Increasing cloudiness, warmer;
rain late today.
Sit igau
Defense Setup Needs
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VOL. L. No. 11
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President CallsFor Revision Of NeutralityAct
Asks Armin
Of American
Germans Are Denounced
As Madmen, Modern
Pirates By Roosevelt
Undeclared Naval
War, Taft Asserts
WASHINGTON, Oct. 9.-(IP)-De-
nouncing the Nazis as "madme" and
"modern pirates," President Roose-
velt today asked Congress to wipe out
"crippling provisions" of the United
States Neutrality Act.
First of all, he asked repeal of
that statute's ban on armed mer-
chant ships, "as a matter of immedi-
ate necessity and extreme urgency."
To this, he added a request that
Congress give its "earnest and ea-ly
attention" to a second amendment,
rescilading the provisions which for-
bid 'American vessels to enter bellig-
erent ports and specified combat
"It is time," the President said, "for
this country to stop playing into
Hitler's hands and to unshackle our
Best Of State Papers'
Mr. Roosevelt's recommendations
went to the Capitol in a. directly and
forcefully-worded special message,
which as a literary product alone,
some were saying, would rank with
the best of'his state papers.
It- piled =rgument upbn argument
in an apparent endeavor to antici-
pate all the objections that will be
voiced by the opponents of his for-
eign policy and reached one of its
several climaxes in a statement that:
"Hitler has offered a challenge
which we as Americans cannot and
will not tolerate.1
"We will not let Hitler prescribe
the waters of the world on which our
ships may travel. The American flag
is not going to be driven from the
seas either b his submarines, his
airplanes or his threats.
"We cannot permit the affirmative
defense of our rights to be annulled
and diluted by sections of the Neu-
traility Act which have no realism in
the unscrupulous ambition of mad-
Course Determined
"We Americans have determined
our course.
"We intend to maintain the secur-
ity and integrity and the honor of
our country.,
"We intend to maintain this policy
of protecting the freedom of the
seas against domination by any for-
eign power which has become crazed
with a desire to control the world.
We shall do so with all our strength
and all our heart and all our mind."
Congressional reaction to the mes-
sane closely followed the already well-
defined line of cleavage between the
supporters and the opponents of his
foreign policy.
"Eloquent Exposition" .
Typical of tlae comment was this
from Chairman Connally (Dem.-
Tex.) of the Senate Foreign Relations
A splendid and eloquent ex-
position of what American foreign
policy should be."
And this, from Senator Taft (Rep.-
"A policy of carrying on an un-
declared naval war on the Atlantic."
The receipt of the message fouId
the House debating a $5,985,000,000
appropriation for the Lend-Lease pro-
gram of helping Great Britain, with
Rep. Woodrum (Dem.-Va.) asserting
"We are going to see to it, if we can
-and I think we can-that planes
and tanks get on the battle line to
be fused against Hitler."
'Goofy' Drivers May
Really Be Unbalanced
Famed Actor
To Inaugurate
Series Today
* * *
"Maurice Evans' performance of
'Hamlet' is. the finest in the latter
day theatre. A remarkably beautiful
performance." ,
All those attending Evans' presen-
tation of "Shakespeare in the News"
at 8:15 p.m. today: in Hill Auditorium
will not only experience one role of
the actor honored with this praise
from George Jean Nathan, but also
the most famous speeches of many
roles in his great repertoire.
Evans' appearance here will be the
initial offering of the 1941-42 Ora-
torical Association Series: He will be
introduced by Dr. Louis Eich of the
speech department and, head of the
Association lecture committee.
The season ticket sale closes today.
Single tickets will be on sale at $1.00,
75c and 50c (plus 10 per cent federal
tax) in the Hill Auditorium box office
from 10 a.m. until 8:15 p.m.
Never before at the pinnacle of his
career has the most outstanding actor
of his day been available for lecture-
recitals. The critical acclaim which
he has gained in these recitals in-
dicates that his appearance here will
be an outstanding event of the sea-
Anne O'Hare McCormick, Pulitzer
Prize winner, will present the second
of the Association's lectures on Nov.
13, followed on Nov. 24 by the famed
radio stars, the Quiz Kids. On Dec.
2, Sinclair Lewis will debate Lewis
Browne on the question, "Can It
Happen Here?"
Music school.
Thirty Michigan co-eds will sing in
the preliminary auditions for the
School of Music-Hour of Charm con-
test at 7 p.m. today at Morris Hall in
the first step of the "$1,000 talent
search that may take a Michigan girl
to radio fame and fortune.
The music school's voice faculty,
headed by Prof. Arthur Hackett, will
choose ten girls to sing in the elim-
ination contest at the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre Wednesday. Three
of the ten will have recordings of
their voices made and the Hour of
Charm's all-girl orchestra will choose
Michigan's winner to sing on the
coast-to-coast broadcast November
If Michigan's entrant wins the
final singing against girls from nine
other Universities, she will receive
$1,000 and the University will be
awarded a $4,000 scholarship for
needy musical sudents.
Two members of the all-girl band,
Vivien and Evelyn, will arrive here
Wednesday morning for a whirlwind
tour of the campus before they help
judge the competition at Lydia Men-
delssohn. Lunch at the Tri-Delt
house and a dinner party at the Beta
Theta 'Pi fraternity are on the
schedule. -
Head Ousted;
President Arnulfo Arias
Goes Into Cuban Exile;
Cabinet Meeting Called
'No Gun' Manifesto
To Be Considered
(By The Associated Press)
PANAMA, Panama, Oct. 9.-The
Nazi-minded President Arnulfo Arias
who ordered "no. guns" on U. S. ships
flying the flag of Panama was sum-
marily ousted while in Cuban exile
today and replaced by a government
immediately pledged to "decided sup-
port for democratic principles."
An urgent cabinet meeting was
called for tomorrow with the "no-
guns" order reported to be on its
agenda for reconsideration.
Arias fled by plane to Colombia'
Tuesday, soon after the "no-guns"
order of last Monday complicated the
neutrality law repeal debate in Wash-
ington,,and proceeded from there to
Havana, where he was located today.
The second Vice President of Pan-
ama, the first eligible successor to
Arias who could be reached immedi-
ately was sworn in as President.
Three hours later the cabinet he
formed called in Ricardo Adolfo De
La Guardia, Justice Minister and
physician of pronounced pro-demo-
cratic leanings, and handed him the
Officially, the new government is-
sued a manifesto pledging ""decided
support for democratic principles
now menaced throughout the world
andaffecting in a'very marked man-
ner the Republic of Panama because
she is situated at the epicenter of
continental defense.'
Unofficially, it was reported a cab-
inet meeting tomorrow would reopen
the ship-arming question.
The jails closed on several of Arias'
supporters, including his so-called
strong man, the Panama City mayor.
In the face of stringent precautionary
measures the country seemed orderly.
Board Headed
By Densmore
Margaret Mutnik Named
To Replace Guetzkow
Prof. G. E. Densmore, chairman
of the speech department, was ap-
pointed chairman of the Board in
Control of Student Publications by
President Ruthven Tuesday.
Opening its formal activities for
the school year, the Board held its
first meeting Tuesday. Faculty mem-
bers present were Professor Dens-
more, Prof. Edson R. Sunderland of-
the Law School, secretary of the'
Board; Dean Joseph A. Bursley; Prof.
Merwin H. Waterman of the School
of Business Administration; Prof.
Carl E. Burklund of the engineering
English department and Prof. Ho-
bart R. Coffey of the Law School.
Student members in attendance
were Karl Kessler, Grad., and Char-
les Heinen, Grad.'
Margaret Campbell Mutnik, '42,
was appointed to fill the vacancy
created by the resignation of Harold
Guetzkow, Grad. Mrs. Mutnik took
fourth place in the Board election last
year and was automatically awarded
the position.-
Prof. Aiton Will Return
Prof. Arthur S. Aiton, who has
been lecturing on Spanish-American
history at the Pniversity of Costa
Rica since the middle of August, will
leave Costa Rica on Oct. 15 to re-
assume the duties connected with his
professorship in the history depart-
ment here, the department announced
Scene Of Fierce Nazi Onslaughts
:::.:DESS sx T
4 ...^E l ARMAVIR
--------- EVASTOPO E
Russian Civilians Join Red Defen
In Last-Ditch Stand Against Gera
WedgesAdvancing Towards Cap
H itler Calls Vietor
Needed Condit ior
For Ultimate Peae
Soviet communique admitted that heavy Nazi offensives had not
been checked as German armies advanced on Vyazma' and Orel in a
bitterly contested drive toward Moscow. Savage fighting was also re-
ported in thef ai, south.
Jack Jones Describes Position
Of British Labor In Wartime
Declaring that British labor be-
lieved the present conflict to be
has near to a holy war as anything
in which Britain has ever engaged,"
Jack Jones spoke here yesterday un-
der the sponsorship of the Committee
To Defend America.
The coal-mining Welsh author
opened his address with a short his-
to y of the British labor movement
in which he stressed the stability of
the island's trade unionism. "No man
of loose character or a criminal rec-
ord can hold a position in the British
labor movement," Jones pointed out.
In illustrating the spirit of British
wartime workers, Jones cited the
miners in his own South Wales.
These men, aware of an imminent
winter coal shortage throughout Brit-
ain, voted to work an extra shift each
week, and that on Sunday night.
Transport workers also are driving
all-night "lorries' through blitz raids.
Jones quoted one of his fellow mines
leaders in another instance, a dis-
pute over an attendance bonus.
"While British miners will not yield
one incli in their ideals and the coal-
owners' associations feel the same
way," the man had declared, "if hos-
Mortimer J. Adler -
To Give First Talk
In S.R.A. Series
"Thomas Aquinas and the Modern
World" will be the subject of a lec-
ture, the first in the annual series
sponsored by the Student Religious
Association, given by Mortimer J. Ad-
ler, prominent educator and author,
at 8:15 p.m. Tuesday in the Rackham
Lecture Hall.
Adler is the world-wide famed au-
thor of "How to Read a Book" and
"What Man Has Made of Man." He
has had a varied career as one of
the nation's leading educators.
At the early age of 15 Adler was
already writing editorial copy for the
New York Sun. He has taught Eng-
lish and experimental psychology at
Columbia University. While at Col-
umbia, Adler also was ark instructor
tilities are not ended then neither
interest will exist."
British labor's morale has also
been kept high, according to Jones,
by the large number of labor men in
top government positions. Deputy
Prime Minister Clement Atlee came'
from the political labor party, First
Lord of the Admiralty A. B. Alexan-
der was a co-operative movement
man, and Ernest Bevin worked as a(
Directly answering the question of
how British labor views the war,
Jones flatly declared, "Intelligently!"
The working men's leaders protested
the British government's isolationism
in 1935, he said, especially when "a
prime minister waited like a Western
Union boy." He also remarked that
Chamberlain should be remembered
by those who say that Britain sought
a war.
Welsh Coal Miner
Becomes Novelist
With a slight Welsh burr in his
speech and "blue marks on his face
where the, coal cut," Jack Jones
speaks with the clarity of an author
and the forcefulness of a coal miner.
Questioned on the traditional sup-
ercility of visiting British authors,
Jones emphatically declaredthat the
average British "critical" writer in
America does not represent the view-
point of the British people. "This
fallacy should be exploded," he said,
(Continued on Page 7)
Civilian Raid Alarm
Plan Is Successful
NEW YORK, Oct. 9. -(AP)- The
Army simulated war conditions on
the northeastern seaboard today to
see how fast enemy bombers could
be spotted and reported, and Brig.
Gen. Dawson Olmstead nodded ap-
provingly over the results.,
It was the start of a seven-day air
raid warning network exercise in 10
states and the District of Columbia
employing the services of 40,000 vol-
unteer observers.
In rough form, the system used re-
sembled that set up in England to
(By The Associated Press)
MOSCOW, Oct. 9.Russif civil-
ians joined the outnumbered Red
armies of the center tonight in a su-
preme and desperate effort to break
the blunt German wedges still ad-
vancing on Moscow with ever-in-
creasing strength.
In deep forests and broad plains
more than 100 miles west of the cap-
ital and 200-odd miles to the south
these mighty Nazi offensives were met
with new Soviet lines.
After retreating from Orel, an im-
portant railway junction south of
Moscow, Marshal Semeon Timoshen-
ko's forces occupied fresh posit ns
north of the town and stubbornly
sought there to breast the unending
onslaughts of German tank columns.
Russians Contest Advance
About Vyazma to the west of Mos-
cow the Russians were bitterly con-
testing the second Nazi advance.
The Soviet command's communique
late tonight indicated no change of
consequence anywhere, merely re-
porting heavy continued fight in all
the vital areas.
The situation behind the Red army
lines remained calm and orderly, so
far as could be learned, and life in
Mosow went on as usual.
Bulthe pYosltiOn was clearly g'aV
although not disastrous.
To the almost limitless Russian
millions the Soviet press appealed:
"Realize the gravity of the situa-
tion, the greatness of the danger and
abandon all complacency. Strain
every effort to repulse the new at-
tacks of the impudent enemy.
Situation Is Grave
"Every Red Army man must realize
the gravity of the present moment."
That moment was grave indeed,
for the mid-day communique of the
Soviet command acknowledged the
German offensives-the greatest of
all the war-had not been checked.
Although the invaders were declared
falling' by the thousands, their lines
grew only longer, for fresh German
division after division was being
hurled into every hard-pressed Rus-
sian point.
The fighting proceeded with an
epic savagery about Vyazma, and
near Orel, where the Russians made
perhaps their greatest stand in at-
tempting to block the Nazis' north-
ward push. Bryansk, to the west,
was admittedly outflanked.
Violent Action In South
There was wild and violent action,
too, in the far south along the upper
shores of the Sea of Azov about Mel-
itopol, where a southern German of-
fensive synchronized with the thrusts
at the center was trying to beat its
way eastward toward Rostov at the
mouth of the River Don And at the
gateway to the Soviet Caucasus.
Russian Musical
Comedy Featured
By Cinema League
Modern women of every land have
established themselves in professions
long monopolized by men, but women
composers are still regarded as un-
This fact is responsible for much of
the humor1 in the new Soviet musical
comedy, "Volga-Volg~" which will
be shown at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow and
Sunday in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre under the auspices of the
Art Cinema League. Tickets will be
on sale in the ticket office of the
League today through Sunday.
The program will also include the
latest newsreel of the fighting on the
Eastern Front and an English docu-
mentary film of an RAF raid on
German-held islands.
The traditional picture of com-
posers as serious-minded men with
(By The Associated Press)
BERLIN, Oct. 9.-The German
High Command declared tonight the
last fully effective Russian armies
remaining on the whole of the East-
ern Front were now fatally encircled
in two areas along the center before
Moscow, and Adolf Hitler's military
spokesman formally proclaimed the
setting of the Soviet star.
The great victory which Hitler In
a special order of the day had called
"the most essential condition ,fo'
peace" had now been attained, these
authorities asserted.
While there -still was much blo.dy
fighting to come, they added, "the'
military decision has fallen."
Three Red armies officially de-
clared as without any leadership were
reported facing destruction in the
region of Bryansk-about 220 miles
below Moscow-along with other units
entrapped .bout Vyazma, some 12x
miles west of the capital.
60 To 70 Divisions Claimed
Returning direct from the Easterh
Front to announce what various Nazi
sources caffed the 'beginning of the
end for the Soviet forces, Dr. Otto
Dietrich Hitler's personal press chief,
estinmted Russian' divisions encircled
at the center at 60- to 70.
A Rusian division at full strength
numbers about 20,000 men, and n
the basis of this figure it was stated
the total number of Red troops put
out of action might be as high as
1,400,000. But only after final opera-
tions could a definite figure be given,
it was added, and in this connection
one commentator remarked that soni
Rissian divisions of late had been
found to aggregate only some hun-
dreds, and not thousands, of men.
Hitler's order to the troops, which.
had been issued at the beginning of
the great offensive Oct. 2, was given
to the German people for the first
time today while the radio resounded
with reports of successes for German
Last Bttle Begun
"Today," he had said, "begins the
last great decisive battle of this year.
It will hit this enemy destructively
and with it the instigator of the en-
tire war, England herself.
"For if we crush this opponent we
also remove the last English ally on
the continent.
"Thus we will free the German
Reich and all Europe from a menace
greater than any since the time of
the Huns and later of the Mongol
Authorized persons described the
Soviet disaster tonight as one of such
magnitude that there was no longer
an effective Russian military leader-
Asked whether there were still uni-
fied Soviet commands, these inform-
ants responded:
"There are no commands of any
On the assumption widely held in
German quarters that the collapse of
all European Russian armies was im-,
minent, an authoritative person ack-
nowledged that no one could say
whether the Soviet Union would be
able to set up new forces during the
coming winte?.
No Dangerous Army
"However," he added, "no Russian
army could be dangerous to the Ger-
man forces for more than two weeks.
A small German force consisting of
tanks, motorized units and, not the
least, the German air force, could
attack and destroy it in short order."
He acknowledged there were wide
expanses of Soviet territory yet to
be occupied, but insisted the areas
vital to the Soviet war machine al-
ready were in German hands.
Conceding Stalin might withdraw
and set up a new front, he asserted
this would have value only for' prop-
CHICAGO, Oct. 9.-'(P)-A num-
ber of the so-called "goofy drivers"
encountered on streets and highways