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October 18, 1941 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-10-18

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foling Companies No'Menace'
To Low Rates, Waterman Says

Champion In Uniform

Frosh Coeds
Will Feature
Garg' Issue

Hillel To Start
Annual Jewish
Study Courses


Debunking the so-called "menaces"
of the public utility holding compan-
ies, a University of Michigan pro-
fessor has just published a study stat-e
ing that holding company subsidi-
aries serve the public at as low aver-
age electric rates as do independent
He is Prof. Merwin.H. Waterman of
the Department of Economics, whose
study, "Economic Implications of
Public Utility Holding Company Op-
erations," has been published by the
University Bureau of Business Re-
The conclusion, which is illustrated
by graphs and charts in the book,
is true regardless of toe size, of the
coimiunity served, or the size of the
4cmpany furnishing the service, and
generally regardless of the geo-
graphic section of the country, Pro-
fessor Waterman points out.
As stepping stones to the solution
of the nation's public utility prob-
lem, Professor Waterman advocates
the abandonment of blanket holding
company condemnation as now advo-
cated by the Securities and Exchange
Commission, and the adoption of a
discriminatory policy of holding com-
pany regulation and disintegration.
"Nowhere in the study," the author
points out, "has it been suggested
that all holding companies are justi-
fied in their existence, practices and
"Ithas not only been shown that
as a group, the holding company sub-
sidiaries serve their investors and
Ann Arb

consumers as well as do the inde-
pendent utilities and that, therefore,
there is norgeneralized justification
for making practically all subsidiary
utilities into dependent units."
Effectiveness Changed
There has been a substantial
change in the effectiveness of opera-
ting subsidiaries of holding com-
paines in the past few years, Pro-
fessor Waterman says. "Whatever
may be the precise cause, relatiop-
ships between state regulatory bodies
and those in control of holding com-
pany systems have steadily improved
in the last decade."
Since many of the answers to the
hplding company problem which are
being sought by the Securities and
Exchange Commission, Dr. Water-
man points out "that a merger of
these two federal commissions would
tend to bring about the controls that
could facilitate the elimination of
holding company 'evils' without in-
discriminatorynelimination of all
holding companies."
Five Tests Applied
In determining the fficiancy of
subsidiaries of public utility holding
'companies as compared to indepen-
dent {utilities, Professor Waterman
has applied five tests: 1.) Cost of
electricity to consumers; 2.) Econ-
omy of management; 3) Efficiency in
financial management; 4.) Protection
of utility investors; and 5.) Effective-
ness of utility regulation.
The data which forms the core
of the study were prepared on be-
half of the Engineers Public Service
Company in connection with 'pro-
ceeding before the Securities and Ex-
change Commission relating to Sec-
tion 11, the "death sentence Clause,"
of the Hdlding Company Act.
Newman Club Will Hold
Chapel Tea Dance Today
The Newman Club's membership
tea dance will be held from 3 to 5:30
p.m. today in the Club rooms of St.
Mary's Chapel.
Refreshments will be served, and
there will be dancing to .records.
Guests are urged to come early and
listen to the Michigan-Northwestern
game broadcast, Geraldine Granfield,
'42, and Libby 41Mahlman, '43, co-
chairmen, apnounced.
The first supper will be this Sun-
day at 5:30- and will be followed by
a general Club meeting.
Tough On Readers' Eyes,
WASHINGTON Oct. 17.--()-It's
going to be harder than ever to read
those big spending and tax docu-
ments from the Treasury, for to save
paper, the Treasury has ordered that
all its press releases be single-spaced
instead of double-spaced..

By BARBARA JENSWOLD New Program To Offer
Literally millions of lovely coeds- Variety Of Subjects;
well anyway, fourteen, count em- By R Aohen
the pick of the best looking fresh- Headed. By abbiCohe
man class to enter the University,
will grace the pages of the October Presenting a varied program of edu-
issue of Gargoyle, the magazine of cation, Hillel Foundation will open
campus life, which will be ready for registration in its Institute of Jewish
waiting students next Thursday, ac- Studies on Monday and Tuesday.
cording to Chan Simonds, '42, editor. Functioning as part of Hillel's pro-
And that ain't all, folks, for besides gram of Judaism, the Institute of,
these feature portraits there will be I Jewish Studies will hold classes in
a section devoted to all the aspects Elementary Hebrew, Modern Hebrew
of orientation, giving the green fresh- Literature, The Jew in the World
man a complete picture of himself Scene and a Bible Study Circle. An
before he acquired his first coat of added feature of importance to stu-
varnish. dents will be a Vocational Guidance
Switching to the gridiron, "Garg" Clinic.
offers an expose of the pigskin game, Planned for the second semester is
Captain Bob Westfall's "Behind the a popular course entitled Marriage
Scenes in Football." Can't tell the and Family Relations.
players apart without one! (Where The faculty of the Institute con-
did that come from?) sists of Rabbi Jehudah M. Cohen,
Engineering students, and those director of the Foundation, who will
hundreds of uninformed as well, conduct The Jew in the World Scene,
should find interesting a feature on a Artur Mager, '43E, who will teach,
that college, the first in a series en- the two courses in Hebrew and Wil-
titled "My Michigan." Every month liam Schumer, '44, who will lead the
the magazine will run one of these Bible Study Circle. Guest speakers
illustrated articles, each time treating will appear in the Vocational Guid-
of a different school in the Univer- ance Clinic.
sity. Directing the activities will be Sam-
And by way of dessert, there are to uel Rosen, '44, assisted by Sybil Wof-
be printed for the public the results sey, '43, and Albert Wohl,'43.JuneI
of a spectacular poll of college stu- Charlton will serve as registrar.
dents, on the question of the yeai, .
"How do YOU peel a banana?" Al- .
though this feat was made possible rain 'Speed
only through the cooperation of the
FBI, the OPM, the SPCI and the "
AIChE, the results will belong to you, Lim it Fixeud
lucky readers, on Thursday.
There's more besides, and Gar-
goyle has planned a big surprise for Grand Trunk Road Death
this first issue, but Thursday is soon Brings New Regulation
enough to know the details. ____

VOL. LI. No. 18
Publication in the Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University.
To the Members of the University
Senate: There will be a meeting of
the University Senate on Monday,
October 20, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rack-
ham Lecture Hall.
Putlic Health Assembly: The first
geeral assembly for all students in
public health will take place at 4:00
p.m. on Tuesday, October 21, in the
Auditorium of the W. K. Kellogg In-
stitute of Graduate and Postgradu-
ate Dentistry. The speaker will be
Dr. Haven Emerson, Professor Emeri-
tus of Public Health Practice, Colum-
bia University, and Isecturer in Pub-
lic Health Practice, School of Public
Health, University of Michigan. The
subject of his address will be "Nu-
tritional Diseases." All students in
public haklth are expected to be
present and their guests are welcome.
Library Committee Meeting: There
will be a meeting of the Library.
Committee on Tuesday, October 21.
Members of the Faculties wishing to
lay requests before the Committee
are asked to have them in the hands
of the Director as soon as possible.
W. G. Rice, Director
Students, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: No course may
be elected for credit after today.
E. A. Walter
Concentration Advisers: College of
L.S. and A: Any adviser wishing to
have courses outside the department
or division counted in the "C" aver-
age required in the field of concen-
tration for tentative February seniors

Here Is Today's


In Summary J
Washtenaw County's Board of Su-
pervisors ordered an investigation of
juvenile delinquency at its session
yesterday, and acted later in the day
to appoint a three man committee
for that purpose.
There is no need for a rent con-
trol board in Ann Arbor, for rents
have remained almost stationary
since 1938, the city Real Estate
Roard reported yesterday. '
Health officers are currently plac-
ing strong emphasis on infant deaths,
contagious diseases, venereal diseases
and trailer camp sanitation, Dr. 0. K.
Engelke reported to the County Board
.of Supervisors.
Dr. Engelke said that in the five
year period between 1935 and 1940,
34 children have died, on an average,
each year before reaching the age
of one year. 'his figure is consider-
ably lower than other towns in the
country and the rural area.


Joe Louis, world heavyweight
boxing champion, who has been
found Ito be physically fit for the
army, tried on a uniform and gave
a practice salute during a visit to
Fort Custer, Mich., where he gave
a boxing exhibition. Louis expects
to be called into service soon.
Logging Costs
Feature Talk
W. S. Bromley Addresses
Timber Association
The results of several extensive
time and cost studies of logging in
Northern Michigan were'given Tues-
day night in Ishpeming by Prof. W. S.
Bromley of the forestry school at the
October meeting of the Timber Pro-
ducers Association of the Upper Pen-
According to Professor Bromley,
the members of the Association, which
is primarily an organization of log-
gers, pulp-wood producers, and s w
mill operators, were greatly interested
oven their comparative production
costs and in the various techniques
for analyzing costs.
This unusual interest on the part
of the, timbermen is due to the diffi-
culties they are experiencing in con-
nection with labor shortages, rising
costs of equipment, and in securing
adequate provision for railroad trans-
Professor Bromley explained the
timbermen's peculiar predicament by
saying that in times of great indus-
trial activity,-such a these, produc-
tion costs in the lumber industry are
often inclined to rise considerably
before the producers' benefits from
the increased production become
actual profit.
Warden Jackson
Passes His Exam
LANSING, Oct. 17.--(A)-Warden
Harry H. Jackso of the state prison
of southern Michigan was the only
warden of three Michigan prisons to
survive civil service examinations, the
state Civil Service Commission an-
nounced today.
Thomas J. Wilson, state personnel
director, said Warden Simon R. An-
derson, of the Marquette branch pris-
on ana Warden Warren J. Dodge of
the Ionia Reformatory had passed
the examination, placing 22nd and
18th on the list, respectively, but did
not come within the certification
Deputy Warden Glenn Carpenter
of the southern Michigan prison
failed to place high enough on the
list, Wilson said, and will be replaced
from a list which includes Gellein,
Huntley and Major Robert E. Marsh,
superintendent of the Boys' Voca-
tional School as Lansing and former
state police Commissioner.
Battley Lauds Unions
For Employment Aid
LANSING, Oct. 17.-(P)-Col. Jos-
eph F. Battley, of the national selec-
tive service headquarters, informed
Governor Van Wagbner today Michi-
gan employers and labor unions are
"very cooperatiye" in obtaining re-
employment for men discharged from
the armed services.,
Attley added, however, that as the
nymber released increases a more
serious problem for employers will re-
He said a mnajor problem would
concern men who find jobs they for-
merly held no longer exist.

Gains Honors
Football players are not always
dumb. Look at Davey Nelson, '42Ed,
who as everyone knows plays a good
deal of fodtball for the Maize and
Blue on Saturday afternoons. But
piling up ponts on Saturday is not
all he does. During the -week he
does just as good a job at piling up
honor points.
As a result, Davey's scholastic aver-
age is the second highest in the senior
class of the School of Education, and
he has just been announced as the
recipient of, one of the University
Scholarships in the Professional
Schools. / 0
Both Nelson and Matthew J. Zip-
ple, '42Ed, have been selected by their
teachers to receive these two-semes-
ter tuition scholarships.
Davey already is the possessor of
one such award from the Detroit Uni-
versity of Michigan Club. The latter,
however, will be changed so as to
provide the little halfback with funds
for other school expenditures.
Russian Tea For Sunday
Announced By Kappa Phi
A Russian Tea will be given by
Kappa Phi, Methodist Girls' Club,
from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. Sunday in the
Wesley Foundation Lounge of the
Methodist Church, president Emlyn
Wright announced.
Chairman of decorations and food
is Shirley Sieg, '43.
Democrats Score Again
JERSEY CITY, N.J., Oct. 17.-G0P)
-Seven Rozmyslows now are Roose-
velts, at members of a Polish family
were granted permission to change
their name by Hudson County Judge
James R. Erwin today after they ex-
plained all had used the Roosevelt
surname since infancy.

LANSING, Oct. 17.-P)--A con-
ference of city officials and spokes-
men for railroad companies agreed
today to fix a 40-mile-an-hour speed
limit for trains at grade crossings in-
side the city limits, but to impose no
speed limit on trains after passing
The conference resulted from an
accident here in which a fast freight
train of the Grand Trunk Western
Railroad jumped its tracks at the
depot here Oct. 7, killing a child and
injuring 13 other persons.
Coroner Harry Leadley announced,
meanwhile, that he found no evidence
of negligence in the accident and
would not conduct an inquest. He
said the railroad company's own in-
quiry established the train was travel-
ing at a speed between 40 and 45
miles an hour when it left the tracks
and demolished a portion of the


Incr. Taxv


k Greenbrg'
y Be Released
tf ter New Yea

Sa-an Diego
Ove" . uns<'
kit~gt byt ERY0NIL SALE LEET

should notify the Registrar's Office
by October 22.
Requests should be in writing giv-
ing the names of the individuals to be
affected and the specific courses out-
side the department to be counted.
Robert L. Williams
Assistant Registrar
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, Schools of Education, For-
estry, Music, and Public Health: Stu-
dents who received marks of I or X
at the close of their last semester or
summer session of attendance will
receive a grade of E in the course or
courses unless this work is made up
by October 29. Students wishing an
extension of time beyond this date
in order to make up this work should
file a petition addressed to the ap-
propriate official in their school with
Room 4 U.H. where it will be trans-
Robert L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar
(Continued on Page 4)
New Ope ing
Catering Service
When you're hungry phone
4761 for Free Delivery
at 40c up.
Hamburg 10c
Foot Long Hot Dogs 10c
Fried spring Chidken 50c
Beef Tenderloin Sandwich 35c
All kinds of, sandwiches 15c up
808 S. State St.
We also serve dinner every day
Noon lunch 35c Dinner 45c


STOCKWELL and Mosher-Jordan
residents-Alterations on women's
garments promptly done. Opposite
Stockwell. Phone 2-2678. 3c
$12.50 MONTH -Quiet, attractive
room, graduate woman, Taylor;
University 670; evenings and Sun-
days, 5233. 71c
SINGLE ROOM for Graduate Wom-
an. Walking distance from cam-
pus, also on bus routes. Call eve-
nings 2-3542. 70c
PINK shell-rim glasses, vicinity of
Liberty and Main, Tuesday night.
Call 2-1566. 73c

ing. Brumfield and Brumfield, 308
S. State. tc
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel company, phone
7112. 7c
14EMINGTON portable typewriter.
Very slightly used. Reasonable
price. Call eveniIngs, 2-1441. 69c

FORT CUSTER, Oct. 17.-(R)-
Corp. Hank Greenberg's release fron
the army under the revised draft law
is unlikely before Jan. 1, military au-
thorities said today as they disclosed
for the first time that the +former
Detroit Tiger outfielder had applied
for discharge.
Intelligence officers of the Fifth
Division, of which the American
League's most valuable player of 1940
is a member, said Greenberg was the
last selectee in a group now being
considered for release under the wa
department's ruling to discharge 28
Greenberg, who is 30, was inducte
May 7.
Second Army headquarters leasa
tentative quota of 930 releases by Jan
1, it was pointed out, but Greenberg
is the last on that list. After Jan.1
he will be one of the first to be con
sidered, it was said.






Sunday "LYDIA" Merle Oberon


CASH for used clothing; men and
ladies. Claude H. Brown, 512 S.
Main St. Phone 2-2736. 5c
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 2c
Each bundle done separately,
by hand
No Markings
Silks, Wools, and Coeds' Laundry
Our Specialty

. -


STUDENT to work for meals in
ternity house. 1824 Geddes,
stewart, 2-1682.


VIOLA STEIN-Experienced legal
typist, also mimeographing. Notary
public. Phone 6327. 706 Oakland.

Lg %
r c
1 t(CIL/go rdl -Jramou3
1 of Chicago and Miami Beach
- / invites you to the "Pigskin Parade"
After the Northwestern Game
Saturday, Oct. 18
Fun begins af ter the Game at 5 P.M
10 minutes from Northwestern U.
Morton Grove, Ill.
It's MICnIGAN night at Kitty Davis
You'll meet your friends here. /
"Come in if only to look around."


The Unfinished Symphony
of the Mexican People


All our work is guaranteed
Free pick-ups and deliveries
7 E. JOOVER 5594



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