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November 01, 1941 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-11-01

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TIVEBEIR 1, 1941


General Sale
To Start Today
On Ball Tickets
Engineering Formal On Nov. 7
At Union To Feature Airplanes,
Murals, 'Rhythm By Roeburn'


e Contestants Are Competing
For Singer With Miller's Band

RipVan Winkle
Will Be Today
Children's Theatre Production

lh'ignIs IDiffervilt

Contest For Title, Miss M-Club,
To Be Held At Dance Saturday


* * *

Formerly on restricted sale to stu-
dents in the College of Engineering
only, tickets for the annual Engineer-
ing Ball~ to be held Friday, Nov. 7, in
the Union Ballroom will go on gen-
eral sale at 7 p.m. today at the
Union desk.
Although the sale was a bit slow
at the beginning of the week, general
chairman Robert L. Collins, '42E, re-
ported that yesterday's sale was a big
improvement, and expressed the hope
that with the extension of the sale
all the 325 tickets would soon be sold
Tickets may be obtained between 7
p.m. and 9 p.m. today, or any day
next week between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m.
and 7 p.m. and 9 p.m., ticket chair-
man Verne C. Kennedy, '42E, has
"Rhythm by Raeburn" will be the
musical slogan for the annual dance,
as Boyd Raeburn and is orchestra
have been engaged to supply the
music for the evening.
Decorations for the Ball, as an-
nounced by the decorations com-
mittee Thursday, will include a model
of a Bessemer converter shooting
crepe-paper sparks at one end of theI
floor and an airplane suspended so'
as to simulate full flight at the other.
Side wall panels in the Ballroom
will be decorated with a series of
eight pictures of engineering struc-
tures and engineering activities such
as surveying.
The Ball is the annual presenta-
tion of the Engineering Council, gov-
erning student body in the College of

Herb Miller's collegiate songstress
contest at the League today, Miller's To Give Two Performances j
dance audience acting as judge and
jury. The next two performances of the
Stage names mingled with the real, Children's Theatre production of
they are Helen Ryde, Marjorie Hollis,! "Rip Van Winkle" will be staged in
Leanor Grossman, '43, Dorothy Jos- the Lydia Mendessohn Theater at
effy, '44, Virginia Allen, Marry Hum- the pym. ndelssohn Thay
mon, Timmy Gale, Irene Mendelsohn, 1:30 pm. and 3:34 p.m. today.
'43Ed, and Winifred Brown, '44SM. The play, an adaptation of Wash-
Many Women Enter jington Irving's story by Charlotte
"We're being swamped!" Miller Chorpenning, has a cast which in-!
told the Daily reporter Thursday an eludes a number of Ann Arbor grade
hour before the preliminaries to his school children in minor roles and
contest closed. Over fifty hopefuls in group scenes.
had appeared with accompanists to Philip Swander, '44, has under-
try out at Miller's home-all attrac- taken Old Rip's part and the other
tive, he said, and many showing def- main parts are filled by university
inite talent. students. Irene Ferguson, '42, is tak-
The girls will appear one by one ing the part of Judith; Veitch Pur-
on Miller's new bandstand, which is dom, '42, Dame Van Shaik; Jim Bob
making its debut with the contes- Stephenson, '42, Young Rip; Roger
tants. From under the canopy, dis- Cleary, '44, Wouter; and Maida Stein-
tinctive feature of the new stand, berg, '45, Dame Van Winkle, announ-I
each will sing one selection. and sub- ced by Mary Ellen Wheeler, '41, the,
mit to the judgment of the dancing director of the production.
public. The Children's Theater project,



** *
Nine contestants, rather than the
anticipated eight, will participate in
League To Be Scene
Of Football Mixer
Congress, Independent Men's As-
sociation, will hold its second football
mixer and dance of the year this
afternoon in, the League cafeteria,
Che Tang, '43E, social chairman of
I.M.A. announced today.
The mixer will be held during the
Illinois game and dancing will pre-
cede and follow the game which will
be broadcast. The first I.M.A. mixer
was held during the Northwestern
. Dancing will begin at 2 p.m. and
will continue until game time. Robert
W. Williams, '43E, will serve as host.

To Sing Twice
In perfect fairnesswto every girl,
the contest will be staged again next
Friday at the regular League dance.
Not only variations between today's
and Friday's audience will be aver-
aged, but there will be opportunities
for girls who were not at their best,
due to such factors as colds and ex-
citement, to redeem their standing
with more votes the second week.
"I'm glad it isn't my responsibility
to choose," Miller said. He feels that
the contest is so close that no one
person could judge fairly. There is
a double purpose to the manner of
judging through the regular dance
audience. The winner will be the
public's favorite, and what better as-
surance is there for popularity?

sponsored by the Theater Arts Com-j
mittee of the League, is presenting
the plays at a small price because this
project is not offered as a money
making proposition. It is primarily
a community offering and an experi-
mental theater for its members, ex-
plained Virginia Appleton, '42, gen-
eral chairman of the project.
"Rip Van Winkle" is the first pro-
duction to be staged by Theater Arts
this season. The three other plays to
follow are: "Pinocchio," "The Pain-
cess and the Swineherd," and "The
Sleeping Beauty." One of these pro-
ductions will employ the art of mod-I
ern dancing. The Theatre Arts Com-
mittee will be aided in this venture
by the physical education depart-

Crocheted Hat-
'May Substitute
For Popular Brim
Like it or not, Michigan women,
there are times when ye 01' bandana,
must be tucked away and an honest-
to-goodness hat drawn from the
depths of the closet. On your next
venture, you might decide that the
old standby should be replaced.
The, model pictured above would
prove an able substitute for the snap-
brim you have been desperately cling-
ing to for the past few seasons. Placed.
atcp your curls it promises to en-
h ance rather than destroy the effect
of a pompadour.
Particular note should be paid to1
the unusual design of this hat. It was
first crocheted, and, then., twisted to
form a miniature toque, with the
loose ends making a large tassel worn

'42. of the tennis team, will make the
W ho is Miss M? She's the typical choice and present the prize, "a most
SM-Club girl, and she's going to the unusual prize" it is promised.
M-Club dance next Saturday at the Mitaswlgveunoir,
League. Otherwise she's an unknown Mgt as wel give up now, girls,
quantity-the lass whose "character, if you don't have the qualifications,
integrity, sincerity, intelligence, and for the judges can not be intimidated
incidentally. figure" will so impress or bribed in any way, shape, or form
the three most handsome M-Club since it is rumored that all three are
members that they'll select her as going steady." Your best bet is to
their queen, put your character into your make-
Chosen as fitting judges by their up. your intelligence into your clothes,
awn conmpetitors. hockey player Paul and let your figure answer for itself
Goldsmith. 42; swimmer Gus Shara- in all sincerity.
met, '42. and Gerald Schaflander, There's a chance that Miss M will
.-.'alk off with more than the mysteri-
ous grand prize. Door prizes will be
New Ideas Offered awarded to the holders of lucky tick-
ets, and will consist of completely
autographed balls representing every
A novel fad that has been sweeping team, football to golf.
fashion centers is the black tie fad. There's no catch to this M-Club
Wear your best white silk classic girl contest. The title doesn't mean
blouse with a black skirt, your broth- that she's to be escorted by one of the
er's best black silk cravat, and black football players - who will be hon-
patent leather dancing pumps from ored guests at the dance, by the way.
the men's haberdasher. It, doesn't even mean that her escort
Remember that blue serge dress will necessarily be a letter man. It's
you wore last year during the gob all up to the girl, and her presence
uniform season? Well, why don't you at the dance qualifies her as a con.
go up in the attic and take the gold testant with equal chances tall in-
braid and buttons off the uniform dividual qualifications temporarily
that Grandpappy Scraggs fit and bled aside) with all others.
for his country in, during the Span- Ticket sales will begin Monday
ish-American war, and sew them on morning, and be open to the campus.
your dress. In such raiment you It will be possible to purchase a
may advance as bravely as Grand- chance for your girl to become Miss
pappy did into any weekend brawl on M at the League or Union or through
the campus. l any M-Club member.
Does The PACI Bewilder You?
Here's A HelpfulExplanation
On several or all of the bulletin appointed by the separate organiza-
boards around campus, lately, there tions and serving for a term of two
have been large posters, announcing semesters.
the coming of Thursday afternoon After all this sort of heavy goings-
tea dances sponsored by an organi- on you would hardly think the PACT
zation, known to the posters' some- would return to such frivolous con-
what puzzled readers as PACI. siderations as tea dances, but, to take
PACT is not an association of meat- the words out of Mr. Barnum's
packers; neither is it a Plan for the
Advancement of Chronic Indigestion, mouth, their activities this year have
The whole thing is a consolidated been, and will continue to be, bigger
committee of delegates from Pan- and better.
hellenic, Assembly, Congress, and In- Sponsored Mixers
terfraternity, and it doesn't take Already they have sponsored the
much headwork to figure out that freshmen mixers for the men's and
the name is a combination of all four women's Freshman Orientation Corn-
organizations. mittee. Herb Miller played for this
Organized In '39 first affair, and the orientation ad-
First organized in the fall term of visors served as hosts and hostesses.
1939, the PACT was formed for the
' purpos of holding all-campus tea Now, Hugh Ayers, '43, newly elected
dances which would be made "uni- general chairman of PACT Commit'
tee, announces with a flourish that on
versal" by the very participation in
the m tThursday, Nov. 6, the organization
committe work, of representatives will start its regular season of tea
of the four student organizations on dances with a "Time-Out" Dance,
campus. Hr ilrspligtemsc h
Outstandingly successful the first Herb Miller supplying the music. The
year, the tea dances continued to be rather puzzling title derives from the
given under a reorganized committee fact that that particular weekend is
last year. To the PACT, itself, which the open date from football games.
had now proven its efficiency as a The PACI-ers will expect you all-
working organization, went the ex- next Thursday at the League.
tension of the powers of the com-
mittee to include the sponsoring of alli Announced
campus activities involving the four Pledgings
student bodies of Panhellenic, Assem- Alpha Ormicon Pi announces the
bly, Congress, and Interfraternity. recent pledging of Virginia Chandler,
Committee Set Up'4 rom ledo, 0.; Joyce Cehder,-
A permanent committee was set up '45, from Toledo. O.; Joyce Denherd-
and a constitution formed, the PACI or, '45, of Zealand; Elizabeth Taylor,
group now consisting of two repre- '45, from Harbor Heights, and Vir-
sentatives from each organization, ginia Weadock, '45, of Lima, O.

n+ i ti,

Come Up And See It Sometime--

Iat the

side. The casualness of this
is likely to make -it a favorite
collegiate classics.

University Women Will Train
In Motor Mechanics Course

In ten weeks there will be 36 Uni-
versity women Who will adopt the fol-
lowing procedure when their date's
car stalls on a lonely road:
1. Open the hood, check all igni-
tion wires, spark plugs, and distribu-
2. Examine carburetor and feed
lines for foreign matter which might
cause fuel stoppages.
3. Check oil pump and radiator if
car is overheated.
4. Go to the back seat to remove
tools and make any necessary repairs.
Registration Closed
These thirty-six women will have
received training in motor mechanics
from the Red Cross as part of its
defense preparation program. Regis-
tration for the course, scheduled to
open Tuesday, Nov. 4, has already
been closed.
According to Mrs. John Kollen,
head of the local Red Cross Motor
Corps, this course and first-aid train-
ing are prerequisites to admission in
the Corps. Motor Corps work in
peacetime consists of delivering sup-
plies, transporting people to and from
work, and driving patients to hospi-
tals. In anticipation of a more se-
vere emergency, truck driving in-
struction will also be given.
The course, aimed at giving "first-
aid to the motor," will enable gradu-
ates to make temporary repairs on
the road. It is not supposed to sup-
plement garage or service station
Other Work Taught
Under the direction of Miss Vir-
ginia Schumacher of Ann Arbor,
about two thousand women have al-
ready taken this course. Miss Schu-
macher has given instruction volun-
Hallowe'en Pranks
Give Way To Parties
Planned For Today
With Halloween in the air, several
houses are going to keep their mem-
bers away from door-bells and gar-
bage cans by means of parties today.
Alpha Chi Sigma is one of the
houses which will hold a radio
dance from 9 p.m. to 12 midnight.
The chaperons will be Dry H. H.
Willard and Mr. Rolland Feldcamp.
Stockwell Hall also will be having
a radio dance. Mrs. Martha Ray and
Miss B. J. Wallace have accepted as
D~r. and Mrs. E. W. Blakeman
and Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Bullard will
be chapf roning at Beta Theta Pi's
radio dance from 9 p.m. to 12 mid-
night at the chapter house.
A tea dance will be held at Mosher
Hall from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. to-
day with Mrs. Alice Klein, dormitory
director, and Miss Louise Larrabie,
her assistant, as chaperons.
Sororities Announce

tarily to classes in Detroit and High-
land park.
In addition to road repairs, this
motor mechanics training will also
enable women to make minor adjust-
ments on an automobile. Work on
brakes, windshield wipers, horns and
other accessories are included in the
Camping, Boatin~g
Main Actiities
Of L es Voyageurs
If rumors were born to run rife,
then the mysteries they create were
born to be solved-all of which takes
us to the case of the Society of Les
Voyageurs, the campus conundrum.
Michigans masses have called this
group everything from that bunch of
glorified boy scouts" to a French verb
club. These comments may be very
humorous, but they are a far shout
from the truth, so on the why's and
During some of the lazier days of
1906, the society's founders, Elmer
Lehndorff and Larry Lark, were gaz-
ing at northern Michigan over the
gunwales of a canoe. Naturally, one
thing led to another, and they de-
cided to organize a society of men
intersted in canoeing, camping, and
other similar outdoor activities. Et
voila-Les Voyageurs!
However, a lot of water has passed
under the keels of the society's can-
oes since then. They now possess a
piece of real estate, dignified by a
cabin, on the banks of the Huron
Six of the voyageurs live in the
cabin, do all their own chores, in-
cluding the cooking, and their wood
stove is really made to toe the mark.
The rest of the club takes a hand at
skillet-slinging during the weekly
Sunday night supper meeting.
In the spring all the members plus
Dean Samuel T. Dana and Prof.
Leigh D. Young, former members,
turn out for the annual all-day canoe
trek from Lakeland to Ann Arbor.
The three or four people on campus
who know what the society is usually
are around to crane their necks at
Delhi as the voyageurs "skillfully"
ride these rapids.

The Improved
There have been some changes
made in the League Ballroom-or
perhaps we shoud say additions-
which are definite improvements both
technically and aesthetically.
In the past many people have said
that there was something wrong with
'he sound of band music in the ball-
room. But not until this year was
anything done about it. Promoter
of the idea is Betty Johnson, '43,
chairman of the ballroom committee.
Financial backing for the improve-
ments were afforded through activi-
ties carried on by her committee-
mainly the dancing classes.
Bandstand Enlarged
It seems that the music expelled
from the band instruments reverber-
ated so, hitting the first arch of the
many in the ceiling and then bound-
ing on to the second and so on that
by the time it reached the last arches,
there was nothing left but a con-
glomeration of echoes. This, of course,
hurt the ears of those musically in-
clined and even sounded a bit odd
to those not inclined.
So the bandstand was enlarged a
few feet to completely fill in the curve
of the bay windows. A huge spark-
ling-silver canopy was constructed
over the bandstand. This canopy
serves to direct the music straight out,
thus making the acoustic properties
Sparkle Is Motif
The aesthetic improvement is in
the form of a small crystal ball which
hangs in front of the conpy. By
means of a mechanical apparatus,
the ball revolves slowly, allowing its
intricate cut-glass surface to deflect
the colored lights of the ballroom on-
to the silver canopy. The canopy in
turn casts the sparkling light around
that end of the room.
The rest of the room is enhanced

League Ballroom
with flashes of color by a much
larger crystal ball which is suspended
from a chandelier in the middle of
the ballroom and which works by
the same method-thus completing
the kaleidoscope.
All in all, the ballroom take on an
appearance of a star-lit rom in some
swanky New York hotel. It's all very
hard to describe so why don't you
come up and see it?
Party To Be Today
Hillel Foundation will hold open
house from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. today
for those who wish to listen to the
Michigan-Illinois game. There will
be dancing and refreshments; ev-
eryone is invited.
Tea Will Be Today
A faculty tea will be held by Delta
Gamma from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. to-
morrow at the chapter house. In
addition to Mrs. James Orbison,
housemother, and Jane Baits, '42,
house president, the receiving line
will include: Mrs. Shirley Smith, Mrs.
Ralph W. Aigler and Mrs. M. H.
Waterman. Mrs. Nathan Potter, Mrs.
W. E. Brown, Jr., Miss Margaret
Houston, Mrs. T. H. Kinkead, Mrs.
Robert Graham and. Mrs. N. S. Miller
will pour.
Where's Elmer?
OMAHA, Oct. 3.-(VP)-Pity the
plight of seven-month-old Elmer,
who's lost and who probably won't
get anyone to find him.
Elmer is a pet skunk belonging to
Hayden Ahmanson.
To be sure, Elmer is deodorized,
but what bothers the prospective
searcher is this: How can you tell-
with no risk-that it's Elmer?

Wkeddin gs
Several couples, graduates and
students of the University, have
announced their engagements or mar-
riages recently.
The engagement of Margaret Hope
Ayres to Theodore T. Gibson, Jr., son
of Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Gibson, was
announced by Mr. and Mrs. Louis E.
Ayres. Both Miss Ayres and Mr. Gib-
son are graduates of the University.
The engagement of Helen Eliza-
beth Dodenhoff of Detroit to
Charles W. Adams, son of Dr. and
Mrs. Wilbur E. Adams of Detroit,
has been announced. Miss Doden-
hoff attended the University where
she was a member of Kappa Alpha
Theta sorority. Mr. Adams is at-
tending Northwestern University
School of Dentistry and is a mem-
ber of Delta Sigma Delta profes-
sional fraternity.
Engagement of their daughter,
Helen, '41, to Stanley CiDuffendack.
'41, son of Prof. and Mrs. 0. Stanley
Duffendack of Ann Arbqr, has been
announced by Mr. and Mrs. G. Hunt-
er Culley of Pittsburg, Pa.


Persian Lamb Coat . . . $198
You'll be proud to own one of these high
lustre Persian Lamb Coats. Months back we
started to accumulate this prize collection of
pelts which our expert furriers molded into
1942 fashions, now selling at less than present

, , r' 1UI -I %l

Here's the SPECTATOR
youll see everywhere

price of skins alone.

All other furs accord-

OLD FAITHFUL of your wardrobet
The Boomp Toe shoe that's 'at ease"
on career or collegiate feet. Wear it
dancing, shopping, everywhere!
Wine, brown, black suede; blue or
,Anti~ue calf,


ingly low priced.


..._r_ an r

W- TWR R. A.

- .. Q DII' 1'IRV W LU'.t IUII "'S. J "f'I

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