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December 05, 1941 - Image 23

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-12-05

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-. .

Soldiers Have
Civilian Tastes
In Xmas Gifts
Compactness, Portability
Required In: Presents
For All Service Men
Now wearing the olive-drab and
navy blue of their country's uniforms
Well over a million service men will
be the particular objects of the Christ-
inas gift machinations of families,
Y's, the USO and other civilian agen-
cies. s
Regardless of the lists of "fitting"
gifts for the boys and the attractive
displays at the "post exchange" coun-
ters in the metropolitan and other
tIepartment stores it is of paramount
Importance to remember that sol-
diers, sailorstand marines alike have
substantially the same tastes and de-
sires as they had before their en-
Compactness And Portability
Any gift for a man away from
home would be well received by the
hation's dfenders. The only quality
peculiar to :the service mai is the
desirability for compactness and por-
These qualities are probably already
embodied in their housewife (sew-
ing kit, no sex) and toiletries, so un-
less you have something especially
luxurious in mind I would leave the
supply of this sort of item to the local
The military life being what it is,
utilitarian in form to a utilitarian
end, utility in gifts will be especially
welcome in the wigwams of the Great
White Father's braves.
Filling the triple-bill Of occupying
spare time for which there is small
diversion, amusement per se and
keepingthe lads on he post instead
of quandering their pay in town is
the old standby: a good book.
If your stalwart is one of the un-
fortunates who did not get a Christ-
mas furlough no time wold be more
fitting for a "generous"-let's make
that "huge"-box of homemade stuff
to eat. In adition to being always
apropos, this sort of gift has the per-
sonal element so much missed in the
ordinary associations of the life mili-
tary. ,
Slippers, Too
The civilian mind rarely associates
the fireside institution of the bed-
room slipper with army life. With
the exception of maneuvers, however,
they are indeed a useful article.
Then, as a climax, for one who
would not only give, but would also
make a lasting impression there are
the miniature comptometer-combines
now being advertised as watches.
These will remove the last danger of
the human element in modern war-
fare during the Emergency and make
your memory literally live for many
holiday seasons to come.

'Them Days Are Gone Forever:'

Pipes To Be Given This Year:
But Not For Men Of Michigan

Styles Change As

Gone are the days of the ankle-
snug trousers and the seven-buttoned
Intheir place Collegiana has sub-
stitute1, the shoe-top pants and the
!,drape, three-buttoned suit jacket.
Back in the old days when Grand-
ma was carrying her little umbrella
and making eyes at Grandpa, the
well-dressed ,mansrepresented a cross
between a big-time gambler and to-
day's jitterbug. He wore trousers
. .a
. MI
that tapered do~n tgtaonhi
ankls. :e:wnk n r loud-4rip
suits, high-buckled shoes and carried
flowers behind his back. High on his
head was perched a bowler hat now
used to take ug collections.
Them days are gone forever!
Covert Andi Tweeds
Today the weldressed male is seen
in covert cloth end in ,x ough tweeds.
The drape model accentuates his chest
development, a vest helps keep his
tie from flying out and his trousers
are lifted just above shoes in order
to afford a glimpse of sunset-orange
More conservative college males be-
lieve in the now-you-see-them-now-
you-don't maxim with regard to the
length of trousers in relation to socks.
They wear their cuffs slightly lower

and feel guilty when the wind blows.
Some go so far as to tone down the,
color of their socks.-
Another improvement on the art of
wearing trousers well is the new slack]
effect. This is achieved by a slight
narrowinghdown process around the
region of the knees-a matter of tak-'
ing in the rousers about four inches.
Knitted ties are still in their glory
and look best with covert or tweed.
Polka dots are up in the attic with
the. moth-balls and the moths. Pais-
leys are {paisleys and look better in
store windows.
Camel's fHair Coats
When breezes blow, overcoats are
in style. There are coverts and there
are camel's hair coats, herringbones
and non-descripts. If you don't pos-
sess this "must" for nippy weather,
you're out in the cold. The best ad-
vice to be followed in that case is to
wear the family antique which has
been handed down by your ancestors.
The shirts with buttoned-down col-
lars look well on businessmen. But
that's no reason for Collegiana to
jump the gun.
Gabardines are a question with
many college dressers. Clothing stores
are still selling out of them, and if
that is any indication of trend, ga-
bardines may be placed side by side
New High Reached
Iar Jewelry Field
Here's to Diamond Jim Brady.
'Cause the assortment of gift jewel-
ry that you can buy a man this
Christmas will surpass anything of
Diamond JinVs - even Lillian Rus-
sell. Why don't you try one of the
cuff-links, tie and collar clip com-
binations which cost a lot less than
they look.
Or else there are those formal cuff-
links with a-built-in watch, designed
to keep those pocket Seth Thomases
off the dance floor.

ears Go By
with formal attire and covert-cloth,
in any man's closet.
The wide-brimmed hats are back
again. Watch for them on the cam-
pus walks when you see your best
girl looking at the top of your head.
The I-never-wear-hats argument will
do no good. You'll either have to send
home for more spending money or losej
the girl.
Sweaters were made to order for
feminine tastes. The six-foot male

If you are now taking Ec. 51 and
are looking for a "pipe" to raise your
average-we've got one for you. But
if Professor Peterson reads this-
we mean a smoking pipe and we're
only joking.
But, yes! we do mean you can raise
your average-you can draw a "per-
sonality plus" by giving a pipe to


like the pipe with a hollow bowl-
you can snatch it out of his mouth
and scrub it with soap and water
(like you have been told not to) and
it won't bother it. If he doesn't be-
lieve It-make him read this.
Air cooling has become quite the
thing, too, of late and it has even en-
tered the smoking field. The air-
:ooled job has a metal stem and it's
supposed to make the smoke about 20
degrees cooler on the inside. Even in
the winter a man appreciates a cool


~Stacb & Day
i N$$$$$$NE~ii20 }


him this C
know who
"he" is. By
this timep

hristmas-and you


/ '

most fresh- soe
moesn hfar e Then the transparent-stem pipe al-
r e nounced lows you to get the full benefit of a
their bubble , , pipe-load. Smoking satisfaction is
pipes and all supposed to come, in the most part,
ing upper- from visual experience and you can
classmen al- get all the experienceyou want with
ready know this number. You (or he) can watch
the pleas- it all the way along the line-piped
cres of stem direct from the bowl to you (or him).
ge tGuaranteed a Scotsman's delight!1
give th e m
a- pipe for Matched Sets
Chri s tmas .For those other people who always
and make seem to have more money than you
them feel (or us)-there are the matched sets.
Ii k e men. For only a small fortune you can get
Real men! <sets of two or three matched grain
'He' men! A 'M' Man And Pipe pipes nestled in a plush-lined case-
subtle compliment to swell their and they must be good because the
bluebook-deflated chests. company has been going a long time.
And if you don't know where to Maybe your Uncle Joe can splurge on
start-follow us. We've been around them ey really aetbeauiful.
--looking. For instance, here's a racket--you'd better get them now
dream of a pipe to start a pipe 'cause they're going fast and soon
dream, a cool-smoking Meerschaum there won't be any more real briars
with a standard size bowl-like a on the market; all real briars are im-
ported. Any of the above could be
Pullman washroom, all the conveni- good--and you've got a nice choice.
ences packed into a small space. Or,I Any man would like one-because
for the rain-soaked Ann Arbor man, what's a harem without a pipe?
a pipe that is said to be moistureless Pipes Are Like Socks
and another, for a windy walk across beausebove aon alrhesitate ust
the diagonal, with a bowl closed nI are like socks-you can do with a
like a teapot. change every day; they are like
Hollow Bowl Pipe glasses of beer-the more the merrier.
Then if your married to him or go So give him a pipe for Christmas-
very "steady," perhaps you would and you all know who "he" is.

i t
i S{

Pajamas by Manhattan
and VanHeusen
2.00 to 5.00

will shun the sweater and stick to
sport coats-unless he belongs to the
"M" Club. Then he's just one of the




he n
4 g~

What to Buy Him?
If this question is bothering you,
may we make a suggestion?
BROCADED SILK lounging robe
is sure to be appreciated by him.
h , Many new color combinations, at
rHER GLOVES. Pig, goat or
ia in a variety of colors.
pped in holiday gift box.
SPORT SHIRTS of gabardine
make a-perfect gift for the man
Who is a sports enthusiast. Priced
from $3.50
Beds for sports and campus
Specially priced for Christ-
at $9.50 -

ourse Ifs
-Sciffell .&.:B.shV.
MacGregor all wool fab-
rics. Choose from light-The man who likes to dress will
weight slip-overs $3.50 to :4welcome Pajamas for those loaf-
10. Button or ziper ing or slumberhours.Smart silks
front are priced $5 to $8.50. are priced from $5 to $10,..
Broadcloths $2 to $3.50.
Smart collar styles and the lat
est patterns feature these gift
shirts. Prices $2 to $3
M. . , l IITiles
of pure silk in a fine selection
$1 to $2.50, including wools,
poplins anda variiety of silks
and wools.
. ~SIO ppers,
4 The "Evans" n leather '2.50
to $5.45.
Argyle hosiery, imported, hand
blocked Just received a ship-
m"ent from EngLand. Same prce
as last y.ar .Q2 50
Yucan't fail to please him if you present him with
a robe. Handsome silks with full linings are ob-
tainabledn a price range from $750 to $25. We
also offer a splendid choice in all wool gabardines.


Robes in silk, gabardine,
and wool by Rabhor
6.50 to 1.00

Shirts in whites and
fancies by Manhattan
and VanHeusen 5
2.00 to 3.50 5
Neckweor by Beau Brummel
and Wembley ,
1.00 to 1.50

Hosiery by I nterwohen
in silks, wools
39c to 1.00

-i % :

COAT SWEATER, smartly styled
with zipper and two poekets.
Comes in a variety of colors at

Sweaters by McGregor
2.00 to 5.00

We have many other suggestions to- offer. So if you

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