The Michigan Daily
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during .the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
sedond class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
carrier $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
Colleg Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42
Editorial Stafff
Emile' Gel .
Alvin Dann
David Lachenbruch
Jay McCormick
Hal Wilson
Arthur Hill
Janet Hiatt
Grace Miller .
Virginia Mitchell
Managing Editor
. . . Editorial Director
* . . . City Editor
. . .. . Associate Editor
. . . Sports Editor
. . Assistant Sports Editor
* . . .Women's Editor
Assistant Women's Editor
Exchange Editor
Business Staff
H. Huyett . . Business Manager
B. Collins Associate Business Manager
Carpenter . Women's Advertising Manager
Wright . . Women's Business Manager
The editorials' published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
American Democracy
Cannot Survive War . .
survive another war. In an age
when unlimited centralization and ruthless to-
talitarianism is the rule only the inate conserv-
atisrh of the American people, and their confi-
dence in the provisions of their Constitution has
made it possible for the United States to remain,
even nominally, a democracy. We have not, by
any means; escaped the modern trend. No one
can deny that the labor, relief and state sub-
sidation laws of the last decade point toward
an abouiding centralism that the fathers of
the Constitution could not have anticipated and
certainly did not intend. Yet, though the Con-
stitution has been stretched until it is almost
rneaningless, it has not been discarded. Its basic
principles of human freedom and justice still
hold the reins that guide American law makers.
Now we are about to discard, or at least hold
in abeyance, a Constitution that has guided the
United States through nearly 200 years of ex-
pansion. It is folly to believe that, once for-
feited, the American Constitution can ever again
be put into force.
INTHE HANDS of a President already serving
his third term, will be placed powers as great
and inclusive as those which Hitler exercises.
Powers so complete that with almost no further
legislation the Presidency of te United States
can be turned into a dictatorship. Already Presi-
dent Roosevelt has threatened labor, and once
he has gotten complete control, labor, in the
name of the emergency, will lose its right to
strike with little hope of ever regaining it. Capi-
tal will fare little better. Since he came to power
President Roosevelt has taxed and retaxed the
capitalist until now the position of the factory
owner is a most unprofitable one.
When we entered the last war "States Rights"
was still an issue. We have come a long way
since then. Now the states are little more than
vague subdivisions of a gigantic, all-powerful
central government, and even Southern Demo-
crats are "all out" for farm relief. Yet even in
the last war many of the rights sacrificed by
the states were never returned. In this war,
democracy itself may be the, price of "War for
-H. J. Slautterback
Plane Crashes
In The Headlines .
The practice of headlining airline crashes is
one of the most regrettable and unwise practices
prevalent in American journalism today. This
disagreeable habit of our editors is a throwback
to the days of Richtofen, Guynemer and Fonck,
when crashes were the rule rather than the ex-
ception. It is a dramatization of an unfortunate
incident in the conduct of what is, contrary to
public opinion, no longer a glamorous pursuit
foryoung daredevils but a safe and sane and
prosperous American industry led by level-
headed, intelligent businessmen.
The air transport system of the United States
has established itself as the fastest, cleanest
and most pleasant means of travel, and most
important of all, it is far less dangerous to use-
Drew Pearson
Robert S. Allen
WASHINGTON-American Farm Bureau Pres-
ident Ed O'Neil, speaking at Montgomery,
Ala., recently, warned farmers that "inflation
is a greater menace to them than to any other
It was sound advice, and the far-sighted farm
leader might well have addressed it to the farm
members of the House Banking Committee, who
for more than three months have blocked action
on the price control bill, designed to avert the
inflation which the farmers fear.
The Price Control bill was drafted by Price
Administrator Leon Henderson after weeks of
careful study, and turned over to the Banking
Committee in July. The Committee had nothing
on its docket, could have considered it imme-
diately, but recessed for a month instead, so the
boys could go home to look over their political
AMONTH LATER they drifted leisurely back
to the job and began a series of hearings
that dragged out until last week. Meanwhile
inflation, only a threatening shadow in July,
became a grim and rapidly snowballing reality.
In the wasted three months, price indexes have
soared and all sorts of economic, financial and
social complications have resulted-including
King Labor Helps King Cotton
Meanwhile the Banking Committee stalled-
and here is the inside reason. They wanted to
kite the price of farm products-chiefly cotton,
which they hoped to get up to 25 cents.
The maneuvering was made possible through
an undercover log-rolling deal between commit-
tee members from cotton districts and labor sec-
tions. These latter were afraid of a ceiling on
wages. There is no wage ceiling in Henderson's
bill, but there is strong sentiment for it and the
laborites were afraid such a curb may be written
into the bill on the floor of Congress.
SO with King Cotton scratching King Labor's
back, these two groups were sitting on legis-
lation crucially needed to control a terrifying
danger'tothe nation's internal stability.
Finally, with the flood of anti-labor resent-
ment over the coal strike, cotton congressmen
are definitely considering a modified form of
wage restriction, and the price control bill is
being reported out of committee to Congress.
That's the kind of lofty statesmanship being
displayed these troubled days in the Congress
of the United States, one of the few free legis-
lative bodies still functioning.
Cleveland's Reform Candidate
Obscured by the hot mayoralty fight in New
York is another campaign in which Cleveland
is about to elect a new "Fiorello La Guardia."
He is Judge Frank J. Lausche, and he has several
points in common with the crusading mayor of
New York City.
He was born of foreign parents-Jugoslavs
who migrated to Cleveland around 1890. (La
Guardia was the son of an Italian who led an
army band at Prescott, Arizona.) Unlike La
Guardia, Lausche is a Democrat. But like La
Guardia, thousands of the opposite party will
vote for him.
FINALLY, Judge Lausche has a record for
cleaning up Cleveland crime very similar to
that of the "Little Flower" in New York City.
The area which Lausche cleaned up was no-
torious for having spawned and protected the
Alvin Karpis gang. This district was a huge
emporium of gambling and crime, operated un-
der the nose oc the late Sheriff Martin L. O'-
Donnell, who died suddenly in the middle of
Lausche's house-cleaning.
Lausche, a common pleas court judge, could
have ignored the gambling racket. Many an-
other Cleveland judge had looked the other
way. "Instead, Lausche sent word to Sheriff
O'Donnell that when his court moved into the
gambling area, he was going to act.
enforcement officers. Whereupon Lausche
called a grand jury, induced two or three petty
criminals, who already had been sent to jail, to
spill the goods on the entire gang, and in a few
weeks Cleveland's gambling racket had folded
its tents and departed.
Judge Lausche's campaign for mayor also
has been unique. He passed out strict orders
that no campaign funds were to come from the
utility companies, the banks, or big business. In
consequence some of his Democratic leaders
have threatened to bolt. Most of his funds have
been raised in one- to ten-dollar driblets, while
lush $1,000 checks were sent back to the donors.
American Airlines received the National Safety
Council Award for having flown a billion pas-
senger-miles without a fatal crash. And since
that last crash the line has carried 3,750,000
And yet, in a day when perhaps two or three
hundred persons are killed in auto, bus or plane
accidents in various parts of they country, a
couple of plane crashes are spread all over the
front pages in pictures and print, while the
enormously greater traffic toll is rarely even
mentioned on an inside page.
There is only one remedy for this unfortunate
situation and that lies with the editors them-
selves. They must bring themselves to realize
that they are not only overplaying air accidents
The Reply Churlish
APROPOS of letters to the editor, and the in-
ternational situation as reflected in same, I
add my personal beef. Calling names gathers no
moss, boys. It's about time all of you stopped
this traitor-vs.-traitor business and got down to
issues which may not involve your own personal
heroism, but which are nevertheless a tiny shade
more important than the Frank Merriwell sort
of logic which seems to fill your letters and
edits with political spleen.
And what goes for you goes also for the Amer-
ica Firsters vs the Union Nowers, for verily in
both camps there are sincere people who have
something other than emotional reactions to
offer in a debate. But on the one hand, semi-
fascists are getting most of the publicity for
America First, and club-women, sub debs, and
phoney dollar-a-year men are making' a farce
out of the interventionist group, to say nothing
of something close to Goebbels in the Navy
THE WHOLE NATION seems to have become
hero-conscious. This, leading as it does to
sentimentality, hollow booms of oratory, and
universal injustice, makes me wonder sometimes
if Hitler hasn't already done a pretty good job
of at least introducing his own political school
of thought to the Western Hemisphere. Out of
situations like the present one in this country
arise the various types of fascism. The Ku
Kluxers, the Legion, all the mobs of one sort
or another, are now having a field day, andsbe-
cause of the bitterness of the fight, there is no
effort at all to rid the ranks of either of the
larger groups of these fascists. We need
in America far -less flag-waving, far less of t1his
gas-station patriotism, far less of this childish
"Thank God I'm an American"-with fog lights,
musical horns, kewpie dolls, and a heater-busi-
ness, and far more sanity. It seems a simple
enough thing to ask-but from what you people
are writing in your letters, from what I hear
of the meetings both sides are holding, from all
the indications at present, the intelligent is
now on the wane, and the heroic again follows
its chest slowly at a distance of several inches
across the stage.
* * *
Got your card, Mr. Anning. The remark was
in re yours of about a month ago, but it usually
takes me that long to find lost letters, for I
have no filing system. I love you.
SINCE we are all supposed to take an attitude
toward the proposal for a wet-sock trophy in
the Ohio State-Michigan grudge match, I'll say
I'm for it, thereby canceling Hal Wilson's vote,
and leaving the matter open for further bicker-
ing. Reasons will follow if Wilson wants to
argue, and for now, so long until soon.
Is Hill AThird-Rater?
To the Editor:
I have just finished reading a third-rate sports
column which is desigated by the clever name
of "High and Inside." Having nothing better to
do at present, the author of this interesting
affair has taken it upon himself to pan the Uni-
versity of Michigan band regarding their con-
duct at football games. If there are to be no
other voices raised against this type of editorial
claptrap appearing in the Michigan Daily, I for
one should like to take this particular news-
paperman to task for his stupid attack upon
the most important single factor in making our
football games what' they are as far as school
spirit is concerned.
Perhaps a few of we band members are be-
coming a little overexcited at a comparatively
unimportant incident. After all, when six hard
practice sessions per week in every kind of wea-
ther are endured by band members for the glory
of old Michigan, maybe we should become hard-
ened to anything said about us by a dilletant
sports writer who has spent his best days hang-
ing around locker rooms. To see an article of
this sort printed in the Michigan Daily where
ll may read, however, causes us to wonder just
to what lengths this so-called newspaperman will
go to find something with which to fill up what
he is pleased to term a "sports column."
Mr. Hill can get as het up as he wishes about
120 strapping bandsmen trampling our weak and
helpless football players under foot, because they
are of course the only people on the field im-
mediately after the game. No students or any-
one else ever rushes out. It is also in rather bad
taste for the bandsmen to all crowd toward the
player's tunnel. They are naturally very impolite
to the whole crowd, since there are no other exits
provided. If Mr. Hill is going to turn reformer,
let him work on something worth his talents,
such as the sloppy card display, or the fresh-
man snake dance. He is making a stupid mistake
in criticizing an organization that is bigger than
he or any of us.
It would perhaps have been an intelligent move
to have let the Michigan State game go bandless
in order to show certain members of the Univer-
sity just how necessary and vital part of the
so-called "Michigan Spirit" the Michigan band
has become. I should like to hear some of that
Michigan Spirit just once without the band. If
Mr. Hill thinks our football players deserve
something better than being trampled on, I
think they deserve something better than an
By Lichty
Q 1941, Chicago Times, Tnc.
Reg. U 5.IPat. Off.. All is. Re&.I~
"A fine lawyer you are!-I pay you fat fees to spring me on this
scalping rap and all you do is bring me a cheap saw!."
VOL. LII. No. 30
Publication in the Daily Official1
Bulletin is constructivenotice to an
members of the University. p
President and Mrs. Ruthven will be
at home to members of the faculty
and other townspeople on Sunday,
November 2, from 4 to 6 o'clock. Cars
may park in the restricted zone on
South University between 4:00 andt
Senate Reception: Since no indi-
vidual invitations are beihg sent, this
is a cordial invitation to all members1
of the teaching, administrative, and t
research staff and their wives to be
present at the Senate Reception to[
new members of the faculties on Tues-1
'day, November 4, in the ballroom of;
the Michigan Union at 8:30 p.m. Thei
reception will take place from 8:301
to 10:00 o'clock, after which theret
will be dancing from 10:00 to 12:00.a
It is especially hoped that new teach-
ing fellows and instructors may be
present and the chairmen of depart-
ments are asked to be of assistance in
bringing this about.
Latin-American Students: The Uni-t
versity has One more Civilian Pilot
Training Flight and Ground School
scholarship to offer to a Pan-Ameri-
can student who is enrolled in the
University of Michigan and has at1
least Sophomore standing. Anyone in-
terested please report to the Aeronau-
tical Department, Room B-47, East
Engineering Building, as soon as pos-
Mechanical, Electrical, Chemical1
Engineering and Chemistry Seniors
and Graduates: Mr. David Watt,
representative of Procter & Gamble
Co., Ivorydale, O., will interview stu-
dents in the above groups on Mon-
day and Tuesday, Nov. 3 and 4. In-E
terviews for Monday may be arrangedk
in Room 221 West Engineering Bldg.,
for 'uesday in Room 2028 East En-
gineering Bldg.
Students who schedule interviews1
are requested to take a general'test,
on Monday at 5:00 p.m. in Room 229
West Eng. Bldg.q
Faculty of the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: The five-week
freshman reports will be due today
jn the Office of the Academic Coun-
selors, 108 Mason Hall.
Arthur Van Duren,
Chairman, Academic Counselors
Approved Organizations are re-
quested to.,submit an up-to-date list
of officers to the Office of the Dean
of Students at once. Failure to do
so will indicate that a society is no
longer active. Blanks for the pur-
pose may be had upon request or the
list may be turned in in letter form.
Chairmen of Public Activities: Eli-
gibility lists for first semester pub-
lic activities will be due today. For-
mal blanks for these lists may be
obtained from the Office of the Dean
of Students.
Student tickets for the Ohio State
game will be distributed at the Ath-
letic Administration Building during
the coming week according to the fol-
lowing schedule: Monday, Nov. 3-
Seniors (Yellow Coupons); Tuesday,
Nov. 4-Juniors (Orange Coupons);
Wednesday, Nov. 5-Sophomores
(Pink Coupons); Thursday, Nov. 6-
Freshmen (Green Coupons). Student
ticket windows will be open, 1:00-9:00
p.m., each of these days. Students
reporting after the day designated for
Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the Found
ers' Room Michigan Union. Mem
bers of all departments are cordiall
invited. There will be a brief talk
on "Germanischer Matronenkult am
IHin." by Mr. E. A. Philippson,
Regional Conference of the Ameri-
can Association of University Profes-
sors will meet at the Michigan Union,
an Saturday. November 8. Morning
and afternoon sessions and lunchecr
President Deibler will ad es the
Carillon Programs: The bell chan-
ber of the Burton MemorigL Tower
will be open to visitors inmerezted in
observing the plaving of ih- carillon
from 12 noon to 12:15 p.m., Mondav
through Friday of next w k, at
which time Professor Percival Price,
UriversityV Carilonnetur, will present
ani iniforllal programl.
merit S:stem Committee will meet
on Monday alt 4'45 p.m. in the League.
Room number will be posted on the
bulletin board.
Wesley Foundation: Bible Class at
7:30 p.m. Monday in Room 214 at
the First Methodist Church. Dr.
Brashares will lead the discussion.
I The theme for the class is "Develop-
ing Religious Ideas."
Faculty Women's Club, Monday
Evening Drama Group will meet on
Monday, Nov. 3, at 7:45 p.m. at the
Michigan League. (Members please
note the change in place of themet-
ing), Any member of the Faculty
Women's Club interested in this
group is invited to attend. Section
and hostess dues are payable at this
Monday, Noiember 3, at 8:00 p.m.
Subject: "Epidemic Diarrhea of the
Newborn." All interested are cordial-
ly invited.,
To Students Enrolled for Series of
Lectures of Naval Subjects: Lieuten-
ant R. E. Palmer, U.S. Navy, Associ-
ate Professor of Naval Science andr
Tactics, University of Michigan, will
deliver a lecture on "The Submarine"
at 7:15 p.m. on Tuesday, November
4, in Room 348 West Engineering
Choral Union Concert: The Cleve-{
land Orchestrp, Artur Rodzinski,t
Conductor, will be heard in the Chor-
al Union Series, in a program ofE
compositions by Weber, Sibelius, De-
bussy, and \Jerome Kern on Sunday
afternoon, November 9, at 3 o'clockf
in Hill Auditorium. A limited num-
ber of tickets either for the season4
or for individual concerts are avail-
able at the offices of the University
Musical Society in Burton Memorial
Charles A. Sink, President
University Symphony Orchestra:
The public is cordially invited to at-s
tend a concert to be presented by the1
University Symphony Orchestra, Thorc
Johnson, Conductor, on Sunday,
November 2, at 4:15 p.m. in Hill
Auditorium. The program, as ar-
ranged by Mr. Johnson, will include
compositions of Haydn, Rabaud and
University Lecture: Mr. Arundell
Esdaile, President of the British Li-
brary Association and former Secre-
tary of the British Museum, will lec-
ture on the subject, "Dr. Johnson
and the Young," under the auspices
of the Department of Library Sci-
ence, at 4:15 p.m. on Tuesday, Novem-
ber 4, in tle Rackham Lecture Hall.'
The public is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Mr. Earl S,
Draper, Assistant Administrator of
the Federal Housing Administration
will lecture on the subject, "Put-
ting Planning into Action," under
the auspices of the College of Archi-
tecture and Design, on Tuesday, No-
vember 4, at 4:00 p.m. in Room 102
Architecture Building. The public
is cordially invited.
Events Today
All Graduate Students are invited
to listen tothe broadcast of the Illi-
nois football game in the Men's
Lounge of the Rackham Building this
afternoon. There will be tea and
conversation between the halves.
A Work Holiday, mending and
packing clothes for the Friend's Serv-
ice Committee, will be sponsored by
the Student Religious Association
and held at Lane Hall today, 2:00-6:00
p.m. Any students who wishy to work
are welcome.
Saturday Luncheon Group: Stu-
dents interested in a discussion of
the ethical issues involved in current
social and political events are invited
to a luncheon (small charge) followed
by an hour's discussion on Saturdays
from 12:00 to 2:00 p.m. at Lane Hall.
JGP Scripts are due today. Please
turn in to Miss McCormick's office in
the League. Winners will be an-
nounced November 15.
Hostel Group will leave from Alum-
ni Memorial Hall today at 2:30 p.m.
and will return Sunday morning. All
Women's Research Club will meet
on Monday, Nov. 3, at 7:30 p.m. in
the West Conference Room, Rack-
ham Building. Election of New
Members. Program: Dr. Bessie Ka-
nouse, "Readings of Original Verse."
The Lutheran Student Association
will hold its supper hour at 5:30 and
its forum, hour at 7:00 on Sunday
evening. Mr. Melvin Anderson will,
speak on the subject. "Crossmen."
First Methodist Church and Wesley
Fourdation: Student Class at 9:30
a.m. with Robert S. Waldrop as lead-
er. Morning Church Service at 10:40
o'clock. Dr. Georgia Harkness of
Garrett Biblical Institute will preach
on "The Church and World Com-
munity." Wesleyan Guild meeting at
6:00 p.m. Prof. Wesley Maurer will
show slides of the various Ann Arbor
Community projects. Discussion ill
follow. Fellowship hour and supper
at 7:00 p.m.
Zion Lutheran Church: Church
worship service at 10:30 a.m. with
sermon by the Rev. E. C. Stellhorn on
"Our Reformation Heritage."
Trinity Lutheran Church: Church
worship service with sermon by the
Rev. Henry O. Yoder on "The Source
of Spiritual Power."
The Church of Christ will meet for
Scripture study at 10:00 a.m., Sun-
day, in the Y.M.C.A. Building. At
11:00 there will be a sermon en-
titled, "Perfecting Holiness in the
Fear of God," by Garvin M. Toms,
minister. The evening service will
begin At 7:30, the sermon topic be-
ing: "Making Your Calling and Elec-
tion Sure." The midweek Bible study
will be held Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.
Everyone cordially invited.
Disciples Guild (Memorial Chris-
tian Church): 10:45 a.m. Morning
Worship, Rev. Frederick Cowin, Min-
6:30 p.m, Disciples Guild Sunday
Evening Hour, continuing the series
on "My Religion." Mr. Lewis Hos-
kins of the department of history will
speak on "The Quaker Faith and
Way of Life." A social hour and tea
will follow the discussion.
Religious Society of Friends (Quak-
ers) : Meeting for worship, 5:00 p.m.
Fellowship supper, 6:00 p.m.
First Church of Christ, Scientist:
Sunday morning service At 10:30.
Subject: "Everlasting Punishment."
Sunday School at 11:45 a.m. Free
public Reading Room at 106 E. Wash-
ington St., orien week days from 11:30
a.m. until 5:00 p.m., except Satur-
days when it is open until 9:00 p.m.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Sunday, 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion;
10:00 a.m. High School class; 11:00
a.m. Kindergarten, Harris Hall, Jun-
ior Church, Holy Communion and
Sermon by the Rev. Henry Lewis;
4:00-6:00 p.m. H2 Club Meeting, Har-
ris Hall; 7:30 p.m. Episcopal Student
Guild Meeting, Harris Hall. Re-
ports of the Interguild Conference
held at Lane Hall for all student
church groups on campus will be
presented by the Episcopal delegates.
Compline and social evening follow-
ing. Tuesday and Friday, Tea, Har-
ris Hall from 4:00-5:30 p.m. Wed-
nesday and Thursday, Holy Commun-
ion, 7:30 a.m. Harris Hall Chapel.
First Presbyterian Church: Morn-
ing Worship, 10:45. "Two Men and
God," subject of the sermon by Dr.
W. P. Lemon.
Westminster Student Guild: All-