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November 12, 1941 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-11-12

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Beauty Album
To Be Offered
By New Garg'
Fcgilty Men Will Discuss
World War II's Effect
On Various Institutions
Speaking of the fan mail received
by the fairer of the weaker sex fol-
'lowing publication of their pictures in
national magazines, Michigan men
will find good use for stamps and dial
phones wpen they have flipped once
tie pages of the November issue of
Gargoyle, coming out Tuesday.
Occupying a prominent position in
the seconds issue of Michigan's mag-
azine of campus life will be a regular
spread of the "Album of Beauty,"
which will feature each month photo-
graphs of three or four of the Uni-
versity's coeds. While choice of these
beauties rests with the editorial staff
of the magazine, far from overlooked
are items of attractive looks and per-
sonality, charm and talent.
A double purpose will be served, ac-
cording to the editors, if men take
advantage of this chance to obtain
personable wall decorations to replace
their worn out Petty drawings.
Skipping for a moment to the seri-
ousness of the world situation, Gar-
goyle has ,obtained three commen-
taries from authorities in their re-'
spective fields on the "Effects of
World War I.'
Prof. Norman R. F. Maier of the
psychology department has applied
his knowledge of the psychological
aspects of war in predicting. for the
future and Prof. James K. Pollock of
the political science department has
enumerated efects on existing politi-
cal ins'titutions.
In the field of letters. W. H. Auderi,
prominent contemporary English poet
and dramatist, visiting lecturer in
English, will discuss the effects of
the war on literature in general and
on men of letters.
Thus, both the campus and the
world at large are caught by Gar-
goyle in only two of the features
in its November magazine.
Bob Lkes His Stakes Rare -
and Paulette's the Bet
He's After !

Tftor System
.Starts Service'
Tutors "by the dozen" have been
signed by Congress, Independent
Men's Association, to assist students
who find difficulty in grasping the
fundamental aspects of numerous
courses given in the various schools
and colleges on campus.
These teachers haye been selected
from the ranks of Phi Eta Sigma,
freshman honorary society, Phi Kap-:
pa Phi, Phi Beta Kappa and other:
scholastic honor organizations.
According to John Frazier, '43,
chairman of the I.M.A. scholastic
committee, the tutorial system is
planned primarily for freshmen who
have failed to get the hing of things
even at this date, for students who!
have missed classes due to illness,
and for students who are taking cour-
ses without having completed sug-
gested prerequisites.
Supplementary to the tutorial ser-
vice, Congress is also enlarging the
examination file which it started in
the library a few,' years ago. Final
examinations and hour blue-books
are being re-typewritten in six copies
so that the number of copies available!
will not be restricted to a single
"early-bird" as has been the case in
the past.
The files are being enlarged so 4
that back examinations will be avail-
able for almost all courses on campus,
merely the more popular literary
college courses. Physics, chemistry,
botany, zoology, pharmacy, forestry,
and many others are being procured!
by the Independent Nlen's Association
for this collection.

Where 12 Died In Passenger Train Wreck

Dr. Eich To Talk Today
At Graduate Speech Club
The Graduate Study Club of the
Speech Department will meet at 4
p.m. today in the East Conference
Room of the Rackham Building.
Dr. L. M. Eich will speak on "The-
sis Writing." NPlans for the coming
year will be discussed

Jean Hebrard Appointed
To Architect Committee
Prof. Jean Hebrard, instructor of
architecture, was recently appointed
to membership on the Committee on
Urban and Rural Land Use of the
American Institute of Architects. an-
nounced the dean's office of the
architecture college yesterday.


FOR SALE-Eastman Kodak Auto-
Focus enlarger, model B. Good
condition. Call Mrs. Rogers, 2-3241.
MISS ALLEN-Experienced typist.
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935.
VIOLA STEIN-Experienced legal
typist, also mimeographing. Notary
public. Phone 6327. 706 Oakland.
CASH for used clothing; men and
ladies. Claude H. Brown, 512 S.
Main St. Phone 2-2736. 5c
MIMEOGRAPHING - Thesis bind-
ing. Brumfield and Brumfield, 308
S. State. 6c

This is the wreckage which resulted when a fast Pennsylvania passenger train hurtled# from the tracks
at Dunkirk, O., and smashed into a signal controltower. In right background is the shattered remains
of the tower. Twelve persons were killed and at least 40 others injured. H. E. Newcomet, railroad vice-
president, said a half-ton cylinder head blown from a passing freight locomotive into the path of the passenger
train caused the wreck.

I GIVE UP-My coat is still missing.
Also two pairs of two-thread seam-
less nylons belonging to a friend.
Buck Dawson. Phi Gamma Delta.
FOR RENT--Nicely furnished, well
heated rooms for boys. Near cam-
pus. 1021 Church. 115c
A USED Physics 71 syllabus. Call
Bill Gooley. 2-1817, after 7:30 p.m.
Last Day
Crawford - Taylor


Rtegents .Board
Approves Gifts
For November
(Continued from Page 1)

l t




"I cannot tell a lie
it's funnier than
'Caught in the Draft!"'

Note s
Each month Prof. Roy W. Cowden
selects several books just off the press
for the library in the Hopwood Room.
The b'ooks of his choice are by au-
thors whom he believes are competi-
tors of today's literary aspirants; they
do not include the works of Shake-
speare and Milton, but those of con-
For October, Professor Cowden
selected "Destiny Has Eight Eyes,"
by Willard Hanna, and Vivian Par-
son's "Not Without Honor." Both
authors were Hopwood contestants.
Ten books have been chosen for
November: Edward Weeks' "Great
Short Novels"; Mark Van Doren's
"The Mayfield Deer"; Seldon Rod-
man's "The Poetry of Flight"; Hop-.
wood winner Mildred Walker's
"Unless the Wind Turns"; and A.
J. Cronin's "The Keys of th King-
The list cotinues with Edmund
Wilson's "The Wound and the
Bow"; obinson Jeffer's "Be Angry
at the Sun"; Lew Sarett's "Collec-
ted Poems"; and Frederick Bren-
an's Broadway hit, "The Wookey."
"The Intent of the Critic," by Wil-
son, Forrstet", Ransom, anal the
University's own W. H. Auden, con-
cludes the list.
Chairmen Announced
For J-Hop, Soph Prom
Committee heads for the J-Hop
and Soph Prom were announced yes-
terday by Ted Sharp, '43E, general
J-Hop chairman, and Charles Dot-
terrer, '44E, Prom chairman.
J-Hop committee heads are: Rob-
ert Burstein, publicity; Robert Begle,
tickets; Bruce Renaud and James
Snodgrass, booths; Robert Bartlow,
music; Rose Mary Mann and Leo-
fora Grossman, patrons Thomas
Poyser,' buildings; Mary Lou Knapp,
secretary and Mildred Christa, decor-
Students heading the Soph Prom
committees are Stanley Glassman,
decorations; Jack Hooper and Rich-
ard Emery, music; Ralph Beuhi'er,
finance; Harold Cooper, publicity;
Martin Feferman, tickets; Phyllis
Present, programs, and Nancy Hat-
tersley, patrons. t

1P V I

I- /I


Indians in Chile during the same
period. Dr. Richard C. Armstrong
of the Department of Ophthalmology
was permitted to spend November 17
to March 21 in the study of clinicalr
procedures at the' Johns Hopkins
Prof. Arthur B. Moehlman of the
School of -Education was granted a
month's leave in February to take
part in educational conferences in
the West. Prof. George G. Ross of
the College of Architecture was
granted leave for the year beginning
Nov. 1 to accept the directorship of
the Michigan State Planning Com-
mission. Miss Bertha L. Shaw of the
University Library was given three
months leave on account of illness.
Prof. Dudley M. Phelps of the
School of Business Administration
was named chairman of the division
of the social sciences for a term of
three years.
Library Council Appointments
Dean Ivan C. Crawford of the Col-
lege of Engineering, Prof. Haywood
Keniston, chairman of the depart-
ment of Romance Languages, Dr.
Carl E. Guthe, director of the Uni-
versity Museums and Dean James B.
Edmonson of the School of Education
were appointed members of the gen-
eral council of the University Library,
in accordance with the new bylaws.
Dr. Norman E. Hartweg of the De-
partment of Zoology was appointed a
member of the executive committee
of the Museum of Zoology for a
three-year term.
Prof. John Sundwall of the Depart-
ment of Hygiene, Clark Tibbitts, di-
rector of the Institute for Human
Adjustment and Dr. Richard C. Fuller
of the Department of Sociology were
given appointments as lecturers in
,the social work curriculum of the
Institute of Public and Social Admin-
istration for the present semester.
Sabbatical Leaves Given
Sabbatical leaves for the second
semester of the current year were
granted to Prof. Norman H. Anning,
mathemags; Prof. Roy W. Cowden,
English; Prof. Arthur L. Dunham,
history; Prof. Robert S. Ford, eco-
nomics; Prof. Thomas A. Knott, Eng-
lish; Prof. Norman R. F. Maier, psy-
chology; Prof. Norman E. Nelson,
English; Prof. James A. Nyswander,
mathematics; Prof. Walter A. Reich-
art, German; Prof. S. Morley Scott,
history; and Prof. Maurice W. Sen-
stius, geology.
Leaves were also granted to Prof.
Carl E. W. L. Dahlstrom, engineering,
Prof. George B. Brigham, Jr., archi-
tecture; and Prof. John Sundwall,
public health.
As a means of eliminating con-
fusion, the faculty of the School of
Dentistry recommended that all titles
in the school be simply professor-
ships, assistant professorships, and
other ,positions, in dentistry.
MON., TUES., NOV. 24-25
-Walter Winchell
Oscar Serlin prs..Clarence Day's
A 8
Made into a poy by
1FM Rf) t K flCAv.. 01 ' nozr lwrN

aines Publishes Guest Organist
Book' of Personal Will Perform
Outdoor Adventuree
Of interest to readers in general Recital Here
is the recent publication by Farrar &
Rinehart of "Luck in All Weathers," Hugh Porter Will Feature
a volume of "personal adventures in
hunting and fishing" by Donal Ham- Works Of Bach, Franck
ilton Haines. Of special interest to In Musical Program
the Michigan campus is the fact that
the author is also Professor Haines Hugh Porter, whom the Chicago
of the Department of Journalism. DuhlyoNers h o e Chichgo
An enthusiastic outdoorsman, Pr Dailyl News has called "one of the
fessor Haines describes "Luck in All imost brilliant of the younger organ-
Weathers" as the result of a -"long ists" will appear as guest organist
desire to write about my hunting and in a recital at 4:15 p.m. today in Hill
fishing experiences, adventures which Auditorium.
never grow stale." Presenting a program featuring the
According to Professor Haines, too works of Bach, Caesar Franck, Hin-
many people measure their satisfac- demith and Weitz, Porter will play
tion in sports of this kind in terms of music representative of all periods
amount and ease. His book, conse- including "Lebhaft, from Sonata II"
quently, is written from the stand- by the contemporary German com-
point of the sheer joy of recreation; poser, Paul Hindemith. Hindemith,
it is an attempt-as the author points known for his "utility music" was
out in the introduction- "to give an forced to leave Germany in 1934
outling of how to preserve the splen- when his symphony from the opera,
did adventurousness of hunting and IMathias der Maler' met with polit-
fishing . . . and so keep them an uni cal "opposition."
failing source of joy." Porter is organist and choirmaster
Originally designed as an outdoor at the Collegiate Church of St. Nich-
book for boys, "Luck in All Wea- olas, New York, besides being a mem-
thers," according to dealers' reports, ber of the faculty of the Juillard
has 'met with favor among adult Summer School and Union Theologi-
readers. cal Seminary School of Sacred Music.
He has given recitals in various
wrra m lClscities throughout the country, hav-
ing played in New York, Chicago and
Series On Religion Washington. Admission is free to the
general public.
Kenneth Morgan, director of the
Student Religious Association, willI Americans Are Assured
conclude the series of seminars in O- Of Brazilian Aid In War
ental Religions today, with a lecture_____
on "Hinduim"
The lecture, which will be given at PORTO ALEGRE, Brazil, Nov. 11-
7:30 p.m. in Lane Hall, will be based (P)-Foreign Minister Oswaldo Aran-
on Morgan's experiences with thisd ha was quoted today by the news-
particular modern religious sect while paper Folha Da Tarde as saying Bra-
inaIniuamHerentreligthus serewhur-zil would not remain neutral if an
in India. He spent a year there, dun- American nation became ,involved in
ing six months of which he resided the war.
in a "Hindu" monastery. '"We are and wish to be Pan-
. Following Morgan's talk there Americanists," he said, according to
will be a discussion period dealing the newspaper. "We follow the Amer-
with various aspects of all Oriental ican way, we go along with Ameri-
religions. The Student Religious ca's fortunes.. We will not be neutral
Association invites all those inter- if there is any participation by one
ested to attend. American nation in the war."

Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Company, phone
7112. 7c
GRAPHING-illustrated and typed
work for fraternities and other stu-
dent organizations. 1 cent postage
on alumni mailings. The Edwards
Letter Shop, 711 N. University,
Phone 2-2846. 8c
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. "Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 2c
Each bundle done separately,
by hand
,No Markings
Silks, Wools, and Coeds' Laundry
Our Specialty
All our work is guaranteed
Free pick-ups and deliveries
607 E. HOOVER 5594

Glimpses Washington State
Pups and Jan
Puzzles Garber
Cartoon - News
- Coming Sunday -




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about the high quality and style predom-
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Vital fabrics that lend themselves to
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The clothes that give a man-about-
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correctly appareled business man.


s x

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