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October 16, 1941 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-10-16

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_______''" _____ THE MICHIGAN DAILY THU


The Michigan Daily

Correspondent Relates Colorful
Highlights Of Trip Across Ocean

ra sa - - - 4 . . . . . , {. ., -
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
carrier $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
W College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42
Editorial Staff

' mile Geld
Alvin Dann
David Lachenbruch
Jay McCormick
Hal Wilson
Arthur Hill
Janet Hiatt,
Grace Miller .
Virginia Mitchell
Daniel H. Huyett
James B. Collins
Louise Carpenter
Evelyn Wright

* Managing Editor
Editorial Director
S . City Editor
. . Associate Editor
. . Sports Editor
Assistant Sports Editor
* . Women's Editor
Assistant Women's Editor
Exchange Editor

Business Staff
. . . Business Manager
Associate Business Manager
. Women's Advertising Manager
. Women's Business Manager

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
only. e
Experimental Plays
Put At Disadvantage ..
(Continued from Sunday's Daily)
a chance at getting rehearsal space
in the theatre, for there are always big plays in
rehearsal there. Weaker students are thus
cheated of the opportunity of practicing often
on one-act plays.
the fact that the building is a firetrap means
that the experimental plays cannot be given be-
fore audiences of any size because only 40 per-
sons are allowed in the workshop at one time.
If the Lydia Mendelssohni could bI used for re-
hearsals the problem would not be so acute, but
that theatre is booked completely for the aca-
demic year by the middle of August, so its fa-
cilities are available only for dress rehearsals
one or two days before the shows go on.
These technical disabilities are supplemented
by the poor "living" conditions there. Heating
and ventilation are 'vital problems. On 'warm
days the heat is insufferable and during the
winter months the rooms are eitherabsolutely
freezing or so overheated that one can hardly
IN VIEW OF THESE FACTS, the Play Produc-
tion heads have every right to be insistent in
their demands for a new workshop. They are
hot unreasonable, though. As Mr. Windt pointed
out, "We understand that the University has
many projects requiring the output of large
sums of money. We appreciate all the efforts
that have been lent in our behalf. We neither
want nor expect a huge allotment for the con-
struction of a large and expensive building."
The requirements of the new theatre are in-
deed very simple. Mr. Windt and other members
of the speech department have cut down these
requirements to the bare essentials. The theatre
would not be large. A seating capacity of only
200 or 300 and a stage of good size are the only
requisites. In the belief that the Mendelssohn
should have "only our very best work," Mr.
Windt thinks the lab theatre would be valuable
for teaching and experimental production. It
should be a place where the students could take
a chance from the point of view of acting, play-
writing or scenery.
N SHORT, the new theatre would be the foun-
dation from which big shows would be given.
Under ideal conditions it should be situated as
near to the League as possible, if not actually
connected to it by a concourse. In this way
people in charge could .supervise work in both
places and rain would never bring up the prob-
lem of how to transport sets and costumes over
to the larger theatre without damage.
In addition to the theatre proper, there would
have to be three small rooms for teaching classes
in Play Production and for the use of students
to practice in during the afternoons. This latter
use is very necessary, for dormitory and sorority
rooms have proven very impractical for learning
and practicing parts. One large room for re-
hearsals and for teaching classes in stagecraft
and costuming is als'o necessary.
A little more office space for conferences and
clerical work, a green room which would act as
a library for studentsto study in while waiting
for their cues-these two factors'are also of
imnortane .From the technical end, an airy

(Editor's Note: This is the last of a series on the
writer's first trip. He is now arranging for his
second trip.)
LOBSKERS is a Norwegian term for food left-
over from dinner which the cook mixes to-
gether and serves at supper. Here are lobskers of
a tri to England and back via convoy:
In Halifax, Nova Scotia, while waiting for
the convoy to form, our ship was anchored only
a hundred yards from the spot in the harbor
where an ammunition ship collided with a Bel-
gian hospital ship during the last war setting off
the famous Halifax explosion. The blast-the
report of which could be heard 125 miles away-
killed 2600 townspeople of Halifax, maimed and
blinded many more. Those who witnessed the
blast declared that they could see the bottom
of Halifax harbor-swept dry by a 20th century
British tanker came limping in from the
other side with three gaping holes in her sides
and half her bridge gone. The ship's radio
operator told me that after being dive-bombed
in the Irish Sea, the empty ship had been tor-
pedoed three times in mid-Atlantic. The holes
were big enough to 15ark a launch in, but the
ship had not sunk, because being a tanker its
hull was made of 28 separate cargo tanks. Had
the ship been going east with a load of airplane
gasoline and met with similar treatment, it
would have been blown to blazes-three times.
* * *
Most of the crew were as new to convoy
travel as myself, but they had already met
the Nazis back in Japan where they had been
anchored next to a number of German ships
seeking refuge in Yokohama. Hostilities in
Yokohama had consisted of street fights and
attempts to drown out the strains of "Horst
Wessel" in beer halls with thunderous ren-
ditions of the Norwegian national anthem.
been back home in Norway for over three
years, and all of them face the prospect of
remaining expatriates until the end of the con-
flict. They receive occasional letters from Nor-
way, but outside of the usual "everybody safe and
well" the letters don't say much.
* * *
A majority of the crew felt that America's
failure to participate fully in the war was due
to an American characteristic of "talking too
much and doing too little." As evidence they
pointed to the President's decisive speeches and
the very piddling results thereof, plus the wrang-
ling in Congress.
* * *
After he had been on board ship for two days
everybody in the crew referred to the English
navy gunner as "Bloody."
* *, * *
Except for his bloody speech, the gunner
was an interesting and clever fellow. He was
married, and as a gift to his wife he had
bought ten items of women's silk undercloth-
ing (very scarce in England) back in the
States. But the problem for the gunner was
to get them into England without paying the
high duty on such items, a sum which would
have flattened his meager pay check. His
solution was as unique as it was successful-
he wore them himself underneath his gob's
uniform and walked briskly past the unsus-
pecting custom's official.
Peaches Unusual.. ..
The gunner spent a week at home while the
ship was docked in Liverpool. He tells of walk-
ing down the street with his wife and spying
fresh peaches in a storekeeper's window, a very
unusual sight in England. The price was also
a but unusual he found out when he went in
to buy two of the peaches: 5 and 6-hafny apiece,
or $1.11 each at the present exchange. (This
price Is explained by the fact that peaches are
so rare that no set price or ration system has
been instituted to control their sale.)
On his return railroad journey to Liverpool, the
gunner was in the same coach with a beauteous
blond earnestly engaged in conversation with all
service men in range. The happy little party

lasted till the train pulled into Manchester where
intelligence officers stepped aboard and arrested
the blond as a Nazi spy. She let out a string
of oaths mixed up with "Heil Hitlers" as they
marched her away.
* * *
Joe, the Scottish petty officer who relieved the
gunner on board the ship when in Liverpool has
a brother who was captured at Dunkirk by the
Germans and now resides in a German intern-
ment camp. Joe received a postcard from his
brother dated July 8, in which the brother states
his wish that the Russians should defeat Ger-
many. The secret of how the message passed the
German censor lies in its wording:
Dear Joe.
Everything allright . . . We are allowed to play
football for recreation and everybody hopes that
Joe will score more goals than Jerry.


Drew Pe
&, eIS.AM
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IN LIVERPOOL the ship was tied up only a few
hundred yards from where a German bomber
had been brought down by Polish fighters in
May. Two of the Nazi crew had been killed in-
stantly and only the quick arrival of an Army
6fficer saved the two injured survivors from
being clubbed to death by the infuriated dockers.
* * *
We could use our radios while docked in Liver-
pool, and, although we enjoyed the musical pro-
grams, we always tuned in a different station
when a humorous program come on. For gen-
uine humor the vituperative remarks of the
American announcer of the Nazi radio station in
France were far better. The Iran campaign wat
going on at the time, and the announcer could
not relieve himself of enough words describing
how greedy the English were. And then of course
there was the holy crusade against Bolshevism,
whose three evil leaders-Comrades Stalin,
Churchill and Roosevelt, were plotting the en-
circlement of the New Order. All this was direc-
ted to the Irish. Every night about twelve when
the day's broadcasting was finished the an-
nouncer would sign off with: "And now, dear
Irish friends, until tomorrow at 6 a.m., station
W-so and so says farewell."
Hamsum Now 'Quisling'
The most dust laden books in the ship's
library were a complete set of Knut Ham-
sum's novels in Norwegian. Hamsum, re-
spected as the literary giant of Norway be-
fore the war, is now an outspoken Quisling.
If the war keeps up much longer the phrase
"good-by" is liable to become atrophied °com-
.pletely in the vocabulary of the British people.
Under the present uncertainties of life in Eng-
land to wish a man "good-by" sounds too much
like wishing him a safe place in the hereafter.
"Cheerio," is the accepted farewell greeting,
for it takes care of all possible exigencies, yet
implies no particular one. "Auf wiedersehen",
the very appropriate German greeting, has also
come into use, in retaliation for the Nazi at-
tempt to steal the thunder of the "V" campaign.
A: * *
THE BRITISH have finally publicly confirmed
reports of suicide pilots who fly fast land
planes which are launched by catapult from the
decks of convoy freighters. Two such ships
were in our convoy going over (90 ships) and
also were members of our return convoy (30
ships.) The catapults are mounted forward
so that the ship takes off directly over the
bow and in line with the ship. The fighters
are used to combat enemy bomber detachments.
If they have enough fuel left after encountering
the enemy they try to make land if not too far
away; otherwise, and this is the usual case, the
pilot makes a crash landing near the convoy
in the hope of being picked up.
*F * *
The hokus-pokus in our own American
foreign policy is a bit involved at times. On
returning from England we met a Norwegian
sailor on the streets of Norfolk who had just
signed on a freighter of Italian origin, which
had been taken over and repaired by the
United States and was now flying the flag of
Panama-bound for England, manned by a
Norwegian crew and officers.


WASHINGTON - The crumbling
Russian front has caused some very
cogent questions to be asked in high
places regarding the efficiency of
both the United States and the Brit-
Uppermost question is transpor-
tation, without which supplies cannot
reach Russia.
Most desperate area in which Rus-
sia needs supplies is in the South.
There the Hitler drive has progres-
sed disastrously near the oil fields
of the Caucasus. However, the only
route to the Caucasus is via the Gulf
of Persia to the port of Basra, thence
by a shaky railroad through Iran to
South Russia. This railroad is in such
bad shape that almost no supplies
of any consequence can be transport-
To bolster it, American railway
experts are being sent to Basra. How-
ever, the stark tragedy-completely
unexplained-is why the British did
not begin long ago to whip this road
into shape. The Russian war has been
in progress for three months. The
British knew even last June that this
route would be all-important. Two or
three thousand men could have re-
vamped the railroad in quick time.
But nothing was done.
Meanwhile the French and Ger -
mans have been working feverishly
to build avrailroad from Casablanca.
in Morocco, -to Dakar, the French
naval base opposite Brazil. And in
about the same length of time, they
have almost finished it. But in Iran
the British did nothing.





By Lichty

(Continued from Page 2)

Meanwhile, also, the Nazis fever-
ishly have been relaying one railt
on all the Russian railroads. This is
because the Russiansrbuilt their
tracks the widest in the world to
prevent an invading nation from?
using their railroads. However, Hit-
ler has had labor gangs relaying the
rail line so rapidly that today nar-
rower gauge Nazi trains go right upj
to the battle front.
This is the secret of Hitler's amaz-
ing transportation feat, by which
4,000,000 men have been supplied!
with an average of four tons of sup-1
plies per man-shells, artillery, food,t
clothing, tanks, gasoline-all hauled'
over 1,000 miles to a battlefront 3,-1
000 miles wide.r
There are two other routes to getE
supplies into Russia. One, by way
of Vladivostok, means a two-week
rail haul over the Trans-Siberia. 1
To strengthen this road, the Uni-;
ted States will send 300 locomotives.t
However, we haven't yet found the
ships to carry them, since locomot-
ives are too big to be lowered down
the average ship's hatch. But even
more important we have to revamp1
the locomotives, perhaps even manu-
facture them altogether, for our loco-N
motives don't fit the wide Russian,
Meanwhile, most U.S. supplies are
going via Archangel which has turn-
ed out to be better than expected, but
the Nazis are pretty sure to begin
bombing it.
While the British have been inex-
cusably slow in regard to transport,
both Britain and the United States
have been equally slow in allocating
supplies to be shipped. For weeks
after Churchill and Roosevelt de-
cided to send a mission to Moscow,
the two governments backed and
filled as to Who should be in the
delegation and whether China should
be invited. Meanwhile precious weeks,
vital to Russia's chances, were lost.
And only this past week did large
scale supplies really get loaded up in
U.S. ports for Russia. Prior to that
the Army had hemmed and hawed,
done little. It was only after a week
of Russian retreating toward Mos-
cow, that Roosevelt shook the big
stick and the Army came across. Why
he didn't act in July remains a mys-
tery, for the U.S. Army was telling
him even then that the Russian
situation would be desperate.
Today airplanes are finally being
loaded for Russia at the rate of aboutI
300 to 400 per month. Also tanks
are being shipped in about the same
However, it will take about 40 days
for them to reach Russia. And in
forty days, anything can happen.

Science, and the Arts: Election cards
filed after the end of the first week!
of the semester may be accepted by
the Registrar's Office only if they
are approved by Assistant Dean Wal-
ter. Students who fail to file their
election blanks by the close of the
third week, even though they havec
registered and have attended classesl
unofficially, will forfeit their privi-
lege of continuing in the College forr
the semester. If such students haver
paid any tuition fees; Assistant Deani
Walter will issue a withdrawal cardK
for them.I
Varsity Men's Glee Club: The fol-
lowing men have been selected asr
tentative members of the Varsity1
Club. Old Club Men whose names
do not appear in this list should re-
port to the Club Room at the regulart
rehearsal time. No Freshman names
appear in this list.C
George Ablin, Jim Aldrich, Stew-1
art Arnold, Earl Barrett, James Baz-
ley, Karl Beu, Richard Boynton, Jud-
son Brown, Philip Busche, George
Collins, James Conti, William Con-l
verso. James Crowe, Fraink Dadson,
Peter De Jong, Richard Derby, Hen-
ry Dongvillo, Eugene Fairbanks, John'
Farrand, Joseph Fischer, James]
Fredrickson, John Funk, John Geh-
ron, Colvin Gibson, James Gillis, Har-
old Cohn, Earl Harris, Theodore Hil-3
Gregor Hileman, Robert Holland,
Phelps Hines, Leo Imperi, Frank Kel-
logg, Clarence Klopsic, Vaughan
Koppin, Edward McDonough, James
Merrill, Thad Morrison, Charles Mur-
phy, Robert Norris, Franklin Powers,
Richard Rawdon, Don Rendinell,
Kenneth Rhoads, Richard Rice, Rob-
ert Santway, Jim Bob Stephenson,
Harold Stern, Walter Strickland,
Robert Taylor, Donald Wallace,
Charles Weiss, Duncan Wierengo,
Don Whitney.
The Social Science Research Coun-
cil announcement regarding postdoc-
toral research training fellowships,
predoctoral field fellowships, and
grants-in-aid of research in the social
I sciences is available to students at
the Information Desk in the Gradu-
ate School Office. Applications for
1942-43 must reach 230 Park Avenue,
New York City, as early as possible
and certainly prior to February 1,
Smoked Glasses Needed: We are
unable to obtain more dark glasses
such as we have given to students
after eye tests. There may be some
of thefse about student rooms which
we would apreciate having returned
to the Health Service for use.
Warren E. Forsythe,
Director, Health Service
Academic Notices

I Ig 1 .Pat. Off.., A V
"Herkimer isn't hard to make behave
-- you just have to scream at him like a mother."

Psychology 31 make-up examina-
Vion will be given Tuesday, October
21, 7:30 to 10:00 p.m., in Room 1121
Natural Science Bldg.
University Lecture: Professor Eu-
gene Staley, a member of the faculty
of the Fletcher School of Law and
Diplomacy at Tufts College, will lec-
ture on the subject, "A Peace Settle-
ment in the Far East," under the aus-
pices of the Department of Econom-
ics, on Monday, October 20, at 4:15
p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre.
The public is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Professor Harry
N. Holmes, of Oberlin College,will
lecture on the subject, "A Chemist's
Adventures in Medicine" (illustrated
with slides) under the auspices of
the Department of Chemistry and the
American Chemical Society, on Tues-
day, October 21, at 4:15 p.m. in 303
Chemistry Building. The public is
cordially invited.
Dr. E. S. Bastin, Head of the De-
partment of Geology, University of
Chicago, will speak .on "Some Prob-
lems of Ore Deposition" today at
11:00 a.m. in the Amphitheatre, Third
Floor of the Rackham'Building. Some
of the chemical and physical prob-
lems which have puzzles the ore
geologist will be discussed.
Events Todrty
Seminar in the History of Religious
Sects, sponsored by the Student Re-
ligious Association and regularly
meeting on Wednesday afternoons,
will meet today at 4:30 p.m. due to
the Centennial celebration.
Polonia Society meeting in the
recreation room of the International
Center tonight at 7:30. Election of
officers. Games and refreshments.
Al-Thaqafa, Arabic Culture Soci-
ety, will hold its round table discus-
sion tonight at 7:30 in the Interna-
tional Center. Topic: "Polygamy
Before and After Islam," Led by
Arab Students.
La Sociedad Hispanica will meet
tonight at 8:00 in the Michigan
Theater Arts Program Committee
will hold a meeting today at the
League at 5:00 p.m. All girls inter-
ested in this committee will be wel-
Make-up Committee of Theatre
Arts will meet at 4:00 p.m. today at
the League. All who signed up, please
Tutorial Committee will meet to-
day at 3:30 p.m. in the Michigan
League. Room notice will be posted
on the bulletin board. Anyone who
cannot come please call Betty Baile,
Ushering Committee for Theater
Arts: Sign up for ushering for the
Chinese' film, "China Strikes Back"
in the Undergraduate office in the
League today, Friday and Saturday.
Ushers are neededfortonight, Fri-
day and Saturday nights.
JGP Central Committee will meet
today in the League. Room number
will be posted.
Alpha Kappa Delta, sociology soci-
atv ...m raa+ n4ih~ mot R"nof a e


TODAY is my father's birthday. While ordi-
narily I don't like to wear my family on my
sleeve, I feel that something in the line of a
toast to my father is neither out of place, nor
too much on the sticky side. Because if fathers
were not writing checks, I would not be here to
do big things like writing a column, and you who
read this probably would not be here to read it.
My father is one of those men, there must be
a lot of them behind college kids, who didn't get
to college himself. He has, and I have tried to
tell him so, too much respect, for a college and
a degree. He is not a meek man, but he can be
impressed by someone who graduated from some-
place. My father comes out to see me some-
times during the school year. When he does he
is nervous, and he talks a little about things at
home, then asks me if I need any money, and
then, maybe coffee somewhere, and I introduce
him to some of the kids. He likes them, and
they like him, but always I can see him trying
to understand, looking for something deeper
than there is or ever will be. He thinks college

kids are smart; I know they aren't. He refers
to all my instructors as professors, and wants
me to learn all I can from them. There is very
little to learn from them. I learn more from
my father than I learn from any of them. He
has learned how to be a itn. Many of them
have not unlearned how to be schoolboys, or
gentlemen. On the other hand there are men
here who are as good as my father. But it does
not depend on how much they know. What
they are like means more to me.
His birthday now. That means that my
mother and I spend some of the money he gives
us on him. For a change. A tie, a subscription
to a magazine, a pair of socks.
Behind it, dad, something more. Not for pub-
lication, but believe me, something more. And
to gl those fathers, like mine, guys who get
along, and do what they can for the poor squawl-
ing brats they helped to bring into the world,
just thanks, and what stands behind it. We
forget lots of times. In fact it's more the rule
than the exception, to forget.
Once in awhile we remember.
* * *


Political Science 1: Make-up ex-

GOP SMART POLITICS amination for students absent from
Inside reason for the big jump in the examination given in June: Sat-
House Republican votes for the new urday, October 18, 2-5 p.m., Room
$5,985,000,000 lend-lease bill was that 2203 Angell Hall.
party floor leader Joe Martin paved;
the way for it at a secret pow-wow Political Science 2: Make-up ex-
in his office one day before the vote. amination for students absent from
The GOP caucus, held the same the examination given in June: Sat -
day, got all the publicity, but it didn't urday, October 18, 2-5 p.m.,Room
hold an candle in significance to the 2203 Angell Hall.
unadvertised meeting in Martin's Harold M. Dorr
suite. It was attended by the fifteen
Republican members of the Appro-!
priations Committee and Martin Preliminary examinations for, thel
frankly told them that he expected doctorate in English will be given in
them to head off, if possible, a re- Room 3217 Angell Hall, 9:00 a.m. to.,
nl. notn"l o a" n f t 12:00, on the following schedule: 1

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