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October 29, 1941 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-10-29

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1 a ,


School Trustees
Asked To Resign ..

. 46

" I




Edited and managed by students of the University of
chigan under the'authority of the Board in Control
Student Publications.
Rublished every morning except Monday duffing the
idversity year and Summer Session.
Member- of the Associated Press
[he Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
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National Advertising Service, Inc.
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420 MADisoN AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y.
ember, .Associated' Collegiate Press, 1941-42'

Editorial Staff

le Gel . .
n Darnn k
id Lachenbruch
hur Hill .
et Hiatt .
ce Miller. ,
ginia Mitchell .

. . Managing Editor
Editorial Director
* * . . City Editor
. . Associate Editor
Sports Editor
« Assistant Sports Editor
. Women's Editor
* . Assistant Women's Editor
. Exchangy Editor

Business Staff
Daniel H. Huyett se. . Business Manager
lanes B. Collins . . Associate Business Manager.
ouise Carpenter . .Women's Advertising Manage
velyn .Wright . . Women's Business Manager
The" editorials published in The Michigan
. Daily are written by members of The Daily
' staff and represent the views of the writers
repIy TO A Reply
y Mr. Ogden ~.
NTIL YESTERDAY I was able to
r)maintain my dignity in face of the
tmerica Second Committee's war-trumpets;I
jen came Mr. Ogden's letter in reply, to Hauf-.
3r. Now, I do not care' to apologize for Mr.
yaufler any more than for Lindbergh, Nye, or
heeler; and besides' Professor Dawson dealt
ith him adequately. Nor do I intend to defend
r. Haufler, for he can do that weli'enough him-
lf. But, Mr. Ogden!
,4.D3eploring Mr. Haufer's emotionalism, Mr.I
Dgden drags out three battered "main issues,"
.laces them on the pedestals of expediency,
racticality, and morality, and proceeds to drape
tem 'with the same moth-eaten and bloody
<ags that Have lain in our closets for 23 years.
Will Hitler seek to dominate North America (it
fs generally understood that South America al-
" eady has one foot in the grave of Nazis)
hen he has cleaned out Europe? Why, yes,
,r. Ogden says, because "The Nazi production
achine is geared to war ... they despise peace;
jhey love war for its-own sake ..,. a tyrant must
age war to keep himself in power."
Very well. Now I would like to ask one hypo-
hetical question, how are these beasts going to
stisfy their thirst for blood after they have the
:,hole world in chains? Will they go to Mars?
11ill they revolt among themselves? Will they
satisfied with beating their slaves? The point
that the Nazis are obviously able to cease war
y time it becomes unhealthy, and by concen-
ating our defense efforts on defense instead
f aggression we can, military authorities agree,
ake the Western Hemisphere unhealthy for
y invader.
Then Mr. Ogden makes a declaration that
stimulates familiar reverberations. He says,
Ideologically the Nazi revolution is a world
" evolution designed to sweep America as well as
e rest of the globe into the Nazi system," How
rng ago was it that exactly the same statement
as fired with capitalistic invective against Com-
unist Russia, who is now losing the war'with
merican arms and without British help of any
ind? Riddle: If yesterday's Caesar becomes to-
ay's brother in arms, what will today's Napo-
n be tomorrow?
(Next, Mr. Ogden cites existing fifth column
ctivites as the prelude to successful Nazi in-
sion; but he does not mention spies, saboteurs,
x military secrets. It seems the fifth column is
hiefly composed of such policy saboteurs as
cCormick, Coughlin and Lindbergh. "The aim
to paralyze te national will, and to some ex-
nt it has succeeded: witness the vote on the
aft extensin bill'. Mr. Ogden asserts. Mean-
ig, Mr. Ogden, those who opposed the draft ex-
ension are fift, columnists? In other words,
nyone who disagrees .with your ideas of policy
s a financial o:emotional attachment to
tier. And why do you so coyly ignore the fact
at these opponents of foreign defense are
pressed leaders in the preparation for real
efense. Any threat of invasion would unite
this nation tighter than the German Reichstag.
Mr. Ogden proceeds to speak of the Eastern
lemisphere as a conquered territory that throws
t i full power of its men and raw materials and
maments into a pre-emptory, battle with North
&merica (South America has bier, mysteriously

LEY, Superintendent of Schools in
Ann Arbor, hoped fervently that with his re-
appointment, all the hard and bitter feelings of
the long controversy would be gracefully for-
They cherished this hope because they
understood that with bitter feelings
rampant, it would be extremely difficult
for the school board and Haisley to iron-
out any deficiencies of the school system
and maintain its national reputation as a
model of enlightened administration.
It became all too evident, nonetheless, even
from the first day the school board election re-
suits were announced,' that the flames of hatred
and bigotry feared no scarcity of fuel.
The situation today is thus one which is dis-
gusting to all who have a sense of fair play,
to all who respect good losers, to all who want
to see progress made.
There have been two areas of most heated
conflict. First, two members of the school board,
Mrs. Martha Huss and Victor E. Van Ameringen,
have been exceedingly uncooperative in working
with the board on nearly all important matters.
They have not acted as should persons honestly
critical of some administrative procedure.
No, they have not. When it came to co-
operating with a committee specifically ap-
pointed to determine the grievances of the
minority and rectify them, they were re-
ticent When the; board majority, in ser-
vice to the public will, hired a qualified edu-
cator to analyze the whole question, sift it,
and suggest improvements, this minority
certainly played no constructive part.
THIS IS but the'first grievance. The second
relates to the vehement personal attacks on
the Superintendent made at public meetings
by Mrs. Huss. This Trustee's attempts to shame
Haisley, futile though they are, strike us as being
intolerably out of place. They serve no other
purpose than to wreak further hardship on a
.sorely-tried administrator whose accomplish-
ments have won nation-wide respect. And' this
respect comes from those persons qualified to
At the meeting at which Haisley's contract
renewal was the dominant issue, Mrs. Huss
openly discussed an incident of the Superinten-
dent's private life which was entirely irrelevant
to the logical question of his competency.. It
was a ,statement devoid of both rationality and
consideration. Even if it was true, which it
was not, it had absolutely no place in a public
This was not yet the end. Out of a clear
sky at a later meeting, Mrs. Huss made the same
allegation when there was no conceivable justi-
fication for its being mentioned.
SThe effect on the audience was significant.
One person left the room immediately. The re-
mainder, deeply sensing the feelings of the
Superintendent who has been subjected to so
much of this brutality already, kept a somber,
- meaningful silence.
But the silence was finally broken by a re-
sumption of petty bickering. To those who had
always expected to find logical, intelligent dis-
cussion in the "model town" of AnnArbor, the
whole affair was little short of disheartening.
If Mrs. Huss and Van Ameringen persist in
their refusal not to cooperate in the best
interests of the school system, and if Mrs.
Huss will not reform the" character of her
methods, there lies but one choice. Mrs.
Martha Huss and Victor E. Van Ameringen
must be asked to resign from the Ann Arbor
board of education.
--Morton Mintz
ca Second Committee admit thap in a ;actual
war American production would d'ouble or treble.
And as for the draft period under these cir-
cumstances, Mr. Ogden, you will find that Hauf-
ler and those of his belief will not hesitate one
second to, fight for America, and workers will
labor 16 hours a day to produce arms for Amer-
ica. What arouses discussion are these battles
for Britain.'
Real dangers, as listed \by Mr. Ogden, are a
combination of "internal dissension,", which is
opposition to foreign wars; "internal pro-Nazi
grqups," which means internal anti-war groups;
the "pressure of Nazi armaments rather than

their actual use," a precious distinction; "Nazi
control of the seas," meaning 'the British navy
which will not surrender, they say; "Nazi con-
trol of South America," which the United States
will- ignore; and "Nazi use of Japanese 'and
Siberian airports and naval bases." Russia has
been using these bases against us since 1920,
and Japan since the Chinese war began with no
American casualties yet.
But most destructive to the American cause,
according to Mr. Ogden, is the "Nazi influence"
which permeates all non-interventionist groups..
The way to detect the results of such influence
is to watch for "the man who says he will not
fight until America is invaded by armed forces"
for he "has sold his birthright already." Para-
phrased into less subtle language, this observa-
tion reads, "The man who will not fight for
Britain and Russia has sold his birthright al-
ready." If I recall correctly, this said birthright
was won by fighting against Britain, not/for it;
and no part of this birthright coincides with the
practiced doctrines of Stalin's Russia
"It is not moral to stand by while others do
our work," Mr. Ogden opines. If the conclusion
were not so serious, this premise would be hilar-
ious. Morality is used in the same paragraph
with Britain. This Britain that stood by wearing
a bowler and umbrella as Czechoslovakia, Po-
land, France and Greece, went to the slaughter.
This Britain that has repented, of Munich and
Paris now sends help to Russia by the wireless
and yells for America to cross the Atlantic when
she herself fears to cross the Channel. This
, Britain on whose vassals the sun never sets. This


More truthful than grammatical was the state-!
ment of handsome, energetic Harry Tillotson,
University of Michigan ticketaker, when he ex-
claimed, "This here has got to stop."
Reason for the excitement was the fact that
University students were phinagling extra foot-
ball tickets from Tillotson, and turning them over
to professional scalpers, who were selling at. a
The New York Times
Press reports that a small Michigan college, be-
fore having a football game, has issued special
student tickets to those wishing to attend the
weekend's football tournament. The students,
because of the small capacity of the stadium and
realizing the importance of the athletic event
to the local gentryfolk, have arranged to sell, and
are selling, the admissions, to the performance
at a price far in advance of that printed on the
tickets. As a result, several of the conspiring
students were placed under arrest at the local
The New Republic
A threat, more subtle, but every bit as definite,
to our democracy, is provided by the infiltration
of totalitarianistic dogmas into our own social
mores, as exemplified by the Michigan cases, in
which appeasement students undertook to sell
admissions to a rgcent debate upon "Shall We
Declare War With Germany Now" at an advan-
ced rate, So as to discourage prospective audi-
tors. Nevertheless, it still remains that the vast
majority of the United States is completely be-
hind the President, the only objection being
that the world has not been liberated from fas-
cism, both foreign and domestic, sooner.
Students were fined, jailed for "scalping" foot-
ball tickets last week at the University of Michi-
gan. Said Harry Tillotson, University's ticket
manager, "It ain't cricket." Tillotson likes to sip
coffee slowly, is not Japanese.
* * * *
The New Masses
The issue of Academic Freedom again cropped
up at the Uniyersity of Michigan, when 13 Michi-
gan students were denied the right to sell tickets
to a local gathering on the public sidewalk. The
students have been jailed, and defense commit-
tees are springing up all over the country, with
one aim in mind-FREE THE MICHIGAN STU-
s * *
The, Michigan Daily
Harry Tillotson, '44E, of the Romance lang-
uages department, etaoin shrdlu &$, stated in
an interview late last night, that in an interview
late last night, it was announced yesterday, he
Tillotson added, he stated that it was hoped
that he emphasized, he pointed out, it was an-
nounced late last night.
Record of the Week--
Reihiman's Concerto
Record of the week is Joe Reichman's Victor
version of the Tschaikowsky Piano Concerto, re-
corded under the title of Tonight We Love. It's
by far the smoothest dance recording of the Con-
certo; it doesn't pretend to be classical as does
Freddy Martin's version. It's just plain dance-
able-and this column rates it above all of the
other platters of the same tune. Reichman's
piano playing and the vocal by an unnamed vo-
calist are super. The other side, I Wish I Had
A Sweetheart, is a good arrangement, also with
appealing piano and vocal choruses.,
Two captivating old-timers by Teddy Powell
are on Bluebird's release list this week: (1)
Honey, a solid-but-smooth Powell combination'
with soft reeds and vocal by Ruth Gaylor .. .

(2) I Used To Love You (but it's all over now)
also features Ruth Gaylor and subtle swing. Good
for dancin' or listenin'.
Mother Fuzzy is the peculiar title of the latest
Charlie Barnet opus on a Bluebird disc. It's a
swing number with a solid rhythm kick, strange-
ly reminiscent of Barnet's .Cherokee, especially
the "wah wah" trumpet effect. There's a good

*All The News
Unfit To Print
HARRY TILLOTSON, ticket manager of the
athletic department is very concerned about
the poor distribution of football tickets, and
also about the scalping done by students. Two
students were first jailed, then fined for scalping
activity. If this were a significant news event,
the press of the country would have played it
up sonething like this:
*, * *
The Detroit Times
ANN ARBOR-1,300 students were fined and
12 students jailed for three to five years each
for "scalping" tickets to the forthcoming Michi-
gan-Minnesota grid tilt. Henry Tillitsen, direc-
for of Athletics at Michigan said, "this has got
to stop." Students have been reported as selling
$1.10 end zone tickets for as much as $300 each.

To the Editor:
In order to clarify the situation
concerning organizations on campus
whose announced purpose is the de-
feat if Hitler, we think that a public
understanding of the history of these
organizations should'be attempted.
The Student Defenders of Democ-
racy was an organization on campus
last year which joined in the activi-
ties of the American Student Defense
League. It, however. as a separate
unit was and is a member of a na-
tional organization which has both
a domestic and a foreign program.
,AT THE BEGINNING of this fall
a movement to form a larger or-
ganization which had merely a for-
eign policy program was begun. Mem-
bers of the SDD' entered into and
supported this committee until they
felt that it was working at cross
purposes with their original group.
They, then, withdrew from active
participation in the United Student
Committee for the Defeat of Hitler-
ism as the larger organization is
known. They will, however, continue
to support any attempt to obtain
united student action against fasc-
The Student Defenders of Democ-
racy is now continuing with anti-Hit-
ler work on campus and is the or-
ganization which all those who want
democracy at home and Hitler's de-
feat in Europe should join. Its first
activity of the. year will be a petition
drive tomorrow seeking student sig-
natures in support of the repeal of the

By Lichty


* C *

Neutrality Act.
Student Defenders+

of Democracy

lioninie Says
older unities, the accepted values
have become inadequate and society
is impotent, we are told. What sort
of a central magnet would redeem
us and supply satisfactions compar-
able to those enjoyed in other periods
of our history? Though one cannot
fully reply, for only the experience of
the nation can do that, what do we
mean by value? An illustration may
aid us.
Five or six definite theories of De-
mocracy are held as rally spots, ran-
ging all the way from: "free enter-
prise" by which the competing busi-
ness men expect to exploit natural
resources and beat his competitor to
the market, over to "a way of life"
by means of which the idealist reads
into the term his Utopian dream of
universal altruism. Yet all of these
are held tenaciously while society
grows less and less democratic. There
is need for something which holds
general appeal, as vital, deep, com-
manding, capable of absorbing all
men and can bring us to itself as to
a new altar for the purging of our
spirits. Such is the function of value.
A THOUGHT provoking little book
upon "The Social Gospel Re-ex-
mined" calls attention to the fact
hat tIze concept "Fraternity", set up
in the French Revolution as the ce-
menting ingredient for Liberty and
Equality, stopped short of seeing man
as the image of God. Mr. F. Ernest
Johnson, the author, suggests that
in this Christian type of fraternity
will be discovered the new value.
There is a hunger for a type of
fraternity which accepts man as man,
repudiates the artificial badge which
separates, and brings men into soli-
darity on a basis of merit. There is a
longing for an economic security
which will inherently secure you
while it also secures me and thus
terminates a struggle which must
thrust you down while it lifts e
up. A generation which has spent a
decade without jobs watching the
Joads go west and north in their
jalopies can scarcely love our dis-
tribution, our economic regime or
the war now on. Nor can that genera-
tion be expected to find full satis-
faction in wielding the sort of power
which we, their fathers, enjoyed.
However, those very boys and girls
who, seemingly, are deaf to our voices
and blind to the view we would have
them see, are the source of value.
And when we arrive at a new hier-
archy of values, the spiritual, not the
material, will dominate and it will be
a spiritual which includes the stom-
achs of men.
about this gulf between theform-
peak and the coming pinnacle of
value because German and Russian
youth in this social gulch, are killing
each others by the hundreds of thou-
sands, through a skillful misuse of
the very inventions which our scien-
tific men have produced, and there
seems to be no way to arrest the pro-
cess. We worry because the progress
in which we boasted has committed
suicide and that is evidence that we
sinned. We worry because there is
developing an hiatus between the two
generations in England, in Italy, in
China and in America which prevents
the merging of experience with ener-
gy or the uniting of reflection with
zeal. It is one of the functions of

(Continued from Page 2)
ber 1 in the Office of the Acadenic
Counselors, 108 Mason Hall.
Arthur Van Duren,
Chairman, Academic Counselors
Mentor Reports: Reports on stand-
ings of all Engineering freshmen will
be expected from faculty members,
during the 6th and again during the
11th weeks of the semester. These
two reports Will be due about Novem-
ber 8 and December 13. Report
'blanks will be furnished by campus
S sail. Pleasebrefer routine questions
to Miss Buda, Office of the Dean,
(Extension 575), who will handle the
reports; otherwise, call A. D. Moore,
Head Mentor, Extension 2136.
Chairmen of Public Activities: Eli-
gibility lists for first semester pub-
lic activities will be due on or before
November 1. Formal blanks for these
lists may be obtained from the Office
f the Dean of Students.
Approved Organizations are re-
cuested to submit an up-to-date list
>f officers to the Office of the Dean
)f Students at! once. Failure to do
o will indicate that a society is no
longer active. Blanks for the pur-
>ose may be had upon request or the
.ist may be turned in in letter form.
Women Students wishing to attend
1he Illinois-Michigan football game
ire required to register in the Office
>f the Dean of Women. A' letter of
)ermission from parents must be in
,his office today. If the student does
lot go by train, special permission for
mother mode of travel must be in-
luded in the parent's letter. Gradu-
ite women are invited to register in
his office.
Byrl Fox Bacher
Assistant Dean of Women
Academic Notices
Seminar in Physical Chemistry will
neet today in room 410 Chemistry
3uilding at 4:15 p.m.'Topic: Dicus-
ion on solubility of inorganic salts
n water and organic solvents ii-
tiated by Professors H. H. Willard
ind K. Fajans.
Organ Recital: Palmer Christian,
Jniversity Orgaist, announces the
)pening of the season'stWednesday
Afternoon Organ Recitals in Hill
Auditorium today at 4:15 p.m. The
programs are complimentary to the
general public.
Choral Union. Concert: Emanuel
'euermann, violincellist, will give the
Second program in the Sixty-Third
Annual.Choral Union Concert series
Thursday evening, October 30, at
3:30 o'clock in Hill Auditorium. The
program will consist of compositions
by Brahms, Beethoven, Valentini,
Hindemith, Faure, Davidoff, and
The next concert in the series will
ae given by the Cleveland Symphony
Orchestra, Artur Rodzinski, Conduc-
or, on Sunday afternoon, November
9, at 3 o'clock.
The concert-going public is re-
mninded of traffic regulations which
is for "peace, peace, when there is
no peace." This is an appeal to ed-
ucators in behalf of a transaction
more important than either the win-
ning or the losing of the war and
more significant than whether we1
participate or refuse to join up. Be-
neath the clash of national units and1

provide that taxis and buses are re-'
quired to use the space in front of
the Auditorium, whereas private cars
may use the side entrances.
Charles A. Sink, President
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: Sketches and water col-
ors of Bali, by Miss Jane Foster, New
York City. Southwestern Indian pot-
tery from New Mexico and Arizona,
collected' by Professor Gores and Mr.
clle.ctTextiles recently acquired for
the Interior Design program. Ground
floor corridor cases, Architecture
Building. Open daily 9 to 5, through
October 31. The public is invited.
University Lecture: Dr. Erwin Pa-
nofsky of the Institute for Advanced
tudy at Princeton, will lecture on
the subject, "Durer's Melancholia
the Conception of Melancholia in the
Renaissance," under the auspices of
the Department of Fine Arts, today
at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphi-
theatre. The public is cordially in-
University Lecture: Mr. Arundell
Esdaile, President of the British Li-
brary Association and former Secre-
tary of the British Museum, will lec-
ture on the subject, "Dr. Johnson
and the Young," under the auspices
of the Department of Library Sci-
ence, at 4:15 p.m. on Tuesday, Novem-
ber 4, in the Rackham Lecture Hall.
The public is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Sr. Amado
Alonso, Director of the Instituto Filo-
logico, Buenos Aires, will lecture on
the subject, "La novela Don Segun-
do Sombra y su significacion en la
Iiteratura'gauwhesca de la Argentina,"
under the auspices of the Depart-
ment of Romance Languages, on
Monday, November 10, at 4:15 p.m.
in the Rackham Amphitheater. The
public is cordially ivited
Events Today
The Research Club will meet in
the Rackham Amphitheatre tonight
at 8:00. The papers to be read 'are:
"The Transition from Neitrality to
Nonbelligerency in American For.
eign Policy" by Professor Lawrence
Preuss, and "Praise and Dispraise in
the' Ancient and Modern Folklore of
Mediterranean Countries" by Profes-
sor Eugene S. McCartney,
Anatomy Research Club will meet
today at 4:30 p.ff. in Room 2501 East
Medical Bldg.
Dr. R. J. Porter will present a
paper entitled, "Studies on a New
Phase in the Cycle of Avian Malaria."
Tea will be served in Room 3502 from
4:00 to 4:30 p.m. Anyone interested
is invited.
American Institute of Electrical
Engineers tonight, at 8:00 in the
Union will present Prof. C. B. Gordy
of the Mechanical Engineering De-
partment, whose talk will be "Meth-
ods-Improvement or Work Simplifi-
cation." This will be a talk devoted
to a study of material movement and
worker movement from the stand-
point of elimination of needless ef-
fort and of making jobs easier to do.
If you have not 'yet joined the
A.I.E.E., now is a chance to do so.
The Pre-Medical Society: The
meeting scheduled for today has been
postponed until Wednesday, Nov. 5.
At that meeting Dr. Crosby will
lecture on the film "The Development

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