., baling
part in such drives as the National machines varying in price from $40
Aluminum Drive, and in the pres- to $60,000 are manufactured from
ent waste paper collection which start to finish. This includes the
is now being conducted throughout securing of raw steel plate and
the country. structural steel bars, the actual
Pots And Pans Crushed construction, the final testing, and
Prominent among the 35 differ- the tearing down of the machinef
ent types of balers that Langford's before it is sent away in parts to
company produces is the machine the consumer.
which was photographed in news- Last War Activity t
reels throughout the nation during Our part in the last war, Lang-t
the aluminum drive. This pressure ford mentioned, was that of build-
baler is 100 inches long, 45 inches ing balers to bind up all supplies
wide, and 28 inches deep. It was which were shipped overseas. By1
seen to easily crumple aluminum using this packaging system, Lang-
pots and pans or pieces of scrap ford claimed that a minimum of
iron from the size df an automo- the much-needed space in the
bile to that of a compact block transports was required. Thesef
measuping 14. inches by 16 inches supplies were baled in such a fash-s
by 24 inches and weighing from ion that they were complete with t
400. to 500 pounds. water-proof covers ' and burlap
Anticipating the addition of an- sacking on the outside. This sack-r
other shift of orkmen to his pres- ing was later used in sand-bags inc
ent corps of employes, Langford the trenches.
said that soon the company roll Prior to the present crisis, Econ- t
would top the 250 mark. "We have omy Steel Balers were shipped all (
never had labor trouble in this over the world and were used toE
plant and have maintained an open bale everything from wool andc
shop during our entire period of hides in South America to fur int
operations," he added when speak- Alaska, jute and burlap in India,
ing of his workers, and rugs in China. Now sales have t
Priority Delay been necessarily restricted to the X
"Despite the fact that this firm United States and Canada, Lang-c
has a blanket priority for balers ford claimed.c

Director Of OPM.
University Women Participate
In Local Defense Program

William S. Knudsen, whose Of-
fice of Production Management
has played a leading role in con-
verting civilian factorie4 over to
producing arms and war machines
for what was once called the "na-
tional defense" program.
Ann Arbor Automatic
Makes Plane Parts
With pursuit ships, bombers and
fighter planes assuming an out-
standing place in the first phase of
the United States' defense against
Japan the nation counts more.and
more heavily upon those producers
of airplanes and aircraft parts.
One such concern is located here,
the Ann Arbor Automatic Products
Company. They are now devoting
80 per cent of their entire pro-
duction to supplying airplane man-
ufacturers with small parts.
It is the practice of companies
that make the vital parts for air-
planes such as the landing gears,
carburetors, and wheels to sub-let
contracts for parts.

Plans for defense work by wo-
men are going forward under the
direction of a central committee
on women's defense under the di-
rection of Miss Alice Lloyd, Dean
of Women.
Most important phase of the
project at present is the registra-
tion of all Univer ity women for
defense. This regi ration will not
take place until after Christmas,
but plans for it are already under
way. A card system will be used.
on which feminine students will
list their talents or the things they
would like to do to aid in the local
defense work.
Miss Lloyd declared that this
registration would enable the cen-
tral committee to direct girls into
channels where they are needed
and their aid would be of most
Defense Committees
In order to carry on this project
Miss Lloyd urges that defense com- DEAN ALICE LLOYD
mittees, composed of not more
than five or less than three mem- nasium by Miss Hazel Herring-
bers, be'set up in every dormitory, shaw, Assistant Professor of Pub-
sorority and league house on cam- lic Health Nursing. This is a pre-
pus. These committees would work requisite for girls who want to work
with the central defense commit- in hospitals as volunteer aides.
tees and see that too many people Girls with knitting and sewing
are not rushing in to help where abilities are welcome at the Red
they are not needed. Cross headquarters in the Wolver-
Women's defense work falls into ine Building downtown. Here they
four categories at present. The first may obtain wool and material for
of these is nutrition. Home man- making the many garments that
agement in the Literary School in- the local chapter must provide af-
cludes a nutrition course with ter Christmas.) Students may take
scholas c credit that is excellent the wool home with them in order
highly technical training for those to complete them.
who want to go into canteen work. The fourth category is concern-
It is probable that in addition to ed with preparation for admission
this, the Red Cross will soon be to the Motor Corps. A course in
offering such courses. first aid is needed in addition to
Home Nursing training in motor mechanics that
The second group is home nurs- is now being give4 here weekly.
ing. A course is now being given, The motor mechanics course
without credit, in Waterman Gym- (Caninued en Pale 6)

! y + 1

-Compliments of
JOSEPH F. BUHR President


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