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November 12, 1941 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-11-12

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gift 43UU




The ASU Changes
Its Tune...




Nazis Play Up
Part Of Finns
In New Drive
Germans Seek To Slash
Russian Communication
With Northern Harbors
Tokyo Newspaper
'Denounces Britain
HELSINKI, Wednesday, Nov.
12- P-The Finnish Govern-
ment rejected today the United
States' warning to stop fighting
Russia or risk the loss of Ameri-
can friendship.
(By The Associated Press)
Finland's part in the re-invigorated
German drive against Russia's Arctic
supply routes was played up by the
Aermn press and military commen-
tators today soon after the Finns an-
nounced they had replied to an Amer-
ican demand that Finland get out of
the war.
The nature of the Finnish reply to
Washington has not yet been made
public, but the German publicity
spotlight was turned on, the Finnish
r "ar effort with perhaps greater in-
tensity than ever before.
The Germans avowedly were seek-
ing to slash Soviet communication
with the Arctic ports of Murmansk
and Archangel with smashes east-
ward from the Leningrad area and
Lake Ladoga over frigid and hostile
terrain, bitterly defended.
No thinking came from Berlin-or
Helsinki-as to whether this hastened
campaign might mean Finland was
going to 'retire, thus hurrying the
German hand, or whether it was
intended primarily to demonstrate
German-Finnish solidarity to the
It was indicated in Helsinki that
the Finnish reply would be made pub-
lic today simultaneously in Washing-
ton and Helsinki.
The German press devoted major
attention to the Arctic front, though
men ibnin g continued warfare in the
southern areas, as well.
On the central front about Moscow,
however, it appeared the invader was
being roughly knocked about and was
doing well even to hold his ground.
Tokyo Press Denounces
Churchill's Challenge
The day brought from the Japan-
ese Government only a profound si-
lence in the face of 'Winston Church-
ill's extraordinary challenge-that if
Japan got involved in war with the
United States she would certainly be
fighting Britain too within the hour.
While official Tokyo was thinking
it over, the Japanese press was de-
nouncing England, but not with ex-
traordinary violence, and making it
clear that Japan had not given up
hope of coming to terms with the
United States.
"Britain," said the newspaper Yo-
miuri, "is dancing to the tune of the
United Sttes and digging her own
grave . . . The Japanese people are
burning with anger yet remaining in
complete silence, trusting the Gov-
ernment's high policy and iron will to
cope with the situation .
Ticket Option
For Studefts

Is Courtesy
Permitting students to purchase
three tickets with every coupon is
only a courtesy extended by the Uni-
veisity as long as tickets are available,
Harry Tillotson, athletic ticket man-
ager, asserted yesterday.
This statement was made in re-
%ponse to complaints received by The
Daily, charging that Tillotson had
not only outsmarted the scalpers but
also the students who had legitimate
ticket demands, by the new ticket
' arrangements.
The students claimed that the Ath-
letic Department should have an-
announced, at the time the new ticket
distribution method was put into ef-
fect, the deadline for purchasing
three extra tickets. It was further
asserted that the only deadline the
students knew about was the one for
class preference.
Tillotson pointed out that at the
beginning of'the season all students
had received a notice with their cou-

i ._._ _

Regents Accept $15,536
In Gifts;Approve Budget
Engineering Scholarship Established, Eight Leaves
' Of Absence Granted At Meeting Yesterday

Gifts to the University totalling
$15,536.50, were reported at the No-
vember meeting of the Board of Re-
gents here yesterday, and a prelim-
inary budget of $232,000 for the 1942
Summer Session vwas approved.
Largest gift. received by th Re-
gents was $5000 from a Detroit asso-
ciation of architects and engineers
for the establishment of a scholar-
ship fund for architectural and engi-
neering students. An anonymous
donor gave $3000 for the publication
of "The Fort Ancient Aspect," a re-
port by Dr. James B. Griffin of the
University Museum of Anthropology.
From the Michigan League Under-
graduate Council $2000 was received
for the Alice Crocker Lloyd Fellow-
ship fund. An anonymous donation
of $1000 was given for the Kate
Frank Memorial Loan fund., Mr.
Willard Pope, Detroit, gave $1000 for
the Lake Angelus Astronomical sup-
port fund.
Studies Financed
A nationally known drug company
gave $5,00 for studies in estrogens by
Dr. F. Jackson Stoddard, assistant
in obstetrics, and $500 for similar
studies by Dr. Wayne L. Whittaker,
instructor in anatomy. /
Other gifts included: 6 Detriot gas-
Funds Gained
By Red Cross
' To Be Divided
Part Of Local Subscription
Will Stay In Ann Arbor
To BenefitCommunity
Ann Arbor and the University com-
munity will be the main beneficiaries
of the funds collected by the Ameri-
can Red Cross during its second an-
nual campus membership drive.
According to Mrs. Merle P. Malin,
executive secretary of the Red Cross'
Washtenaw County chapter, 50 cents'
of every membership goes to the na-
tional organization. The remainder
stays in Ann Arbor.
A(As to other contributions," Mrs.
Malin' declared "one-half of dona-
tions under a dollar go to the central
body. But the local area will receive
every contribution above this
This year's national goal has been
set at 18,000,000 Red Cross members,
almost doubling the quota in 1940.
During the past year the Red Cross
took on the burden of defense train-
ing in addition to its usual "work of
mercy" program. 5,000 reserve nurses
were furnished to the Army, and 67,-i
000 Red Cross Home Nursing certifi-
cates were issued.
Settlement Reached
In San Diego Strike1
SAN DIEGO, Calif., Nov. 11.--')-
Settlement of a strike of 2,164 AFL G
building tradesmen against $25,00,000
in Navy and Marine defense projectse
was announced tonight by union
K. G. Bitter, Building Trades Coun-
cil secretary, said the craftsmen
would return to their jobs at noon
tomorrow. -
The return-to-work decision was
made after a series of conferences
conducted by Harry Malcolm, Federal
Conciliator, with Navy officers andt
union representatives, and as the
Navy completed arrangements to re-
cruit employes tfirough civil serviceE

'oline corporation, $750 for a fellow-
ship in electronics; Dr. Rbert M-
Math, Detroit, $50 for the Lake An-
gelus Astronomical Support fund; the
Arthur Anderson Researchand Edu-
cational Fund, $500 for the Arthur
Anderson Fellowship in Accounting
in the School of Business Adminis-
tration; and the Detroit Council of
Social Agencies, $411.50 for three
The Omega Chapter of Phi Delta
Kappa gave $200 for the Monographs
in Education fund; Mr. John C.
Spaulding, Detroit, $150 toward the
purchase of a copy of Kepler's Astro-
nemia Nova; the Women's Auxiliary
of the Washtenaw County Medical
Society, $100 for the Auxiliary schol-
arship; and Mrs. Ailene Bardsley,
Highland Park, $25 for the Business
Administration Special fund.
Portrait Is Given
The Regents also accepted the gift
of Dr. George E. Frothingham, De-
troit, of a portrait of his father, the
late Prof. George Edward Frothing-
In addition the Regents received
notice that the- Law School Class of
1908 intends to establish a scholar-
ship and loan fund, for which pledges
and remittances are now being re-
Eight leaves of absence were grant-
'ed by the Regents. Prof. Edgar M.
Hoover, Jr., of the Department of
Economics was given leave for the
second semester to become lrincipal
consultant on Industrial Location and
NationalPolicy at Washington. Prof.
Richard U. Ratcliff of the School
of Business Administration has been
granted immediate leave in order to
assist Price Administrator Leon Hen-
derson in the formulating of housing
construction policies.
Further Leaves Granted
Prof. William Frankens of the De-
partment of Philosophy was per-
mitted to accept an invitation to
teach at Harvard University next
semester. Prof. Mischa Titiev of the
Department of Anthropology is to
make a field study of the Araucanian
(Continued on Page 2)
New 'Technic'
Features Engine
Professors Foust, Field,
Menefee, Stover Write
For November, Issue
Reportedly one of the finest issues
of the engineering college publica-
tion ever to be sold, the November
issue of the Michigan Technic will
go on sale at 8 a.m. today over the
Engineering Arch, in front of the
secretary's office, West Engineering
Building, and in the lobby of the
East Engineering Building.
Of special value in this issue will
be no less than five feature articles
by engineering faculty men, students
and a practicing engineer, headed by
an article on the "St. Lawrence Sea-
way" by Prof. F. N. Menefee of the
engineering mechanics department.
Second faculty writer this month
will be Prof. Alan S. Foust of the
chemical engineering department,
with his article "Heat Transfer
Through Glass," while F. R. Stover,
city engineer at Dearborn, will be
guest contriutor with his feature,
"City Engineers."
Completing the list of feature at-
tractions will be two student articles,
"Rouge Plant Inspection Trip," aiid
"Photographic Malpractices" by Rich-
ard G. Schoel, '43E, and Troy R.
Young, '42E, respectively.

Unstinted Aid
Is Requested
AtSDD Rally
Rust Emphasizes Dangers
To American Freedom
In Case Of British Loss
Speakers Demand
Victory In Peace
"Are we not all warmongers when
there is something to fight for?"
challenged Prof. Bryan Rust of
Wayne University as he spoke to
more than 600 students and towns-
people gathered at an Armistice Day
rally which demanded that America'
build now for peace after victory.
Professor Rust maintained that
American independence and freedom
would not survive a British defeat
ten years, asked that we pledge our
immediate, unstinted aid to all those
who fight the comon enemy.
Politics must be forgotten, insisted
Professor Rust as he scored those
who would "snipe at the Commander-
in-Chief of our national defense."
Winning Peace Needed
Prof. Preston W. Slosson opened
the rally declaring that we must
avoid our mistake of 1918 and win
the peace as well as the war, charging
that unless we do this those who
fought in World War I will, after all,
have died in vain.
Further stating that the true paci-
fist must realize that only a demo-
cratic victory would prevent the con-
stant recurrence of war, Slosson
asked recognition of the fact that
Nazism lives and thrives on war.
Adding the student's viewpoint,
Don O'Connor, '42, declared that "if
the democracies need money, we will
lend, if they need gifts, we will give,
and if they need men we will go."
Youth Summoned
O'Connor emphasized that this is
the first time that the younger gen-
eration has been called upon to de-
fend the priceless heritage of free-
dom which it has received through
the sacrifices and toil of its prede-
Professor Rust, recently accepted
for overseas service by the Army,
asked that college students refrain
from doing the obviously heroic by
rushing off to enlist. He stated that
their job lay in building for the peace
which would implement the victory
once it had been won.
The rally, sponsored by the Student
Defenders of Democracy, was held
in the Rackham Building and was
preceded by several selections by the
Michigan Band. Homer Swander, '43,
president of the SDD, acted as chair-
man and introduced the speakers.
He recalled that Sergeant Alvin
York, renowned hero of the last war,
also had spoken near the Tob of
the Unknown Soldier recently and
had said that some people ask World
War veterans: "What did it get you?"
Guns No Help,

FDR Asserts
Will To Fight
PI'esident Announces Faith
In Democratic Process
At Arlington Cemetery
Roosevelt Speech
Marks Armistice
WASHINGTON, Nov. 11. -(p)-
President Roosevelt told an Armistice
Day audience at Arlington National
Cemetery today that the people of
America believed liberty was worth
fighting for and if need be would
"fight eternally to hold it."
"Ths duty we owe," he said, "hot to
ourselves alone, but to the many
dead who died to gain our freedom
for us-to make the world a place
where freedom can live and grow in-
to the ages."
The President's was the principal
address at American Legion services,
observing the twenty-third anniver-
sary of the end of the first Worl
War, held before the tomb of the
Unknown Soldier and within the cir-
cular Arlington Amphitheatre of
gleaming white marble.
Mr. Roosevelt spoke of those who
gave up their lives in 1917 and 1918
and the reasons why they had to die.
"We know," he declared solemnly,
"that these men died to save their
country from a terrible danger of
that day. We know, because we face
that danger once again on this day."
They died to make the world safe,
the President said, adding:
"And if, by some fault of ours who
lived beyond the war, its safety has
again been threatened then the obli-
gation and the duty are ours. It is
in our charge now, as it was Ameri-
ca's charge after the Civil War, to
see to it 'that these dead shall not
have died in vain'."~
Before thetomb of the Unknown
Soldier, in honoring whom America
honors all her World War Dead, the
Chief Executive stood bareheaded on
a windy hillside overlooking the
Capital while his naval aide, Capt.
John R. Beardall, placed a wreath
of white chrysanthemums and green
ferns against the sarcophagus. An
Army bugler sounded "taps" and the
notes echoed across the wooded ridge.
The Chief Executive moved, then,
into the amphitheatre, where hun-
dreds of people were gathered and
American flags hungdfrom every
opening of the colonnade.
Ann ounces Sinking
'Of Enemy Vessels
LONDON, Nov. 11 .-G)-Hard up-
on Prime Minister Churchill's asser-
tion the British "are still masters" in
the Mediterranean, the Admiralty
announced tonight four Axis troop
ships or supply ships and two sailing
vessels had been sunk there and two
armed merchant vessels and two sup-
ply ships seriously damaged in a
series of British submarine successes.
This report from Admiral Sir An-
drew Cunningham, commander-in-
chief of the British Mediterranean
Fleet, came only two days after
smashing British naval action against
two Italian convoys off Taranto,
Italy-an engagement incidentally, in
which the Axis losses were raised by
the Admiralty today to three Italian
destroyers sunk and two seriously

CIO Leader Quits
Mediation Board
To Protest Ruli n


Remains Shy
bout Exploits
If you want to know about Anne
O'Hare McCormick, you will have to
look at the record for its seems noth-
ing, and no one, can persuade this
shyest of celebrities to do othetwise
than sing small about her feats.
But even one look at her record will
discount her insistence that the em-
phasis is on the year rather than on
the woman, because all eyes have
been on the news, and she was in it.
This famed foreign correspondent,
the first woman journalist to win the
Pulitzer Prize, will give the second
Oratorical Lecture- on "Ourselves and
the War" at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow in
Hill Auditorium. She will be intro-
duced by Prof. James K. Pollock of
the political science department.
The box office sale in Hill Auditor-
ium will be held from 10 a.m. to 1
p.m., and 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. today, and
all day tomorrow, from 10 a.m. till
8:15 p.m.
Chief Of Staff
Fears Sabotage
In U.S. Defense
Marshall Stresses Value
Of Civilian Alertness
In Radio Broadcast
WASHINGTON, Nov. 1l-('p)-
General George C. Marshall sum-
moned the nation tonight to be on
guard against a "sudden and wide-
spread attempt" by the axis powers
to sabotage the United States muni-
tions, utility and transportation in-
Already, he declared, the Axis has
unleashed a propaganda attack de-
signed to disrupt army morale and
the "clever methods" used, he added.
have succeeded in upsetting the fam-
ilies of soldiers and have "misled"
members of Congress.
"We should realize," the Army
Chief of Staff sid in a broadcast on
Civilian Defense Week, "that the
more we, as a nation, influence the
course of this war, the more impor-
tant it becomes for us to protect
every phase of our national life
against the efforts of the Axis pow-
ers to deter or weaken us."
The Citizens Defense Corps, he said-
will serve "a vital purpose in com-
pleting our general organization for
the security of America, and I am
sure that it will exert a strong in-
fluence in combating secret and de-
structive efforts to divide and con-
fuse our people."
Marshall said it was not difficulY
for persons living along the coast tc
see the need for an air raid warning

Prohibition Of Union Shop
In Coal Mines Causes
Murray ToResign Post
Army Prepares
For 'Emergency'
WASHINGTON, Nov. 11-0)-An-
grily protesting the Defense Media-
tion Board's ruling against a union
shop in captive coal mines, CIO Pres-
ident Philip Murray and an aide re-
'signed from the Board today, and re-
ports were current that the Army was
preparing to cope with any new
"emergency" in the pits.
From Pittsburgh came word an
Army intelligence center had been
established in that area. This gave
rise to speculation the Army might
take over the mines if Jonh L. Lewis,
United Mine Workers head, signaled
for a renewal of the strike which
was halted pending the Mediation
Board's decision.
However, no *confirmation was
forthcoming fromz the War Depart-
ment. At Pittsburgh it was explained
simply that precautionary steps were
being taken to survey the coal fields
an keep in touch with miners and
Murray and Thomas Kennedy, Sec-
retary-Treasurer of the mine work-
ers, resigned from the Mediation
Board and sent a letter to President
Roosevelt denouncing the 9 to 2 de-
cision against the union shop.
Denial Of Union's Rights
They said it was a denial of the'
"union's right of normal growth and
legitimate aspirations" and confir-
mation of the "traditional open shop
policy of the anti-labor employers."
The two men, who were the only
Board members to vote for the union .
shop, declared the decision "makes It
impossible for labor to retain any
confidence in its (the Board's) future
At a press conference Board Chair-
man William H. Davis defended the
decision and said: "I hope to God the
Union will have the good sense to
accept the recommendations."
Murray told reporteres two API."
men on the Mediation Board, Georgex
Googe and WilliAm Calvin, had com-
mnitted "arch treason" by Voting
against the union shop.
Members Voted Against Measure,
These members, Murray said, had
5upported the conteption of the mine
7orkels, had advanced arguments in
their favor and had moved their-
adoption.Yet he added, they voted
yesterday* against their own motion
and i their own reasoning without
warnin .
Murray also said four CIO official&
who were serving as alternate mem-
bers of the Board also had resigned
and that one more had told him he
was going to resign.
Those who had resigned he listed
-s John Brophy, of the National CIO
Headquarters in Washington; Cinton
3olden, of the steel workers organz-
ng committee; Hugh Lyons, regional
iirector for New England; and James
3. Carey, National Secretary.
The man who was going to resign,
he said, was Sherman Dalrymple;
)resident of the rubber workers.
Army Surveying 'Coal Mine
During the day one of Lewis' asso-
3iates said he understood the Army
mad been surveying a coal mine in
he Pittsburgh area, a statement
vhich also contributed to the current
,peculation over what the Govern-
nent may have in contemplation.
Philip Murray, the President of
the CIO, and a long-time official
of the United Mine Workers, called
a-press conference for late today. He
would give no advance intimation
what he might have to announce.
London Motorist
Goes On Shooting

Spree;_Kills Two
LONDON, Nov. 11.-(IA)-A motor-
ist with a shotgun raced through
three London suburbs for three hours
on this wartime Armistice Day, shoot-
ing into streets, doorways and gar-
dens and killing two persons and
wounding five others before police
caught him.
All bit one of his victims were

America Must
Search For


Front Door To Swing Open:
Union Open House To Celebrate
Silver Anniversary Of Building

Speaking before an Armistice Day
peace rally sponsored by the Fellow-
ship of Reconciliation at Lane Hall
yesterday, the Rev. Chester H. Loucks
of the First Baptist Church declared
that the American people must con-
tinue to look for the means to per-
manent peace and that these means
do not lie in participation in the war.
"In these days we need always to
remember the costs of war and the
search for peace," Mr. Loucks said.
He described his group of thinkers
as those who still believe in keeping
out of war because America can do no
greater job than being completely
free from it when the time comes for
The address was followed by a dis-
cussion ' of world peace from the
standpoint of non-intervention in the
present conflict and a period of silent
meditation "for each to see his own
Seven Supporting Stars
Named By Mimes Head
Mimes Opera Director Robert
Adams announced yesterday the fill-
ing of seven more supporting roles for
the 1942 Union Opera production, to
be in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
December 9 through 13.
Two of the men, Bob Sovern, '44,

One-Man Grand Jury:
Sample To Hold Investigation
Of County Gambling Conditions

The Seventh Annual Union Open
House, commemorating the silver an-
niversary of the erection of the pres-
ent Union building, will be held from
8 to 10 p.m. Tuesday.
The entire two million dollar plant
including the cafeteria, kitchens,
bowlin galleys, billiard room, library
and ballrooms will be open for in-
spection by the student body.
National Defense will be the theme
of the evening, with large displays

For the only time in the school
year, the no-women-through-the-
front-door tradition will be relaxed.
Genial George Johnson, who has
guarded, the front door for as long
as anyone can remember, will have a
night off.
Everybody is invited, according to
Jim Edmunds, '43E, of the Union
executive staff, general chairman of
the Open House.

This usually ultra-quiet county was
thoroughly aroused yesterday by an
announcement of Circuit Judge
George W. Sample that a one-man
grand jury will investigate gambling
conditions throughout Washtenaw.
Following action taken by the pros-
ecutor, George Meader, in a petition
filed with the court Oct. 30 which
stated that he had received informa-
tion "concerning gambling and the
maintenance of gaming rooms and
gambling equipment" and "the main-
tenance of selling pools and books or
devices for registeing bets" and "re-
lated offenses" Judge Sample author-
ized the inquiry, but public announce-
ment was withheld until yesterday.
At the organization session yester-
day, Prosecutor Meader, Assistant

Sessions of the grand jury, held
behind closed doors, will be called
whenever the information at hand
warrants it. The Judge said that the
investigation was not being directed
against any one locale, but that com-
plaints had been received from all
parts of the county and everyone
would be investigated.
Prpsecutor Meader explained the
grand jury action on the grounds
that because of the secrecy of the
actions it has been difficult for law
enforcement officers to apprehend
the offenders. Furthermore, he said,
owing to the nature of the offense,
people are unwilling to volunteer in-
By way of showing his determina-

tion to erase gambling from
county, Judge Sample pointed


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