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December 12, 1941 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-12-12

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_ .... a M.., w..,.,., . ,.r

Edited and managed by students of the Univrersity of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
-Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mall matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
carrier $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
490 MADieoN AVE. NEW YORx. N.Y.
Mtember, Associated Collegiate. Press, 1941-42


Editorial Staff

Managing Editor

Emil.e e16 '.
Alvin Dann
David Lachenbruch

Editorial Director
City Editor

Jay McCormick
1al Wilson
Arthur Hill
Janet Hiatt
Grace Miller
Virginia Mitchell


. . Associate
S. - Sports
Assistant Sports
. . Women's
Assistant Women's
* . Exchange


Business Staff

Daniel H. Huyett
James B. Collins
qouise Carpenter
Evelyn Wright

Business Manager
Associate Business Manager
. Women's Advertising Manager
. Women's Business Manager

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Senate Election .
Needs Your Vote .
"only all-campus representative
body," makes a stand today.
With 34 candidates running for 12 posts in
today's election the University student body has
one of its few remaining opportunities to elect
a senate which will not only be "representative"
but will also be able to fill its constitutional
function as a legislative body.
In the past, apathy has marked campus atti-
tule towards the senate. It made The Daily's
pages for the Spring and Winter Parleys, and
semi-annual elections. Outside of that, the
senate was regarded lightly as a debating society,
or a bunch of amateur politicos filling the air
with small talk and cigar smoke.
BtUT the campus has failed to realize one thing.
It is within .the power of the senate, under
its new constitution, to become the nucleus of
a strong student government at the University.
It still remains the only one of the various cam-
pus organizations whose membership is drawn
from the entire student body, and fraternity
men, co-op residents, graduates, sorority women,
and dormitory independents are al eligible to
take part in its elections, or stump for office on
its ballot.
The next six months may decide the fate of
higher education in the United States "for the
durations" Tuesday's meting, called by Dr.
Ruthven, will attempt to eliminate student con-
fusion on the suddenly-aroused issues of the war
and draft extension. But mass meetings are in-
convenient and unwieldy if they are to be adopted
as a running policy. It is only through an alert
conscientious student government that you can
express your feelings and views on these issues.
ALARGE TURNOUT in today's election will
mean the end of the Student Senate as a
suggestions forum. But only with support drawn
from every student and every organization can
it take its true place as a democratic campus
-Dan Behrman
French Fleet May Be
A Decisive Factor. .
i France's once mighty fleet may be-
come the decisive factor in the British-German
struggle for control of the Middle East and its
vital oil wells.
The talks which Petain and Darlan held with
Goering in Orleans were undoubtedly the first
definite steps in the process of transfer of the
fle/et from French into German hands. The
recent news from Vichy again hints at yet closer
Vichy French-Nazi relations.
SHOULD the Nazis gain control of the Frenc
fleet, they will have a very definite and terri-
ble use for it. In brief, they want it for one
reason alone, to help them blast their way
through the Dardanelles and Bosphorus into
the Black Sea. Why do they want to useit
In this way? Simply because they want and
need to turn the British and Russian flank in
_ -A,.,_ +. M ;., nnno. 4 +n *tfl*r*c f nranlafnl

Drew Perso
Robert SAllen
WASHINGTON-The storm of criticism over
the Navy's tragic failure at Hawaii broke pri-
vately, and before the public knew any details,
at the President's Sunday night session with
Cabinet and Congressional chiefs.
Senator Tom Connally of Texas, chairman of
the Foreign Relations Committee, -was particu-
larly insistent in asking blunt questions as to
why our forces were caught unprepared.
As the Cabinet and Congressional advisers
filed into the large red room on the second flor
of the White House, the President greeted them
grimly,. saying he supposed they had all been
listening to the radio reports and knew what
had happened; that there was little to add except
to say, of course, that he would ask Congress to
declare war.
"But Mr. President," spoke up Connally, "what
in the world was wrong with our forces at Ha-
waii? Apparently they weren't on the job. How
did they get caught like that?"
The President replied he was unable to answer,
as complete reports had not been received, but
on the basis of reports which had come in, the
damage to manpower and equipment was pretty
Pressed by Connally for details, the President
said that on the basis of information received
up to then, at least one battleship and one de-
stroyer had been sunk and about 1,500 killed.
"It's amazing to me that our Army and Navy
forces weren't prepared for an attack," said
Connally. "I can't understand how that Japan-
ese airplane carrier and those submarines could
have approached so close without someone being
aware of them."
Spat With Knox
The plain-talking Texan, also turned his quiz
guns on Navy Secretary Knox, demanding
sharply: "What's the matter with those com-
manders of yours out there?"
Knox defended the officers, contending they
were brave and/conscientious.
"I didn't question their courage or integrity,"
retorted Connally. "What the country wants to
know is why our forces were caught napping."
Republican Congressional chiefs Charles Mc-
Nary of the Senate and Joe Martin of the House
said nothing until the conference broke up.
Then, both warmly shook the President's hand
and assured him of their wholehearted support
"The die is cast, Mr. President," said McNary
gravely. "We're all shoulder to shoulder until
we see this thing through."
"Yes, from now on you can count on 100 per-
cent support for your foreign policies from our
side of the aisle," added Martin.
"Thanks," replied the President, with an affec-
tionate grin. "I always knew I could count on
both of you in the showdown."
Annapolis Admirals
On the night Japan caught American forces
napping in Hawaii, Governor qharles Edison of
New Jersey, formerly Secretary of the Navy,
was being entertained in Washington. Very few
details of the attack had trickled in at that time.
But immediately Edison remarked:
"Judging by the news so far, they have used
the strategy was had always suspected. By this
time I would say the Japanese had taken Guam,
Wake and Kodiak Bay (in the Aleutian Islands)."
Wht ex-Secretary of the Navy Edison re-
ferred to was the fact that the Navy many times
has staged its Pacific maneuvers on the theory
that Japan would make a surprise attack on
Pearl Harbor. In fact, just two years ago, the
Army and Navy staged war games around Ha-
waii, and the Army "sank" the Navy by using

exacjy the same strategy of the Japanese-get-
ting up early and taking them by surprise.
Furthermore, even if U.S. armed forces had
not rehearsed these tactics, everyone knew that
it was this same strategy of surprise and flank
attack which has won Hitler victory after vic-
tory. His bombers wiped out Polish airdromes
before Polish planes could get off the ground.
His troops picked out the one spot in the Maginot
Line, the Meuse, which no Freshman ever
thought he would try.
The fact that U. S. Admirals ignored theseles-
sons is now coming under Congressional scru-
tiny. But the explanation is not hard to find.
It is in the Annapolis clique of admirals who are
the real rulers of the Navy.
For instance, the commander of the Scouting
Fleet in the Pacific is Admiral Walter S. Ander-
son. As commander of the Scouting Fleet it was
his job to scout for and detect any enemy ap-
proaching Honolulu.
However, Admiral Anderson was once com-
mander of the 4th Cruiser Division, aqd during
naval maneuvers in the Caribbean in 1938 his
Middle Eastern front not now covered by either
of the two existing British armies in that area.
THIS Turkish Front when taken (according to
Prof. Robert A. McDowell of the history de-
partment western Turkey would fall almost im-
mediately under a German attack) will then al-
low troop transports made up of the remaining
units of the French fleet which meanwhile will
have sneaked one by one at night through the
Mediterranean and up the German-controlled
Aegean Sea, to steam unmolested through the
Black Sea to its eastern end.
mV1. --mar il 1aC n ha ala h ,,llc

Collegian's Position ...-
I OFFER an analysis of the position of the col-
legian today as a student:
The people of this nation are again united,
not only with themselves, but with many other
powers of the world in an undertaking of stag-1
gering importance.
It is an undertaking that will require the most
basic cooperation, national and international;
it is a time when each individual is an essential
cog in the wheel of determination and chance,
whose value is measured by his willingness and
ability to be of service. It is an era of supreme
cooperation, not sacrifice.
HOW DO WE as college students fit into this
situation? First of all we have to decide (like
everyone else) the purpose of the conflict: "to
lick the hell out of the Japanese" (quoting Mr.
Wheeler); or are we combating the conditions
that make us kill fellow human beings?
Next, how9 can we be most effecti in achiev-
ing our goal? This to a large extent is yet to be
determined. If the men are drafted, their jobs
will be outlined (whether this drafting be desir-
able or not). However, in the event that there
is exemption, what should our positions be? The
answer to this is clear. If we feel that by our
continued study we shall at a later date be more
effective in either rehabilitating or carrying out
the war effort than if we were to enlist now, we
should remain in college provided that our coop-
eration is commensurate with that of the rest
of the people of the nation.
Specifically, the only justification for allowing
college students to continue their education
or/and training is that they are in a position to
provide leadership at the completion of this
training (leadership which otherwise will be
partially lacking and ineffective) for the attain-
ment of our objective. This requires that full
advantage be taken of the opportunity by the
IN ACTUAL FACT how will our fulfilling the
condition setup result in departure from our
present life on the campuses? Again the answer
is clear. Since we must work to efficiency's ca-
pacity, spend our time as effectively as possible,
inevitably many aspects of our college life will
disappear. Because we now have a compelling
purpose to our education, our slipshod methods
of study will be discarded. No longer shall we
cram for examinations;, no longer shall be barely
try to get by in order to get a degree. Our sole
purpose in college can only be to make our con-
tribution as vital as is feasible. Thus it is seen
that there must be a great change in academic
approach and attitude.
There must also be a change even in our rec-
reation. It is impossible to reconcile active par-
ticipation in superficialities that may hamper
our efficiency with full cooperation in the in-
ternational struggle. One's definition of super-
ficiality may not be generally accepted, but
surely the basis for it is hindering cooperation.
It will include long-winded dances, the week-end
movie habit, drinking sessions, and other similar
collegiate conventions. Yes, we need recreation,
but this recreation should be a means to achieve
greater effectiveness in our work, nothing more.
Our new life will necessitate the end of the
decadent "Joe-college."
IT WILL BE no easy matter to affect what is a
fundamental change in our lives. Indeed we
shall need help, plenty of it. If a college environ-
ment can determine to a greater extent whether
a student is liberal or conservative than family
background (see The Daily of last Sunday for
article on Prof. Newcomb), surely it can deter-
mine whether students are responsive to tle
needs of the times and are willing to act accord-
ingly or not. It is imperative that the faculty
be of the greatest assistance in promoting the
maximum and optimum contribution from its
students, this being, after all, its basic function
at all times.

Only when these two conditions are satisfied
can there be justification for the continuance
of college work.
- Sigmund Cohn
entire fleet was "sunk." He had permitted his
ships to come within the direct line of fire of
the big guns of the opposing fleet.
This was a blunder which most officers could
not easily live down. However, Anderson was an
Annapolis classmate of Admiral Harold Stark,
now Chief of Naval Operations and-a power in
the Navy. Anderson was made Chief of Naval
Intelligence. Later, to the surprise of almost.
everyone, he was promoted to the key command
of the Scouting Fleet in the Pacific, where he
,has supposed to ward off enemy attacks.
Congress Flashes
While awaiting the appearance of the Presi-
dent, the Republican and Democratic sides of
the House presented a striking contrast. The
Republicans seemed to have something weighing
on their minds-maybe their America First vot-
ing records . . . Charley West, former congress-
man and Undersecretary of the Interior, who is
suing a defense contractor for some $600,000 in
commissions, besieged Speaker Sam Rayburn's
,office for a pass to the packed galleries . .
Scene on the House floor: Wisconsin's bald,
dapper isolationist Harry Sauthoff, a LaFollette
Progressive, holding an earnest conversation with
tall, high-colored "Ham" Fish, New York isola-
tionist . . . Mrs. Roosevelt took a seat behind one
of the temporary steel girders in the gallery re-
served for her. She gave the better seats to
members of leer staff . . . OPM Director General
Knudsen was seated in the first row with sen-
anrc-ari nnko,.n an+ mr. lma a car+nr +Iin

- --~--______~- -- - --I
(Continued from Page 2)
Sr. Forestry Aid, $1,980 per year,
last filing date December 31, 1941.
Junior Forester, $2,460 per year,
last filing date December 31, 194.
Public Health Nurse, $1,560 per
year, applications accepted until fur-
ther notice. examination date Janu-
ary 8, 1942.
General Staff Nurse. $1,680 per
year, applications will be accepted
until further notice, examination
January 8, 1942.
General Staff Nurse (relief)i $1,6801
per year, applications accepted until
further notice, examination date,
January 8. 1942.
Lineman, $1.44 per hour, last fil-
ing date January 26, 1942.
Transportation Equipment Oper-
itor, 79c to 84c per hour, last filing
late January 5, 1942.
Refrigeration Inspector, $2,460 per
year, last filing date December 23,
While these are Detroit Civil Serv-
ice, the residence requirement is
waived except in the case of the last
two positions listed. For further no-
Ace, please call at the Bureau, 201
Mason Hall.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information


Summer Camp Work: Students fro
who plan to be in the East during the
holidays, who are interested in camp
jobs for next summer, should get in at once to the boxes near Room 2091
touch with the Bureau of Appoint- N.S. for an important change in
ments, 201 Mason Hall. Interviews marking.
can be arranged with camps from- -
whom calls have already been re- Concert
University Bureau of Appointments Messiah Concert: The University
and Occupational Information. Musical Society will present Handel's
"Messiah" Sunday afternoon at 4:15
T n s.f i o'clock, December 14, in Hill Audi-
The University Bureau of Appoint- torium. The University Choral Un-
haents and Occupational Information ion, the University Symphony Or-
has received information of the fol-chestra, Palmer Christian, organist,
lowing Civil Service examinations.I Marie Wilkins, soprano, Edwina Eus-
United States Civil Service utis, contralto, Ernest McChesney,
Head Photographer, $2,600, Janu- tenor, and Douglas Beattie, 1bass, will
ary 3, 1942. all participate, under the baton of
Senior Photographer, $2,000, Janu- Maestro Thor Johnson.
Assistant Photographer $1,620, Tickets, so long as they last, will
JAnuisay Phtoahcontinue on sale at the offices of the
Under Photographer, $1,260, Jan Iniversity Musical Society in Bur-
uary 3, 1942 - ton Memorial Tower until noon Sat-
uary3, 142'urday. On Sunday they will be on
Principal Field Representative, ( sale at the box office in Hill Auditor-
$4,600 (Apprenticeship), January 12, ium after 2:30 o'clock.

"M y outfit never retreats, en-If the Blues are attacking us In
great strength wie'l ,1 ust have toadvance in the dtrection we came

By Lichty

im V


luli: Charles A. Sink, President
Senior Field Representative (Ap-
prenticeship), $3,800, January 12,
1942. Exhibitions
Field Representative (Apprentice- I,
ship, $,20, Jnuar 12 192.,Exhibition, College of Architecture
ship), $3,200, January 12, 1942. and Design: Collection of pottery,
Assistant Field Representative (Ap- the work of Mary Chase Stratton of
prenticeship), $2,600, January ' the Pewabic Pottery, given to the
1. Electrician, $1,860.JanuaryUniversity by Dr. Walter R. Parker,
8, 1942 isEJ ing shown in the ground floor
Elcrca,$,8,Jnay8, 192 case -of the Architecture Building.
Electrician, $1,680, January 8 sOpen daily, 9:00-5:00 p.m., through
1942. Dec. 19. The public is invited.

Head Investigator, $4,600, until fur-
ther notice.
Principal Investigator, $3,800, un-
til further notice.
Investigator, $3,200, until further
Office Appliance Repairman, $1,-
680, January 8, 1942 (for appoint-
ment in Washington, p.C., and vi-
cinity only).
Michigan Civil Service
State Revenue Commissioner, $6,-
000, December 11, 1941.
Information concerning these ex-,

L~c tures
University Lecture: Mr. Laurence
C. S. Sickman, Curator of Oriental
Art, Nelson Gallery of Art, Kansas
City, Missouri, will lecture on the sub-
ject, "Landscape Painting of the Sung
Dynasty" (illustrated) under the aus-
pices of the Institute of Fine Arts to-
day at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham
Amphitheater. The public is cordial-
ly invited.

Phi Beta Sorority and Sigma Nu Fra-
ternity are guests today.
Interviews for Orientation Ad-
visers, names Watson through Zim-
merman, and any who missed their
appointed interview, will be today,
3:00-5:30 p.m., in the undergraduate
office of the League. Women must
bring their el1gibiity cards to the in-
Westminster Student Guild "Gift
Party" tonight, 9:00-12:00 p.m. Small
admission or a gift for an under-
privileged child in Ann Arbor. Wrap
and label the article. Refreshments,
games and dancing.
Unitarian Church: Student Tea-
Dance in the Library of the church,
4:00-6:00 p.m. today. Christmas
records will be played and there will
be folk-dancing.
The Lutheran Student Association
is holding a dance tonight at the
Pittsfield Grange. All members are
cordially invited. Cars will leave the
Parish Hall at East Washington and
Fifth, 8:00-8:30 p.m.
Wesley Foundation: Third Annual
Christmas dinner, and party tonight
beginning at 6:00 p.m. in the Russian
Tea Room at the Michigan League,
Following the dinner program of
speeches and music, the group will go
to the church for an infof'mal party
and an exchange of gifts.
Coming Events
The English Journal Club will meet
Wednesday, December 17, at 7:45
p.m. in the'East Conference Room
of the Rackham Building. Mr. W.
H. Auden will speak on "Hellenic and
Hellenistic Scholarship." Graduate
students in English and other inter-
ested persons are welcome.
Economics Club: $ Staff members
in Economics and Business Adminis-
tration and graduate students in
these departments are invited to hear
Mr. Robert Rosa speak on "Mone-
tary Reform" at 8:00 p.m. in the
West Conference Room of Rackham
Building on Monday, December 15.
The All-Campus Carol Sing will
be held at the steps to the Main
Library on Sunday, December 14,
at 9:00 p.m. Professor David Mat-
tern will lead the general singing,
and special selections will be ren-
dered by the University Glee Clubs
and a mixed chorus. The Carol
Sing is sponsored by, the Student
Religious Association. All students
and faculty are invited to take part.
Phi Eta Sigma initiationon Sun-
day, December 14, at 5:30 p.m. at
the Union. .Dinner will be served at
6:30 p.m.
Graduate Outing Club will meet
Sunday at 2:30 p.m., west rear door,
Rackham School. Program depends
upon the weather.
The sound-color motion picture
film "Symphony of Young America,"-
filmed at the National Music Camp
last summer, will be shown for the
first time on Saturday, Dec. 13, 1:15-
1:37 p.m. All former National Music
Camp students and others interested
are invited. No admission charge.
Due to the affiliation of the National
Music Camp with the University of
Michigan, the film is of particular
interest at this time.
The Inter-Cooperative Council is
holding a dance Saturday night,
8:30-12:00, at the Wolverine. All
Co-op members and applicants are
cordially invited.
Women's Bowling Club: Women
sundents who are interested in join-

aminations may be obtained from the University Lecture: Professor G. E.
notices at the office of the Bureau, Moore, Cambridge University, Eng-
201 Mason Hall. Office hours 9-12, land, will lecture on the subject,
12-4. "Certainty," under the auspices of
Bureau of Appointments and the Department of Philosophy, on
Occupational Information Thursday, December 18, at 4:15 p.m.
in the Rackham Amphitheater. The
The University Bureau of Appoint- public is cordially invited.k

ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
Civil Service examination.
Junior Stenographer, $1,440.
Junior Typist, $1,260.
This examination is for appoint-
ment in Washington, D.C., only. For
positions in the field service, consult
your district manager.
This examination will be open for
applications until further notice. Fur-
ther information may be obtained
from the notice filed in the Bureau
of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall.
Office hours 942; 2-4.
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information
Representatives of the Socony-
Vacuum Company will be in the
offices of the University Bureau of
Appointments on December 11 to in-
terview applicants. Students in Me-
chanical, Civil and Chemical and
Metallurgical Engineering will be in-
terviewed, and also students in Busi-
ness Administration, covering ac-
counting and marketing. The So-
cony-VacuumsCompany ishconsider-.
ing applicants for both the foreign.
and domestic service.
Appointments and complete infor-
mation may be obtained from the
Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason
Hall. Office hours 9-12; -4.
Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
Women students wishing employ-
ment during the holidays are asked
to register at the Office of the Dean
of Women. Therm are many oppor-

American Chemical Society Lec-
ture: Dr. M. N. Mickelson of the De-
partment of piacteriology will speak
on "Carbohydrate Decomposition by
Microorganisms" at 4:15 p.m. on
1Wednesday, December 17, in Room
303 Chemistry Building. The annual
business meeting will follow the lec-
French Lecture: Professor Arthur
L. Duhham, of the Department of
History, will give the third of the
French Lectures sponsored by the
Cercle Francais on Monday, Dec. 15,
at 4:15 p.m. in Room D, Alumni
Memorial Hall. The title will be:
"La Conquete de 1'Europe par la
France pendant la Revolution et la
Premier Empire."
Tickets for -the series of lectures
may be procured from the Secretary
of the Department of Romance Lan-
guages (Room 112, Romance Lan-
guage Building) or at the door at the
time of the lecture for a small sum.
Holders of these tickets are entitled
to admission to all lectures, a small
additional charge being made for the
annual play. These lectures are open
to the general public.
Events Today
A movie will be shown tonight at
7:15 for the N.R.O.T.C. students at
the Naval R.O.T.C. Headquarters,
North Hall, entitled, "Gateway to
the Pacific and Crossroads of the
- School of Education Seniors: A

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