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November 23, 1941 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-11-23

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Cloudy, Occasional Snow.


LiJt tigau


Isolationist And Liberal?



V O L . Zlll|llllll|Il|||||||||||||||"""No .'I'l 4 9--- - - -


Buck eyes,

Wolverines Fight o 20-20 Tie



Lewis Takes
FDR Offer;,
E 1,
Ends StriOke
Steelrnan Named Arbiter;
'Captive Mine Workers
Bow To Public Interest
Settlement Comes
As Surprise Move
WASHINGTON, Nov. 22. -(P)-r--
The captive Goal mine strike ws
ended today in an agreement that
its issue be submitted to arbitration
with both sides bound in advance to
accept the results.
At the continued entreaty of
President Roosevelt, the policy com-
mittee of the United Mine Workers
of America voted unanimously to
send its men back into the pits on
these terms at once. John L. Lewis,
the union's president, said the deci-
sion was made "in the public inter-
est." -
It came, however, as a sharp sur-
prise to those who have kept in cose
touch with the mine controversy,
because Lewis personally rejected the
plan earlier in the week. Mr. Roose-
velt's statements on the dispute had
so prejudiced the public mind, Lew-
is said then, that it would be ex-
tremely difficult to find an impartial
But the Chief Executive who had
said that the mining of coal must
be resumed because it was essential
to the national defense program, per-
sisted. He addressed another of his
several letters to Lewis and the CIO
union before today's policy commit-
tee meeting, and named the arbiter
in advance of the union's concur-
Steelman Is Arbiter
He was Dr. John R. Steelman,
head of the:Labot Department's con-
ciliation service, a man of long and
varied experience in the settlement of
labor disputes. Technically, Mr.
Roosevelt appointed a board of, arbi-
tration with Steelman as its chair-
man, Lewis as a second member and
Benjamin F. F rless, president of
United States Steel, as the third.
Under. the circumstances, however,
it was obvious that the decision
would be reached by Steelman, alone,
after hearing Lewis and Fairless pre--
sent their cases. Secretary Perkins
immediately relieved Steelman of all
duties in the Labor Department so
thap he might devote his full time to
the captive mine case.
To Move Quickly
Steelman said he would get in
touch with Lewis and Fairless as
soon as possible, probably tomorrow,
and a range for the arbitration meet-
The strike began Monday, after a
series of futile efforts to bring about
an agreement on Lewis' demand for
a "union shop" in the captive mines,
a system under which all employes
must join the union. The union shop
was already in effect under contracts
between. the union and all commer-
cial mines of the Appalachian region.
Anti-Strike Bill Threat
Sympathy strikes spread into the
commercial field. The steel com-
panies quickly began to feel the pinch
and steel production for the defense
program had to be curtailed. Numer-
ous elements in Congress were de-
manding action by the government
through force or legislation to end
the strike., A Senate committee had
already begun hearings on anti-strike
In the immediate aftermath of to-
day's agreement, .it appeared more-
over that Congress would go ahead
with such legislation.

CIO President Promises
FDR Production Effort
DETROIT, Nov. 22. -(P)- 0CIO
President Philip Murray assured
President Roosevelt today that "the
CIO and its millions of members
stand ready to participate in the bat-
tle of production toward the end of
defeating the Nazi forces."
In a letter to the Chief Executive,
Murray called for "national unity"
and said "the Congression of Indus-
trial Organizations desires to offer
its contribution and perform its obli-
The letter was in reply to a mes-
sage from ite President which was

British Troops Take Libyan Outpost;
Moscow Digs In Against Nazi Tanks

North Africa, Nov. 22-(P)-British
troops routed Axis forces from Fort
Capuzzo today, and hundreds of Brit-
ish fighter planes attacked massed
German tanks in a great plane-tank
battle to the west.
Fort Capuzzo, a mud-hut outpost
on the Egyptian-Libyan border, was
taken by New Zealand forces. It was
the seventh time the fort had
changed hands in 18 months.
To the west, German General Er-
win Rommel's Afrika Corps, although
battered hard by British air and ar-
mored forces, consolidated its position
for a stand south of Tobruk.
Returning pilots reported that
Rommel's two panzar" divisions ap-
parently had succeeded in joining
forces except for parts knocked out
or isolated by British blows.
German Tanks Destroyed
Many German tanks were said to
have been put out of action. British
Hurricane fighters and American-
built Tomahawks pounded the Ger-
man tank formation for hours in
what officers said was one of the
greatest pitched battles between
planes and tanks in the war thus far.
'The fighters swept over the tanks
so low .they almost touched them,
with all cannons and machine-guns
The British garrison at Tobruk
broke through the Axis lines, which
have had the 'port under siege for
seven months, and took several hun-
dred prisoners, half of them Germans
and half Italians.
Mined By Axis
The garrison is separated from the
main British column by two miles of
minefield and machine-gun nests
constructed by the Axis besiegers, and
a bottleneck of desert to the south
German Flyer
dies In Crash'
Victor In 103 Combats
Given State Funeral
BERLIN, Nov. 22-- (P) - Colonel
Werner Moelders, at 28 Germany's
most successful ace with destruction
of 115 fighter planes in two wars to
his credit, was killeNI at Breslau today
in the crash of a transport plane
which another pilot was flying.-x
I Moelders, an inspector of fighter
airmen, was making a business flight
in a courier plane, an official an-
nouncement said.
Before the official anouncement
was issued, an account carried by the
commentary Dienst Aus Deutschland
said Moelders was eturning Ito the
eastern front with Ether officers in
a transport plane after attending the
funeral of Cpl. Gen. Ernst Udet.
Adolf Hitler ordered a state funeral
for Moelders, who had been credited
with 103 air victories in this war. The
rest of his record total was compiled-
in the Spanish Civil War.

through which the Germans might
conceiveably escape to the west.
Italian formations in a triangular
battle area bounded by Tobruk, Bar-
dia and Maddalena, in contrast,to
the German forces, were reported
crumbling before the British attacks.
Consolidation of the German forces
was achieved by moving what was left
of a division which had been in Bar-
dia to the region south of Tobruk,
where the other had been stationed.
1 Tobruk Bypass
The bypass which the British con-
structed around Tobruk at dawn Fri-
day is proceeding slowly but steadily,
it was stated, and may cut off the
bottleneck outlet.
Returning airmen reported this ad-
vance column had not yet come in
contact with the German Panzer
units, but was joining battle with
German and Italian infantry.
Germans Near Outer
Defenses Of Capital
KUIBYSHEV, Russia, Nov. 22.-(.P)
-Citizens of Moscow, working in
bitter cold, sped the finishing touch-
Is" Scheduled'
For Congress
Settlement In CIO Strife
Will Not Effect Change
In Plans Of Legislators
WASHINGTON, Nov. 22--(P)-Leg-
islation to restrict work stoppages in
defense industries was kept near the
top of Congress' program tonight-
and with President Roosevelt's ap-
proval-despite settlement of the coal
Chairman Norton (Dem.-N.J.) said
.after a call at the White House that
Mr. Roosevelt thought the House La-
bor Committee should go ahead and
report some bill to curb defense
strikes. She told him, she said, that
the committee hoped to have a bill
ready next week.
There appeared to be general
agreement, however, that Congress
would have no disposition to rush
through a strike control bill, now
that the United Mine Workers (CIO)
has ordered work resumed in captive
coal pits.
Senator Bridges (Rep.-N.H.), who
has introduced a measure requiring
a secret ballot of workers before
strikes could be called in defense in-
dustries, said the CIO decision to
abide by arbitration ought sto "clear
the air for orderly consideration of
a definite formula to curb defense
One of President Roosevelt's most
consistent Congressional critics-
Chairman Van Nuys (Dem.-Ind.) of
the . Senate Judiciary Committee-
urged that the Chief Executive be
granted discretionary authority to
deal with strikes which delay defense

es to the fortifications of the ancient
city tonight as the Germans, at-
tacking with "probably the largest
concentration of forces ever seen in
warfare," pressed on toward the capi-
The Germans smashed at the out-
er defenses of the city with superior
numbers of tanks and planes which
pounded against Russian infantry
forces, penetrating to the closest
point they have been to Moscow since
the latest "all-out" offensive began a
week ago.
In the central Mozhaisk sector, the
Germans renewed their attack, mak-
ing the current assault a general
maneuver of unprecedented propor-
Mozhaisk is 57 miles west of Mos-
cow. The offensive was started from
Kalinin, 95 miles to northwest, and at
Tula, 100 miles below the capital,
reportedly, with .-orders to drive to
the capital at all costs.
The Moscow newspaper Pravda was
author of the report that the Ger-
mans had the largest concentration
of forces in the history of modern
warf are.
Meanwhile, German military
spokesmen hinted tonight at import-
ant gains beyond the capture of Ros-
tov, which they termed "the spigot
to the Russian oil barrel," and de-
clared that their adyance forces al-
ready were farther east than that big
Don River port at the northern gate
to the Caucasus.
The impression was given that gen-
erally along the battlefront German
forces were surging forward under

Sodden Stripper Steals
Hearts Of Grid Fans
A fat and fifty Gypsy Rose Lee
held 80,000 football fans spell-
bound yesterday with what was
probably a new all-time low in
strip teases, and then topped off
the-performance by racing fifty
yards to slap the referee's face for
not paying any attention.
Ed Kruck of Grosse Pointe, ap-
parently deciding that the football
game wasn't a big enough show,
took it upon himself to completely
overshadow the closing plays of
the game with a little drama all
his own.
Beginning with a strip tease,
continuing with a game of cops
and drunks, and ending with that
sensational dash up field Kruck
not only made the longest run of
the day, but did it with the most
Hitler Presses
Vichy For Aid
Against Allies
Germans Demand Supply
Lines, Air Force Bases
For LibyanCampaign
NEW YORK, Nov. 22-The British
offensive in Libya is resulting in in-
tensified German pressure on France
for air bases and routes of supply
and reinforcement to withstand the
drive, sources in Europe informed the
Associated Press today.
The upshot may be that the Vichy
government of Marshal Petain will
be given a formal peace settlement
to replace the uneasy armistice which
has regulated their relations since
June, 1940.
In return, Germany would expect
sweeping concessions in North Africa
which would be useful in fighting the
British drive.
The authorized report from Vichy
today that Marshal Petain is going to
the German-occupied zone of France
soon to meet a "high German per-
sonage," perhaps Adolf Hitler,
strengthened the opinion of many
European observers, that formal ad-
herence of the Vichy government to
the so-called new order probably will
be announced before long.
Red Cross Drive
Approaches Quota
With only one week remaining in
a membership drive opened Armistice
Day, Red Cross contributions are $200
short of the quota set for University
women, according to Elizabeth Luck-
ham, '42, chairman of the campaign.
"Although this year's donations up-
to-date are higher than 1940's total,"
Miss Luckham pointed out, "we still
need every contribution from every
possible source during our stretch
Miss Luckham also anounced that
collection received by sorority repre-
sentatives should be turned over to
Rosalie Smith, '42, at Miss McCor-
mick's office in the League.

Seni-ors PacePlay
As Elevens Battle
ToFinal Deadlock.
Both Michigan, Ohio State Stress Offense
As Goal Line Is Crossed Six Times;
Westfall, Ingalls Play Brilliant Game
(Daily Sports Editor)
A pair of truly great football teams wrote finis to almost.identically bril-
liant grid seasons yesterday with a dramatic, tension-packed exchange of
offensive might and power.
Once-beaten Ohio State and Michigan football machines, primed to the
limit for this traditional battle, rocked the vast Wolverine stadium and its
85,753 roaring occupants with an explosion of offensive strength seldom
equalled in Maize and Blue grid history before winding up the thrilling clash
in a 20-20 deadlock.
Just as in Michigan's smashing 40-0 win over the Bucks last year, six
touchdowns dotted the scoring parade. But this time they were evenly
divided. Coach Paul Brown's .inspired Buckeyes, riding the emotional crest
of Ohio State's gridiron' renaissance after last year's unsatisfactory season,
saw to that with a determination and a fury that were undeiniable.
One to three underdogs going into the battle, the rejuvenated Bucks
fought with a ferocity that enable them to share second place honors with
Michigan in the Western Conference grid campaign. Minnesota won the
undisputed title with its crushing tri-
umph over Wisconsin, 41-6, yesterday.
ReuttersSm ileOddly enough the lone defeats suf-
fered by Michigan and Ohio State
WW s 'B riche came on the same day when each
,er dropped one touchdown decisions to
W t. i Minnesota and Northwestern. Num-
Van I V7VAi~y e ,.bered among Wolverine victims in a
" ihighly successful campaign were
"Miss Michigan of Song," Joan Michigan State, Iowa, Pittsburgh,
Reutter, the Michigan Hour of Charm Northwestern, Illinois and Columbia,
talent search winner, stole the show while the Buckeyes copped wins from
from two governors ate the OSU game
yesterday and in her own right Missouri, Southern California, Pur-
charmed the 85,753 spectators with due, Pittsburgh, Illinois and Wiscon-
her renditinn of "Tha Yelln ndf sin.

the inomentum of

their new offen-

Faculty. Meets
Infant :Brain
Trusts Today
Quiz Kids Are Challenge
To Sadder And Wiser
Professor Lineup
Irresistible forces will meet immov-
able objects at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow
night in Hill Auditorium. '
The Quiz Kids, sweeping on- to the
University after devastating profes-
sorial gray matter at the University
of Chicago, are going to face the solid
lineup of Profs. Preston, W. Slosson
of the history department, Harold M.

11i eltt1VI V lle ttlw all
Joan took the podium at half-time
to sing her song, which was carried
by the major radio networks, and
broke a 97-year standing band tra-
dition that no girl ever appear on the
field with, the marching band.
When Governors John W. Bricker
and Murray D. Van Wagoner crossed
the field to take their box Joan some-
how happened to be in the same box
and with her smiles she stole the
show as photographers lamps flashed.
She sat in the Governors' box
throughout the remainder of the
game. Joan appeared on the Hour of
Charm national broadcast last Sun-
day and is now awaiting word from
New York City that may name her
the $1,000 grand prize winner which'
carries with it a $4,000 fellowship for
the University.
Charlie Chaplin Films
Will Be Shown Today
Hold your sides, Charlie Chaplin
is in town today.
Not in person, true, but in four of
his most famous comedies-"Theme
Tramp," "The Woman," "The Bank"
and "The 'olice"-the noted com-
edian will appear at 6:30 p.m. and
8:15 p.m. today in the Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre.

Invaders Hot To Start
From the very start the highly-
keyed invaders were just as hot as
their secarlet uniforms. They twice
forced Michigan to punt, then, tak-
ing the ball dt midfield, staged a sus-
tained march ending in a touchdown
four minutes before the first quarter
ended. The Wolverines roared back
with a seven-pointer in the second
period, then added another in the
third which the Bucks promptly mat-
. In the final quarter Ohio tallied
once more, but missed the point con-
version, making it 20-14. Michigan
Final Big Ten Standings

Michigan .........3
Ohio State ....... 3
Northwestern ... 4
Iowa ............ 2
Purdue .......... 1
Indiana...... . 1
Illinois ...........0





Tells Of New Battle 'Front:;
Near East Veteran McDowell
ToLecture At IacklamT
An observer at the last German oc-,
cupation of the Trans-Caucasus in
1918, Prof. Robert H. McDowell of the
history department will deliver a
public lecture at 4 p.m. today in the
Rackham Lecture Hall under the
sponsorship of the Committee To De-
fend America.
Professor McDowell brings a near-
lifetime in the Middle East to the.
lecture platform for his topic "The
Developing Battle Front in the Cau-
casus and Iran." Born in Persia, a .
relief worker in that territory before *
America's 1917 war declaration, and..........
then a lieutenant in the British Mili-
tary Intelligence, Professor McDowell}
has a personal acquaintance with the
Middle East both in war and peace.
Believing that the Middle East is
"the most important single area of
struggle in the entire war," Professor


Dorr of the political science depart-
ment, Robert C. Angell of the soci-
ology department, Charles M. Davis
of the geography department and the
famed English poet, Wystan H. Au-
Prof. John L. Brumm of the jour-
nalism department will referee the
bout with Quiz Kids Gerard Darrow,
age eight, Richard Wil.iams, age 11,
Haroe Fischman, age 11, Jack Lucal,
age 14, and Joan Bishop, age 13.
Tickets will be on sale all day to-
morrow in the Hill Auditorium ticket
The fight will be evenly matched
and gruelling. Professor Davis is going
to struggle with Richard whose hobby
is geography. This little lad can lo-
cate almost every city, mountain or
river on the face of the globe as well
as bound, by water and land, such
countries as Jugoslavia and Afghan-
istan. Double-threat Richard shines
most spectacularly, however, in math-
ematical problems.
Professor Slosson's and Professor

Among Those Present:
Comedy Tragedy Attend Game
AlongWith 85,000 Spectators

Comedy and tragedy were among
those present in the multitude. that
jammed Ann Arbor for the game yes-
Thegame, thrilling enough in it-
self, was sparked in the fourth quar-
ter by the comic antics of an in-
toxicated spectator, who drew first
a ripple of laughter, then a horrified
gasp and finally a gleeful roar from
the crowd.
But on State Street after the game
death struck Samuel Feld, aged 56,
a pennant vender from Chicago. At
6:47 Feld collapsed on the sidewalk at
the North University intersection.
He was unconscious when the
police arrived on the scene, and
the police arrived on the scene, and
he passed away of a heart attack' en-

stepping from a special train was tak-
en in an ambulance to St. Joseph's
hospital. An ambulance carried an-
other woman from the Stadium with
a head injury.
Police Chief Sherman H. Morten-
son expressed satisfaction last night
over the way in which the traffic and
other problems had been handled.
Faced with a crowd of over 85,00 peo-
ple and with a greatly under-manned
force for the day, Chief Mortenson
had been worried about a nightmare
of traffic jams and crime. But with
three police cars patrolling the city.
there were no cars broken into dur-
ing the game. Four of the twelve acci-
dents took place while the game was
in progress and did not involve pedes-

swept back up the field to tie it up.
Then with the entire game hinging
on the same toe which had convert-
ed seven previous attempts in suc-
cession, Bill Melzow, senior guard,
sent his all-important placement try
to the left of the uprights.
Statistics Reveal Strength
Although Ohio State scored just
one point less than all seven previ-
ouls Michigan opponents have man-
aged to push across, the statistics af-
ford a pretty fair comparison of the
actual relative strength of the two
teams on the field yesterday. Michi-
gan made 19 first downs to 15 for the
Bucks, totaling 271 yards gained
;rushing and 104 by, passing.
In bowing off the collegiate grid-
iron, Michigan's two outstanding All-
America nominees, Bob Westfall and
Bob Ingalls, turned in superlative
performances. Tackle Rube Kelto
was a standout as always at his right
tackle post, while Harlin Fraumann,
veteran flankman, scored Michigan's
second-touchdown in his windup per-
formance. The other Wolverine sen-
iors to see action were Melzow, who
(Continued on page 3)
Broadcaster's Advice
Is Irksome To Nazis

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