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November 04, 1941 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-11-04

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Check-Ups, X-Ray Exams Yield
Decline In Tuberculosis Cases


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Five Die

Year-long check-ups and a system
of routine X-ray examinations for
every new student have yielded a
steady decline in the University's
tuberculosis incidence, Director War-
ren Forsythe of the Health Service
revealed yesterday.
Pointing to the '.68 per thousand
incidence rate discovered among Sep-
tember entrants this fall, Doctor For-
sythe compared this figure with the
15 cases per thousand found in draft
board physical examinations. "This
can be attributed to the increased
age of the selectees," he declared.
The University is one of the few
institutions of its kind in the nation
that require compulsory X-ray exam-
inations for its entire student body.
Over half of the country's 300 col-
leges and, universities have tuber-
culosis examinations in some form,
. but the high cost of X-rays have
limited their use to 32 schools.
The X-rays were first introduced
in 1935, and at that time the inci-
dence rate was 2.85 per thousand.
The elimination of active cases from
the University's enrollment has
dropped the rate to its present low
About 25% of the student body
have "healed" cases of the disease,,
Doctor Forsythe deblare4. Although
the childhood tuberculosis o these,
students is no longer' activn they
Orthodontists Hold
Annual Convention
Eighty Midwestern orthodontists
will meet here today and tomorrow
at the annual convention of the
Great Lakes Society of Orthodontists
to be held in the Rackham and Kel-
logg buildings.-
Immediately following the two-day
program the W. K. Kellogg Institute
will sponsor a short course for twentyi
orthodontists from gall parts of thei
country. This course will be taught1
by Dr. Bernhard Gottlieb of Baylor1

should pay particular attention tc
sufficient sleep and an adequate diet
Breaking the University's enroll-
ment down into geographical groups,
the Health Service has discovered a
much higher tuberculosis rate among
Oriental and Latin American stu-
"As far as the average student is
concerned," Doctor Forsythenoted,
"he should guard against exposure
to any known cases. Keeping these
'actives' out of the University has
been our share in protecting the
student body."
Ties To Inaugurate
Series Of Lectures
an Chinese Culture
The first in a series of six lectures
on Chinese literature will be given
by Hsing-Chih (Gerald Tien), Grad.,
at 4:15 p.m. today in the Rackham
This lecture will serve as an intro-
duction to the study of Chinese poet-
ry, prose, drama, novel and contem-
porary literature. The next five lec-
tures will be given on successive
Hsing-Chih is a former member of
the faculty of Yenching University in
Peiping, China. He is studying in the
Graduate School on a fellowship. The
lectures are- sponsored by the Uni-
versity Chinese Students Club.
Alpha Nu Observes
Ninety-Eighth Year
Tonight's meeting of Alpha Nu
Speech Society marks the ninety-
eighth anniversary of this society,
which was founded on Sept. 30, 1843.
In 1922 Alpha Nu helped in tound-
ing the national literary and debat-
ing society of Kappa Phi Sigma. Al-
pha Nu was organized as a means of
helping students who did not have
an opportunity to take speech; work
in the classroom. Today it is the
only organization which gives recog-
nition to men in speech classes for
outstanding wo'rk.
Its activities consist of practice in
public speaking and debates with
Athena and Zeta Phi Alpha.


Fete Planned
Foreign Students To Wear
Native Dress At Dinner
Local foreign students will be offi-
cially welcomed to Ann Arbor by the
community and the University at the
annual International Dinner, which
Nov. 19 "the eve of Thanksgiving,"
will be given at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday,
in the ballroom of the Union.
The Internatjonal Dinner has been
an annual affair for the past 20
years. Foreign students attending
the dinner will dress in their native
costumes and will present a program
of folk dances. President Alexander
G. Ruthven will deliver a welcome
The dinner will be open to the pub-
lic for the first time this year. Tick-
ets may be purchased and reserva-
tions made daily at the Center
through Thursday. No reservations
can be made by phone.
Engineers To Visit Plant
Grinding .wheels and abrasives in
manufacture will be observed tomor-
row when the American Society of
Mechanical Engineers, student sec-
tion, visits a grinder fabricating
plant in Jackson.

I hird Concert
Will Feature
Dr. Rodzinski
(Continued from Page 1)
concerts at popular prices to its two
regular subscription series in Sev-
erance Hall, the three-million-dollar
home of the orchestra.
In addition, four all-star popular
concerts were given last year in the
Cleveland Public Auditorium. The
attendance went above 10,000 for
each coirert.
Severance Hall, with its perfect
acoustics and modern stage, has
proven an ideal theatre for the per-
formance of grand opera and Dr.
Rodzinski has presented works by
Wagner, Strauss, Bizet, Puccini, Ver-
di, Rossini, Shostakovich and Ruben-
stein within its walls.
The concert at 3 p.m. Sunday af-
ternoon will include the following
works: Overture to "Euryanthe" by
Weber; Symphony No. 5 in E-flat
major, Op. 82, by Sibelius; "Iberia,"
Impressions for Orchestra No. 2 by
Debussy; and "Scenario for Orches-
tra" on Themes from "Show Boat,"
by Kern.
A limited number of tickets for the
Choral Union Series,, or for individual
concerts, are still available at the
offices of the University Musical So-
ciety in Burton Memorial Tower.

Bits of wreckage of it twin-engined army bomber which crashed in a cornfield and exploded near Find-
lay, O., burn some time after the plunge. Five men testing automatic flight equipment were killed. The ship,
out of Patterson Field at Dayton, O., dropped to the ground at a 45-degree angle from mist-filled clouds.

ciey n uronMeoralToer

(Oontinued from Page 4)

German Club Will Hold
SecondMeeting Today;
The Gerrhan Club will hold its
second meeting of the semester at
8 p.m. today in the Women's Ath-
letic Building. All those interested
in German are invited to enjoy a
..program of folk dancing, singing,
games, and refreshments.
The newly elected officers this year
are Liese Price, '43, president; Rosa-
lie Pielemeier, '42, vice-president;
Reinhard Wittke, '43, secretary and
Jane Thoms, '43, treasurer.

Engineering Text Revised
Almost completely rewritten in or-
der to bring it up to date with mod-
ern engineering methods, a new edi-
tion of "Inorganic Chemical Tech-
nology," by Prof. E. M. Baker of
the chemical engineering department
and Prof. W. L. Badger, formerly of
the same department, will be re-
leased for sale sometime this week.

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Lecture: Dr. John B. Youmans,
Associate Professor of Medicine at
Vanderbilt University, School of
Medicine, Nashville, Tennessee, will
give a lecture on "Vitamin Deficien-
cies" at 1:30 p.m. today in the Am-
phitheater at the University Hospital.
Dr. Youmans has recently returned
from France where he has had the
opportunity to study nutritional
Events Today
Junior Research Club: The Novem-
ber meeting will be held tonight at
7:30 in the Amphitheatre of the Hor-
ace H. Rackham School of Graduate
Program: "Predatory Animals and
Game Fish," by Karl F. Lagler of
the Department of Zoology.
"A Hydrodynamics Problem," by
R. T. Liddicoat, of the Department of
Engineering Mechanics.
Sigma Rho Tau will meet at 7:30
tonight in room 311 of the West En-
gineering Building. A debate with
the University of Toledo on the sub-
ject: "Resolved that labor unions
should be incorporated" will be feat-
ured. This will be the first training
night for new members and will mark
the opening of this semester's pro-
gram. All members, old, new, and
prospective are requested to attend.
Tau Beta Pi: There will be an im-
portant meeting tonight at 6:15 in
the Union.
German Club Meeting tonight at
8:00. The program will consist of
folk dancing sand singing at the Wo-
men's Athletic Building. Refresh-
ments will be served. The meeting is
open to all who areinterested.
Invitation to Learning: Professor
Paul Henle of the Philosophy De-
partment and Professor Norman Nel-
son of the English Department will
discus Sir Thomas More's Utopia in
the manner of the well-known CBS
program, Invitation to Learning, to-
night a 7:30 at Lane Hall. The dis-
cussion is open to students and facul-
ty and is sponsored by the Student
Religious Association.
Marriage Relations Lecture Series:
Professor Norman Hines will lecture
on "Courtship and .Pre-Marital Re-,
lations," tonight at 7:30 in the Rack-
ham Lecture Hall.
Aquinas Seminar: The group study-
ing the writings of St. Thomas Aqui-
nas will meet at Lane Hall on Tues-
day afternoons at 4:30 p.m.
Music Seminar: "The Works of Pal-
estriha" will be the subject of the lec-
ture by Mr. Leonard Gregory of the
University School of Music at the
Religious Music Seminar, sponsored
by the Student Religious Association,
and held at Lane Hall today at 4:15
p.m. The talk will be illustrated by

recordings of Palestrina's composi-
The Tuesday Evening Concert of
Men's Lounge of the Rackham Build-
ing tonight will feature Shostako-
vich's Fifth Symphony and Strauss'
Don Quixote with Feuermann play-
ing the Solo Cello.
Women's Glee Club rehearsal for
sopranos and altos at 4:00 p.m. to-
day in the Garden Rodm of the
League. Absences are unexcused un-
less reported to Marjorie Gould be-
fore the meeting.
the Michigan Alumnae Club will
meet tonight at 8:00 in the auditori-
um of the W. K. Kellogg Foundation
Institute. Mr. Eugene B. Power will
speak on "The Treasure House of
Christian Science Organization will
meet tonight at 8:15 in the chapel
of the Michigan League.
JGP Central Committee at 4:30
today in the League. Meeting room
will be posted.
Hillel Players: Tryouts for several
one-act plays will be held at the
Foundation today and Wednesday,
4:00-5:30 p.m. Anyone interested is
invited to attend these tryouts.
Coming Events
A.I.Ch.E. meeting on Thursday,
Nov. 6, in Room 1042 East Engineer-
ing Building. Dr. E. H. Potthoff of
the Socony-Vacuum Oil Co. will speak
on "Aviation Gasoline and National
Defense." Everyone is welcome.
Regional Conference of the Ameri-
can Association of University Profes-
jors will meet at the Michigan Union,
on Saturday, November 8. Morning
and afternoon sessions and lunchieor.
President Deibler will add ess the
The Psychology Journal Club will
meet Thursday, Nov. 6, at 7:30 p.m.,
in East Conference Room, Rack-
ham Bldg. Prof. T. M. Newcomb will
discuss his recent extensive work in
Personality and Social Attitudes. Re-
Pre-medical Society Meeting will
be held Wednesday, Nov. 5, at 8:00
p.m. in room 319, Michigan Union.
Dr. Elizabeth Crosby will lecture on
the film "The Development of the
Nervous System."
There will be a discussion of the
Pre-medical aptitude tests. All pre-
medics invited.
International Center: The pro-
gram for this week at the Center in-
cludes the following: Today, at 4:15
p.m., Amphitheatre of the Rackham
Building, the first of a series of six
lectures on Chinese literature by
Gerald Tien. Open to the public.
Wednesday, November 5, 7:30 to
9:00 p.m. Music hour at the Center.
Bach: G Minor Fugue (Stokowski
and the Philadelphia Orchestra); Si-
belius: Symphony No. 3 (Kajanus and

the London Symphony); Beethoven:
Concerto in D Major for Violin and
Orchestra (Heifetz, soloist; Toscani-
ni and the N.B.C. Orchestra).
Wednesday, November 5, 9:00 to
10:00, The German Roundtable will
meet in Room 18.
Friday, November 7, 8:00 p.m.
French Roundtable.
Attention is called to the fact that
all reservations must be made by
Thursday of this week for the Inter-
national Dinner to be given November
19 in honor of the foreign students.
Physical Education-Women Stu-
dents: Individual Sports Tests will be
given this week in the following activ-
ities: Tennis, Archery, Golf, Friday,
November 7, 1:00 to 3:00, Women's
Athletic Building.
Swimming, Tuesday and Thursday
evenings, 8:30 p.m., Union Pool.
Students are asked to sign up at
the Women's Athletic Building for
appointments to take these tests.
The attention of upperclass stu-
dents with Incompletes in Physical
Education is called to this notice.
Assembly Association announces
that through the courtesy of Play
Production, all season tickets will
be on sale in the Social Director's
office at the Michigan League until
Thursday, November 6. Hours, 9-6.

' 1

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