Defense fD. '
Supplement t tg 43a l Sulpp1ke cnt
Ann Arbor's Industries ownspeople,
University repare To Aid War E fort
. Army Local Manufacturing Plats
Navy Train City Heads Are Prepared
Group Here 0
'Daily' Defense Supplement Pesigied
ROTC Officers Graduate To Acquaint Students On Campus
With Full Commission; with Local Production 'Campaign
Called To Active Duty
This defense issue of The Daily is the obituary of Am Arbor,
NROTC To Stay Michigan, a quiet college town.
As PIt is an advance notice to all University students faculty members
'As In Peacetime' Iand townspeople that Ann Arbor, Michigan has gone into the Govern-
ment's war effort with a determination that has set its factories work-
Most immediate and evident of ing 24 hours a day on arms and military machinery.
the University's functions in the The city of Ann Arbor is now an important link in the great in-
nation's defense is the instruction dustrial chain of the Detroit area. Its factories, its workers, its in-
of Army leaders in the Reserve Of- dustrial leaders and its University have dropped their ordinazsj civilian
iced Training Corps. pursuits to take a greater part in the nation's greatest task.
The unit, whose histoiy spans This supplement of The Daily, when originally planned, was de-
ing now two world wars, comprises signed to show the activities of Ann Arbor's industries in what was
five arms and services; Infantry,
Ordnance, Signal Corps, Engineers : fort," Since that tine. we have
and Medical Corps. t ] T declared war upon three major
Nearly all recent graduates, sec- 1 r powers. and every machine tool
ond lieutenants in the Officers r precision instrumeot and ord-
Reserve Corps, are lready on ac-I Two F rm Eauti' i nance order made by alocalindus-
tive duty with the colors. try has doubled in its value to the
While the declaration of war has a er nation.
not affected the training, the r ri1 Students U2raware
course underwent appreciable (_But the average University stu-
change upon the declaration last dent is completely unaware of
year of a state of unlimited emer- 7-Day Week Is Planned this activity. His world begins on
gency. The training now is based Having voted along with his fellow American Broach Employes By American Broach Washtenaw Avenue, converges on-
upon the objective of turning out to go on a 7-day week, this jig borer operator is performing a pre- O Wr Cnr t wthe Diagonal and spreads out
effective small unit commanders cision job on a machine tool fixture. Throghoot Ann Arbor, other __a____ ends onrSu thinness until it
rather than army officers with a rnds on South Main Street. When
broad military background. men are doing other industrial jobs, all as essential as any mili- Doing its bit during the national he realiges that he need go no fur-
Organized at present as an in- tar strate emergency as the number one war ther ttpn the track-side plants
fantry regiment, the ROTC first Amer- near the Stadium for a first hand
paraded on campus in 1929 when view of war production, he will
they were reviewed by President iur lu teS vanufacture ican Broach and Machine Com- gain some idea of his college
Ruthven pany. town's conduct in a national emer-
The unit has experienced a con- Making the machines that make gency.
stant increase in enrollment since A irplane,' Tank Accessories the weapons of war-that is the Last Monday, in a stuffy City
World War days although opposi- _ _ Hall room, 30 local leaders met to
tion has been constant until very Spcializing in multiple drilling role played by this company in decide Ann Arbor's course of ac-
recently. The entire regiment now layouts for future work. Every- the national effort. Broaching Lion for the duration of this cris
machines for processing automo- where there is evidence of stepped n al eo Broah is. Manufacturing this end
comprises about 900 basic and 300mahnswicreoe etli-pnsad
advanced cadets. bile, airplane. tank and gun parts, up production. ther externally or internally from their protection took up a major
the Buhr Machine Tool Co., located Before the emergency, too, the a part, are supplied to industries part of the meeting, and their
NROTC To Stay at 839 Greene, is contributing Buhr Machine Tool Co. played aproducing tank parts, anti-air- representatives told of firm meas-
vnheavily to the defense effort. s craft guns, rifles, gun barrels and ures already taken. The local
As In Peacetime' th een for other things, this company has shells. leaders learned that Ann Arbor's
"The NROTC will be continued channeled into defense manufac- been the sole builder of the ma- Sub-Contract Basis manufacturers were already pre-
Thin peacetime." u rcng, to defen m ha chine that drills holes in gas stove Employed on a sub-contraIt ba- pared to meet the situation, and
asiLectie' o uring, the company during the; burners. thatye som of. them had been s
Those were the words of Capt. past two years has doubled its size aur that some of. them had been so
Buly hmsef sartd orkng n xs, merca Brachhashadjob Iequipped for over ayer
Lyal A. Davidson, U.S.N., Com- until at the present time it em- factories 51 yYear.
mandant of the NROTC unit on ploysfactories 51 years ago. His know- from the Springfield Armory, theReady
this campus, spoken on the historic who came to Ann Arbor in 1925 dge o enne ame from United States Navy, the Naval Ar- The question of enemy activity,
nght of Sunday, Dec. 7. as president, will testify to the and from the National Correspon- senal and the Naval Torpedo St both espionage and sabotage, has
But although no change in the activity that has characterized the d Nion. Its priority rating is the been answered by adequate guards
program of the NROTC is con- company's work hours. _ highest possible for companies not and means of worker identifica-
templated as yet, there will be, and "In fact," he admits, "next week operating under direct govern- tion. FBI instructions, received
already has been a change in the we shall reschedule work on a 24 Machines To Buld ment contract. . by Chief of Police Sherman Mor-
attitude of the cadets. Always a hour a day basis. The two ten hour . .iggest project of the American tenson, have been put into effect
business-like unit, the NROTC has shifts we now have will be changed Production Tools geBroach and Machine Company at with the cooperation of private of-
already taken on the appearance to three of eight hours each." tise present time is the manufac- ficials.
of an outfit determined to get the Orders filled by the company are Made By Crobalt turing of broaching equipment A new defense committee, set
most out of its training for a com- varied. As an illustration, the costs used in rifling cannons of any up by Mayor Leigh J. Young, pre-
mission in he Naval Reserve rom $150 to$30,. "ner It has frequently been stated size up to 105 mm. Present orders sents a cross section of Ann Arbor
.Cnine 'o- aes from $150 to $30,000. "One of .. . refriedrctonrtrswith a membership ranging from
those just completed," he tells, that, since Wprld War II is a battle s i g 2 fi . d ntracrs, the fire department to the Uni-
producing 20 mm. anti-aircrafttei d artmen , t
"is 28 feet iong., of production as well as armies, Ignverity with social clubs, utilities,
tram Furnishes Besides Buhr, officers of the or- "machine tools will win the war." These new machines were de- and the press in between.
Filters For Forces ganization are Theodore H. L. Crobalt, Inc., manufacturer of ma- signed to produce the rifling chan- Students Are In It
Backus, vice-president and Julius chine tools, with its subsidiary, nels by means of cutters that cut The activities of this defense
Oil filters and cartridges for all "We also own the Aircraft Parts the Ann Arbor Grinding Co., is the cnnons so boac ed te comittee wil sidhave anivrset
types of motorized vehicles in the, Products Co. near here," explains one of hundreds of small industries sent to Great Britain students. Ann Arbor is their
United States Army and Navy are Buhr, "and a week ago we or- throughout the country contribut- r ihome fo a major part of the
being manufactured by the Fram ganized another plant, the Ameri- ing to this vital phase of the de- Howitzers year and it is their t to par-
Corporation, in its Ann Arbor can Pattern and Foundry Co," fense program. Earlier this year the company ticipate in any program planned
plant. The aircraft parts factory will also Machine tools are the "machines manufactured broaching machines by the city leaders. The Univer-
The Pram Corporation employs establish a 24 hour work day. that inake the machines," and - for use on 81 mm. howitzers. Other sity itself has long worked with
about 150 employes in their local Within the machine tool plant elude such items as drill presses, machines marketed by the local the city, and its research facilities
branch although they also have stand new machines recently pur- stamping machines and lathes. firm are used to broach anti-air- have aided many local manufac-
plants for' the manufacture of chased by the company to be used They are used to manufacture the craft rifles, shells, internal gears turers now engeged in military
many other types of automotive in further manufacture but not multitude of parts that make up on the Chrysler M-3 tank and production,
accessories in Providence and Paw- as yet installed. In the drafting airplanes, tanks, machine gus and several other types of cannon bar- The Daily has also come into
tucket, R. I., and in Otsego, Mich. office 20 engineers are working on (Continued on Page 3) rels. (Continued on Page 6)