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September 23, 1941 - Image 17

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-09-23

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Y, SEPTEMBER 23, 1941


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Is Opened
New Public Health School
To Meet Acute Demand
Brought On By Defense
100 Are Expected
To Enter Classes
The newly formed School of Public
Health opens its doors for the first
time this week.
Dean Henry F. Vaughn reported
an expected enrollment of about 100
students for the school begun to meet
the great demand for public health
administrators and nurses-a de-
mand that has become acute because
of the new problems created by the
defense effort.
About a half-million dollars will be
spent on the construction of a build-
ing to house the new public health
school. Meanwhile classes and labor-
atory Work will be accommodated in
the West'Medical Building, the new
Kellogg Dental Institute, Waterman
-Gymnasium and East* Hospital.
Registered Nurses Enroll
Registered nurses are eligible to
enter the year and a half course lead-
ing to, a certificate in Public Health
Nursing or to follow a four year pro-
gram for the degree of Bachelor of
Science in Public Health Nursing.
Graduate degrees are available pri-
marily for those planning to enter
the field professionally. Graduation
from a medical, dental, engineering
or nursing school is required but may
be waived in very exceptional cases
for persons with unusual experience
in the public health field.'
Practical experience as well as ac-
ademic work is necessary to earn the
degree of Master of Public Health
with 48 required credit hours includ-
ing 12 credit hours of field work.
Thirteen types of training curric-
ala including the study of public
health administration, nursing, engi-
neering, laboratory and epidemiology
lead to the masters degree.
Other Courses Offered
Other' courses involve. industrial
health studies in cooperation with
large industries in ,Detroit, public
health statistics, school health pro-
grams, public health education, den-
tistry, venereal disease control, pub-
lic health nutrition, and health coun-
cils and voluntary health agencies.,
Special studies will be made of the
virus diseases such as infantile par-
alysis, and influenza-like infections
as well as the study of tropical dis-
eases. Temporarily the old East Hos-
pital will be at the disposal of these
The new public health school
building will be U shaped yrjith the
three-story front of the structure de-
voted to class rooms and adminis-
trative offices, an auditorium, a li-
brary and a museum.
ROTC Cadets
To Be Trained
In Active Duty
Officers To Be Readied
a For Immediate Summons
As Small Unit Leaders
Officers prepared for immediate
active duty as leaders of. small units

rather than reserve officers who will
continue training in limited periods
of summer training will be the aim
of the Reserve Officers Training
Corps this year.
The University maintains five un-
its, offering training in Infantry,
Signal Corps, Engineers, Ordnance
and Medical Corps. All except Medi-
cal Corps include one hour of drill
per week which exempts freshmen
from the requirement in physical ed-
Lieut. Col. Francis M. Brannan,
Professor of Military Science and
Tactics, will command the corps, re-
placing Lieut. Col. Basil D. Edwards
who has been transferred to the As-
sistant Secretary of War's office.
One new officer, Lieut. Col. G. B.
Egger, Infantry, has joined the staff
this year. Col Egger has attended the
Infantry School and the Battalion
Commanders and Staff Officers
School at Ft. Benning and the Com-
mand and General Staff School at
Ft. Leavenworth. He has served as
executive officer of the 7th Infantry
and as battalion commander in the
10th Infantry.
The regiment of cadets will remain
at the same size with 1100 basic and
215 advanced students enrolled.
In addition to the regular work
in military science the corps will
again sponsor the rifle team which
fires in intercollegiate competition
and the drum and bugle corps which
furnishes music for the parades and
ceremonies of the regiment.


lichigan Bands Rank With The Best;
Prof._Reve li Issues Call For Tryouts

Mucic Groups Comprise'
Marching, Regimental,
Concert Organizations
Varsty Night Show
To Be Held Oct. 28
An integral part of campus activ-
ity as well as one of the University's
best advertisements to the outside
are the University of Michigan
Bands, under the direction of Prof.
William D. Revelli.}
Opening the band's action-packed
program, the. Marching Bandf ap-
pears at all the football games, back-
ing the team to the utmost and pre-
senting the almost-incredulous for-
mations which draw the praise of
newspaper commentators all over the
Concert Band Formed
With the conclusion of the foot-
ball season this organization is di-
vided and augmented to form the
Concert Band and the Regimental
Band, both of them well up to the
high Michigan standard.
Included in the Concert Band's
appearances this year will be the
ever-popular Varsity Night performr
ance, at which an outstanding guest
artist will be presented, a series of
WJR broadcasts, a spring tour (be-
ing organized), spring out-of-town
concerts, a reading clinic for the
Michigan School Band Association
and numerous other appearances.
- Regimental Band
Regimental band members will
find themselves equally busy playing
for basketball games as well as other
athletic events such as wrestling and
track. Last year an out-of-town con-
cert was given by the band, meeting
with great success.
In addition to the part the bands
play in campus activities, they fill
a 'very definite place in the promo-
tion of good band music, not only to
Mfen 'sCouncil

Players Wanted To Offset'
Losses Felt In Ranks ;
No Experience Needed
Two Football Trips
Planned This Year
With Uncle Sam, Dan Cupid
and graduation cutting heavily into

Professor Hobbs Writes
On Greenland's Defense
Professor Emeritus William H.
Hobbs, who is a recognized authority
on Greenland, was the author of an
article entitled "The Defense of
Greenland," which appeared in the
recent defense issue of The Annals of
the Association of American Geo-
Complete with maps and illustra-
tions, the article argues for the value
to American defense of Greenland as
a future naval and air base. Proffesor
Hobbs' opinions on the question of
setting up bases for the defense of
} cichaichr nn thie ctrst ai nt

? h raks f lst ears bnd em-this hemispnere on Lns si ra egic ouL-
the ranks of last year's band mem-; post of the north are being sought
-ers, Prof. William D. Revelli, con- in view of his long experience in that
Juctor of Michigan's famed 128-piece land.
Marching Band, is issuing a more -
plaintive call for new men than was I n it 6;p

University Speech Department
Of fers Highly Varied Program

Seven-Man Senior Board
To Strengthen Power;
Before swinging into its routine ad-
ministrativek and disciplinarian work
this semester, the Men's Judiciary'
Council will meet to amend its limit-
ed constitution to broaden and ,to
strengthen its powers in judicial mat-
ters, President William G. Slocum
said yesterday.
A seven-man board composed of
seniors representing varied camlus
interests, the Judiciary Council was
formed four years ago as the out-
growth of the Men's Council, which
had become a mere advisory board.
Besides Slocum, the six members
are Robert ,Getts, secretary, Gordon
Andrew, Richard Scherling, Carl
Rohrbach, Robert Samuels and Ray
All student elections save those in
the engineering school come under
the jurisdiction of the Council. This
includes elections to class dance com-,
mittees, senior election, Union vice-
presidencies, boards in control of ath-
letics and putlications and Congress.
The Council has authority to reg-!
ulate initiations and conduct of all
campus honor societies and can pass
recommendations on other organ-
izations for the Board of Student
Their disciplinary power is actual-
ly a recommendation of action to
Dean of Students Joseph Bursley.
Special committees already ap-
pointed this year include constitu-
tional revision with Andrews as chair-
man; Scherling in charge of dance
committee elections and Rohrach in
charge of continuance and revival
of campus traditions such as fresh-
man pots, class games and the al-
ready defunct Black Friday.
The members are chosen by the
retiring leaders of the Daily, Union,
Congress, Interfraternity Council,
Judiciary Council and Dean Bursley.
Engine School Has.
Placement Service
Although nationaldefense activity
makes it almost unnecessary, the Col-
lege of Engineering will again main-
tain its placement system to aid its
graduates in finding work upon grad-
Duringahis senior year each student
fills out a personnel record, which is
then used by some member of his de-
partment to help him find a suitable
position. Even then the work doesn't
stop, as the system also provides for
a search for better positions for men
already placed in industry.

the University and Ann Arbor, but
to the entire state and surrounding
Assisting Professor Revelli in main-
taining the high quality of Michigan
Bands are Herbert G. Watkins, as-
sistant secretary of the niversity,
faculty business manager; Stuart
Park, '42; student manager; Lt. John
A. Lohla of the military science de-
partment, formations officer, and a
large staff of equipment managers,
librarians, assistant conductors and
formation advisers.
Library Gives
Aid To Needy
U' Students
Textbooks Will Be Loaned
To All Recommended
By Deans, Advisors
"Textbook blues" for the student
who is unable to get money to pur-
chase his own books will be non-
existent this semester due to the ex-
panding services of the Textbook
Lending Library, which will be es-
tablished in the Angell Hall Study
Hall under the auspices of the Uni-
versity Library.
Only qualification of the needy stu-
dent is that he be recommended by
one of the Deans or by an Academic
Counselor of hisCollege. All classes
in all colleges on campus may take
advantage of the service.
No Deposit Required
Books will be issued to the stu-
dents as applied for, no deposit be-
ing necessary. The privilege of re-
newing the loan for another semester
will depend on the care given books
used in previous semesters.
Established in May, 1937, the li-
brary is the result of a student idea,
first instigated by student gifts of old
textbooks. In the first donation a
large number of obsolete books were
turned in, but these were sold to co-
operating bookstores and the pro-
ceeds turned to current needs.
Since then the facilities of the li-
brary have been expended through
further book donations as well as a
number of cash donations from re-
sponsive alumni. At the present time
the library also boasts an endowment
established by Michigan alumni.
Recommendation Necessary
It is urged that appications for
text loans be turned in early, as stu-
dents requesting books which are not
now available will have to wait until
these books can be purchased with
the funds now on hand.
Freshmen and sophomores in the

2ver heard before.
"Unless we have an unusual num-
ber of new men," he lamented, "the
band this year will be smaller than
in the past. I should like to see all
men on campus who can play an in-
'trument, regardless of their ability
,r experience, report for an audition
this week."
Band Makes Trips
Incentive for joining the band this
:all is stronger than ever before, as
.he band, in addition to playing for
ill the home football games with the
All students wishing to play in
the Marching Band this fall, re-
gardless of ability or experience,
should report to Morris Hall some-
time this week at the hours 8:30-
12 a.m. and.1-6 p.m.
A smoker for the discussion of
plans for the year will be held at
7 pm. Thursday at the Union. All
.:xception of the Michigan State op-
'ner, will make two trips during the
gar, one to Eevanston for the North-
lestern game, and probably a second
ithe Columbia game in New York
i 2ty.
Nor does the band's season end
with the end of the football season.
At that time the band is broken up
into the Regimental Band and the
Concert Band, both of which then
have an active season playing at con-
certs, athletic events and on out-of-
town tours.
Uniforms Furnished
"The question of a uniform need
not worry the prospective band man,"
Professor Revelli pointed out. "The
University furnishes a complete uni-
form to each band member, at no
cost to that member."
In addition to being considered one
of the finest playing bands in the
country, the Marching Band also pre-
sents the outstanding formations at
each game which have made it de-
serving of the "All-American" rating
given it by the Associated Press for
the past few years.
Lieutenant Conducts Drill
Responsible for the band's drill this
year will be Lt. John A. Lohla of the
'military science department, who
takes over the duties of Col. Tobert
N. Kunz, who was transferred last
Prospective freshmen band mem-
bers are reminded that the Marching
Band is the one activity in which they
may participate during their first
semester on campus, the only condi-
tion being that they elect band for
credit, or enroll for the basic course
in military science.
College of Literature, Science and the
Arts should be recommended by an
Academic Counselor, 108 Mason Hall,
and juniors and seniors in that col-'°
lege by Assistant Dean E. A. Walter,
1220 Angell Hal.
Students in the School of Educa-
tion should see Prof. Claude Eggert-
sen, 4024 University High School;
engineering students should apply to
Prof. A. D. Moore, 268 West Engi-
neering Building, and graduate stu-
dents should make application to
Dean Walter 1220 Angell Hall.
Further information on the text
lending plan may be obtained at the
Angell Hall Study Hall during the
week of September 29 to October 4,
hours 10-12 a.m. Monday through
Saturday; 2-4 p.m. Monday through
Wednesday, and 3-5 p.m. Thursday
and Friday.

Crea tes New
Choral Group
A new course for credit in choral
clinging, open to students from all
colleges of the University, will be of-
feted this year by the School of
Known as the University Choir, the
organization will be under the direc-
tion of Prof. Hardin A. Van Deursen
of the music school. The Choir will
be a separate group from the Choral
Union, and will coordinate with the
University Bands and the University
Symphony Orchestra.
This year. only music students may
receive credit for participation in the
choir, Dr. Earl V. Moore, director of
the School of Music, said, but it is
very likely that the organization will
be placed on the list of credit courses
in other campus units in the future.
Rehearsals will be held at 11 a.m.
daily, Monday throug Friday, at Lane
Hall throughout the year, Dr. Moore
The type of music to be sung by the
University Choir will differ from that
used by the Men's Glee Club, the
Women's Glee Club or the Choral
Union, in that a capell music will
be stressed throughout. Unaccom-
panied music of all periods will be
studied, Professor Van Deursen de-
Speech Clinic
Opens Service
To All Enrnts
Human Adjustment Unit
Emphasizes Instruction
In Defect Correction
Part of the speech science division
of the speech department, the Uni-
versity Speech Clinic was set up in
1936 as the first unit in the Insti-
tute of Human Adjustment.
At present, the clinic sees approxi-
mately six-thousand individuals each
year, including three thousand odd
freshmen and transfers during regis-
tration week.
Directed by Dr. H. Harlan Bloomer,
the clinic has a three-fold purpose
of teacher-training, research and
speech science. However the train-
ing phase has become most import-
ant, with only thirteen workers on
its staff. Speech classes held in the
clinic's Huron Street building have
full use of case histories and labora-
tory equipment.
Freshman examination is one of
the clinic's most valuable services to
the University. Last year's survey of
the entering class showed eighty-six
students with poor hearing and 176
with speech defects. Any freshman
requiring aid is given another more,
thorough series of tests and then in-
dividual treatments.
Although accents cannot be truly
classed as speech defects, the clinic
has worked with the International
Center in aiding foreign students.
Staff linguists have been of great as-
sistance in orienting men and women
from both hemispheres.
The clinic performs its actual cor-
rective work with its own equipment
and the cooperation of the dental
school's Department of Oral Surgery.

radio Work, Speech Clinic,
And Play Productioni
Included in Activities
Founded fifty years ago in Ann
Arbor by Professor Emeritus Thomas
C. Trueblood, the nation's first speech
department still offers the best in
"word of mouth" to Michigan stu-
Besides forensic and oratorical or-
ganizations connected with the de-1
partment. radio, broadcasting; play
production and a speech clinic arej
also conducted through its staff and3
facilities. Students excelling in these
activities are feted at the Speech
Honors Convocation held annually in
Although Delta Sigma Rho is open l
only to juniors and seniors who have
represented the University in a foren-!
sic contest, three other organizations
are offered to any eligible student
taking speech. Alpha Nu sponsors
debates and speeches for men stu-
dents in the department while Athena
and Zeta Phi Eta give women the
same opportunity.
Under Director Arthur G. Secord,
the Men's Varsity Debate Squad
schedules forensic contests withuni-
versities and colleges throughout the
entire country. Last yeahtogether
with the Women's Varsity Debate
-quad it participated in radio debates
with the Kent College of Law in Chi-
-ago. Besides following this schedule,
the women's squad takes part in the
big Ten Women's Discussion tCor%-
ference to be held at Purdue Univer-
sity in December.
In the field of oratory, the Uni-
versity offers one of the highest
honors in intercollegiate speaking --
representation at the Northern Ora-
torical League's annual May contest.
Founded by Professor Trueblood, the
League is composed of five other Big
clared, including motets of such six-
teenth century Latin church choral
writers as Sweelinck, Hassler, di Las-
so, Vittoria and Palestrina, and mad-
rigals by Philips, Festa, Farnaby,
Gavert and Morley.
The grandeur of Russian church
music will be found in the composi-
tions of Tschaikowsky, Kopylow,
Kastalsky, and Pantchenko. Also on
the list to be sung are folk-tune and
spiritual arrangements by Williams,
Warrell, Jackson and Cain, as well
as some modern creations of Willan,
Thompson, Kodaly, Wood and Mc-
The Choir, which will number 75
voices, will appear at convocations, in
public concert, at Sunday vespers
and in radio broadcasts, Professor
Van Deursen said. Application forms
for admission may be obtained at
room 223 of the School of Music dur-
ing registration.

Ten Universities. Ann Arbor's rep-
resentation is chosen in January at
an elimination contest open to men
and women in any University depart-
Intra mural debating is dividing
into three tournaments, one open to
men, one to women, and the othe>1
to students in Speech 31 and 32. En-
trants in the Intra-mural debate
tournaments may be chosen from any
group, although the majority are rep-
resentatives of fraternities and dorm-
itories. Winners of the contests,
sponsored by the four speech fratern-
ities and the Union, are awarded tro-
Two sets of scholarships are award-
ed outstanding speech students at
the Honors Convocation. The True-
blood Scholarships sets aside an an-
nual five hundred dollars, while six
women debaters are each given fifty
dollars every year in the Eleanor
Clay Ford testimonials.
Mloore To Conduct
For '45 Engineers
Following the procedure used in
previous years, a series of assemblies
for freshmen engineers will be offered
again this semester under the direc-
tion of freshmman mentor Prof. A.
D. Movre of the electrical engineering
At the assemblies class announce-
ments and other general matters will
be taken up, in addition to a carefully
planned program of important gen-
eral and technical engineering infor-
Attendance is compulsory, only two
absences during the year being ex-
cusable. I ore than this number will
result in disciplinary action, and may
bring expulsion from the College.
Here's how to
Simply hold this Light Meter
under your lamp or fixture ... it
tells you mstantly if you are
getting enough light for easy see-
ing. No charge for this service.
Call any Detroiv Fdison office.


HIS YEAR yOu Willafind, as many
years of Michigan students have found be-
fore you, that the Arcade Jewelry Shop is
campus* headquarters for ...

New Facilities
Are Prepared,
Physics' Department Uses
Two Buildings Here
Engineers- and physicists-to-be at
the University need shed no tears
about inadequate facilities in the
physics department, as two buildings
house enough laboratories and equip-
ment to take-care of even the most
specialized research work.
Perhaps most awe-inspiring to the
new student will be the name "cyclo-
tron," and the apparatus for which
it stands. Through the use of ac-
celerating magnetic fields, this amaz-
ing "atom smasher" sends volt ions
at a target with a speed equal to that
produced by a potential of about
seven million volts.
Across-the-hall sister to the cyclo-
tron in the basement of the new Ran-
dall Laboratory, is the high voltage
laboratory, where similar experiments
are conducted by means of electric
(Continued on Page 16)

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