Alumni iuatence:
Stason Speaks
On Democracy
In Institutions
Refers To Idiosyncrasies
Of 'Immature Authors'-
Of DailyEditorial Page
(Continued from Page 1)
He declared "we are not going to
permit him to do it. We are going
to prevent it and the sooner the
better. Once a Nazi Panzer division
lands in South America, there will be
an intensity of apprehension and un-
ity of thought in this country that
has never been equalled."
Citing the increases of government-
al power, and centralization of au-
thority, he said although the checks
and balances of the past may now
be inadequate, democracy has always
been resourceful and will establish
new checks and balances.
Cautioning those worried over what
they believe to be undemocratic
changes in the economy, Dean Sta-
son asserted that a nation can, in
theory at least, enjoy m&t of "the
fruits of democracy though the capi-
talist economy is severely modified."
He held that "large inroads may be
made upon capitalist patterns of the
past in the form of governmental
regulation and even planned economy
without carrying democracy to de-
Totaling the reasons for concern,
Deanl Stason forecast that democracy
can endure the stresses of these and
other even worse catastrophes. "Fi
have just one concern," he empha-
sized, "and that is that education
and the educational institutions of
the land be left educationally free for
their task of training an intelligent
Non-Accredited Georgia
Will Affect 4lichigan
The recent removal of the Univer-
sity of °Georgiat and.10 other state
colleges firom the accredited listof
the Southern Association of Colleges
and Secondary Schools will have re-
percussions at the University of Mich-
Dean Clarence S. Yoakum of the
Graduate School said yesterday that
students from these schools 'Applying
for admission to the University will
find it very difficult to be accepted.
He said very few would be admitted
and those that were would be on a
probationary basis as a result of com-
ing from a non-accredited institution.
Ho-huin, Who Cares?
NEW YORK, Dec. 6- (A) - Mrs.
Tolmy Manville No. 5-the former
Bonita Edwards, showgirl-entrained
for Reno today where she said she
planned to seek a divorce from her
husband of 18 days, the playboy as-
bestos heir. Manville, 7, was at
Grand ,Central Terminal to see his
22-year-old "Bonnie" off, but there
was no parting kiss. Mrs. Manville
Tea Will Be Given
The wives of the faculty members
of the College of Architecture and
Design will give a tea from 3 to 5
o'clock, Wednesday, December 10.
::ti ,..." .,:: , .. . ,_t$"}:: tE } x ."
....,~,, a Sateet eeaUftSto reeSor
..nter our Gift Rooms in the State Street Store, Christmas
st in hand, and find yourself surrounded by gifts that will
be equally at home in a mansion or cottage! Luxurious and
practical, whichever 'you decide upon, these are gifts to be-
stow with pride . . . easy to give . . . grand to receive!
Other Gift Selections in Occasional Furn-
~~ itilre, Lamnps and Decorative Accessories
at the Downtown Store in the Gift Shop,
Balcony and Drapery Shop, Third Floor.
'NX- Xo -xss
;. "'__' . f: f.hFc"%.\\'br,.. +;4 >oA ,,,,
OW-- b~e, 1.5A.StS ode's EP9
txe Or e .o n- the tob e w a\ 0 .0.
...Vief10. eVice . O o e o eS' .R -
a tde choiSS eeSe. 95x00.
y r'Toer, Tho}e s d C
with o mter by atIene
~~ Qr~~O the 0 ~oe o
ro O r Group:
State f ; SteettGie Stcr
ceMtahn A
fortablyt upholsteredSw paskd in
silk shade, 10.00. .Bre hi on EphstC
End Table of rock mnaple in fo reenf andhwitere msig on
natural clear finish, 12.50. core faric. Fwn-n Wo
Pottery baselamp in beige with c oRtored mapletbras maple W450
.'with simuteda anref pigski rpi wiyudi uonesretivftsce hite- Large
.u... ... wbtwwihpid . as o r5eceorch!
s'~(.. rtw:are - frans~v e tw
eLa san lp ot i g eAe c.s;ores
a.eo t n tore 00hop, each.
... 5 5acn nDaeySo , hrdalor:.#.
k50, p
tabe,3 - l, pod 5 n*
Framed Pictures: Blue Jay print by Roland framed Desk or
in silvered bamboo. One of a series of similar printsfw
at 15.00. "Rounding the Buoy," reproduction of a tered tnt
.. ,tered in
'-'Igreen tx
wafercpolor by Sodenberg, 17.50. gent
ABOVE -Slipper Chair in
Button-Back Boudoir ABOVE - Sniyer Chin
Chair upholstered in wild rose on yellow chintz
plaid rayon taffeta. print Glo-Sheen, 16.95
Rose ground with bur-
gundy stripe. 29.50.
Boudoir Lounge Chair
in yellow floral stripe
Glo-Sheen, 24.50.
:. . eT(Downtown StoreF
i Writing Desk
Sheraton Desk in an-
ahogany, 75.00..
g chair of Hondur-
gany 18.50. Brass-
esk lamp with par-
hade, 3.95. Decor-
-p basket, 1.50.
ir with fluted back.
red in roughtex do-
a natural leaf de-
a blue background.
ork. of clear-tone
(Continued from Page 4)
Westminster Student Guild: Sup-
per and fello ship at 6:00 p.m., fol-
lowed by worship service on "The
Spirit of Christmas."
The Church of Christ will meet
for Scripture study at 10:00 a.m. Sun-
day in the Y.M.C.A. At the morning
worship, 1:00 a.m., Garvin M. Toms
will preach on the theme: "Is It Pos-
sible to Accomplish Life's Righteous
Ambitions in the Church of Christ?"
The subject for the sermon at 7:30
p.m. will be "Why We Believe the
Bible to be the Word of God.". At
7:30 p.m., Wednesday, the midweek
Bible study will be heldc Everyone
is invited to all services.
Christian Church (Disciples): 10:45
a.m., Morning Worship, Rev. Fred-
erick Cowin, Minister. There will be
a special program in which Mrs.
Christine Chambers from China will
bring the message.
7:00 p.m. The Disciples Guild will
have its annual Christmas Tea at
the Guild House, 438 Maynard Street.
This will take the place of the usual
program at the church. All Disciple
students and their friends are invited.
The Michigan Christian Fellow-
ship will meet this afternoon at 4:30
p.m. in the Fireside Room of Lane
Hall. All students are cordially in-j
vited to be present.
Make-up Chair in
e maple. Uphols-
a striped rose and
xtured fabric.22.50.