THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1 a , Daily School Trustees Asked To Resign .. . 46 " I --N. e:f i' Edited and managed by students of the University of chigan under the'authority of the Board in Control Student Publications. Rublished every morning except Monday duffing the idversity year and Summer Session. Member- of the Associated Press [he Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the e for republication of all news dispatches credited to or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All :hts of republication of al other matters herein also served. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as cond class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by, rier $4.00, by mail $5.00. RaPRsSENTYD POR NATIONAL ADVERT3ING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADisoN AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CI OsoN CLos ANGaLE PSANsFsANCISCO ember, .Associated' Collegiate Press, 1941-42' Editorial Staff le Gel . . n Darnn k id Lachenbruch McCormick Wilson hur Hill . et Hiatt . ce Miller. , ginia Mitchell . . . Managing Editor Editorial Director * * . . City Editor . . Associate Editor Sports Editor « Assistant Sports Editor . Women's Editor * . Assistant Women's Editor . Exchangy Editor Business Staff Daniel H. Huyett se. . Business Manager lanes B. Collins . . Associate Business Manager. ouise Carpenter . .Women's Advertising Manage velyn .Wright . . Women's Business Manager IGHT EDITOR: HOWARD FENSTEMAKER The" editorials published in The Michigan . Daily are written by members of The Daily ' staff and represent the views of the writers only. repIy TO A Reply y Mr. Ogden ~. NTIL YESTERDAY I was able to r)maintain my dignity in face of the tmerica Second Committee's war-trumpets;I jen came Mr. Ogden's letter in reply, to Hauf-. 3r. Now, I do not care' to apologize for Mr. yaufler any more than for Lindbergh, Nye, or heeler; and besides' Professor Dawson dealt ith him adequately. Nor do I intend to defend r. Haufler, for he can do that weli'enough him- lf. But, Mr. Ogden! ,4.D3eploring Mr. Haufer's emotionalism, Mr.I Dgden drags out three battered "main issues," .laces them on the pedestals of expediency, racticality, and morality, and proceeds to drape tem 'with the same moth-eaten and bloody f officers to the Office of the Dean )f Students at! once. Failure to do o will indicate that a society is no longer active. Blanks for the pur- >ose may be had upon request or the .ist may be turned in in letter form. Women Students wishing to attend 1he Illinois-Michigan football game ire required to register in the Office >f the Dean of Women. A' letter of )ermission from parents must be in ,his office today. If the student does lot go by train, special permission for mother mode of travel must be in- luded in the parent's letter. Gradu- ite women are invited to register in his office. Byrl Fox Bacher Assistant Dean of Women Academic Notices Seminar in Physical Chemistry will neet today in room 410 Chemistry 3uilding at 4:15 p.m.'Topic: Dicus- ion on solubility of inorganic salts n water and organic solvents ii- tiated by Professors H. H. Willard ind K. Fajans. Concerts Organ Recital: Palmer Christian, Jniversity Orgaist, announces the )pening of the season'stWednesday Afternoon Organ Recitals in Hill Auditorium today at 4:15 p.m. The programs are complimentary to the general public. Choral Union. Concert: Emanuel 'euermann, violincellist, will give the Second program in the Sixty-Third Annual.Choral Union Concert series Thursday evening, October 30, at 3:30 o'clock in Hill Auditorium. The program will consist of compositions by Brahms, Beethoven, Valentini, Hindemith, Faure, Davidoff, and Chopin. The next concert in the series will ae given by the Cleveland Symphony Orchestra, Artur Rodzinski, Conduc- or, on Sunday afternoon, November 9, at 3 o'clock. The concert-going public is re- mninded of traffic regulations which is for "peace, peace, when there is no peace." This is an appeal to ed- ucators in behalf of a transaction more important than either the win- ning or the losing of the war and more significant than whether we1 participate or refuse to join up. Be- neath the clash of national units and1 provide that taxis and buses are re-' quired to use the space in front of the Auditorium, whereas private cars may use the side entrances. Charles A. Sink, President Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: Sketches and water col- ors of Bali, by Miss Jane Foster, New York City. Southwestern Indian pot- tery from New Mexico and Arizona, collected' by Professor Gores and Mr. clle.ctTextiles recently acquired for the Interior Design program. Ground floor corridor cases, Architecture Building. Open daily 9 to 5, through October 31. The public is invited. Lectures University Lecture: Dr. Erwin Pa- nofsky of the Institute for Advanced tudy at Princeton, will lecture on the subject, "Durer's Melancholia the Conception of Melancholia in the Renaissance," under the auspices of the Department of Fine Arts, today at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphi- theatre. The public is cordially in- vited. University Lecture: Mr. Arundell Esdaile, President of the British Li- brary Association and former Secre- tary of the British Museum, will lec- ture on the subject, "Dr. Johnson and the Young," under the auspices of the Department of Library Sci- ence, at 4:15 p.m. on Tuesday, Novem- ber 4, in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: Sr. Amado Alonso, Director of the Instituto Filo- logico, Buenos Aires, will lecture on the subject, "La novela Don Segun- do Sombra y su significacion en la Iiteratura'gauwhesca de la Argentina," under the auspices of the Depart- ment of Romance Languages, on Monday, November 10, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheater. The public is cordially ivited Events Today The Research Club will meet in the Rackham Amphitheatre tonight at 8:00. The papers to be read 'are: "The Transition from Neitrality to Nonbelligerency in American For. eign Policy" by Professor Lawrence Preuss, and "Praise and Dispraise in the' Ancient and Modern Folklore of Mediterranean Countries" by Profes- sor Eugene S. McCartney, Anatomy Research Club will meet today at 4:30 p.ff. in Room 2501 East Medical Bldg. Dr. R. J. Porter will present a paper entitled, "Studies on a New Phase in the Cycle of Avian Malaria." Tea will be served in Room 3502 from 4:00 to 4:30 p.m. Anyone interested is invited. American Institute of Electrical Engineers tonight, at 8:00 in the Union will present Prof. C. B. Gordy of the Mechanical Engineering De- partment, whose talk will be "Meth- ods-Improvement or Work Simplifi- cation." This will be a talk devoted to a study of material movement and worker movement from the stand- point of elimination of needless ef- fort and of making jobs easier to do. If you have not 'yet joined the A.I.E.E., now is a chance to do so. The Pre-Medical Society: The meeting scheduled for today has been postponed until Wednesday, Nov. 5. At that meeting Dr. Crosby will lecture on the film "The Development